Dangerous Souls

By Kikifan21

5.4K 301 21

After dealing with the demigod in the Cursed House arc SPR must tackle even more dangerous cases! Case 13: Ne... More

Curse of a Psychic
Curse of a Psychic
Curse of a Psychic
Curse of a Psychic
Curse of a Psychic
Curse of a Psychic
Shoji no Noroi
Shoji no Noroi
Shoji no Noroi
Shoji no Noroi
Shoji no Noroi
Shoji no Noroi
Shoji no Noroi
Shoji no Noroi
Shoji no Noroi
Shoji no Noroi
Shoji no Noroi
Shoji no Noroi
To Receive and to Deceive
To Receive and to Deceive
To Receive and to Deceive
To Receive and to Deceive
To Receive and to Deceive
To Receive and to Deceive
Post Case 1
Post Case 2
Post Case 3
Break A Leg
Break A Leg
Break A Leg
Break A Leg
Break A Leg
Break A Leg
Break A Leg
Break A Leg
Break A Leg
Post Case 4
Post Case 5
Post Case 6
Post Case 7
Just a Little Green
Just a Little Green
Just a Little Green
Just a Little Green
Just a Little Green
Just a Little Green
Just a Little Green
Post Case 8
Post Case 9
Post Case 10
Never What It Seems


77 6 0
By Kikifan21

Chapter 8-Red Hair

August Day 5 9:34 P.M.

Red hair...

"You little bitch!" their captor cried, racing into the cellar. She ran up to Mai, slapping her across the face. "I could have gotten away with this! I was gonna stop once you got rid of that pest Dai! But you just had to come ruin everything!"

Mai gave a small cry as she fell back. She briefly remembered the day she met the counselor. She was so nice and helpful. Even in Mai's dream she had seemed worried about the disappearance of Emi. How could she have been able to pull off such an act?

It didn't matter right now. What mattered was staying alive long enough for her narcissistic boss to find her before she ended up like Dai. Their captor was having an internal conflict with herself. "I just don't know which of you I should take care of first!" she growled, pacing.

Mai sighed. "Miyuko, you can stop. You can let us go and things won't be as harsh," she lied. Nothing was that simple.

"Oh no. I don't think so! You have to pay for doing this to me!" she exclaimed. A wicked grin appeared on the redhead's face. She gripped Makoto's hair sharply, who gave a weak cry. "Perhaps, if you watch Riku's beloved sister die, then you-"

It was on mere impulse that Mai cried out. "No! Take me!" She softened her voice and whimpered, "Leave Makoto alone, you're angry with me. So take me."

An evil smirk was Miyuko's response. She threw Makoto back to the ground and grabbed the rope restraining Mai's arms. "Then come with me! And no funny business!" Mai could only nod.

Miyuko pulled her captive toward the cellar door, the little seven year old trying to stop them. "Mai! No!" she whimpered, looking up with big eyes. "You're supposed to get married to Mr. Meany..."

Mai looked at her sympathetically, while Miyuko merely kicked her back. "Shut up brat!"

"Don't worry, Makoto," Mai said confidently. "I'll be fine, we'll get out of this. I promise."

That seemed to calm the girl down long enough for Miyuko to drag Mai out of there and lock the cellar door. She grabbed her captive's bonds and dragged her along, extinguishing the lamp. "How noble, lying to a little girl!" she mocked as Mai tried to figure any way to get out of this.

"I had to keep her calm, give her a chance to live longer," Mai replied, racking her brain for any way to stall for time. There had to be something she could do. Something. Anything...

"Why are you doing this?"


About thirty minutes earlier...

"No one has seen Mai since before lunch and Miyuko's been missing since dinner," Riku explained, walking back into base. "Yasuhara and I just searched around the camp."

"I think it's safe to say Miyuko is our culprit," Monk sighed, crossing his arms.

"It's weird, I never would have taken her to be the serial killer type," the priestess commented.

"Unfortunately, these days you can't simply see these things just by looking at someone. Some of the most infamous killers seemed normal upon first glance," the priest added.

"I still don't see it, Miyuko was always so kind," Riku rambled, trying to make sense of it all. "She seemed so worried about the missing campers, at some points she even joined the search..."

"To throw the search party in the wrong direction..." Yasuhara concluded.

"What do you think, Naru-boy? Got any ideas you're not sharing?" Monk called over his shoulder where a thinking narcissist sat.

"I think we should be using our energy by not wasting time and finding Mai and Makoto and apprehending Miyuko..." he stated coldly.

"Good plan, but where do we begin? Miyuko spent her entire life loving nearby and has a far more understanding of the land, we haven't even been here a week," Monk retorted.

"As much as I want to find my sister and Mai, I have to agree with Takigawa, we have no leads. We're almost as clueless as before we knew it was one of the counselors!" Riku complained, his head in his hands.

"Okay, you guys need to cheer up! And quit being so negative!" Ayako exclaimed, gathering everyone's attention. "If we are ever going to find them, we need a more positive attitude. Not as much gloom and doom. We can figure this out, there must be a lead somewhere..."

"Since when was this old hag so optimistic?" THU-wait?

Ayako stopped herself mid-hit. "Fighting won't find them faster. Now focus you old man!"

"Why you-"

"Dai..." the medium gasped, eyes wide.

Everyone silenced themselves and faced her as she doubled over in her seat. "Masako?" a few gasps came. She snapped her head upright, in panic.

She rushed over to Naru gripping his shirt. "Please! You must come with me!" she exclaimed, tugging the sleeve.

"Masako? What's gotten into you?" Riku stood up, but Naru held up his hand.



"Why are you doing this? Why did you push Dai in the first place? Why are you keeping this up?" Mai asked bravely.

Miyuko snapped around at her. "You want to know why I killed Dai?" she spat, then began to laugh. "Fine I'll tell you..."

She brought Mai to a tree stump forcing her to sit. "When I was younger I loved playing in these woods, it was where I could escape. But because the camp had to be built, my wandering areas had been limited. So I just amused myself by watching T.V. when one of my favorite places was no longer reachable to me. The river. I was watching some show that was explaining how and why people kill, and a very similar situation came up. A girl, fourteen, no older than I was at the time, had had someone intrude on her territory. A new boy who wanted to join her friends, she couldn't have that. So she offered to hang out with him and lead him to an 'accidental' death of falling down a hill, breaking his neck and rolling into a nearby river. She got away with it for a long time, no one wanted to believe a child could be a killer."

Mai gasped, hoping the story might last longer, allowing her friends to find her.

"So when I found Dai wandering on the edge of the hill, it was the perfect chance I had to teach the camp a lesson. It worked a little, the river had been blocked off and it remained my territory. When I became sixteen I was able to become a counselor at the camp and be able to explore just like before. What I didn't count on was that stupid ghost to remain here! You see, Dai was the true cause to those campers' deaths! If he had just kept his see-through mouth shut, they'd still be alive!"

It occurred to Mai. "When you began your job as a counselor, Dai tried to warn the other kids. They knew what you were and became a little distant, you figured out Dai told them and you kidnapped them," she summed up. Miyuko spun around to her.

"You're very bright, your dumbass of a boss should have given you more credit."

Mai still continued. "And then you took Makoto because she had talked with Dai. You thought he told her what you did, but he didn't!"

"What did you say!" She grabbed Mai's collar.

"Dai never said a word to Makoto! She knew nothing!" Miyuko's fists clenched.

"What the hell gives you that idea?"

"Because, Dai told me! He didn't want me to go missing so he kept what you've done a secret!" Mai exclaimed, somewhat hoping her voice would catch in the air and her friends would find her.

"That lousy son of a-" She dropped her captive and fixed the latex gloves she was wearing. "You know, I don't think an accidental death is worthy of a nosy bitch like you! How about a suicide?" Miyuko pulled out a knife.

That was it. Her time was up. She couldn't stall any longer. Her friends couldn't make it. She was going to die here.


A daring and risky move, but it worked to some extent. With her legs having never been bound, she kicked her captor, knocking her back a few feet. Dazed.

Taking the time she was given, she raced away from the scene and away from where Makoto was being kept. With Miyuko so enraged, she wouldn't go after the little girl. She was hellbent on killing Mai.

The time given was limited. Mai knew that. But even if the measly seconds were all her friends needed, it was worth it.

She raced through the wooded area, the moon her only source of light, trying her best not to trip over roots, and hoping she was heading towards camp. It was for nothing. A root snagged her shoe, she fell, her pursuer hot on her heels.

"Told you, you couldn't get away!" Miyuko exclaimed jumping onto her, when Mai tried to scramble away.

Her hope was dim compared to the shine of the knife. Her time had completely ran out. There was nothing more she could do but accept her fate as the knife made its way towards her neck...

"Mai!" The voice caught both girls off guard. They gasped as a lamp shined at them and Miyuko stood up, pulling Mai with her.

"Naru!" Mai shouted. Miyuko placed the knife at her neck, the cold blade nearly piercing her skin.

"Not another step, Ghost Hunter!" she cried out, Naru motioned for everyone to stay where they were. "One move and the girl dies!"

Mai whimpered, any sudden movement she made could take her life. "Hold on, Mai!" Monk called, as Miyuko carefully took a step back.

"You can't do a thing! Anything you try, and the knife will go slicing through her neck!" Miyuko cackled, Mai felt the knife lightly break the skin covering her neck, a small trickle of blood pouring out. Nothing dangerous, but still scary. A possessed Masako was trying to process the situation.

Her eyes darted around. "What's that famous girl up to?" Miyuko said, suspiciously. Her body became tense as Masako took a step forward. "What the!"

Her hand with the knife lightened and moved away from Mai's neck, dropping the knife. The arm encasing her captive loosened and Mai was able to break free, running into her boss's arms. "B-but how!" Miyuko cried out, as Masako looked at her.

"Miyuko, it's over. You've killed too many, and now you've been caught. Give up!" she explained, as faint images of the deceased children appeared, holding Miyuko down.

At first, the sociopath was surprised, then her eyes hardened, with sick intent. "Dai..." she growled.

Masako turned around to the group. "We can't hold her down much longer, you're going to have to restrain her."

Naru looked back at his tall assistant, handing him the rope that had been tied around Mai's wrists. "Lin."

He nodded, quickly restraining the mentally insane girl. "Takigawa, you and Lin will escort Miyuko back to camp."

"Sure," Monk answered, helping Lin guide the girl.

"Mai, are you okay?" Naru's eyes were concerned, they reminded Mai of the Naru she always sees in her dreams. She nodded, suddenly seeing Riku.

"That's good. Um..Mai?" he began, without a moment to continue, Mai realized something very important.

"Makoto!" she gasped, wide eyed.

"Is she-"

"Follow me!" With that Mai raced through the woods, the moon and lamp guiding her way.

Mai really hadn't run that far from the cellar, despite it being covered with dirt and leaves they found it fairly easily. John and Riku broke through the door to find a sobbing Makoto.

She looked up. "Makoto!" Riku exclaimed, her eyes lit up and they raced to each other's arms.

"Riku!" Makoto cried, holding him tight.

"I'm so glad you're alright," Riku replied, smiles grew on the majority of SPR's faces.

"Nice work, Mai," Yasuhara grinned, patting Mai's head. She winced once he hit a tender spot.

Of course Naru noticed this. "Mr. Samurakami should have the police and paramedics at the campsite for Makoto. You should get yourself checked, too."

"Naru, I'm fine! If I was able to think clearly enough to buy time for you guys to catch her, I highly doubt I have a concussion," Mai retorted, hand on her hip. Naru simply turned to exit the cellar.

"You should get yourself checked."

Mai pouted, not seeing the playful smirk that graced her boss's face every so often. Crossing her arms, she huffed, her friends chuckling a little.


The glowing black background. It had become her second home ever since she began working for SPR. She walked around a little, the boy with green eyes appeared once again, possibly for the last time. She smiled at him. "Dai, I never had the chance to thank you for saving my life. Thank you," she said, bowing.

He smiled back. "Actually, I should be thanking you."

Mai raised a brow. "How come? You not only saved my life, but Makoto's as well. Not to mention the other children who could have been killed by Miyuko."

"The other kids and I just helped, but you were the one who convinced me to trust your friends. And because of it, we can now rest peacefully. Thank you." They boy bowed back, as the other children appeared behind him.

"Oh! By the way, tell your boss to lighten up, it took me forever to get him to have fun with the campers," Dai said, as they all began glowing.

"You got Naru to come up with the water balloon fight?"

"Not exactly, he was already thinking about it. I just got him to say it out loud," he laughed, Mai began cracking up.

"I'll be sure you tell him," Mai promised, she waved as the glowing figures faded away. A sense of peace remaining in their wake. Mai found herself laughing a little.

"What's so funny?"


August Day 6, 7:00 A.M.

Mai awoke, seeing Ayako next to her. "Good morning," she said sitting up.

"Well? What was so funny?" the priestess asked impatiently.

Mai jumped off the top bunk and chuckled. "It was just something Dai told me. Don't worry it's just something irrelevant."

"Okay, fine, but start packing, Naru wants to leave after breakfast."


While packing, everything from the night before came back to Mai. Miyuko was arrested under charges of kidnapping and murder of minors and was sent to the Juvenile Rehabilitation Center where she would most likely end up in a mental institution. Makoto was suffering from dehydration and slight mental trauma, but otherwise she would recover. Mai also checked out fine, no concussion, just some scratches and a couple bruises. Nothing that wouldn't heal.

Naru had also taken the liberty to keep as much of this case out of the media as possible. Hopefully, helping the business of the Samurakami's who plan to keep the camp running. Everything seemed to have its own ending, the Samurakami's also plan to have a memorial built for the six campers that died. Everything seemed right.

So when the last of the equipment was packed in the van and breakfast had been completed, why did it seem like they were forgetting something?

A question with its own answer appeared behind the SPR gang, as the large amount of children and counselors gathered behind them.

"You guys have to go so soon?" Setsuko started, giving Mai a hug.

"Yeah, we gotta get back home, see if anyone else may need our help," Mai answered, a sad smile appearing.

"If I'm ever in Tokyo I'll be sure to stop by," Setsuko promised.


Mai felt a tug on her shirt, she looked down to see Itsuko and Nori. "Makoto's going to be okay?" Itsuko asked.

"Of course, she'll be back here running around soon." The little girl's face lit up.

"Mai, come on we need to get going," John told her, heading for his own car.

"Coming!" Mai called back, turning back to see Riku, "Sorry, Riku, I have to go," she said, he gave her a hug.

"Thanks, Mai, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have found Makoto," he told her.

"Thank Dai, he was the one who helped you guys find me," she replied, breaking the hug and running for the car. "Goodbye everyone!"

Mai waved to everyone as the SPR van drive back to the highway.

Another case is solved. She though with a smile, remembering something she had to say. Grabbing Naru's attention for just a second she said, "By the way, Naru, Dai said you need to lighten up, and he thought the water balloon fight you thought of was a great idea..."

Naru's eyes widen only a fraction and went back to normal within a second. Mai just giggled. Things are definitely back to normal. 


Case 2 is closed! Thanks for reading! Next chapter will be a new case and will be up in about a week.

Case 3: Secrets-SPR takes on a case involving a small house and a single mother with a sixteen year old daughter, when Masako gets mixed readings on the house what is the dark secret the family is hiding?

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