Building Virtues [Completed✔]

By PiscesPleasure

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They say chastity is a virtue, but virtues are just old antiquated rules put in place to keep girls virgins b... More

Copyrights and Expectations
Alpha Luna
When in Rome
The Havens
Lost his Luna
To Be Determined
A Good Time
Perfect Opportunity
Forever Mate
Forbidden Juices
Garden of Eden
Run Errands
Grocery Store
Pet Name
Spend the Night
Make it Worse
Make Up
Separate Ways
Sick to her Stomach
Deep Exhale
Will Ever Know
Bitter Sorrow
Wolf Glory and Heartache
Bubble of Bliss
Good Faith and Moonlight
More at Home
Hands to Themselves
Meeting of the Minds
Mi Amor
Different Reasons
Shot Clock
Pride & Admiration
The Main Event
Waging War
Save Her
Into Eternal Darkness
Building Virtues


343 33 52
By PiscesPleasure

After the hearing with the board of elders, Eden spent about a month at her home pack just to get all of her affairs in order and really to steel herself up for life as a luna in another pack and life as an unexpected stepmother. She still couldn't quite wrap her head around Brooklyn's existence, but she was going to at least try. After all she did choose to go back of her own free will.

"Edee, are you ready?"

Looking up from her drawing board she nods.

"In a minute dad."

Once a week or so had gone by Bentley tried his hardest to apologize and explain his choices and decision to Eden, but unfortunately the damage was already done. They've gotten to a point of cordial speaking without the look of unadulterated disgust from Eden, but she will never look at him the same way again.

"Hi bab-! Ooohh so you liked it, mama?!"

Clapping gleefully, Elise runs her hand along the soft Egyptian cotton of the blue, red, and white three quarter length T-shirt top of the sports romper jean skirt set she tailored for Eden.

"Like it?! Ma this is beyond dope! You'd have to be crazy to think I wouldn't rock this!"

"Ya mama be hookin some clothes up don't I?!"

"You do a lil suntin-suntin! I saw it on my suitcase this morning and was like 'oh that is flavors!' So you know I had to represent for my mama!"

"I'm going to miss you so much! Like, more than last time cause you came back, and I'm expecting you to stay this time." Poking her trembling lip out, Elise begins fanning her eyes. Her flawless chestnut curls falling into her face as she sits on Eden's bed.

"Maaaa! Don't cry! Cause then I will...again! I already was a crying mess with Lily. I can't be a mess with you too!"

Climbing onto her mother's lap, Eden kisses her forehead. 

"Gosh I'll never get tired of you being my first baby. Never ever."

Twirling her fingers in Eden's luscious thick spiral curls, Elise smiles at her and wipes away a stray tear.

"C'mon perfect girl, before I don't let them take you."

Clasping hands they walk down their grand dual staircase into the pristine foyer.

"OK, my little honey doll. Be good and you can come home as much as you need to. You hear me?"

"Of course." Kissing and hugging her mother one last time, she gives her father a half hug.

"Bye dad."

"Not bye, see you later Edee."

"Mm, right."

Waving, she enters the same limousine that picked her up over a month and a half ago to go back to the source of her disappointment and sadness.

"Hey beautiful, nice to see you again Luna."

"Hi, Mr.Gary. Nice to see you as well."

As the door closes, Eden drowns her attention in finishing a couple of sketches.

"We're here, Ms.Eden." 

"Thank you, Mr.Gary."

Grabbing her purse, Eden steps out of the car and to her surprise, Rome is standing right there at the grand fountain of the driveway, welcoming her. He looks absolutely scrumptious in the tight white tank top with a blue flannel tied around his waist, acid wash jeans, and blue and white designer logo sneakers. His chiseled chest, sculpted arms, and long legs all are accentuated in the fitted clothing. And his thick neck is adorned in sparkling diamond and gold necklaces. Not to mention he looks like he just got his hair cut and lined up.

"Oohhhh myy!"

"Shh, Nile!"

Internally rolling her eyes at Nile, Eden returns Rome's wave, except far less enthusiastically.

"It's nice to finally see you. I hope your trip was OK."

"It was nice, thank you." 

As he stretches out his hand to her, Eden looks down at it and truly is at a loss with how to react. Looking from his hand to him a few times, she finally decides it would be alright for him to help her up the stairs. As he walks behind her he studies her smooth flawless legs in the jean mini skirt and how the neckline of the shirt hangs so perfectly off of her delicate shoulders. But his favorite part? Her thick, shiny, healthy, glorious head of ringlets. He wants nothing more than to run his hand through her soft cashmere like locks. And so he does.

"Your hair looks beautiful."

Feeling his massive hand in her hair, she is caught completely off guard. So she turns around, to find him right in front of her towering over her.

"Th-thank you." Smiling awkwardly, Eden just gazes up at him.

"Ahhh, he smells delicious!" Moaning, Nile is falling apart in his presence.

"Of course." Running his thumb across her cheek, Rome notices the shiver that runs through Eden's body before she composes herself.

"Mm-uhm, um I'm gonna go to my room if you need me."

"Aight. And when you're ready I can give you a proper tour if you want."


Observing her walk up the stairs in her heels and skirt, Rome can feel the need to readjust his jeans.

"Rome if you fuck this up I swear I will hurt you!"

"You don't even have to tell me twice!"

Walking back into the room that Eden left so abruptly, everything is in it's perfect place, just how she left it.

"Glad to have you back with us, Luna."

"Oh hey, Dahlia. How are you."

"Wonderful and that outfit is amazing!"

"Another one of mom's specials!" Twirling around, Eden shows off the full outfit.

"It really is bomb! But I can't wait to see what you do around here! The pack could use another strong woman as luna. We've been without one for FIVE years and we miss the amazing she-wolf empowerment that Luna Asia used to host for us."

"Well we will have to pick her brain, mix it with some of the stuff my mom used to host, and put my own twist on it. But trust me I have a little meet and greet up my sleeve!"

"Ooohhh! I'm excited! Well I'll leave you be and if you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

Texting both Lily and her mother she lets them know she got there safely.

"Hey, lil sis-in-law!"

"Hey, Is."

Coming into her room, Israel daps Eden up.

"You are out of control!" She giggles.

"I'm just me. Real laid back and chill. Soooo what's good with you?"

"Nothing much, just gotta get used to bein away from home."

"Well if you not too busy being the luna, me and my boys havin a little kickback if you're interested?!"

"Seriously?! Like you're not gonna treat me like the luna right? Cause if I go to a kickback, I just wanna be able to chill."

"Nah, if you come you just comin as my lil sis, no strings attached."

"That I can do. What time?"

"Uhh, well boring goes to the gym around midnight so I'll come scoop you then."


Laughing as Israel winks and salutes her while he walks out of her room, Eden shakes her head.

"He's cute, but trouble!"

"Oh Nile, he's just being nice. Plus he doesn't give me those kinda vibes."

"Oh not like that, just that he's the wild trouble child."

"Oh most definitely." Agreeing with Nile, Eden walks into her walk-in closet to pick an outfit for the party.

Hiding out in her room, Eden sketches some ideas for a possible shopping center  and new high rise apartment complex in River Run's city center. During one of the pack meetings she overheard that due to Rome's heavy social media presence and following, the wolf population here has exploded. But with exponential population growth comes exponential need for housing and job availability.

So by building the structures she fills the need for jobs, the shopping plaza will fill the need for jobs, as well as circulation of revenue, and the high rise creates living space for the overflow and potential residents. Getting lost in her drawings and creativity, she doesn't hear the light knock on her door.

"Eden?" Receiving no response, Rome calls her again. "Eden?"

"God!" Clutching her chest, she sighs and turns around. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you! I called you, but I guess you were busy or didn't hear me."

"Sorry, I was in my own little world. Um, yeah you need something?"

"I was just seeing if you were ready for the grand tour?" Smiling, he awaits her answer.

"Uh, yes. That would be fine."

"Edee, be nice. He's at least making an effort."

Ignoring Nile, Eden puts away her tablet and meets Rome at the doorway.

"Lead the way."

Nodding, Rome shows Eden all around the three floored fifteen roomed estate. After touring the inside he walks her all around the grounds of the main pack house.

"Are you always this quiet?"

"Uhh, I don't know." 

"Whaaat?!" Chuckling he peaks at her from the corner of his eye.

"I don't talk to myself so I wouldn't really know if I was quiet or not. Like I have people that would probably say I don't shut up, like my mom or my best friend. But with everyone else I kinda just sit back and observe. I gotta warm up to people first."

"I hope you can warm up to me."

"In due time. Which we'll have a lot of since we're due to get married by the next three full moons." Trying to hide her sarcasm, she only half way succeeds.

"I've been meaning to ask you about that."

"What about it?"

"What changed your mind? Cause you were dead set on leaving that day."

"Because the moon goddess chose me for a reason and I wanna learn the lesson she thinks I need to learn."

"That's it?"



"Are you looking for another reason?"

"I just figured to agree to marry someone and fully become their mate, you must want more."

"Of course I want more. I want a true love, a committed love, a soulmate like what my parents have and what your parents seem to have. But I wasn't blessed with a true mate. So I've learned to let that go and focus on my duties as an alpha luna."

"Eden, we coul-."

"No we can't. Rome, you decided the path you wanted and what was important to you. And obviously that was being a legend of an alpha and a father. And that's OK, but I wanted to be able to create a legacy with my alpha. But now I'm being pieced into the story that you've already written for yourself."

"I don't see how you think that." Turning to look at her fully, Rome is trying his hardest not to be offended.

"I don't know how you don't see that. You've been the alpha and ruler of your pack for five years. You have a three year old daughter, who has been integrated into your pack, your lifestyle, and greatly affects the choices you make. I, on the other hand, am coming out of nowhere. We have no bond, know nothing about each other, had a pretty bad start, and now are being thrust back together. That's like the making of a disaster. You're set in your ways and I'm set in mine. I was able to be acting Luna by myself for my pack for two years while building my architectural contracts. I didn't really have to ask opinions or permissions as long as it was within reason. So to try and do that now with a stranger, doesn't seem ideal."

"So what Eden, this is a damn business agreement to you?"

"Pretty much."

"Wow! I really don't know why you honestly chose to come back then. Lesson aside. That was a dumbass choice if all it is, is a school day to you."

"Really?! A dumbass choice?! I did it because from jump this is what my pack expected from me! I did it because this is what my parents and ancestors expected from me! Shit this is what you expected from me! So much to the fuckin point that you had a daughter while you were waiting for me, and still expected me to just go along with it! So you're one to talk about dumbass choices, Rome!"

"Yeah I may have made some dumbass choices, but at least they were my fuckin choices! You came back because that's what you think everyone expected of you!"

"But I chose it! So it is a choice!"

"Yeah based off of what other people want, so no Eden it's not a real choice! Shit you shoulda chose to stay at home for all the bullshit reasons you came here! I want a mate! Someone I can confide in, lay up with, and just be myself with! Not no damn business partner!"

"Well I wanted a mate that didn't have a slip up baby!" 

As the words go rocketing out of her mouth, Eden instantly regrets her word choice. It was one thing to laugh and joke about that title for Brooklyn with Lily and her mother, but it is a whole other arena when saying it to her father's face. Jerking his head back and squinting at Eden, Rome is really trying to reel in his anger.

"What did you just call my daughter?"

"Rome, I-."

"Nah, you so big and bad get shit off your chest, Eden. What did you just call my daughter?"

"Look, I feel how I feel, but I shouldn't have call-."

"No you shouldn't have fuckin called her shit, but Brooklyn! Don't ever come out ya face crazy about mine! Say what you want and how you want to and about me, but don't ever disrespect my daughter!"

"Oh ok, so you want me to respect ya daughter, but you didn't respect me! I'm somebody's daughter too, Rome! My fuckin feelings matter too! So while you want me to put respect on her name, you were out there fuckin and getting people pregnant when you and everybody in both our packs knew we were arranged! So I get here and look like a Goddamn fool in front of your pack cause ya hoe ass expects me to play stepmom! So while you worryin about me respectin a three year old, how bout you show my grown ass the same damn respect?!"

"My hoe ass?! Eden you must be out ya rabid ass mind talkin to me like that! Who the fuck do you think you are?!"

"Eden Marley Lightfoot and I don't think. I know exactly who the hell I am! And it ain't ya Goddamn wife or mate! So check that, Rome!"


Jogging out into the back garden, Asia and Scott get between Rome and Eden.

"Now what the hell is happening?!" Scott demands to know.

"Alpha, Luna I apologize for coming out of character and screaming in your house, but I have to go back to my room."

"Eden wai-! Eden wait!"

"Please just let me go."

Shaking her head, Eden makes her way towards the house.

"Rome?! What the fuck just happened?! We just got her back and y'all are cussin and screaming at each other hours later!"

"She has a disrespectful ass mouth and a foul ass attitude!"


"She doesn't, want to be with me, is only here as a lesson, and fuckin called Brooklyn a 'slip up' baby!"

"Wow! Well that's a harsh thing to say, but she has all right to feel that way."

"What?! Ma, Brooklyn is ya granddaughter!"

"Yes she is, but Eden has the right to be upset about that! Hell I was pissed and embarrassed and I'm not even your future wife! I'm your mother and felt that way! How do you think the girl, that is supposed to be the only woman to have your children, feels?! For once, think about Eden! Try and feel how she may feel! She's left her family now twice for a disrespectful ass stubborn alpha with a child! You wouldn't touch a luna like that with a twenty foot pole, Rome! So stop expecting things from her that you wouldn't even do!"

"Hhhh, your mother is right about everything. You need to learn how to be truly compassionate and empathic instead of a tyrant!"

"You're one to talk, pops!"

"I may be a tyrant on the battlefield, but I treat my pack members and people I care about with respect and compassion! And by the way I heard you yelling and hollering at Eden you were giving her the exact opposite!"

Throwing up his hands, Scott walks off.

"I'm going to go check on her. Before the end of the night you better have apologized!" Storming away, Asia heads to find Eden.

"Great job captain fuck up!"

"I'm not gonna let anyone disrespect Brooklyn, Legend."

"Yeah, so I've heard!"

Snapping back his response, Legend blocks Rome's mind links.

"Man fuck all y'all!". Trudging towards his room, Rome is beyond furious. Betrothed or not, one thing Rome will not tolerate is disrespect.



Joshua Benoit as Rome Haven

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