Building Virtues [Completed✔]

By PiscesPleasure

13.1K 1.2K 1.5K

They say chastity is a virtue, but virtues are just old antiquated rules put in place to keep girls virgins b... More

Copyrights and Expectations
Alpha Luna
When in Rome
The Havens
Lost his Luna
To Be Determined
A Good Time
Perfect Opportunity
Forever Mate
Forbidden Juices
Run Errands
Grocery Store
Pet Name
Spend the Night
Make it Worse
Make Up
Separate Ways
Sick to her Stomach
Deep Exhale
Will Ever Know
Bitter Sorrow
Wolf Glory and Heartache
Bubble of Bliss
Good Faith and Moonlight
More at Home
Hands to Themselves
Meeting of the Minds
Mi Amor
Different Reasons
Shot Clock
Pride & Admiration
The Main Event
Waging War
Save Her
Into Eternal Darkness
Building Virtues

Garden of Eden

312 32 29
By PiscesPleasure

Kissing against her soaking soft lips, Rome licks and nibbles Eden's inner thighs. Slowly standing to his feet, he watches her closed eyed and gasping for breath. Taking that opportunity to kiss and suck up her soft stomach to her covered breast, he unhooks the middle clasp to her bra. Methodically he kisses, licks, nips, and sucks at her pebble like nipples. The sensations make her moan, whimper, and squirm against his warm plush mouth.

"Rome." She whines, as her body is being over-stimulated.

"Yeah, baby?"

Hearing him call her that, after their impossibly bad initial interactions, just does something to her. Gazing up at him, Eden starts noticing the butterflies taking flight in her stomach. Her eyes soak up his beautiful features as if this is the first time she's seeing him. But maybe this is the first time she's truly SEEING him.

His pretty almost feminine feline-like dark almond shaped eyes. His button nose. Those glorious lips that are surrounded by that fabulously thick well groomed juice catching beard; that matches his thick wavy fade. His smile is breathtaking and his skin looks like Werther's caramel; just smooth and buttery.

And that body, it's perfect in every sense of the word. From the defined chisel to his perfected muscles to the ornately decorative tattoos that fully cover from both his pectorals all the way down to both hands. A perfect shrug of ink that cloaks his bulging physique in an artistic eye-catching way. Rome Cannon Haven is absolutely stunning.

He is what Eden's dream man would look like head to toe. And not to mention, but definitely worth mentioning, that magnificent monster situated between his legs. Hell it probably could count as an extra leg.

As she smiles up at him, her heart melts as he smiles down at her. Like her heart wants to open and swallow him into it and cradle him there. Although all of these feelings are new, foreign, and most of all frightening, Eden is welcoming them wholeheartedly and excitedly. Not saying another word because it's almost unnecessary, Rome sweetly kisses her over and over.

As he does so, he slowly and sensually thrusts into her as their eyes meet. Watching her mouth open in a soft shocked gasp, he nuzzles his nose against hers. Beginning to roll his hips hard and slowly, he clutches both of her hands by the wrist above her head. With the other hand he grasps the edge of his desk as he strokes into her. Her legs hitch at his hips as he digs in and out of her.

Looking down he watches her body respond to him. Her soft small breasts jiggle ever so perfectly with the rhythm of his thrusting. Her stomach raising and falling with the melodious sound of her moans. And her tight, wet pussy coating his absurdly large dick more and more with every plunging motion.

"Oh my God!"

"It feels good, baby?" 

Whispering against her parted lips, Rome needs confirmation. Not that he's ever second guessed, or first guessed for that matter, his love making skills. But he wants the validation that this mind blowing, toe curling, lip biting, back scratching, hair pulling, tongue sucking, body clapping, pussy dripping, dick swelling experience is a shared experience; between just the two of them.

"Mmhm! Yes!" Eden whimpers.


Moaning just as loudly as her, Rome feels no shame. This literally is the best feeling he's ever experienced sexually. As they kiss each other feverishly, Rome knows the both of them are close to reaching their crescendo. Letting their tongues play roughly in each other's mouth, Rome begins hammering in and out of Eden like a jackhammer.

He closes his eyes and focuses on how wet she is, how well her insides clutch to his dick's full shape, the way they squeeze and release in a wavelike motion, the feel of her slick clit vigorously rubbing against his pelvic skin and how Eden moans louder every time it does. How she digs her nails into his hand as his dick digs upwards towards her g-spot.

It's only his second time being blessed enough to enter her, but he feels like her body was made just for him. Just for his pleasure. Just for his enjoyment. And just his for the rest of their lives. Feeling his sac tighten and his dick swell, Rome feels dizzying tingles flood his entire body.

"Baby, I'm about to nut." He moans and tells a panting, whining, moaning Eden.

"Me-. Me too!"

And just like that a wave of inner liquid washes over his dick as it spouts joyfully into Eden's depths. Licking and sucking up her neck, Rome kisses along her jawline until he reaches her soft plump lips. Kissing her vigorously he finally releases her wrists, which now have large red bruises around them. Seeing that he pulls them to him and kisses them tenderly.

"I. I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to be so rough."

"It's. It's ok."

Smiling sleepily, Eden closes her eyes and just lays on his desk in all her naked glory. Kissing her softly a few more times, Rome collapses into his chair and studies her body. Laying his head on her stomach while sitting between her legs, he strokes her still quivering thighs slowly. Loving this feeling, Eden gently pets the back of his neck. Completely encapsulated in each other and the phenomenal love they just made, they fall asleep exactly how they lay. 

Hearing a knock on his door, apparently hours later, Rome begins stirring. Realizing he is still laid between a very naked Eden's legs, his heart starts beating frantically. One because he's still very naked. Two because she's still very much in a sex coma. And three because he knows she would be livid if anyone knew they were having sex in his office.

So thinking on his toes Rome scoops her up, lays her on his office couch, and covers her with a blanket. Hearing the knock again, he knows he's running out of time before the person tries to open the very much unlocked door.

"Uhh, hold on!" Quickly yanking on his sweatpants Rome stumbles to the slowly cracking door. "Yeah?!"

Rushing to the partially open door, Rome stands in the gap.

"Wild, what the fuck is up?! You half dressed and breathing hard?! Who you fuckin in there?!"

"Whaaat?! No one, Stone you trippin boy!"

"And you lyin boy! She smells good as fuck! Good gawd!"

"Aye shut the fuck up!" Bearing his canines at Sincere, Rome becomes a lot more defensive than he meant to.

"Oh shit, homie! You got feelings for lil mama?! How the fuck that's gonna work with luna here?!"

"Sincere, is there something you need?!" 

Rome grits out in annoyance and ignores Sincere's question.

"Yes I NEED to know who got you actin all suspicious and defensive cause you ain't never cared before! You weren't even like that with Blake when y'all were dat-."

Peeking in his office at a still sleeping Eden, Rome pushes Sincere out of the doorway before he sees her and steps into the hallway.

"What do you want, asshole?!"

"Shit Wild, who is lil mama?!"

"If you don't get to your point I'm going back into my office!" Laughing at Sincere's stupidity and persistence, Rome shakes his head.

"Hell with her smelling like that I'd go back in there too! Fuck you doin to her?! That's not like a regular hormonal release. That's like her pheromones, like feelings are involved!" Using his heightened sense of smell, Sincere sniffs around Rome. "Strong feelings! From you too!"

"You a fuckin creep! What do you want!" 

Pushing Sincere away from him, Rome chuckles as he nervously runs his hands down his face.

"Fine since you won't tell my ass, even though I'm supposed to be ya best damn friend! Ma Asia wanted to talk to Eden about this festival she's starting. She said she talked to some of the older women of the pack and they really love the idea and wanna talk about it becoming a monthly thing. Like start out with the festival and when that goes well, incorporate it into a monthly thing."

"That's what's up. I'm really proud of her for coming up with that idea, but what does that have to do with me?"

"Oooh yeah, that part. Cause Eden wants to open the second and third day up to outside packs. And she's tryna do bi-weekly 'mate mixers', to help increase the possibility of un-mated wolves finding their mates. So they need your ok to call an alpha conference for our immediate allies, since Eden doesn't have their contacts. And to open up the borders for the back and forth entry. Annnnddd the need for increased security and clearances."

"Fuck! I'm happy she's doing all this, but that's a lot of extra miniscule shit on my already teeming over plate. Uhh, why hasn't Eden asked me all of this?"

"Cause she's busy thinking of it, planning it, sketching it out, making connections, getting the itinerary and invites together, vendors, and all the behind the scene shit done! Hell her overly ambitious ass ain't even ask ya moms, she just mentioned it in passing and ma figured she would need help."

"Why are women so damn busy?! Like she just got here and has done all this shit!"

Laughing in disbelief, Rome truly is proud of Eden's efforts of being a vital part of the pack and keeping true to wanting to make a positive impact.

"Uhh, but yeah I'll grab Eden and talk to her about it for sure."

"Just make sure you shower long and hard before talking to her or you might lose ya luna.....again!"

Guffawing, Sincere blocks as Rome punches him.

"Fuck you, Stone! But really it's that bad?!"

Sniffing himself, all Rome smells is Eden's sweet aroma.

"Yeeessss! Like someone hosed you down with lil mama's scent! I've NEVER smelled pheromones that strong on someone before!"

"Aight, shut up! Peace!"

Flipping Sincere off, Rome squeezes back through his office door much to Sincere's entertainment. And makes sure to lock his door this time.

Walking over to his couch, Rome lays down beside Eden. Kissing her shoulder and neck, he listens to her breathing change.

"Hey baby."

"Mmm, hi." Turning her head slightly, she kisses his cheek. "How long were we asleep?"

"A little over three hours."


"Shh, its ok, mama."

"You sure?"

"Mmhm. But I do need to talk to you about something."

"That sounds bad, Ro."

"Ohhh shit! I got an official lil Luna nickname!" Chuckling into her neck, the vibrations tickle her.

"Oh hush, smart ass! What do you need to talk to me about?!" Giggling, Eden nudges him with her elbow as they spoon.

"Not anything bad, baby. Just the festival."

"Oh ok. What's up?"

"Well you have ALL the she-wolves hella hype over it, my mom included!"

"Awww, yay!" Clapping, Eden wiggles in his arms. "Tell me more!"

"Ok." Kissing her ear, he cuddles in closer with her and for the next hour they discuss everything Sincere told him.

"Yeah we have a lot to get underway cause I want the invites out by the end of the week, and I want the festival to start next Thursday. So it will run Thursday, Friday, and Saturday."

"Why not Friday through Sunday?"

"Typical boy!" She giggles as he bites her shoulder. "Cause Thursday is just for our pack, so everybody will already be here. Friday we start the events at five. That way people are done with work and have time to travel here. We do the food trucks and single mixers later and let them enjoy their night. Saturday morning will be a women's refresher spa like day. Something fun for the pups. And that night a huge family party that leads into the last single mixers. So that way on Sunday all the outside packs head home and rest for the upcoming week. As will ours, but it gives our pack time to reestablish our daily routines and gives the trackers and warriors enough time to survey the territory. And to make sure everyone is back where they belong and no one is hiding out here. I don't wanna put all of that on them on top of their Monday routines. So by about 6pm that night they have time to relax too."

"God you're brilliant!"


"I'm serious! To even think of all of this, plan it out, and actually have it underway without me knowing or helping, Eden that's amazing! And to do all you're doing to help Brookie, I'm just in awe right now."

"Awww! Thank you."

Responding shyly, she twists in his arms to look up at him. Gazing down at her, they simultaneously smile at each other. Leaning forward they kiss one another softly. As she snakes her hands up and around his neck, he winds his hands around her waist. While the kiss intensifies from slow and gentle it becomes heated and sexual.

"I really am proud of you." Rome whispers in between sucking on her tongue.

 "Thank you." Eden moans with his bottom lip softly trapped in between her teeth.

"But I'm gonna need something for all my hardwork."

Smiling against his mouth, Eden nods.


Feeling him turn her around in his arms again, her back is flush to his chest. As his hands travel her body, she reaches behind herself and pulls down his sweatpants.

"You ready, baby?" His deep voice soothes her as he nips and sucks on her ear.

"Yes, pleaseeeee!"

Feeling his plump tip plunging into her, Eden's juices flow like a sink faucet. She literally feels them dripping down her inner thigh. Clutching to the back of the couch, she closes her eyes and just feels their bodies working in sync. His dick gliding in and out of her as her walls cling to the large bulky formation of the masterpiece. Her pussy speaks as loudly as her moans. With each deep thrust a gushing suck is heard in addition to her vocal sounds.

As he grips her hip and pumps into her from the side, the angle he's hitting is pure g-spot. Clawing at the couch, Eden feels like a wild animal. She's never been touched like this, never been fucked like this, never has wanted anyone like this. Feeling Rome shift to his knees, still buried inside of her, Eden squirms in utter delight from a quick intense orgasm.

And with that position, Rome leans over her and clasps her hands under his. Rolling his hips ridiculously hard his skin claps against hers. Pummeling his dick inside of her like a battering ram. As he pumps forward, Eden pushes her ass back on him. The wondrous result? Slow, deep, thunderous, short, full length dick strokes and she is losing her mind.

"Oh my God! Baaaabbbyyy!"

"You bout to cum, E?"


And right on que her insides bathe Rome's dick in a warm liquid. As he continues his slow rhythmic strokes, he feels Eden's insides begin to strangle his girth just minutes later.

"Ohh baby you cummin again?" He whispers seductively

"Mmhm! Yes, Rome! Please keep fuckin me! Please! Please!"

Pleading shamelessly, Eden can feel a third orgasm building. She doesn't know if it's because of this heavenly position, the incredible chemistry between her and Rome, or her raging hormones. All she does know is that this sex is addicting. It must be since it's their third time in one day.

"Oh my God, Eden."

Grunting as he continues thrusting into her, Rome's body is glistening in sweat. As she feels the water like beads trickle down his abdomen onto her, for some odd reason it turns her on even more. To know he's putting that much work into pleasing her body, has her wanting to feel every inch of him. Every thrust from him. Hear every grunt, groan, and manly moan from him. 

"I'm cumming, baby! Fuck me harder, please Ro!"

"You beggin, mama?"

Leaning down he kisses her sloppily as she nods her head. Sucking his tongue, she bites down on it as a fourth orgasm rips through her body. This time definitely leaking onto the couch. And as he is bent over her, Rome harshly thrusts into her one last time just before his dick starts spasming inside of her.

Instantly his legs and lower back cramp up and he's frozen in that position, while he spouts streams of thick warm frothy seed into Eden. All the while she moans and pants underneath him. As they both let out low breathless chuckles of 'fuck', he collapses onto her back and just kisses her shoulder. Drifting back to sleep without a care in the world, Rome has found his garden of Eden.



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