Building Virtues [Completed✔]

By PiscesPleasure

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They say chastity is a virtue, but virtues are just old antiquated rules put in place to keep girls virgins b... More

Copyrights and Expectations
Alpha Luna
When in Rome
The Havens
Lost his Luna
To Be Determined
Perfect Opportunity
Forever Mate
Forbidden Juices
Garden of Eden
Run Errands
Grocery Store
Pet Name
Spend the Night
Make it Worse
Make Up
Separate Ways
Sick to her Stomach
Deep Exhale
Will Ever Know
Bitter Sorrow
Wolf Glory and Heartache
Bubble of Bliss
Good Faith and Moonlight
More at Home
Hands to Themselves
Meeting of the Minds
Mi Amor
Different Reasons
Shot Clock
Pride & Admiration
The Main Event
Waging War
Save Her
Into Eternal Darkness
Building Virtues

A Good Time

304 31 23
By PiscesPleasure


"What are you doin?! And why are you dressed like this?! What are you doin out here with them?!"

Looking up into Rome's angry face, Eden immediately begins bristling up in annoyance.

"Go away! I tried to have fun and get away from you! What do you think I'm doing?!"

"I think that you're not being a respectable luna! Out here half naked, drinking, and surrounded by a bunch of men! None of which are your husband!"

Being that she's tipsy and irritated at this point, Eden has no filter or discretion.

"Wow you're one to talk about respectable! Alpha slip up baby!"  

"E! Chill, ma!"

"Nah Israel, she wanna pop shit?! Let her!"

"Maaaan, Rome go that way with your shit!" Waving him off, Eden attempts to get another drink.

"E, come on let's get you home." Trying to take her hand, Israel is shocked when Rome snatches her up and begins carrying her out of the overly crowded party.

"I swear if I didn't wanna make a scene I would slap the shit outta you!" She hisses at Rome.

"Try me little girl!" He sneers back.

Angrily trying to pull away from him, Eden winces as his hold on her tightens. Finally at his truck, he pushes her inside. Crossing her arms, she sits utterly livid in the front seat. Her anger radiating off of her.

"What the fuck were you not thinking?! You out here making an ass of yaself! Really this is the picture you wanna paint of yourself as the new luna?! A half naked party girl?!"

"Whatever, Rome! I have nothing to say or explain to you!"

"Yes the fuck you do! I'm your alpha! What you do reflects on me!"

"Oh yeah?! But what you do is perfectly fine?! Your behavior, your choices, your mistakes they only affect you, right?! Get outta my face, Rome! Worry about yaself and being a damn dad! Cause you're not mine!"

"Eden, you better watch ya damn mouth! You think it's cute to keep bringing up my daughter and we gonna have real ass problems!"

"First off I didn't say shit about her! I said you need to worry about bein a damn dad cause you're not mine! I'll say whatever the hell I wanna say!"

"No the fuck you won't! Not about mine!"

"Then fine, Rome! Don't say shit to me and I damn sure won't say shit to you! You came and found me and snatched me up from where I was having fun, with people that I liked! I don't like you! Shit I can't even tolerate you!"

"I don't give a shit if you don't like me, but you damn sure gonna respect me!"

"Uuhhhh, that's a hell no for me, buddy!"

Laughing hysterically as he drives, Eden truly could care less how infuriated she's making Rome.

"Eden just shut up cause you're hella drunk and saying stupid shit!"

"First off don't tell me to shut up, second of all I'm not even drunk I'm nice right now, and third I know exactly what I'm sayin ain't shit comin out my mouth that I don't mean. I.Do.Not.Like.You.Rome.Haven! There I said it again." Shrugging, Eden giggles to herself.

"I see why the moon goddess didn't give you a mate, you're annoying as fuck." Mumbling to himself, Rome doesn't think she actually hears him. But she most certainly does and truly is hurt beyond reason. But she'll be damned if she lets him see her cry over what he's said.

"That's where you're wrong, I don't need no weak ass alpha, like you, to make me whole. I'm a bomb ass female regardless of your half man ass! So think again."

"Call me weak or a hoe ass again, Eden. I swear to God!"

"Ya a weak ass hoe! How bout tha-?"

As he parks his car, Rome grabs her face and stares her in her eyes.

"Like I said, Eden. You don't have to like me, truly I don't give a fuck. But ya outta control, spoiled, bratty, immature ass is gonna respect me. Keep my daughter's existence out of ya mouth, unless I give you permission to talk about her. And learn how to conduct yaself like ya about to be a wife. Are we understood?"

Scowling at him, she tries to push his hand off of her face, but he tightens his grip.

"Get off me! You're hurting me!"

"Are we understood?!"


Squeezing harder, he deepens his frown and furrowed brows.

"Oww!" Pushing as hard as she can, she gives up and allows Nile to turn her hand into a claw and scratches his hand and arm.

"Shit! What the fuck?!"

"Fuck you!" Jumping out of his car, Eden slams the door and runs up to the front door. Remembering she doesn't have keys, she bangs on it incessantly.

Yanking the door open, Scott looks panicked as if something is wrong.

"Sweetheart, are you OK?!"

"No! He kept grabbing my fa-!"

"She fuckin clawed my hand and arm!" Holding up his currently gauged and bleeding hand and arm, Rome shows his father.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?! This afternoon wasn't enough?! The yelling wasn't enough?! Now you two putting ya damn hands on each other?! Rome what were you not thinking?!"


"Cause you put your hands on me first?!"


"Drop dead, Rome." Walking away, Eden is gently pulled back to the men. "What are you doing, sir?" She tries to hide her annoyance with Scott. 

"What in the hell is going on?!" Tying her robe, Asia walks down the stairs.

"She clawed my arm!"

"You are a liar!"

"Wait what?!" Absolutely bewildered, Asia's eyes ping pong between the two. "Go sit in the living room." 

"Psssh, maaaaa."



Pointing to the living room, Asia watches them walk in there before shaking her head and looking at an equally confused Scott.

"I know about this afternoon. That clearly wasn't enough, and Rome clearly didn't apologize about that incident. So Ede-."

"I tried!"

"Hush, Rome! So Eden please explain to me how we"

"I went out with Issy to a house party and was having a great time. And then he shows up and starts arguing with me and yelling at me. And then he carries me to his car. Goes off on me. And then grabs my face. So I scratched him."

"I have so many questions that will have to wait til later. But Rome is that true?"

"First of all I went to go apologize after I got back from the gym. But she wasn't there. So I went on the pack's party page that Is and his friends run and who do I see all over it, but  a half naked ass Eden! So yes I went to get her! And we did argue. And I only grabbed her face cause she kept sayin outta pocket shit!"

"That's not an excuse, Rome! And if it was just pictures of her drinking with the younger pack members, so what? I truly don't see the issue."

"Seriously?! She's the luna! Her chest is out, her shorts look like underwear, she was getting drunk, and with the warriors at that!"

"Her outfit is a bit revealing, but she's 23 and it's almost summer, Rome. And so what if it's the warriors, your brother is one and she was with him."

"They literally sleep with EVERYONE! And how does that look?! Her dressed like that, but with my brother?! The first time they're seeing their luna she's dressed like that and with a different man! Y'all are literally making no sense! You're only further proving my point of how bad it looked!"

"Well this was useless. So I'm going to bed."

"Eden please sit down." 

"With all due respect, no. I'm not a child, I'm not going to be chastised by my business partner and his parents." 

"What the hell did you just call me?!"

Ignoring Rome, she continues walking upstairs. Only for Rome to begin following her.

"Rome, leave her alone! Scott, get your damn son!"

"Rome?! Rome Cannon Haven?! Get ya ass back here! Maaann, Asia they're on their grown ass own. She's right she's young, but she's not a child and I'm not a damn referee. I don't have time for this shit!" Waving Asia off, Scott heads to the kitchen.

Walking as fast as she can, Eden tries to put as much space as possible between she and Rome.


"What the hell? God, just take him!"  Grumbling to herself, she's caught off guard when she's pinned against her door.

"Get this through your head. I'm not your business partner, I'm your alpha, you will respect me, and you will make us look good as the figure heads of the pack."

"Yeah OK." Pushing away from him, she goes inside of her room and slams the door in his face.

Walking to the bathroom, Eden showers before going to bed.

"Legend, I'm gonna kill her, I swear!"

"Nah, you just aren't used to a tough ass challenge. And she's not gonna be easy. I told you that and all your anger is just making her hate you. So great job today, you fuckin sucked."

"Because she's annoying."

"If we're being honest, I think you have a big ass crush on her. But because she keeps rejecting ya ass and the fact that you have Brook, you buck up at her. Instead of seeing where she's coming from. Instead of putting yourself in her shoes. But what do I know?!" Scoffing, Legend is beyond annoyed.

Filled with too much adrenaline and anger to go to sleep, Rome goes to the gym to work himself into exhaustion. 

Hearing her phone ringing, Eden groans and wakes up.


"Little luna?!"

"Shhhhhh! What, Issy damn?!"

"Get dressed the crew is going to breakfast!"


"Yes get up! I'll be there in five minutes!"



Laughing as she hangs up the phone, Eden drags herself out of the bed. Pulling on a thin white T-shirt and ripped jeans, Eden let's her wet hair just drape around her shoulders. Getting a text from Israel, she heads outside to his truck.

"Heeeeyyy luna!" The guys yell as she climbs into the passenger seat.

"Hi guys!" Laughing, she snaps in.

As they're leaving the driveway, Rome is driving back in.


"Ahaha! What the hell happened after y'all left?!" Laughing Israel honks and nods at Rome.

Seeing him roll down his window, Eden sucks her teeth.

"Israel, where y'all goin?"


"The diner?"

"Yes siiiirrr!"


Turning around to follow them, Rome waits for Israel to lead the way.

"Issy?! What the hell?! Why'd you even stop?! Why'd you tell him?!"

"Damn, what happened?!" Laughing he continues driving.

"Yeah now we need to know!"

"Hush up, Jay! Stay the quiet one!" Eden laughs.

Telling them what happened the whole ride, they finally get to the diner.

"Well shit!" They say in unison.

"Yeah, exactly."

As she realizes that the men are waiting for Rome, Eden heads inside.

"Morning alpha." They greet him in a choir.

"Boys. Morning, Eden!"

As they watch her ignore him and carry on her way, they all laugh, Rome included.

"Y'all really don't vibe?! E cool as shit, alpha!"

"Well being that you've spent more time with my future wife than I have Nico, I'm sure you think so."

"I didn't mean anythi-."

"Nah, you good. We just-. Shit I don't know. But let's go eat."

"On you right bro?!"

"Sure whateva, Issy!" Smirking, Rome raises his eyebrows at him.

"Man fuck you!" Laughing, they head into the diner and find Eden sitting in a large booth already.

As the men file in around her, Eden literally has to fight the extremely loud groan that wants to burst through her mouth when Rome sits next to her.

"I don't know if you heard me, but I said good morning, Eden."

"Oh I heard you."

As the men chuckle, Eden studies the menu.

"Excuse me, luna?"

Placing the menu down, Eden looks up.

"Hiii, Dahlia! And what did I tell you about calling me luna?!"

"Well we're in public! But I just wanted to introduce my friend Denise to you. I told her about the women empowerment conferences that you want to start up and she's an event planner."

"Oh nice! Hi Denise, I'm Eden! It's a pleasure to meet you! I would love to bend your ear and talk about this three day festival I have in mind! Since I'm new here I could use as many connections as possible!" 

" I would be honored, luna! I saw you last night at the party and you looked like you were so much fun and so approachable! I was like 'oh hell yeah! Our new luna is bomb!' And you looked so pretty!"

"Awww thank you!"

"See lil luna?! Told ya!" Israel smiles and the whole time Rome watches her seamless organic true interactions with his pack. The members never approach him so freely.

"Uhh, we're gonna eat and then if y'all wanna join us you can." Nico interjects.

"That sounds like a plan, ladies?!" Eden beams.

"Absolutely. And sorry about that alpha, we didn't mean to interrupt." Formally they acknowledge Rome.

"Nah, y'all  are good."

"Bye, Nico."

"Bye, D."

Seeing the awkward interaction between the two, Eden waits until they are far enough away.

"Nico! That's her isn't it?! Dahlia is your mate?! She's so pretty and sweet!"

"Nah, E. We not doin this." Shaking his head, Nico looks over the menu.

"Buuutttt Nico!"

"Not now, E!" He chuckles.

"Ugh, fine! But soon?!"

"I don't know about all'at!" Laughing he shakes his head at her persistence.

"Wait Dahlia is your mate, Nico? Since when?" Truly out of the loop, Rome is interested.

"Uhh, yeah. For like three years."

"What?! Are y'all a thing?"

"Nah, its complicated."

"Whatever, Nee! No its not!"

"E, it is!"

"So y'all got nicknames for each other now?"

"Man Rome, it ain't even like that. Luna is a part of the crew that's all. She just hella cool."

"I ain't even say nothing, Is! I was just asking a question!" Putting his hands up in surrender, Rome snickers. "So Israel is Issy, Nico is Nee, and Eden is E."

"Or lil luna!" Israel nudges her.

"So what's Jay and Dom?"

Exchanging a goofy look, they burst into laughter.

"Jay and Dom!" 

"Y'all are hella goofy!" Laughing Eden smiles at the boys.

"Yeah, but we're a good time!"



Beautiful She-Wolf cast:
Draya Michelle as Dahlia
Kash Doll as Denise

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