Judgement Day (Hogwarts Myste...

By timbegs

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It began as a simple mission to find his brother Jacob. Now it has become an all out war for the survival of... More

Character Bio.
Prologue: It's the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine.
Chapter 1: A nice simple train ride to start the new year (NOT).
Chapter 2: Stay out of my way.
Chapter 3: Elementary my Dear Ethan.
Chapter 4: Right where it hurts.
Chapter 5: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.
Chapter 6: Hurricane a Blowing.
Chapter 7: Old Alliances. Never forgotten.
Chapter 8: Among Us.
Chapter 9: Breech and Clear.
Chapter 10: The Negotiation Table.
Chapter 11: Trust a few. Fear the rest.
Chapter 12: The Norse Uprising.
Chapter 13: In a world of Trouble.
Chapter 14: Is humanity safe?
Chapter 15: Nothing to see here. Just a wizard who's falling apart at the seems.
Chapter 16: American Deals.
Chapter 17: The True Plan.
Chapter 18: The Essential Wizards Guide to catching a loose Wampus.
Chapter 19: Triumph turned to Tragedy.
Chapter 20: Whatever it takes, by any means necessary.
Chapter 21: Journey to the New World.
Chapter 22: The Pueblos Magicos.
Chapter 23: Mexican Standoff.
Chapter 24: No Turning Back.
Chapter 25: The Journey Home.
Chapter 26: The Curious Case of forgetful Hair Products.
Chapter 27: The Mystery Thickens.
Chapter 28: Family Reunion.
Chapter 29: Into the Storm.
Chapter 30: One Problem Solved. New Problem Begins.
Chapter 31: Moment of Peace.
Chapter 32: Haunted to the Grave.
Chapter 33: Trial with a twist.
Chapter 34: What do we do next?
Chapter 35: Rising Sun.
Chapter 36:Just Plain Cruel.
Chapter 37: Old Wounds that never heal.
Chapter 38: Gods Among Men.
Chapter 39: Demons and Blades.
Chapter 40: Crimson Tide.
Chapter 41: Survivor's Guilt.
Chapter 42: Am I not Merciful?
Chapter 43: The Breaking Point.
Chapter 44: Same School. Different Problems.
Chapter 45: The Doxy Cometh.
Chapter 46: One Queen Sized Doxy, Extra Crispy.
Chapter 47: Healing up wounds.
Chapter 48: Complicated Situations.
Chapter 49: Preventing the Spread.
Chapter 50: Hitting the Streets.
Chapter 51: Always one step ahead.
Chapter 52: Cat and Mouse.
Chapter 53: Let it Burn.
Chapter 54: Curses and Legacies.
Chapter 55: A Hogwarts Christmas Story. Part 1.
Chapter 56: A Hogwarts Christmas Story. Part 2: How The Wizards saved Christmas.
Chapter 57: New Year and a New Threat.
Chapter 58: Laughing Contagion.
Chapter 59: Cursed CD Mix Tape. #4 on the Billboards.
Chapter 60: The Elephant and the Snake.
Chapter 61: The Hogwarts I.T Department.
Chapter 62: Give a Reason as to Why.
Chapter 63: Wizard Odyssey.
Chapter 64: Secrets of the Labyrinth.
Chapter 65: Mine by Right.
Chapter 66: Second Chance.
Chapter 67: Cold as Ice. Warm as Fire.
Chapter 68: Broken Circle.
Chapter 69: Attitude reflects Leadership.
Chapter 70: The Battle of Nottingham.
Chapter 71: Enough is Enough.
Chapter 72: Sea of Sand.
Chapter 73: Palace of Magic.
Chapter 75: Difficult Decisions.
Chapter 76: Approaching the Gates.
Chapter 77: The Palace of Evil.
Chapter 78: Running Red.
Chapter 79: Prepare for War.
Chapter 80: Reflection.
Chapter 81: United we Stand. Divided we Fall.
Chapter 82: Blood and Guts.
Chapter 83: End of the Line.
Chapter 84: Pain and Torment.
Chapter 85: Goodbye Innocence.
Chapter 86: The Last Sunset.
Chapter 87: The Siege of Hogwarts.
Chapter 88: The Final Duel.
Chapter 89: The Next Phase.
Chapter 90: End to the Tale.
The End.
The Story Continues.

Chapter 74: Curse of the Djinn.

226 3 145
By timbegs

"Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds." -Orison Swett Marden.

When going to parties or festive events, there are certain people that fall into different categories. Those that come to the party for the dancing, those that are in it for the food, those who have social obligations that they have no choice but to attend, those who try to gate crash, those who didn't get invited at all but everyone is just too polite to admit that they didn't get invited, so they just let them stay, and the people that just sit on the couch and don't interact with anybody at all. 

And then there's the Circle of Khanna. Who were fleeing with some girl that Barnaby had just met. 

"Where'd you meet this girl, Barnaby?" Jacob asked. 

"Met her by the Food." Barnaby answered. "She's also got a brother who's the next High Sage." 

"He is?" Ethan asked while Penny and Rath were holding him up. 

"We can talk about that later." Lizzie informed as she saw Magi Guards going after them. 

"Why are they chasing us? Can't you do something about that?" Penny asked. 

"They must be under the orders of the rogue Sages. They will not obey me." Saahira answered. 

"What about the rest of our friends?" Ethan asked. 

"My Handmaidens will escort them out. Barnaby has told me about them." Saahira assured. "Now let's go." 

"Where are we going?" Lizzie asked. 

"To the Outside." Saahira answered opening a door to the stables. And Saahira had opened a carriage. "Come on. Everyone in." She told them. That was when she saw Hakeem panting back and forth. "Hakeem. Come." 

"Saahira? What's going on?" Hakeem asked. 

"You remember that bad thing I told you about? It's happening now." Saahira answered. 

Hakeem started to breath harder. So his sister had to grab him by the shoulders. "Hakeem. I will get you somewhere safe. But we must go." She told him. 

"Is that Ethan Bauer?" Hakeem asked as he was looking at Ethan. 

"Yes it is." Saahira answered. 

"Kid knows who I am?" Ethan asked. 

"Everyone knows about the Curse Breaker of Hogwarts." Hakeem answered. "I hear things." 

They all got in the carriage. "Um... Saahira was it? Where are the Abraxan?" Penny asked. 

"We don't have any." Saahira answered. "These carriages require no horses to travel. They travel through magic." She explained. 

"And you're sure that the others are safe?" Ethan asked. "Ow." 

"I will trust my Handmaidens with my life. They are not flowers. Give them wands and they will be put to use. Now we must go." Saahira answered. She handed the reigns to Barnaby. "You drive." 

"You sure?" Barnaby asked. 

That was when they saw the Magi come their way. "Let's DRIVE!" Barnaby yelled like a madman and out the Palace through the night. 

"You know. This is getting annoying that I keep getting scars on my body. I mean, what's up with that?" Ethan asked. 

Jacob looked at his scars. "Well, it's not as bad as the one guy back in St. Mungo's." He said. "But you should still take it easy. And see if Chiara can treat that wound." 

That was when the carriage began to shake. "Barnaby!" Ethan shouted. 

"That wasn't me." Barnaby informed. 

Rath opened the door and saw Magi on brooms and other carriages and they were coming in their direction. "We've got company!" She yelled. 

Ethan got up and gripped his wand. "Let's shake them off!" He declared. 

"Ethan are you crazy?" Lizzie asked. "You're hurt!" 

"I'm fine. I can fight." Ethan replied. 

"Stay in here. I'll handle this." Jacob sat his brother down and got on top of the carriage. 

Rath also got on top of the carriage as well. "Woah." She got her balance. "Just like riding a broom." She told herself. 

"Yeah. Except there aren't people that are trying to kill us." Jacob pointed out. 

"I don't know. I think the Slytherins play like they want to kill." Rath replied. She took out her wand and her beater stick. "Let's shake them lose." 

"Got it." Jacob shot a fire ball at one of the Magi on the brooms. "Barnaby! More gas!" He yelled. 

"Jacob. There's a lady present." Barnaby said. 

"You know what I- oh what am I thinking? Just go faster!" Jacob had to catch himself remembering that Barnaby wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

"That I can do!" Barnaby moved faster making a tight left turn. 

"Well, that's making an illegal left." Rath commented. "Bombarda!" She shot the spell at one of the wheels off one of the carriages. "Accio!" She then grabbed the broken wheel with her wand making the carriage spin out of control and exploding.  

"Jacob! Catch!" She then tossed the wheel over to Jacob. 

"What do I do with this?" Jacob asked. 

"Anything!" Rath answered shooting some wind spells trying to knock the Magi off their brooms.

That's when Jacob got an idea. He then dismantled the wheel and threw the debris at some of the walls of homes making some rubble fall on the Magi on Brooms and trapping some of the other carriages. But more carriages were coming through. 

Ethan could see out of the back window. "There persistent aren't they?" He asked. 

Hakeem scooted him aside. "I want to look." He said. 

Ethan got out of his way to show him. "What do we do?" Hakeem asked. 

"Keep driving." Ethan answered. 

"That's it?" Hakeem asked.

"The kid doesn't get out much, doesn't he?" Ethan thought. 

"Barnaby. They just keep coming." Rath called out to him. 

"Well, tell them to stop!" Barnaby yelled. "Can you guys stop?!" He asked back of him. 

That was when more carriages came down more streets. "I think that's a no." Ethan called. 

"That is a definite no." Rath corrected. "Stupid dress." She grunted. "No offense, Lizzie. It's just hard to fight in this." 

"None taken." Lizzie replied. She looked outside and made an Icicle and shot it at the carriages. But they Magi had just turned it to water. 

"They are also very persistent in how they deal with interlopers." Saahira added. 

"Then we'll just have to freestyle." Rath declared. She then jumped off the carriage and onto a broom. "Can I borrow this?" She asked the Magi before bonking him on the head. "Thanks." She then got on the broom. "This I like." She then flew past some overhead tarps. And the Magi on brooms were following her. Rath grabbed one of the tarps. "Let's see if you can fly that thing undercover. Engorgio!" The Tarp had grown to large size and covered all the Magi on Brooms. And then Rath got back on the top of the carriage. 

"Nice work." Jacob commented. "Could've left a few for me." 

"Yeah. Maybe, but where's the-" Rath was cut off from a nearby carriage that rammed them right in the side. Jacob was able to stand his ground. But Rath was thrown completely off and she was hanging on the side of the carriage door. 

Ethan could see it. Rath opened the door but found herself now hanging on the edge. "Oh come on!" The Carriage got rammed again and into a wall. And Rath got thumped into the wall. "That's going to sting." She muttered. 

"Get in there!" Jacob yelled. Ethan grabbed her hand and pulled her inside. 

"Barnaby! You have to ram it!" Saahira told him. 

"Where's the Ram?" Barnaby asked. "All we have are humans." 

"Not that Ram. Bump into them, hard." Saahira clarified. 

"Oh." Barnaby replied. He got it now. He bumped the other carriage. "That is not a nice thing you do!" He yelled he rammed the other carriage into one shop making it crash and the shop also got wrecked. 

"Did you mean to hit them into the shop?" Saahira asked. 

"No." Barnaby answered. "But it worked." 

That was when they heard a whole noise screech come in. "What the hell was that?" Jacob asked. 

And at that moment. A large Bird like creature came flying in. 

"Roc! Roc!" Hakeem yelled. 

"That is not good." Saahira said. 

"You mean the big bird?" Barnaby asked. 

"That is a Roc! It's an Ancient Bird that Sinbad the Sailor had encountered!" Saahira explained. 

"Well, what's it doing here?" Lizzie asked. 

"The Magi are using it! Just Drive!" Saahira yelled out. 

(What the Roc looks like)

The Roc started to swoop back down. Its claws scratched the carriage up. 

Saahira got up on the Carriage. She held out her wand. "Go back to you lands of old!" She shouted something in Arabic and shot a spell at the bird. It crashed down onto the streets.

"What did you do?" Jacob asked. 

"I disabled it from flying for now." Saahira answered. "Full steam ahead, Barnaby!" 

Barnaby and the others made it to the gates of the City. 

"Where to next?" Barnaby asked. 

"To a Village beyond here. The home of my Handmaidens." Saahira answered as she guided Barnaby to their next village.

Riding through the night, and through the endless dunes. Saahira handed the reigns over to Barnaby to take a look at Ethan. "Are you okay?" She asked. 

"I got hit by Slayton." Ethan answered.

Saahira saw his back covered with Spiked injuries. "Chinese Fireball spikes." She realized. 

"You know them?" Penny asked. 

"I do." Saahira answered. "Not a problem." She then began a magic chant that healed Ethan's wounds just like that. Everyone looked at her with admiration. Even Madam Strout wasn't able to pull off that accomplishment.

"How did you do that?" Lizzie asked. 

"It was simple really. Chinese Fireballs are indigenous to China, but they sometimes crawl into our lands. If the Magi are ever attacked by one and its spikes, we must be prepared to treat those wounds." Saahira answered. 

"Can you teach Chiara how to do that?" Ethan asked. He still felt tired however. 

"You're wounds are gone, Ethan. But you will still feel tired." Saahira explained. 

"No problem. I still got my Minotaur Horn." Ethan assured. 

"Well, you're still getting rest, Ethan." Jacob told him. "Don't stretch yourself anymore then you should." 

"Yes, Dad." Ethan sarcastically replied.

"How far to the village?" Rath asked. 

"At this rate. About 15 minutes." Saahira answered. 

About 15 minutes later and the village came into sight. Saahira took the reigns and parked near a house. "We do not have much." She told them. 

"It'll be fine. We can't hide in the City of Sand." Jacob replied.  

That was when Ben, Chiara, Jae and Charlie walked outside. "Well. You certainly took your sweet time getting here." Jae commented. 

"Hey, Jae. Is everyone alright?" Ethan asked. 

"We're all fine. You look like you've seen hell though." Ben answered. 

"Eh..." Ethan looked at the messed up carriage. "You could say that." 

"Let's get inside." Saahira suggested. 

Inside the house. Ethan could see the rest of the Circle of Khanna all gathered around a large table. 

"Orion breakdancing?" Talbott asked. "Now I've seen everything." 

"I just wish that Corey could've seen it." Orion answered. "Oh, hello Saahira." He noticed Saahira come in with the others. 

"Ethan! You're alright." Skye hugged him but let go when she looked at Penny. "I mean. We're happy to see you still okay." 

"I'm fine Skye. It's okay." Ethan replied. 

"Saahira." Some of Saahira's handmaidens were speaking in Arabic to them which Ethan could not understand but Badeea could. 

Saahira nodded her head. And instructed them to do something and they all left. "They will prepare you Bed and Food." She informed the Circle.  

"What about that other stuff you were going on about?" Andre asked. 

Saahira sat down. "It is personal matters." She admitted. 

"Is it about the Rogue Sages that are trying to usurp Hakeem or something?" Lizzie asked. 

"Sadly so." Saahira answered. "There is hardly anyone we can trust now."

"What about your Mom?" Penny asked. 

"I don't know. All I can trust is myself and my Handmaidens. And protect my brother. I do not know where my Mother's allegiances lie. She is always very silent when it comes to affairs of the Sages." Saahira explained.

"Oh, I see." Penny replied a little guilty. 

"It is alright." Saahira assured. 

That was when Charlie spoke up. "Saahira. Listen, I'm sorry of your trouble here with the Magi and this whole thing with Sages. But it doesn't change the fact that my Brother Bill is still missing. I want to get him back." He said. 

"I understand." Saahira replied. "I would not ask you to get involved in an internal conflict of our lands." 

"So what about this Djinn exactly?" Ethan asked. "Your Father gave us a map to his palace." 

"What about a Djinn?" Ben asked. 

"A Djinn. A Magical Spirit that grants a person wishes if they claim the item that the Djinn is bound to." Saahira answered. "Haven't you read the tale of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp?" 

"Uh... no." Ben answered.

Saahira made a face that she couldn't believe that Ben hadn't learned of the tale. "You've got to be kidding me! It's the best story of all the 1001 Arabian Nights." She complained. 

"Second best. The Best one is of Sinbad and the Seven Seas!" Hakeem corrected. 

"I disagree with you on that one, brother." Saahira shot back as Hakeem stuck his tongue at his sister. "But that's besides the point. Long ago, the Djinn was bound to his lamp and forced to grant a human 3 wishes to his hearts desire. We were hoping that it would benefit everyone in the world. But... unfortunately-" She began.

"They loused it up!" Hakeem shouted. 

"Hakeem!" Saahira shouted back. "Humanity became overzealous in the Djinn's use." She clarified. "After granting the wishes of a thousand people, The Djinn grew a new hatred for humanity. Why should they deserve to abuse his power? The Djinn wished to become his own master. And bring upon humanity a new dark age." 

The room suddenly became dark. "And did he?" Tulip asked. 

"No." Saahira answered. "It was only through the strength of the first High Sage that the Djinn was bound to his prison. But the Djinn swore... in a Thousand Years, he would return." 

"And did that whole thing about the First High Sage and the Djinn occur 1,000 years ago?" Jae assumed.  

"It did." Saahira answered. "So... Bill Weasley was sent to deal with the Djinn and ensure that he was bound to his Prison." 

Charlie couldn't believe it. "And if he has yet to return... then that means he was unsuccessful and the Djinn could be coming back very soon." He realized. 

That was when Ben realized something. "What if Trotsky is here for the Djinn as well?" He asked. 

"Trotsky and the Djinn?" Ethan asked. 

"Think about it. They both hate humanity. If the Djinn and Trotsky were to team up." Ben answered.

Ethan didn't need the sentence to be completed. 

"I don't get it." Barnaby said. 

"Then Trotsky and the Djinn could cover all of the world in the Dark Age." Ethan explained to Barnaby. 

"That's bad." Barnaby commented. 

"And also the Djinn will be unleashed into the world as well." Hakeem added.  

"That's worse." Chiara commented. 

"So what do we do about it?" Jacob asked. 

"Our mission's clear." Ethan answered. "We go after the palace of evil. Find Bill, and seal the Djinn away before Trotsky or any of the Rogue Sages can get to him." 

"I don't care as long as we get Bill back." Charlie chimed in still not forgetting his mission.

"Then I will let you all get some sleep. We will leave through the desert in the morning." Saahira declared.

"You're coming with us, Saahira?" Ethan asked.

"Do any of you know how to navigate the desert successfully?" Saahira asked.

"Anyone know how to navigate the desert?" Jacob asked. 

"I do." Barnaby answered. 

Tulip rolled her eyes. "Barnaby. You can't even navigate the Grand Staircase." She pointed out. 

"The Slytherin Common Room is in the Dungeon. I don't have to use it often." Barnaby justified. "And while I don't know hot to navigate the desert. I will." 

"Well, we do have a map to the Djinn's Palace." Charlie said. 

"But you don't know what lies in the desert." Hakeem pointed out. "There are far more then the Roc out there. Ghouls, Scorpions, Falak, Nesnas, to name a few, and that's also not to include all the Gypsies that travel through the desert in between the villages." 

"And you bring this stuff out now, why?" Skye asked. She then looked at Ethan. "Ethan, I'm getting some bad goosebumps here. I'm a Quidditch Athlete, not a Superhero." 

"So am I, but you don't see me complaining." Rath interrupted. 

"We can handle Ghouls. We were shown how to deal with that in Defense Against the Dark Arts." Ethan assured. 

"And we have a Ghoul in our attic back home." Charlie added. 

"Have you ever seen a Persian Ghoul?" Saahira asked indicating that they might not be like the ones that the Hogwarts students have encountered before. 

"No." Ethan answered. "Is there a difference?" 

Saahira shrugged. "Seeing as how I have no idea what the Ghouls in your land look like, I would not know. But don't underestimate them. Or any other creatures you have encountered."  

"We'll keep that in mind." Ethan replied. He suddenly felt tired. 

"You should get some sleep." Saahira suggested. "It was a long night." 

And with that everyone went to their rooms.

Barnaby went into his room. He had started to get out of his suit. "I should keep this suit. It feels comfortable." He said to himself. 

Barnaby had taken off his shirt when Saahira opened his door and felt slightly embarrassed when she opened. She looked away.  

"Apologies, Mr. Lee. I didn't realize you were-" Saahira quickly apologized. 

Barnaby quickly put a shirt back on. "Oh, Saahira. I... didn't realize you were coming." He quickly said. 

"Um, Mr. Lee?" Saahira asked. 

"You can call me Barnaby." Barnaby replied. 

"Your shirt is not on right." Saahira noted. 

"Darn it." Barnaby had shot his head out one of the shirt sleeves. He quickly reattached it. "What brings you here?" He asked. 

"I just wish to talk." Saahira answered. 

"Okay." Barnaby replied just like that. "Um... listen Saahira. Before we do talk. Can I talk and say thank you for helping us?" He asked. 

"Of course." Saahira answered. "Things have just been very tense around my family recently." 

"I can understand that." Barnaby replied. 

"I love my Baba, Barnaby. He is dying and I am scared of what comes when he does." Saahira explained. "My Brother is to be the next High Sage. But I fear that due to his condition, he will crack under the pressure. And with the usurping that I fear is coming. Both he and I will lie dead on the floors of the Palace of Magic."  

"Then why are you helping us?" Barnaby asked. 

"Because like Ethan Bauer, I cannot risk the Sages gaining the power of the Djinn which they will use to destroy us as we know it." Saahira answered. 

"So, it's a mutilated alliance where we all win?" Barnaby asked.  

"You mean a mutual alliance?" Saahira asked. 

"Oh." Barnaby realized making Saahira giggle. Aside from being a handsome man. There was something about dumbness that Saahira was attracted to. 

"And yes, Barnaby. That is exactly what I propose." Saahira continued. 

"I can handle that." Barnaby replied. "Can I ask another question?" He asked. 

"Of course." Saahira motioned. 

"How come you have a separate city and societies away from the Muggle Cities and societies?" Barnaby asked. 

"Because the Magi and the No Magi do not like each other. So we build separate societies. But the Desert is still our home." Saahira answered. "It is the way it will always be." 

"As is me being an idiot." Barnaby replied. Saahira seemed confused by that remark. "I live my life by the simple saying. I may be an idiot. But I'm not stupid." 

"Well, I will let you sleep now." Saahira decided to leave. And thank you for talking. It's nice to talk to you... Barnaby." She blushed as she left the room. 

Unfortunately, Barnaby didn't realize that Saahira was flirting with him. Even with the blushing. He thought it was because of some red sauce on her cheeks or something. "Nice Lady." 

Ethan stood looking out the window. Penny was also in the room knowing what Ethan was thinking about. "He's back." Ethan said. "Slayton's back." 

"We stopped him before. We can do it again." Penny told him. "Just gotta find a way to beat him properly this time. Which we will do." 

Ethan sighed. Despite the fact that Saahira had healed his wounds, Ethan was still in shock that Slayton yet lived. That's when it occurred to Ethan. The whole things that were going on in Turkey, it must've been Slayton that was responsible for that.

Penny placed a kiss on his cheek. "I'm really glad your safe." She explained her reasons. 

"Sorry we never got to dance." Ethan apologized. He had been so focused on the mission.

"It's okay. We can still dance if we wanted to though." Penny suggested. "Assuming you've got enough strength for it." 

Ethan nodded. "I've still got some strength left in this bull." He said as Penny put her hands around Ethan's waist. He couldn't forget the first time that Penny did this though. It was the Celestial Ball. And Penny looked so beautiful that day, that Ethan nearly forgot how to speak most of the night. Until Bill had told him to take a deep breath. 

But Ethan suddenly stopped. "Needs music." He said. 

Penny pulled out a Music Box. "Where did you get that box?" Ethan asked. 

"I've always had it with me." Penny answered. "I wanted to give it to you for Valentine's Day, but I forgot it and left it in my Dorm. Pretty stupid of me to do." She opened it for Ethan and it played some slow song. 

"You must really want a slow dance, don't you?" Ethan asked.

"If it please." Penny requested. 

Ethan nodded his head and they both danced throughout the night. Or at least for another hour. 

Meanwhile at the Palace of Magic. Trotsky was speaking with the Rogue Sages. "I thought I told you not to underestimate the Bauer Brothers." Trotsky replied. 

"We will find him." One of The Rouge Sages informed.

"No." Trotsky shot down. "You will remain here, and prepare for the coup." He then looked at Talos and Vercingetorix. "Gentlemen." He greeted. 

"Lord Trotsky." Vercingetorix said. He also noticed that Talos had someone in his hand. And it was Slayton. 

Talos threw him to the ground. "Ancients. I've been wanting to do that since I met him." He thought. 

"Slayton. You survived." Trotsky noticed not happy to see him. 

"Surprised?" Slayton asked. "You can't kill me. Not even some stupid Minotaur can do that." 

Trotsky groaned. "You would live." 

"Yeah. And I want Ethan Bauer's head. Point me to where he's gone, and I'll take it." Slayton replied. 

But Trotsky wasn't going to let Slayton do that. "There's been a change of plans, Slayton." He informed. 

"What?" Slayton asked.

"Your services are no longer required in Great Britain. You will return to America and organize our finances within the Underworld." Trotsky ordered. 

"NO!" Slayton shouted. "You can't take that away from me!" 

"I can and I will." Trotsky replied. He took out his wand. "Curcio!" He shot the torture curse at Slayton making him submit.  

Slayton fell to the floor. "Your actions in Great Britain have been costing me time I could otherwise have spent productively in our war. You've given me Gangsters, money, Hide Behinds, and other resources. So that is the only reason I am not killing you right now." He explained. "Now you will be staying in America and monitoring that front. Is that clear?" 

"Crystal... Boss." Slayton answered. Trotsky released his grip. It wasn't as painful as it should've been for Slayton because of the Minotaur Horn but it still stung in him. 

"Good. Accio." Trotsky had got his hands on a plate. "Goodbye." He then turned it into a Portkey and shot it at Slayton who was banished to the Devil's Village.

"You should've killed him, Uncle Iosef." Talos commented. 

"I should've done many things, Talos." Trotsky replied. "Help the Sages as much as you can with the usurping. I must see about the Djinn." He ordered as he also saw Sigurd drinking more ale. "And keep an eye on Sigurd's drinking."  

"We don't have Djinn in Gaul." Talos said. 

"And I would not expect you to." Trotsky replied. "I'll handle him." 

"What of Ethan Bauer?" Talos asked.

"I believe a special case in installed for Ethan Bauer." Trotsky answered as he then turned into a Vulture and flew off.

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We know the story of famous Raven Queen, Apple White, Briar Beauty and many, many others... But what happened after high school? What happened to the...
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"මන් ඔයාට පොඩි සීක්‍රට් එකක් කියන්නම් මගෙ බෙස්ටි.I 'm pregnant.ඒකත් ඔයාගෙ ෆියෝන්සෙ අතින්.😏😏😏." ඔයාගෙ හොදම යාලුවා ඔයාගෙ වෙඩින් එකට කලින් දවසෙ රෑ ඔය...
3K 57 20
This is a prequel to the "Just Friends" series. This story shows how Mal and Ben became best friends and how Mal developed feelings for him.
13.1K 304 14
Hi guys . Well you know Flash is so great and all cocky with full of love and joke even after his tragedy. Here is what happen when flash goes into E...