This Won't End Well

By acevrb

30.9K 1.6K 6.1K

Gon just got dumped by his girlfriend of two years over text. Forget getting your heart broken- his just got... More

1: How To Use Cherry Garcia Ice Cream and Avatar to Drown Out Your Emotions
2: How To Make "Friends"- The Gon Method (not guaranteed to work)
3: How To Force Your Neighbor To Have Lunch With You
4: How To Shop For Couches With Your Picky Neighbor
5: How To Build A Couch (while your neighbor hands you stuff)
6: How To Cure "Boredom"
7: How To Shop for Groceries- Gon Style (a.k.a, everything goes wrong)
8: How To Get Patched Up
9: How To Lose Your Appetite
10: How To Get The Power Back On
11: How To Break-Up Sibling Rivalry
12: How To Take Your Neighbor To Lunch
13: How To Chase Off a Harasser
14: How To Swim
15: How To Overthink Everything
16: How To See The Stars
17: How To (attempt to) Drive
18: How To Start World War III From The Comforts of Your Own Home
19: How To Get Patched Up pt.2
20: How To Call a Cease Fire
21: How To Succeed When The Universe Has It Out For You
22: How To Make Pancakes At 3am
23: How To Conduct an Interrogation
24: How To Just Talk
25: How To Have a Impromptu Therapy Session
27: How To Wake-Up Right (highly recommended)
28: How To Kick Someone When They're Down

26: How To Have a First Date

1.1K 56 275
By acevrb

"Brief" recap since it's been a hot minute:
Okay so Retz broke up with Gon over text and Gon just tried to suppress how he was feeling about it. Then Killua moved in and Gon practically annoyed him into being friends. They got into a fight at a grocery store where Gon punched a homophobe, Illumi showed up and was an asshole, Hisoka hit on Gon (of course), Gon and Killua broke into a pool to go night swimming and got chased by a security guard, went to the planetarium, and yeah. And on the side, Kurapika and Gon were fighting a lot over multiple things, namely because Kurapika thought Gon was using Killua to get over Retz. Then, they eventually made up and shit (after a lot of fighting). And after 21 chapters, lots of interruptions, and a whole lot of angry people in my comments, Gon and Killua finally kissed. And then they made pancakes at 3am where Gon promised Killua (who was overthinking and very anxious that Gon was using him or was gonna leave him or that Gon didn't actually like him), that he actually liked him a lot and wouldn't do anything to fuck what they had up. And he says he's going to take him out on a date the next day. The next morning, which is a few hours later, Retz shows up and apologizes to Gon and gives him an explanation why she broke up with him. Then, after asking if he was seeing anyone else and Gon answering no, she asks to get back together with him. She then leaves Gon, who doesn't say yes or no to her offer, but before she does, she tells him that she still loves him, to which Gon doesn't answer either. Then Kurapika and Leorio get home and Gon tells them everything, and they call him out on his bullshit and tell him he needs to tell Killua what happened. Gon then explains he likes them both and doesn't know what to do, but agrees to tell Killua on their date later that night. And that's where we are folks! It's good to be back :)

His eyes wandered all over his reflection in the mirror. Nothing was good enough for tonight, but this outfit would have to do. It was only about the hundredth one he'd tried on, after all. He had on a pair of off-white colored jeans and a brown turtleneck. His jeans were cinched with a black belt. And, of course, he had on his green converse. He ran a hand through his hair, which wasn't gelled back like usual. He knew it looked better this way, but it came with the price of strands of hair constantly falling in his eyes and across his face. It was the only reason he never wore it down like this. It drove him crazy.

He turned on his heel and inspected his room. Clothes and outfits deemed not good enough were strewn across every piece of furniture and covered nearly every square inch of his bedroom. His eyebrows furrowed as he thought about having to clean the room whenever he got home. Letting out a deep sigh, he moved his head around in circles to try to relieve the tension in his shoulders. All-day, besides the morning, had been spent setting up this upcoming date. Not to brag (but definitely to brag), he was pretty proud of what he'd come up with on such short notice. It was simple, but that was the beauty of it. It was exactly what they needed. They couldn't just be wreaking havoc, and starting fights left and right all day, every day. No, society would crumble.

He shot a glance at the clock, realizing he had a little less than ten minutes to get mentally prepared and get to Killua's apartment to pick him up. The last part was easy; they lived hardly five feet away. But the first part? Gon had better luck learning how to fly.

Gon's mind was frenetic, cruising a solid hundred miles per hour in a school zone. Just trying to process everything that had happened in the past forty-eight hours was taking up all the brain cells he had left, which wasn't a lot. From kissing Killua, to setting up a date for the two of them, to Retz unexpectedly showing up at his doorstep, her wanting to get back together and kissing him, and him and Kurapika fighting again, Gon was having trouble believing that this was his life and not some shitty story written by an amateur author who liked to see their characters suffer. He rubbed his temples, trying to ease his pounding headache.

"I need drugs," He grumbled to himself before exiting his room. Upon walking into the common area, he saw none other than Kurapika and Leorio curled up on the couch. How surprising.

"Hey, Kid," Leorio greeted, turning his head to acknowledge Gon. "Wow, you clean up nice," He said with a whistle.

"I try," Gon said with an exhale. He walked over to the medicine cabinet, grabbed two maximum strength Excedrin, and then took one more. He took a glass from the kitchen shelf and filled it with water, gulping the headache medicine and water down like his life depended on it.

"You good?" Leorio asked, tilting his head curiously. "Anything the resident doctor can help with?"

Gon shook his head and plastered a smile onto his face. "Nope. All good," He cheered. Kurapika scoffed, still refusing to spare him a glance.

"You know, I heard somewhere that being a lying, manipulative asshole can give you headaches," He quipped in a low, reserved voice. Good to know they were back on the battlefield.

"Did you learn that through personal experience?" Gon snapped, scowling at Kurapika coldly.

Kurapika opened his mouth to retort, but Leorio beat him to it. "Not tonight," He grumbled, looking between the two.

"I just want to know if this dumbass is gonna tell the boy he's manipulating the truth," Kurapika sighed innocently.

Gon rolled his eyes and exhaled through his nose sharply. "First off, I'm not manipulating him. Secondly, I said I'd tell him, didn't I?" He responded, rinsing his glass and putting it in the left side of the sink.

"A lot of shit comes out of your mouth," Kurapika taunted, crossing his arms from where he sat on the couch.

"I wonder where I learned that from," Gon scoffed under his breath, not going unheard by Kurapika, who finally shot him a cold glare.

Leorio sat up, sensing it was time for him to interject again. "Hey you two, that's enough. Gon knows what he did was wrong. He's trying to make it right but let's not make him feel worse than he already does, okay Sunshine?" Leorio pleaded, looking at Kurapika with a weak smile.

Kurapika shook his head and narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend. "Don't Sunshine me. Why are you always taking his side?" He snapped, throwing a hand in Gon's direction.

"That's not-"

"If the next words out of your mouth are 'that's not true' then don't waste your breath,"  Kurapika growled threateningly. The two continued bickering as Gon's skin grew hot. This entire scene made him tense up and made his head pound more than before. He didn't like to see the previously happy couple fight over him. He was just fucking up relationships left and right.

As they were too focused on each other, Gon seized the opportunity to flee the scene. He silently opened the door and slipped out without making a sound. He shut the door quietly before leaning against it and letting out a listless sigh. That'll be fun coming home to.

He buried his face in his hands and shook it back and forth. "How did everything get so messed up so quickly? Things- things were getting better," He mumbled to himself, lamenting in his own pain. He knew he shouldn't fight with Kurapika, especially not so blatantly. But he couldn't do anything else. His mind was so...loud. That was really the only word for it. He couldn't think of anything else besides how much Retz screwed him over again and how if she had just stayed away, things would be okay. Kurapika and Gon wouldn't be fighting again after putting so much work into making up. Gon wouldn't be on his way to possibly ruin his relationship with his favorite person at the moment. If she just stayed away, if she didn't kiss me, if she didn't break up with me in the first place, if she had never told me she still loved me, I wouldn't be in this situation or so confused. Dammit. This is all her fault.

Gon shook his head again, picking it up and hitting it slightly against his door in an attempt to quiet his thought process. Stop throwing yourself a pity party. Tonight's gonna be great. This is Killua we're talking about, Gon tried to tell himself, but he wasn't entirely convinced. He couldn't stop thinking that he was on his way to burn his last bridge and nothing scared him more. He didn't want to lose anyone else from his life.

Nonetheless, he picked himself up and turned on his heel to face Killua's door. He put one foot after the other, and with a few shaky steps, he reached Killua's door. He took a shaky breath and balled his hand into a fist, letting it linger in the air. His heartbeat rang out in his ears and could be felt everywhere in his body. His mind was racing, new thoughts and stimuli coming in at one hundred miles per hour. In short, he was the most nervous he'd ever been. Or rather, excited? The difference was only slightly discernible, so much so that it escaped Gon.

Here goes nothing. Gon finally brought himself to let his knuckles hit the wood of Killua's door, repeating the motion a few times.

"Uhh, yeah, one second-," Killua called back, his voice cracking before being cut off with a loud bang and cursing. Gon laughed to himself a little as it was obvious that he wasn't the only one who was scrambling.

Gon anxiously shifted his weight from side to side, rocking himself with the soles of his feet. He let his head fall back and released another sigh, trying to calm his nerves.

As he heard the door open in front of him, he snapped his head back upright, plastering a nervous smile on his face. His expression completely dropped as he couldn't do anything but stare.

"Hey. Sorry for the wait, I was just finishing getting ready," Killua greeted him somewhat out of breath. Killua had on a loose, white, long-sleeved, collared shirt and a dark blue and purple sweater vest over it. He wore a pair of black, baggy jeans with a pair of hightops- much like Gon's but black and less battered. His nails adorned a fresh coat of black nail polish, no longer chipped and messy. A long silver necklace with some charm Gon didn't recognize hung low from his neck, glinting in the hallway lighting. His hair was brushed out of his eyes and was somewhat tamed for once.

Gon's stunned expression was replaced by a dopey smile. "Uh, yeah, I- no, it's totally fine," Gon trailed off, still staring at Killua with admiration. Killua fiddled with the chain around his neck, moving the charm from one side of the necklace to the other repeatedly. He was practically squirming under his gaze. "You look, uh, I don't- I don't have the right words for it," Gon mumbled out breathlessly.

Killua gave him a lighthearted scoff. "I was able to make the great and talkative Gon speechless? I must look good then," Killua teased him with a smirk.

"Oh you have no idea," Gon replied. Killua's smirk disappeared at the genuine tone of Gon's voice and was replaced by a soft smile.

Seeing that expression on Killua's face was enough to alleviate all of Gon's anxiety. Finally, he felt like he could breathe again, only after getting the wind knocked out of him by Killua, of course. His heart was pounding but in a good way. Not the anxious feeling that made Gon ask himself, 'am I about to die?' No, it was a feeling that made Gon know he was alive. He was genuinely excited. His smile widened at the realization.

"Well, you don't look too bad yourself," Killua managed to piece together. He carefully looked Gon up and down, being careful not to give it away that he was without a doubt checking him out and internally dying. Keyword: internally. And that's where his panic needed to stay.

Gon laughed and took a step closer to Killua. "C'mon, is that the best I'm gonna get? 'Not too bad?' I left my hair down for you," Gon exasperatedly pointed out. As soon as he said that, a stray piece of hair fell in front of his face.

Killua shook his head and smiled before turning his gaze to Gon. "And it looks very...." Killua paused mid-sentence to brush a piece of hair from Gon's face with his hand. "...nice," He continued after the strand had been returned to its rightful place.

Gon's heart faltered slightly at the gesture. "I'll take it," He smiled with satisfaction.

Gon reached down and took Killua's hand, interlacing their fingers. He felt Killua tense at the initial touch before eventually relaxing.

"C'mon, we should get going," Gon cheered with a bright smile, pulling Killua down the apartment hall.

Killua conceded, letting himself be dragged by Gon. "Where are we going anyway? You still haven't told me."

"That's for me to know and you to find out," Gon replied. He had a hard time keeping it under wraps, but he knew it would be better if it was a surprise.

"You have a real flare for the dramatics, you know that?" Killua griped back.

Gon gave a soft laugh at the comment. "It's gonna be great, just be patient."

"I'm sure it will be," Killua replied with sarcasm coating his words.

Gon sowed his pace so that they were now walking side by side. "What, don't you trust me?"

Killua rolled his eyes. "Hardly," Completely. Gon just laughed and pulled Killua closer to him.

The two walked downstairs hand in hand. The old, yellow glow of the lobby lighting contrasted with the black evening sky seen through the windows. They walked towards the front door, and as they got closer, Gon let Killua's hand go as he went ahead to open the door for them. He gestured in front of himself, signaling for Killua to go first.

"Such a gentleman," Killua cooed sarcastically with narrowed eyes before eventually walking through the door first.

After Killua had walked through, Gon hurried after him, letting the door to the complex shut after him. He caught up to Killua and wrapped an arm around his waist.

He leaned close to Killua's ear. "Only for you," Gon whispered in a low tone. Killua's breath caught in his throat as he tried to maintain his composure. Gon smiled to himself as Killua refused to so much as turn his direction before he removed his hand from Killua's waist and took his hand again.

Internally, Killua was fighting for his life. He could feel his mind screaming every time Gon got too close, which was more often than you'd think, considering his lack of recognition for others' boundaries.

"Here, my truck is just up ahead," Gon said, fishing his key out of his pocket with his free hand. He unlocked his truck and separated hands with Killua to walk to the opposite sides of the car.

Once they were both inside and buckled up, Gon started the car and reversed out of the parking lot.

"How long is the drive to this mysterious date site anyways?" Killua asked, looking at Gon curiously. He leaned on the center console and propped his head up with his hand.

"Just twenty or thrifty minutes," Gon guessed.

"Just? That's long enough to take us out of the city," Killua pointed out.

"Well, yeah, that's kinda the point," Gon smiled.

"So our date is outside of the city?" Killua asked, to which Gon replied with a nod. "Wanna tell me what it is yet?"

Gon laughed and shot Killua a quick, bright smile. "Not a chance. You can keep trying but you're not gonna get it out of me," Gon resisted. The honest truth was he was brimming with excitement. So much so that if Killua kept asking, he would for sure crack.

"You're so stubborn I swear it's actually painful sometimes," Killua groaned, rubbing his temples.

"Hey, you knew that before agreeing to go on a date with me," Gon pointed out.

"Doesn't mean I have to like it," Killua grumbled.

"Oh you love it, don't lie," Gon persisted with a smirk, teasing Killua.

"In your dreams, idiot," Killua said, shaking his head and hiding his smile from Gon. He turned to look out the window. He gazed at all the lit-up buildings they passed by and the pedestrians who were walking about.

Gon smiled as he looked at Killua. It felt inconceivable that they had grown so comfortable around each other. He still remembers how resistant Killua was to just acknowledge his existence. But now, they were sitting in comfortable silence, just enjoying being together. And even now that they were... well, whatever their uncertain status was, they were still able to just have fun with each other. It was reassuring in the sense that although things had undeniably changed between them, it was all for the better. They were still able to be themselves around each other.

And then the thought reappeared: Gon was going to have to ruin this happy little state of theirs. His face automatically dropped, and his stomach became a bottomless pit. Nothing sounded worse than that.

The rest of the drive was mostly quiet, except for the music from the car radio and a few sporadic conversations between the two. At one point, Gon gave Killua a detailed TedTalk about how he used to determine which plants were poisonous or not in his hometown. Killua was genuinely surprised he managed to live this long.

No more than thirty minutes later, they had reached the spot Gon had been protecting with his life. Killua couldn't see much because it was dark, but they seemed to be in the epicenter of nowhere, surrounded by dense trees and possibly ax murders.

"Gon, where are we?" Killua asked, keeping his eyes glued to the scenery outside.

"Somewhere," Gon replied.

"Remind me why I agreed to this?" Killua groaned, leaning back in his seat.

Gon laughed to himself and put the truck in park before turning it off and taking the keys out of the ignition. He leaned across the console and smiled at Killua, getting dangerously close to his face.

"Because you like me," He cooed with a smirk.

Killua rolled his eyes and pushed Gon away from him. "I guess no one's perfect," He retorted.

"Mm, I know someone who is," Gon smiled before opening his door and hopping out of the truck. He walked around to the other side to greet a very stunned Killua, who was still having trouble keeping up with Gon's comments.

Gon opened the door for Killua and held out his hand to him. "C'mon, I thought you were so anxious to see what I had planned for us," He prompted. Killua turned his attention to Gon, his heart still fluttering in his chest.

Killua took Gon's hand and got out of the truck, standing next to Gon. They intertwined their fingers, and after locking the car, Gon led Killua up a small path.

Killua was just about to ask how much longer before they came to a clearing in the trees, and Gon spoke up. "We're here," He said, turning to face Killua with a smile. Killua walked to Gon's side and his heart, which had been fluttering all night, immediately stopped. He wanted to respond to Gon, but he seemingly forgot how to speak.

In front of the two was a cliff adorned with a full picnic blanket. On the checkered surface, there were two plates and sets of silverware, as well as a covered bowl, two sodas, and some chocolate dessert that Killua couldn't make out from where he stood. But what really caught Killua was the view.

The cliff overlooked the city, which was illuminated with lit-up skyscrapers that were tearing holes in the clouds and climbing up to the heavens. Billboards and colorful signs painted the sky-line a wide array of colors, looking chaotic yet breathtaking in the best way possible. Everything was so small from where they were, but it shined just as bright as if they were on the streets of the city.

Above them, the stars managed to find their way through smog and clouds, shining brightly. The moon made its appearance, too, its crescent shape looking like an all-knowing smile. They were far enough away from the city that the sky above them wasn't polluted to the brink with smog and chemicals. Even the fresh, cool summer breeze blew all around them, carrying no smells of disgust or filth.

"Gon..." Killua started, unable to finish his sentence. This was the nicest, most beautiful thing anyone had ever done for him. No one had ever shown him kindness like Gon did, at least not without expecting something in return. He honestly didn't know if he could trust it or not. But for better or for worse, he decided to trust Gon.

The city's lights reflected in Killua's eyes, and the cool summer breeze made his hair dance in the wind. He wore such a soft expression on his face, Gon couldn't help but smile to himself. How the hell did I get so lucky?

"C'mon, sit down," Gon prompted, leading the two over to the picnic setting. The light from the night sky and far off yet powerful city were enough for the two. Up close, Killua could see the layout better. The previously unknown dessert was two cupcakes, one for each. The large pot, still covered, smelled of their shared favorite food: mac and cheese.

Killua sat on one end of the blanket, and Gon sat on the other. Only upon sitting down did Killua notice that Gon had put flowers on his side of the blanket. The gesture in totality made his heart flutter again, and Killua wasn't sure if he liked the feeling or not. But, he was growing to like it more and more. It was new and unique to Gon because he was the only one who had ever made him feel this way. A little scary, granted. Okay, maybe more than a little. It was terrifying. But, Killua wanted to trust Gon. He had been so reserved to trusting anyone for so long now that he forgot how harrowing it was. But, it was getting easier and easier. And he was becoming happier and happier.

"Gon, I don't know what to say," Killua mumbled, looking at the blanket, then at the view, then back at Gon. He had a soft smile on his face as his eyes met Killua's.

"Now you know how I felt when I first saw you today," Gon said. Killua immediately felt his face go hot. So much for keeping the panic internal.

"How long did all of this take you?" Killua asked, begging to change the subject.

"Pretty much all day," Gon replied with a shrug. He opened the pot to reveal none other than mac and cheese. "Don't worry. It's Annie's," He said through a smile before putting some of the creamy noodles onto both of their plates.

"You really didn't have to do all this," Killua said, feeling guilty Gon had wasted an entire day on him.

"I know I didn't have to. But I wanted to," Gon replied, already shoveling mac and cheese into his mouth. After his first bite, he looked back up at Killua. "Trust me, the look on your face was worth it."

"So, where is this place? How did you even find it?" Killua asked as he started eating the cheesy pasta on his plate.

"I don't really know. When I moved here, I missed being outside and being able to actually see green instead of just cement. So, I drove to the outskirts of town and just kept driving until I found this place. It's really quiet, and I'm pretty sure it's private property. But, nothing has ever happened to me up here, and the police haven't caught me yet, so here we are," Gon added a laugh at the end to distract Killua from the illegality of their actions. This was starting to become a common theme of their adventures.

Killua looked at him unamused. "I swear if we get arrested...." He trailed off threateningly.

"I assume if that happens I'm not getting a second date," Gon said with a nervous smile.

"Not unless we want to have it in prison," Killua scoffed.

"So it's not off the table...."


"Kidding, kidding. I promise, I won't let the police catch us," Gon laughed. Killua nodded, satisfied with Gon's answer. "In all seriousness though, you're the first person I've ever brought up here. Not even Leorio and Kurapika know about this place."

Killua's head perked up at the last part. "Really?" Killua asked, somewhat taken aback.

Gon nodded his head. "Believe it or not, Killua, you're actually pretty important to me," He confessed. His tone was light but genuine to let Killua know he was serious.

He took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm not gonna drag this out because I'm quite literally the worst at being serious and stuff but, uh, you didn't know it at the time but when I met you I was kinda going through it. I had a, uh, a fallout with someone who meant a lot to me. In your own way, you were there for me. And again, you didn't realize it but being able to spend nearly every day with you really helped me. I think I'd still be wallowing in my own pity if you hadn't walked into my life. Well, I guess I forced my way into your life but you get the gist," Gon concluded, waving his hand dismissively at the last part.

Killua reached across the picnic and put his hand over Gon's other hand, which was propping him up. Gon was slightly taken aback by Killua initiating any sort of gesture, but he liked it. "Well, I for one am really glad you forced your way into my life. I... I wouldn't want it any other way," Killua replied, matching Gon's genuine tone.

They sat there for a moment, smiling at each other like two lovestruck idiots.

"Okay, enough with this sappy shit but, damn, now I feel kinda bad about being such an asshole towards you for the first few days," Killua groaned, removing his hand and leaning back on the picnic blanket.

Gon laughed. "The first few? You still are," He piped. Killua sat up and met Gon's eyes with a threatening stare. "Just kidding, you're lovely. You give Mother Theresa a run for her money," Gon added sarcastically with a smirk.

Killua looked at him, unamused. Gon laughed a little more before an intrusive thought started preying on his mind. Better enjoy this while you can. The second he finds out what you did, he'll leave you,

Gon's expression dropped, replaced by a distant look. His thoughts absorbed him so much that he didn't hear Killua try to get his attention the first few times.

"I'm sorry, what?" Gon replied, shaking his head to seemingly clear his thoughts,

"What's wrong?" Killua asked, genuine concern in his voice.

"Nothing. Nothing, don't worry," Gon said dismissively, waving his hand to emphasize his words.

"Clearly something is bothering you. Talk to me," Killua persisted, basically pleading. Even Gon knew he wasn't going to get out of this one with some half-assed lie. He'd been getting lucky up until this point.

Gon's breath hitched. He knew he'd have to finally tell Killua everything that happened eventually. He just didn't expect it to physically pain him. His stomach felt like a pit, or that his organs were tied in a neat little bow. Either way, he felt nauseous. His skin felt hot, and his chest felt tight. He chewed the inside of his lip till he tasted copper. There was no more running from this.

He let out a deep sigh before getting up from his side of the picnic blanket and walking over to Killua's. He saw Killua's expression grow confused and slightly worried as his eyebrows furrowed. Gon sat down next to Killua and fiddled with his hands.

"Killua, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now, but, uh..." Gon trailed off, trying to find his words. "The thing is, I-" He looked up to see Killua, who was blatantly worried. The soft expression he had worn for the majority of the night was gone. It made Gon's throat constrict at the sight, and he forgot how to speak.

The next words out of my mouth are going to hurt him. He won't want to be around me. He'll leave me. He's gonna hate me. I can't tell him this. I can't tell him. I don't want him to leave me. He can't leave me. I don't want anyone else to leave me. Gon's thoughts spiraled as he continued to stay quiet.

"Gon," Killua spoke up, putting a supportive hand over his. Gon looked up from the ground and met Killua's eyes. His expression had changed into a supportive smile. The corners were heavy, Gon could tell, but he was trying to show his support nonetheless. "Just tell me. It's alright," He implored.

I'm trying to tell him that I screwed him over, and he's still trying to be supportive? How the hell do I do this? I- I can't. Not yet. If I do it now, he'll leave me. I don't want to lose him. 

Gon nodded and took a deep breath. He looked up at Killua and plastered a grin on his face, one as convincing as he could manage. "Kurapika and Leorio kinda have this tradition where they have to meet all of my partners. It's this whole thing- it's a game night, actually. So, after Leorio saw us kiss, he wanted me to tell you that you have to come to our next game night!" Gon stammered out in one breath, his nervous smile never faltering.

Killua eyed him suspiciously. He couldn't decide if he trusted him or not. Gon sat there, squirming under his relentless glare, still wearing his nervous smile.

Killua scoffed and shook his head, adorning a relieved smile. "God, that's what had you so nervous? You moron, you scared me for no reason. I knew I was gonna have to meet them eventually," Killua sighed, relief evident in his voice. He let his head fall into his hands as he shook his head back and forth. "Jesus Christ, I thought you were gonna tell me something really serious or horrible," He groaned, his voice muffled through his hands.

"Sorry," Gon awkwardly chuckled. You're not wrong. I was gonna tell you something along those lines. I'm sorry, Killua, but I just can't do it yet.

"Okay, so, when is this trial by fire that had you so choked up," Killua asked, picking his head up now that his heart rate was back to normal.

"Uh," Gon started. "Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? Gon, why are you just telling me this now?" Killua nearly screamed. The expression on his face seemed to be stuck between wanting to murder Gon and wanting to sob to him.

"What's wrong with tomorrow?" Gon asked. Now Killua was leaning more towards killing him.

"You idiot, I don't know what to wear. Or what to say. Or how to act. I should bring something, right? I definitely should bring something considering they probably already hate m-"

"Killua," Gon cut his overwrought ramblings off by cupping Killua's face and turning it towards him.

"Just. Relax. Take a deep breath. They're gonna think you're great as long as you just come as your normal self. You know how I know that?"

"How?" Killua mumbled, his face still being cradled by Gon.

"Because I think you're great," Gon reassured him with a supportive smile. "But seriously, don't be scared because Kurapika can smell fear."

Killua's face scrunched as he pulled back out of Gon's grasp before socking him in the arm. Hard.

"Ow!" Gon whined, rubbing his arm.

"Not funny, asshole. I genuinely have to prepare for this. Some of us aren't as naturally charismatic as you. We actually have to think before we act, you should give it a try sometime," Killua huffed, scowling at Gon.

"Please, it's all part of my charm," He preened, smiling at Killua with a creased nose.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Is your stupidity part of the charm too?" He sniped.

"Hey-" As Gon was about to retort, tiny droplets started falling on the two's heads. Gon felt small puddles of water develop on his exposed skin. They both looked at the sky, rain now dripping on their faces.

The sky had turned a dark gray as water fell from the clouds. "It was clear just a second ago..." Gon trailed off in thought. The rain started pouring down harder, and soon Gon's hair was dripping water into his eyes and creating streams down his face. The now long strands of Killua's hair covered his eyes and were practically glued to his face. "Well, this wasn't on the forecast," Gon laughed, slicking back his hair and tilting his face towards the sky, letting the cool rainfall greet his face.

"We should probably pack up and get out of here," Killua offered. Gon nodded and stood up, packing the food into the basket while Killua packed up the picnic blanket. After everything was packed up, Gon and Killua ran to the truck, careful not to slip and fall.

As Gon and Killua reached the car, they threw all of their stuff in the back. It was already soaking wet, and they didn't have enough space inside the truck for it anyway.

Killua went to open his door but realized it was locked. "What gives, Gon. Open the truck so we can get out of here," He said, repeatedly trying to pry open the door.

"I agree, we should head out eventually but before we do that," He walked over to Killua, who watched him with confusion written across his face. He held out his hand to Killua. "Will you dance with me?" He offered with that million-dollar smile that Killua cherished so much.

"What?" Killua asked incredulously, looking at Gon's extended hand and then looking back at Gon.

"C'mon," Gon invited again.

"There's no music, though," Killua pointed out.

Gon pulled out his phone from his pocket and clicked on a song. Soft melodic music started coming from his phone. He turned the volume up and slipped the phone into the waistband of his pants in an attempt to save it from the torrential downpour. "Problem solved."

"But, it's raining," Killua said, gesturing to the sky as if it wasn't obvious enough.

"All the more reason to dance with me," Gon smiled. Killua looked around nervously before looking back at Gon.

Killua sighed. "I have no idea how to dance," He finally admitted, running out of reasons to refuse the boy in front of him.

"I'll lead," Gon said. Killua looked up at the sky once more before slicking his hair back and out of his eyes and grabbing Gon's hand in reluctant agreement. Gon pulled him close to himself, smiling as he did so. "Okay, this hand goes here," He instructed, taking Killua's right hand and placing it on his left shoulder. "My hand goes here," He added, placing his free hand around Killua's waist and resting it on his lower back, pulling him close to himself. "And then we just kinda sway to the music," Gon finished, leading their movements from a slow left to right circle.

Gon and Killua still held hands as Gon led their slow movements. They swayed calmly and lazily in the rain. It was probably cold out, but neither could tell since they were warm together. Killua closed his eyes and leaned his head against Gon's shoulder, facing away from him. Gon rested his head on Killua's as they continued their pattern of peaceful swaying. The rain around them wasn't heavy or loud enough to completely drown out the music from Gon's pocket but instead was a perfect accompaniment to the melody. Their movements were smooth and undeterred from the rain pooling at their feet. Nothing felt better than right now. They existed in their own little bubble, and nothing else mattered. Nothing else even existed besides the two.

"This is... nice," Killua said softly, just loud enough for Gon to hear.

Gon nodded his head against Killua's. "Mhm. Thanks for dancing with me," He mumbled in response, just as low as Killua's initial volume.

"Thanks for asking me to," He whispered back. "And for the rest of tonight," Killua added.

"Don't mention it. I'm just glad you wanted to go on a date with me," Gon smiled. Killua laughed slightly, catching Gon off guard. "Hmm? Why are you laughing?"

"It's just funny that you think I would ever not want to go on a date with you," Killua mumbled.

"Oh, so there'll be more dates?" Gon predicted, smiling to himself.

"As long as that's okay with you," Killua replied quietly.

Gon perked his head up, causing Killua to do the same. "Okay with me? Nothing would make me happier," Gon admitted, looking at Killua endearingly. He wore a soft smile, and Killua's expression was similar.  Gon leaned his forehead against Killua's, and they both closed their eyes, just relishing in the feeling of being with each other. At that moment, everything that had been devouring Gon's mind was quiet, replaced only by this picture.

The song was coming to a close, the final notes of the soft music trailing off. Gon tightened his grip on Killua and let his left shoulder fall, holding his and Killua's hands further above them. He let Killua lean back, feeling his grip tighten on Gon's hand and shoulder. As Gon dipped Killua, he felt his body tense. "Don't worry, I got you," Gon reassured him, laughing slightly to himself.

"I know, it was just... unexpected," Killua said, smiling up at the boy.

"I have to keep things exciting somehow, right?" Gon replied, still holding Killua from falling onto the ground.

"Yeah, you're pretty good at that huh, hotshot?" Killua said. The two laughed lightly at the nickname Killua gave Gon one of the first days they met.

Gon pulled Killua up, just slightly, so that their lips met. The feeling was, once again, unparalleled to anything Gon had ever felt. His brain felt fuzzy and warm, like anything out of this moment didn't exist. His body felt giddy and excited, like this was their first kiss all over again. Despite the rain and cool night air against his skin, he felt incredibly warm. He could stay in this moment forever.

Killua pulled back first, wearing a small smile, while Gon still held him in a dip. "We should start heading back. It's getting a bit titanic out here, no?" He said. And it was true, Gon hadn't even noticed, but the rain was falling down even harder than earlier.

"I guess you're right," Gon conceded. He pulled Killua back up, spinning him in the process. He finally let go of Killua's hand and unlocked the truck, allowing both of them to climb inside and drive away.

The two finally reached the complex, and after getting out of Gon's truck and hiking up to their floor, they walked hand in hand down the hall. They were still dripping from the sudden downpour, leaving small droplets on the floor as they walked. Gon's hair was slicked back from the rain, and Killua's was strewn across his face as he couldn't tame it. They were both freezing and soaked but were both smiling at each other like they had no cares in the world.

When they reached Killua's door, Gon shuffled his feet and shifted his weight. He didn't want the night to end, and he most certainly didn't want to go home.

"Hey, can I-"

"You wanna come inside, don't you?" Killua finished for him. He'd known Gon long enough to know that Gon was gonna stick around as long as he could. Of course, Killua would never admit this aloud, but he was starting to grow to like that.

Gon nodded his head with a smile. "If you don't mind," Gon replied.

Killua rolled his eyes and took out his keys, opening the door for the two of them. "I don't know why you're being so polite all of a sudden. It's almost like you didn't break into my apartment the first day we met," Killua grumbled, walking inside and holding the door open for Gon.

Gon followed him and went inside as Killua closed the door behind him. "That's a little... dramatic. I didn't break into your apartment," Gon said as he defended himself.

"Right, right. You just forced your way into my home without my permission," Killua sarcastically quipped.

"Yeah," Gon nodded.

"That- That's exactly what breaking and entering-" Killua let out a deep sigh and slicked back his hair from his face. "You know what. I'm not having this conversation with you. I'm gonna go get us some towels so we can dry off," He said before walking off into the bathroom.

He came back shortly after with a towel for Gon and a change of clothes for him. He tossed all of it to Gon before gesturing to his room. "I'm gonna change in the bathroom, you can change in my room," He said before walking off and closing the bathroom door behind him.

"Thanks," Gon called after him, making sure his voice was loud enough so that Killua could hear him.

Gon walked over to Killua's room and shut the door behind himself. His clothes had clung to his body and stuck to him like superglue because of the rain. It was tough to get them off but eventually, he did. He dried his body with the towel and slung it around his shoulders. Gon slipped on the gray sweatpants that Killua gave him and tied the string to cinch them at the waist.

"Hey, can I come in?" Killua asked from outside the bedroom door.

"Yeah," Gon answered as the door opened to reveal Killua. He had on a pair of black sweatpants and a black shirt. His breath hitched as he stared at a very shirtless Gon. His eyes tried to remain on Gon's face but kept wandering down to his toned arms and back and, of course, his abs. The panic had never been more external. He met Gon's eyes once more with red showing on his face.

Gon laughed to himself before slipping on the black shirt Killua had given him. "See something you like?" He teased, wiggling his eyebrows at Killua.

"Shut it," Killua ordered, still rubbing a towel through his hair.

Gon sighed contently before falling back onto Killua's bed with a thud against the mattress.

"Hey, idiot, your hair is still sopping. You're gonna get my bed all wet," Killua groaned. He walked over to Gon and took the towel from around his shoulders. He put the towel around Gon's hair and he rubbed his hands together, drying Gon's hair. Gon smiled and closed his eyes. When Killua was satisfied, he removed the towel and his hands. He tossed it over to the other side of the room and flopped down on the mattress next to Gon.

"There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about," Gon said, causing Killua to turn and look at him, but Gon was still looking at the ceiling. "Tomorrow night, when you meet Kurapika and Leorio, they're gonna ask us what we are. I just wanna make sure we're on the same page. Because we're dating, right? I mean, I know we went on a date and we kissed and stuff but are you okay with me calling you my boyfriend? God, I feel so stupid asking this. It's like I'm in high school all over again. But, I just want to make sure you're comfortable, or if we're moving too fast for you just-"

Killua cut him off by turning his face towards him and kissing him. Gon was shocked at first, tensing up a little before melting into it. This was the first time Killua had initiated a kiss. It felt like most of their other kisses- warm and fuzzy, intoxicating, and surreal. But it was also different. It made Gon happier than usual. He felt jittery and like his heart would either beat out of his chest or just flatline. Gon smiled into the kiss as he couldn't fight it off. He was just so genuinely happy to be here with Killua right now.

Killua pulled back first, a soft pink still apparent on his face. "Yes, I'm okay with that. It'd actually... make me really happy," Killua smiled. Gon's smile widened too, and he was practically beaming with joy.

After a few hours of talking about nonsensical things, Gon and Killua unintentionally drifted off to sleep, both with smiles practically engraved on their faces.

WC: 7,907(!)
A/N: Hey again. I'm really sorry I kinda disappeared off the face of the earth and left you guys high and dry. I didn't really intend to, it's just what ended up happening as a result of some stuff I have going on. I don't wanna get too into it, because this isn't really the time and place for that, but just remember to take care of your self and your mental health.
But on a happier note, thank you to everyone who kept reading this and commenting and voting, it meant a lot to me. We're up to 12k reads now?????? That's actually crazy. I'm so lucky to have so many patient and kind readers so thank you all. It genuinely means SO much to me you have no idea. Your comments were the only thing motivating me to keep writing this. So thank you guys <3
Anyhow, I hope you liked this long and long awaited chapter which was so hard for me to write for no good reason. The next chapter I'm hoping will be out next week or the week after that. I'm going slow to be mindful towards myself.
Last thing, thank you all again for being patient with me. I'm serious when I say it meant to so much to me.
Have a great day <

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