The Mechanic

By AfricanSotho

10.3K 647 33

As Faizal showed her around, she often caught him staring at her when he didn't think she was looking. He had... More



385 26 2
By AfricanSotho

The light was creeping into the room and Sebina turned...or tried to turn to her other side but something was keeping her tightly locked in. She realised that whatever was keeping her in was just a pair of arms and as she looked up, she was met by the face of Faizal.

Her heart raced as she pushed away from him, jumping out of bed and waking him up.

He lay dazed for a second as he rubbed his eyes before sitting up and looking at her shocked self. She unconsciously tried to fix her bed hair even though she knew that her hands wouldn't make a difference. He then got out of bed and went to the bathroom without a word. A second later, she heard the shower running.

Taking advantage of the moment, she quickly looked around for her clothes and shoes then grabbed them and ran out of the room, intent on finding a ride home. She would explain everything to Bert later.

Just after she made it down the stairs, Bert came out of the kitchen, frustrated on the phone. When he looked up, a flood of emotions ran through his face before he dropped the phone which clattered to the floor and embraced the horrified Sebina.

"You're're okay," he breathed with relief. "I kept trying to call you but your phone is off and I called your PA but he said you weren't home and then I sent my men to look but all this time, you've been in the house! Where did you sleep?"

He had been speaking so fast Sebina only blinked. "Hmm?"

Bert took her hand and led her to the kitchen where he forced her to drink a banana smoothie despite her attempts not to eat.

"Where did you sleep?" he asked again.

She looked at him. "I got drunk yesterday and I was trying to go to your bedroom but I ended up sleeping in the guest bedroom," she quickly said. "Sorry."

Bert laughed. "You had me so worried for nothing? I almost sent an army to look for you. Where'd you get the shirt? T.S. College? Looks good on you."

Sebina blushed. "Thank you. I got it out of the wardrobe in the guest bedroom." She did not want to mention Faizal. 

Speak of the devil.

The man came into the kitchen, dressed in his uniform blue shirt and cap with the company logo together with a pair of black jeans. He tipped his cap in greeting to them.

"I just want to thank you for your hospitality last night, Mr. Acheampong," he said. "I am going to head out for work."

Bert looked at him. "Look, I know that you've refused my offer to help but I just wanted to let you know that the Engels property is still up, free of charge if you're still looking for a place."

Sebina saw Faizal's nose flare-a sign of anger usually. She stared at him.

"Like I said last time, you've done more than enough for me, sir. I will eventually find something. You two have a good day." He walked out, his left hand clenched.

Sebina simply stared after him. What had just happened? She turned to Bert. "Hard times?"

"Between you and me, the place he is renting just increased rent and with his family which lives in some district away and his 1 year old son...supporting two's taking a toll on him. I want to give him some money to do something but I can't increase his salary and leave the other employees out. That would be discriminative in a way and I am not that kind of businessman. So I tried to give him the keys to my other home, free of charge but Faizal...he doesn't like handouts as he calls them. I was simply trying to help without bringing money into it. I have been in his place before and I was actually homeless at some point. I never want to see that happen to my staff."

Sebina was touched. Bert sounded like a snob. But he seemed to genuinely want to help even though he came across as that rich man that just gave handouts to people. Which he was though, no matter how genuine.

She smiled at him and touched him hand. "You're a good man."

"Even though he keeps rejecting my offer?"

"You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped." Sebina got off her chair and walked over to Bert, standing between his legs and putting her arms around him. "I should have been in your bed last night," she said. "Sorry for getting too drunk."

He pulled her closer by her waist, kissing her. Honestly, the saying that with age comes experience, it was true because Bert certainly knew what he was doing, shocking her when he did something with his tongue in her mouth, causing a pool of moisture in her underwear. He stopped and looked at her, pecking her lips.

"You look beautiful," he said.

"I have my moments," she laughed. "Well, I have to get back home to change and go to work. See you Friday at lunch."

He nodded and kissed her one last time. "I'll have the chauffeur take you home. I'd drive you but I don't want to be in late too."

Sebina nodded then grabbed her clothes and shoes from the chair she had placed them in. She walked , still in Faizal's shirt and barefoot, outside.

A yaris pulled up beside her and she was shocked that Bert could send such an old car.  She internally groaned and got into the front seat, looking at the driver only to gasp.


He started driving towards the gates. "Where do you live?" he asked.

"Wait...Bert sent you to drive me? I thought you were going to work."

"What are you talking about. Mr. Acheampong didn't send me. I was about to drive out when I saw you and decided to be a gentleman. I hope I don't give people the wrong idea when I drop you off because you would mind being seen with me," he said sassily, throwing what she had said when they met for the second time in her face.

Sebina only shrugged. "You know me too well," she replied.

"Why are you like this? uptight? Snobby? Every word that means you think you are better than other people?" He looked at her.

"I don't think I am better than other people," she said. She did think she was better than him. "I just don't like you."

"I know that. What did I do?"

She was blank. What did he do? She tried to think but nothing came up. Nothing. Sebina shrugged and looked away only to feel him put something in her lap.

Slides (push-ins).

She looked at him as she put them on her bare feet. The only thing this man had done was be nice to her and take care of her yesterday when she was drunk. He had done her no wrong and yet she still felt that dislike for him for absolutely no reason. She didn't hate him but when she looked at him, she just wanted him gone.

"I don't know why I don't like you," she confessed.

"I can think of a reason," he said. "You think I'm poor."

"You are poor."

"Yes. I am. I am struggling to pay rent, struggling to support my family districts away and my son and the creche...and yet I work for that ass, Bert Acheampong. I don't care if he is your boyfriend but that man...he is the devil!" Faizal rubbed his face in frustration.

"Really? Even though he tried to help you?"

Faizal glared at her. "This is exactly what I am talking about! He can't keep his mouth shut and he uses the staff he helps! He never gives money, alright? He gives you a car, a house, an apartment, something that he can hold over your head and then you're his puppet. I know to you, he is a perfect man and you are attracted to him but to me Bert is just my boss and nothing else."

"Why do you stay if you hate him so much-"

"I can't afford not to have a job right now. I live on pay check to pay check and honestly, I do not hate my job. It is the only thing keeping me sane right now. Without it...everything will fall apart and even though I do all that extra work for Mr. Acheampong, he just won't give me a promotion despite how many times I have proven myself to him. And I have told him over and over that that's all I ask for instead of him giving me stuff like an apartment or whatever."

"Do you want me to talk to him? I am not his girlfriend or anything but I am a businesswoman, Faiz."

"Where'd you hear my nickname?"

"I haven't heard it from anywhere. Just thought it sounded proper."

"Faizal is just fine," he muttered. "Thank you for the offer but I will find a way to make everything right. Please don't mention this to Mr. Acheampong. He would kill me."

Sebina chuckled. "Pinky swear," she said, bringing her pinky closer to him.

"How old are you?" he said, frowning at her.

"Turning 34," she mumbled, taking her pinky away from him.

He stared at her after pulling up to her house. "34? Are you insane?! I Never mind."

"Thought what?"

"Thought you were younger," Faizal said as he leaned over her to open the door for her.

She got out. "I don't know how you knew my address but-"

He rummaged in his glove compartment before extracting the clutch and bra she had left in his room. Sebina looked embarrassedly at them as he held them like they were nothing. "Your address is on your driver's license. The GPS did the rest of the work. Here. You're welcome for last night even though you snore like an accelerator pressed hard."

Sebina grabbed her stuff. "Aren't you just sweet," she said sarcastically before turning around and walking through her small gate.

Faizal looked at her as she walked away, laughing to himself.

Because the t-shirt was stuck in her ass crack.

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