Infinity || Harry Potter

Por kinsweasley

258K 5.4K 2.2K

I hope she is alright, wherever she is. I can't lose anyone else I love, specially not her. She is my 'first'... Más

About Y/N
Hogwarts letter
Diagon Alley
Platform 9¾
Sorthing Hat
Getting along
Sirius Black
Padfoot? Sirius Black?
Full Moon
Going Home.
Ash Letter
World Cup
Jealousy Jealousy
The Triwizard Tournament
Goblet of Fire
First Task
Yule Ball
Black Lake
Calming Draught
Final Task
Back to Hogwarts
Dumbledore Army?
Room of Requirements
Christmas At Manor
Going Back
pink women!
late night craving
Date with Harry?
Telling Friends
Prank On Draco
Expecto Patronum
Vanishing Cabinet
Hogwarts Express
Cursed Necklace
Slughorn's invitation
Christmas Party
Back Home
Astronomy Tower
A.P.W.B Dumbledore
Severus Snape
Back to Hogwarts
Atlantes Thana
Atlantes's story
Hogwarts isn't Hogwarts
Back to the hell
What's going on?
Marriage proposal
Luna Lovegood
Running the hell out
Dobby the free elf
Bellatrix's Vault
Aberforth Dumbledore
The War Begin
War's downfall
War bring death
Y/N Malfoy
The one that got away
Another Ending!

Joining Umbridge

2.2K 51 11
Por kinsweasley

(This chapter is edited)

As usual I was late for breakfast. When I reach the hall only a few students were still there including Harry and Ron. I walked towards them

"Mind if I sit?" I asked the two

Harry looked at me and smile "sure" he replied while Ron nodded "where's Hermione?" I asked as the three of them are always together

"Studying for O.W.Ls," Ron said with food in his mouth "Crap! I completely forgot" I gasped "In defence against the dark arts,
you said you already studied" harry raised his eyebrow

"I did, but I have to revise" I told him "Bloody hell, not other Hermione," Said Ron and I just rolled my eyes

"Pancakes?" question Harry "why not" he gave some pancakes to me and I started eating

Then an owl dropped the letter in front of me "who's it from?" Asked Harry "donno" I started opening it

Where are you? I haven't seen you from two days, meet me in the common room at 3 pm It's about our club


The letter was from my brother. He is so dramatic. He is too lazy to find me so he is sending letters now...

I didn't realise that Harry was reading my letter "who's DM?" He asked.

I hate when people peek into my stuff. I don't care who it is I just don't like it

I decided to play with him "someone" I smirk harry look at me "someone who?" Aw, he looks kinda cute when he is jealous

"Someone I love" it's true what I said. I love Draco, he is my brother but Harry doesn't know that I am talking about Draco

He blinked and started eating. I chuckled "Harry!" he looked at me "Wot!" oh damn

I couldn't help but start laughing "It's from Draco" I stated in between my laughs "Draco Malfoy. DM"

"don't do that with me," he said "says you, who was peeking" he rolled his eyes

I didn't realise that Ron already left. It was only me and harry now

"Harry about Umbridge" he looked at me "are you sure?" I asked.

he nodded "yes but if you don't want then it's alright" I shook my head

"It's fine. I get what you were saying" he smiled "you can tell Hermione and Ron " he looked at me confused "they do deserve to know" he nodded

"Which class you got?" Harry asked "Charms," I told him "same. Let's walk together" I nodded

I and Harry were walking and discussing stuff. I felt a hand over mine. From the corner of my eyes, I saw harry connecting our hands.

Ah, butterfly's in my stomach...

We reach outside the call "and here we are" I giggle harry turn to face me and slowly kissed me

There were a few students who gasped and started whispering. I can't care less about them. The only thing I know is that Harry Potter never failed to give me butterfly's


I reach the common and room and Draco was waiting for me "what do you want to talk about?" I asked "Are you planning on joining--" I brush him off "I will join"

"Y/n think about...What?"

"Don't make me repeat it" he rolled his eyes "Well then let's go to her office" I nodded

I wanted this thing to over soon

We left the common room and soon Alexander and Blaise approach us. Draco started talking with Blaise and Alexander walked towards me

"Hello, gorgeous" Alex winked at me making me roll my eyes "I do have a name try to use it sometimes" I told him

"Everyone call you by your name. I won't, so people know that we have a special bond"

special bond?

"We don't have a special bond" i snapped. What he thinks of himself? Yes, he may be all handsome and stuff but that doesn't mean he could -

"Here we are" Blaise's voice interrupted my thoughts. He open the door and we all went inside that psycho's office

"Miss Malfoy have a site" I sat on one of the chairs while the others were standing back

She was making tea "what changed your mind?" She asked "I thought about what you said and as a true Slytherin I wanted to join you" she faked smiled. Agh!

"Hm... here, drink it" Umbridge offered me the tea she was preparing. I looked at the tea I know there's Veritaserum in it. I looked to my left and saw the boys already looking at me

"I don't drink tea professor" I shook my head "then you should start drinking it" she offered it again.

I slowly picked the cup and last time looked at Draco before drinking it.

I took a sip "well?" Umbridge said very curiously

I don't think anything happened because I took the tiniest sip of my life but it's a veritaserum so why doesn't I feel something.

"You should drink more" it was Alexander Nott who said it. I glanced at him

I took another sip and looked at Umbridge "Miss Malfoy why are you here?" She asked "To join you" I replied calmly

Thanks, Merlin it was true. The Veritaserum is working

"Well, Are you doing this for... " but before she could finish the sentence the door opened

"Professor I am here for my detent..." It was Harry but he stopped as he saw what was happening

He looked at me and I gave him a help-me face

"And....professor McGonagall....wants Y/n" Harry told Umbridge.

Yes! Thank you believe me if I could then I would have kissed him right now


"We will continue this later Miss Malfoy," Umbridge said. I rolled my eyes and stood up

I walked towards the door where Harry was "I wanna kiss you right now" I whispered so only he can hear. I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT OUT LOUD. Damn Veritaserum is still there

To my surprise, Harry replied "don't be shy come on" I went red "Don't play with me, potter. I will bite you" my eyes widened.

What am I saying! Salazar Help

Draco grab my arm and took me outside. But soon the boys went to the common room and I went to the library to study for my N.E.W.T and O.W.L.s

Umbridge must be giving a hard time to harry. Last time that psycho use the blood quill on the poor boy.


Not the best one

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