Olivia Benson x Reader one-sh...

By marchtomydrums

91K 1.5K 51

Just a series of short stories between you and our favorite detective. Some stories are rated M. (**) While o... More

That ass is mine
Bad Mom
Does it bother you?
Questions. *
Captain. **
Big Brother.
Pillow Princess.
You're worth it.
No comparison
Six days
Forever Home
Prized Whore
Just The Way You Are
Speak Up
This Close
Watch the Movie
Just doing my job
Good morning


4.1K 68 0
By marchtomydrums

It's 2 am and you're wide awake laying flat on your back looking up at the Ceiling. You've been debating for 30 minutes if you should wake Olivia or not. She's been working a lot this week and she's finally getting rest so you feel guilty for even thinking of waking her but there's a problem.

You're currently four months pregnant and you woke up with a craving. This has been happening a lot recently. It seemed no matter how much you eat you still feel like you're starving. Your dreams were filled with candies, savory and sweet treats all taunting you. Groaning you roll over to look at Olivia her face completely relaxed as she slept peacefully. You felt so guilty but the carvings were overwhelming.

"Liv," you whispered to your wife. Olivia made no movements.

"Olivia," you said once more shaking her a little. Brown eyes opened and confusion was evident on her face.

"Mm, yeah babe," Olivia said rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Rolling over on her side to see you better she gives you a small smile

"You okay baby?"
"What's wrong?"
You look at her with a sad smile and guilt swimming in your eyes.
"I'm hungry."
"Okay, you want me to go into the kitchen and get you something?"
You shake your head no when a wave of sadness washed over you causing a flood of heavy tears.
"Why are you crying, love?" Olivia asked gently stroking your cheek with the palm. You try to stop your tears and take deep breaths so you could speak to Olivia.

"I... I woke up with a cr..craving and what I want isn't in h..here," you tell her hiccuping your words.
"It's at the store, and I didn't want to wake you, and now I... I feel bad." you finally get out.

Olivia looks at you with an amused expression trying to control her laughter.
"Baby, it's okay. I'll go get whatever you want." Olivia leans in to kiss your lips and then your forehead.
"Okay. Tell me what you want and I'll go get it."
You sit up in the bed cutting on the lamp on the side table.
"I'll come with you. That way I won't feel so bad that you have to go." of course Olivia protests but it's no use. So now the two of you are walking down the street to the store. Hand in hand both smiling at each other, as they caught each other starting.

Walking into the store you go straight to the back where the freezer is. You snatched up the item and headed off to another aisle. Olivia follows behind you quietly, amused by your behavior and curious to see your selection. When you're done you both head to the register. Olivia sees the three items and starts laughing.
"You really woke up for some cookie dough, pickles, and hot sauce? " Olivia asked. Your cheeks turned pink and you ducked your head laughing.
"It's what I want," you mumble shrugging your shoulders.  Olivia chuckles paying the man and walking out of the store with you.

Walking back to the apartment Olivia tugs on your hand.
"I get to have some of this since I had to wake up at 2 am right?" she asked you laughing.
"Can we share it in bed?" you ask smiling. Olivia laughs loudly shaking her head yes as she leads you into your home.

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