The Mob Character Shouldn't H...

By UnknownFate25

300K 12.4K 6.2K

Volume 2 of The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! It's been a year since Ken was transmigrated... More

125 - Prologue
126 - It's About Family
127 - The Arthurson Complication
128 - A Tense Family Meeting
129 - Failed Negotiations
130 - The Knight War
131 - A Talk Between Mother And Daughter
132 - The Du Lac's Dark Secret
133 - Saving Orphans
134 - Experiment X
135 - A Woman With A Mission
136 - The End Of A Rivalry
137 - Aftermath Of War
139 - A Historic Discovery
140 - The Enchantress Of Colchis
141 - An Outing With Xena
142 - A New Addition To The Family
143 - End Of Year One
144 - Roses Are Red, Blood Is Too
145 - A Withered Rose
146 - Sister Verses FiancΓ©
147 - How To Beat A Bitch
148 - Johnson
149 - The Cult's Shenanigans
150 - Let's Play A Game Of Torture
151 - My Second Year Starts
152 - The Second Kato
153 - Train Trouble
154 - The Yanderes Have A Sleepover
155 - Becoming An Apprentice
156 - I Think We All Expected This
157 - Ken Kage Enters The Spotlight
158 - The S Ranked Open Rift
159 - The Dragon Of The Lost Isles
160 - The Love Of A Mother
161 - I Hate Demon King Invasions
162 - I Also Hate Myself
163 - Another World
164 - Demon King Beelzebub
165 - Grinding With Medea
166 - Tempus - The Land Of Time
167 - The Colosseum
168 - Love Is War
169 - Tail of a Spar
170 - Attempts To Save
171 - The Knight Verses The Trickster
172 - The Arrival Of Azeroth
173 - A Fight Between Monsters
174 - The Damned Demon Queen
175 - Divine Shift
176 - The Queen's Past
177 - Loop
178 - On The Other Side
179 - The End Of The Queen's Reign
180 - Epilogue
Volume 2 - Thanks!

138 - The Flight Back To Japan

5.9K 258 114
By UnknownFate25

We stood in front of the jet. It was about time to head back to Japan, our interesting trip in America over.

Erica hugged her parents, their relationship having greatly improved compared to when we arrived.

I looked at Xena, crouching down so I was eye level with her. "Xena." I said. "Would you like to come with us? If you don't want to, you can stay here with Julia and Aaron."

Xena looked back towards the two, who smiled at them. Xena then looked back at me. "Would you...take me with you?" She meekly asked.

"If that's what you want." I replied, patting her on the head.

Julia sent me a knowing smile.

"I...I do want to." Xena decided.

"Alright then." I smiled at her.

"Goodbye." Erica smiled towards them. "I'll keep in contact."

"Please do." Julia smiled. "You can visit us anytime you would like. And your friends are welcome as well."

"Thank you." Erica smiled.

We waved goodbye, boarding the jet. We sat down in the seats. Xena sat next to me while Lily was across from me with Erica next to her. Fenrir jumped up onto Lily's lap. She lightly started to stroke him.

As the jet took off, I looked out the window and watched as we climbed higher into the air, passing the clouds. We were heading home.

It didn't take long for Xena to fall asleep, her head leaning on my side. Erica and Lily looked at her, slightly envious.

Seriously? Jealous over a kid?

After some time Erica fell asleep, leaving only Lily and I awake. We sat in silence, until Lily spoke up.

"Ken." She said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What are we going to do with Xena?" She curiously asked.

"Julia suggested...I adopt her." I told her.

"Seriously?" Lily gasped.

"Yeah. Even Irene agreed, though you know how she is." I replied.

"Of course she would." Lily giggled. "Are you going to do it?"

"I...I've been thinking about it." I stated. "And, I think I will."

I'm a little worried. I'm not sure how to be a good father. All I know is how to not be a bad father, having witnessed many examples of terrible fathers myself.

I don't want to be like them.

"Hm." Lily replied. "So who will be her mother? Erica or Irene? Both?"

"I was" I stated.

"What?" Lily blushed.

"You're the only other person she's attached too. While she likes Julia and Aaron, it's not the same level of attachment like she does with you and I." I stated.

"I...I would be honored." Lily blushed once more, before it faded. "But...but I can't."

"Why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I just...I don't...I don't think I'd be a good mother..." She awkwardly replied.

"Well, it's more than that with the way you're acting." I replied. "So what's up? I'm here if something is wrong."

"I...I never told you about my own mother...did I?" Lily asked.

"No, you never talked about her. I only know she was murdered." I replied. "I figured you two had a rocky relationship."

"We did." Lily stated. "She was...abusive."

"I see..." I replied, feeling my fists tighten.

"She was a terrible mother." Lily stated. "She didn't care for me because I wasn't a slut like her. Because I was saving myself for that special someone."

"That's horrible." I added.

"She was alcoholic, abusive...she'd always come home with a different man...I'm the unwanted product of a fling...a mistake."

"Her worst mistake. One day...after meeting you and Erica...I couldn't take it any longer...and I murdered her." Lily stated.

That's right. I never knew if Lily did or not, but I thought she did. And after hearing about her mother, good riddance.

"Lily." I firmly stated. "You are more than that. It doesn't matter if she didn't want you, because she doesn't deserve you. You have us now."

"I...I just...I don't think I can be a Mother. What if I become like her? I don't want that..." Lily stated, tears starting to gather in her eyes.

"Lily." I said once more. "I think the fact you are worried about this already proves you won't be like her."

"But..." Lily muttered.

"You aren't like her." I cut her off. "The fact you've saved yourself is proof of that. I've seen you with kids Lily, and you're amazing at dealing with them."

"I'm sure you would be an amazing mother." I stated.

"Ken..." Lily whimpered, tears in her eyes.

She unbuckled herself from her seat, getting over and sitting on my lap. She gave me a hug, allowing me to comfort her as she sobbed into my shirt.

"Thank you..." She whispered. "For everything."

"Everything?" I asked.

"I...I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you and Erica..." Lily shamefully replied. "I...once thought about...ending it all."


I felt my grip on her tighten. "Don't ever think about that."

"I was...I was so close." She whispered. "So close to bringing that knife..."

"Don't." I replied. "Please...never think about that again."

"I don't. Not anymore." She replied. "I now have something to live for."

She looked me in the eyes, a twisted grin appearing on her face.

"I don't need anything else. Just you, and the others. But mainly you and Erica. I don't need anybody else. Not my mother, whoever my father could be, and not those people who think I'll give them a quick blow since I'm a Succubus. They all can die." She grinned.

It was a twisted view. But it was at least better than before. I...I've been in that place before, understanding how she used to feel. With all of the pain from Kyle's parents and his school, I had thought about it.

But I never did try it. I always had Kira to look out for, so I couldn't afford to do it. I'd abandon her.

I ended up doing that anyway with being transmigrated here, but I plan on returning to her, and bringing her here. This life would be better than our old life, for sure.

I continued to hug Lily as we sat in a comfortable silence, with her on my lap. She looked down at me, and she looked incredibly cute.

It made my heart race.

"You...really think I can be a good mother?" Lily asked once more.

"Of course." I reaffirmed.

Lily smiled, her look piercing my heart. I felt my cheeks redden. She looked over to Xena, her eyes looking motherly.

"I...I would love to be her mother." Lily stated. "She...reminds me of you, you know?"

"Really?" I replied.

"She's kind of like a combination of you and me." Lily embarrassingly whispered. "Shy like me...strong like you..."

She stared down at me, a small blush on her face and a sheepish smile. It looked absolutely adorable. My heart started to rush even quicker.

I started to lean upwards as she came downwards, our lips colliding together in my first kiss with Lily.

We lingered in that position, before slowly separating. Lily smiled down at me, a large blush encasing her face.

"That first." Lily whispered, touching her lips. "That was amazing. I love you, Ken."

"I love you too." I smiled.

Lily smiled at me, leaning down for another kiss. She came back up with another huge blush and a love struck look, her Succubus tail waving happily like a dog's.

"Hey, don't cheat on your girlfriend when she's right here." A voice said from behind Lily.

We jumped in surprise, looking over at Erica who was awake and staring at us with a smirk.

"E-E-Erica?!" Lily shrieked.

"Oh, don't worry." Erica smirked, showing me her phone. On it was a text from Irene.

Irene: Yes Ken, I give you permission to accept Lily.

Lily's face was beet red and as bright as a tomato. She jumped off of me, before sitting back down in her seat, buckling herself in, and throwing a blanket over herself. She wallowed in her embarrassment, hiding from the two of us.

Ah, she's become shy again.

"How long were you awake?" I asked.

"Ever since Lily jumped onto your lap." Erica stated, warning a whine in embarrassment from the hiding Lily. "So, looks like you have a fiancé, and two girlfriends. You're such a womanizer."

"I am not." I sighed.

"And Lily...?" Erica said. "Don't ever think about that again. I won't forgive you."

She lightly pat the hiding Lily on the head.

"...o-okay." Lily muttered from under the blanket.

The rest of the ride was fairly relaxing, until we finally landed down back in Japan. Departing the jet, there was a limousine in front of us, reminding me of when we arrived to Japan.

Lily carried the sleeping Xena in her arms, smiling down at the girl. It looked like some sort of Motherly instinct had awakened inside of her.

The door opened to the Limo, Irene stepping out. She walked over to us, immediately giving me a bone-crushing hug and kissing me on the lips.

She then turned to Xena, looking down at her. "So this is her?" She asked.

"Yeah, it is." I nodded.

"'s official. We're adopting her." Irene stated. "Do you have the usb?"

"I do." I stated, tossing it to her.

"Alright. Let's go examine this." She stated. She gestured to the limo. "Welcome home."

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