In Silence (Book 2) || Loki X...

By KatLovesFictionalMen

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This the the second book of the series. If you haven't read the first one....what are you still doing here?!?! More

Chapter 1: Who are you?
Chapter 2: Where are you going?
Chapter 3: I am back
Chapter 4: Memories and Visions
Chapter 5: The mission
Chapter 6: Sokovia
Chapter 7: Back in action
Chapter 8: Make a choice
Chapter 9: S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 10: The final part of the plan
Chapter 11: The new base
Chapter 12: Date night
Chapter 13: Plan puppy
Chapter 14: And then you had a plan
Chapter 15: The new plan
Chapter 16: It's time
Chapter 18: An unexpected meetup
Chapter 19: A sudden turn of events
Chapter 20: Just you and me
Chapter 21: Back to the world of the living
Chapter 22: Please, wake up
Chapter 23: Almost
Chapter 24: Better than okay
Chapter 25: Keep them safe
Chapter 26: An interesting phone call
Chapter 27: I'm coming
Chapter 28: Because I changed
Chapter 29: The final exam
Chapter 30: We need to talk
Chapter 31: The end of and era
Chapter 32: A big decision
Chapter 33: This is not a goodbye
Author's Note

Chapter 17: And then the spell started

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By KatLovesFictionalMen

You once again put your palms above the clay body and closed your eyes, channeling Freyja's magic from inside of you. It took you less than a minute to reach to her magic and be ready for the spell to start.

You started mumbling the words of the spell that Loki had taught you. It was something like a combination between Latin and Ancient Greek but you still could recognize some English words in it. It took you quite a long time to learn it, given the fact that is was also written in ancient Asgardian which made the situation even worse.

Maybe it was a fact that you hadn't been practicing magic for that long but the spell was very hard. Loki told you from the beginning that it was the hardest and most complicated spell he had performed as well.

After a few more repeats of the words of the spell you could feel it had started working. Basically what you needed to do was conjure enough energy to put inside the body and merge the clay with the ashes in order for the new body to be created and function as a living organism.

It took you an extreme amount of physical and mental power but you finally were done with the spell. Once you opened your eyes again a real female body was laying in the bed in front of you.

For a moment you felt a little lightheaded but thankfully Loki was there to hold you. You both stared at you achievement proudly.

Frey's new body look excellent. In front of you was laying a woman that look quite like you only with a few differences. Her hair was curly and a very dark shade of brown with two or three purple strings on them.

You were all out of breath but also so proud of yourself. You turned around to see Loki looking at you with a proud smile on his lips. He knew that you were powerful enough to do the spell perfectly. He knew it from the beginning.

You took the next few minutes to sit down and relax while the rest of the team was preparing everything. Nat and Wanda started dressing up Frey's new body and once they were done Tony put the restraining bracelets on her wrists.

Meanwhile Thor and Bucky brought in the second bed and placed it right next to Frey's. They also arranged all the medical gear on the table a few feet away from the beds. At that point using "they" was probably wrong, given the fact that none of them knew what any of these objects were and Tony ended up scooting them away and doing the job himself.

If anything were to go wrong wrong during or after the spell everything needed to be in place. Tony reassured you that he wasn't going to let you or Frey get hurt. From a medical perspective at least.

Though at that point you would've preferred Bruce to be there, given that fact that he was an actual doctor and hadn't just studied medicine for a couple of weeks. But, then again, Tony was a genius, so how many things could actually go wrong?

The love you had for those people could not be described with words, of any language. They had always done everything they could to help you and now, once again, in a situation like this they were still by your side. They didn't care about the dangers or they getting hurt. They made you feel so lucky and grateful for having such an amazing family. If that was really going to be your end you were happy that you last memories would be with those amazing people by your side.

"Don't think like that please." Loki suddenly interrupted your thinking.

"I am sorry Loki. But you know that there is a high chance that-" You started.

"y/n I said don't think like that. Please." Loki's eyes were now suck on the floor, avoiding to make any type of eye contact.

"Hey..." You gently put your hand on his cheek and lifted his face up so you look into his eyes.

For the first time in days you could see how sad and worried Loki really was. All this time he had been able to hide it very well but now, minutes before the moment that would define weather you were going to live or not, he couldn't pretend anymore. It was too much for him as well.

With a quick move Loki took you into his arms and hugged you tight. You hugged him back and for a second you felt like that moment could last for ever. Being into the arms of the man you loved made you feel so much safer, as if the world was not the worst place anymore.

"Hey, y/n..." Pietro's voice suddenly brought you back to reality.

You immediately pulled away from Loki's hug and wiped some tears off your cheeks. Pietro looked at you with a sad expression on your face and you decided to stand up. Loki stayed sited and looking at the floor.

"What is it Pietro?" You asked him with a pretend smile.

"Look, y/n, I just really needed to apologise."

"Why on earth would you need to apologise?" You let out a small laugh. Half fake.

"Because if you didn't have to save me in the mission this wouldn't be happening right now." He stuck his gaze on the floor, afraid to look you in the eye.

"Pietro, no. You have nothing to be sorry for okay?" You got a little closer and put your hand on his shoulder. "Look my time was limited from the beginning."

"Yes but-" He tried to speak but you cut him.

"No buts. I just used a little bit too much magic on the mission and my time was up a little sooner than we had expected. That means nothing, do you understand me? It could've happened at any moment during that chaos."

Pietro continued looking sad and avoided eye contact with you or Loki, who had now stood up as well, looking at the worried kid in front of you.

"Listen I understand that you feel like you are the reason we are in this situation but that is really not true." Loki suddenly said with a calm voice. "This was going to happen sooner or later and arguing over whose fault it was is pointless."

"Loki is right. One way or another I was going to have to do this. So don't blame yourself Pietro."

You stood before him for a second and you both stared into eachother's eyes. Pietro was still very concerned, he believed this was all his fault. The thoughts inside his head were a chaos of guilt and sadness. You wanted to say something to make him feel better but you just couldn't find the words.

The kid had strong and pure feelings for you. He considered you a close friend by now. Of course it was natural given that fact that you were the only one who embraced him and his sister immediately. And you were the only one the both of them trusted form the beginning. The truth was that you considered him a very close friend as well. He was an excellent person and so was his sister.

His carrying for you really moved you. He knew you for so little but cared for you as much as the rest of your family. Without a second thought and as you started feeling a tightness on your neck you pulled Pietro into a tight hug. For a second he was shocked but then he hugged you back.

A few moments later you both pulled away. You looked into his eyes one last time before the spell started.

"Thank you." You told him with a sweet smile. "It feels so nice to know that you too got my back. The team's support gives me so much more strength."

You turned around to look at your family. They were all ready, standing around the two tables, looking at you. Most of their looks were of proudness, they were all so proud of you for being so strong. But at the same time they were worried, they wouldn't show it but they were.

You walked to the middle of the room and finally layed on the empty bed next to the body. Wanda was already next to you, giving you a big warm smile. Your heart was beating fast but now that was it.

That was the moment that everything was going to be over, one way or another.

You took a few last deep breaths and finally closed your eyes. At that moment all that was left for you to do was to relax and just accept whatever was coming your way. No matter what was going to happen this was the end of something;

The end of having to share your body with an evil twin.

The end of having to share your mind with someone who constantly trying to harm the people that you loved.

Or maybe another end, one that you didn't want to think about. And so you didn't.

Whether the end was going to come by you dying in the process did not concern you at all anymore. All you wanted was for an end to come.

Once everyone was ready the spell was about to start. You family hugged you one by one, for the last time before exciting the room and going behind a safety glass that Tony had put on for their own protection. The only people in the room now were you, Loki, Wanda and Frey's soon-to-be new body.

You felt just a little bit nervous while Loki prepared a few more thing for the spell but Wanda was the to gently hold your hand and caress your hair. She was really supportive during the whole time and was more sure than anyone that you were going to make it.

Once every last detail was ready Loki started the spell to sent you to Limbo. He put his palms close to the sides of your head but made sure that he wasn't touching your temples. This was actually a very important thing for the spell to work properly.

Loki's hands were steady and his expression was cold. He tried not to show any emotions in order not to upset you or ruin the spell but you knew him better than that.

Loki was the one person in whose mind you were never able to properly enter. Although it didn't take you long to realise your didn't need to. You and him had a connection different than any other. Your relationship was special and you didn't need any kind of mind reading trick to know how he was feeling.

For a second before he started saying the words of the spell he looked down at you and you immediately smiled at your prince. Your smile made him instantly feel better and more confident about his spell. He smiled back at you.

"See you on the other side love." He said and closed his eyes, officially starting the spell.

"See you in a few minutes." You smiled and closed your eyes as well.

It didn't take longer than a minute for your soul to be completely detached from your body. When you opened your eyes again you were, for one more time, in Limbo, only this time, it looked quite different.

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