The Robinsons

By TerriAshFlow

16.9K 1.3K 251

The drama-filled lives of Drew Robinson and his family. The long-term battle between his wife, Alexandra and... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 7

450 32 6
By TerriAshFlow

Angel was having lunch with her mother,Florence, while she was on her break. Every now and then, Angel will invite her mom to lunch while she's on break. It was a great time for them to have mother-daughter time with one another without Angel's children being in the way.

"I'm just saying, sweetie, at this age, I thought you'd be married by now. I was a bit sad that you and Jordan didn't work out."

"Mama, Jordan and I weren't meant to be, so let's not dwell on the past. We're friends, but we certainly wasn't working out."

"But I will tell you, I do like Derrick. He's such a gentleman and I can tell he loves you."

"He does." Angel said. "He asked me to marry him."

Florence stared at her daughter in disbelief. "He what?"

"He asked me to marry him." Angel said.

"What? When?" Florence was excited.

"A few weeks ago." Angel answered. "I said yes, but I'm not sure about it."

"Why not?"

Angle shrugged, not knowing how to respond to the question. "I don't know." She hesitated to say. "I'm just not sure about marriage."

"You've been with this man for over five years and he wants to marry you. You two have gone through enough things together to be married, so why not marry him. Are you trying to make him a lifelong boyfriend, because I can tell you right now that won't last. He'll get tired of waiting and leave you."

"No. I don't want to make him wait any longer, but it's just the whole situation with his being Drew's brother and Zach's uncle."

"Oh don't let that stop you now, honey. If you just dunt want to get married, then don't. But I'm sure I know you and that you don't want to lose him altogether."

"I don't." Angel mumbled as she played in her food.

"Well it's time that you put your big girl panties in and make a move." Florence took a sip of her water.

"You're right." Angel stabbed one of her roasted potatoes with her form and stuck it in her mouth."

"Now that you have something to think about, how are my grandbabies?" She asked, changing the subject.

"They're good. They've been bugging be about going to their dad's to see their little sisters."

"sisters?" Florence questioned.

"Yeah, Jordan and his wife had another baby." Angel responded. "She's gorgeous."

"Y'all keep popping up with these babies, y'all killing me. You better not come up with another one." Florence pointed to Angel.

Angel chucked, "Don't worry about that happening, mama. My body won't let that happen."

"Mmm hmm, let you tell it. You said something very similar to that after Heaven was born."

Angel and her mother shared a laugh.

"I was on a different path in life at the time. Zach, was definitely unplanned." She admitted.

"Just keep in mind that Derrick doesn't have any children." She pointed out, "And he'll probably want some." She added.

"I sure hope not. I've been through three pregnacies, and that was enough." She reminisced on the birth of her three children. She glanced at her watch, "Oh shoot, I have to go back to work."

"Don't let me hold you up. I'll see you later, baby." Florence said as Angel stood up and kissed her mother's cheek.

Angel reached in her purse and pulled some cash out. "Here's for lunch." She sat the money in front of her mom.

"Oh, don't worry about it, I got it." Florence picked the money up and tried to give it back to Angel.

"No, I insist." Angel pushed the money away. "Love you, mama." She said as she walked away to the exit.


Angle picked JJ and Heaven up from camp. She had JJ in basketball camp and Heaven was in dance at Mya's studio for the summer.

During their ride home, Heaven said something to Angel that caught her off gaurd.

"Mommy, are daddy and Mya getting a divorce?"

"What?" Angel frowned, confused at the question.

"Heaven!" JJ blurted out as if she weren't supposed to say anything.

"What? I'm just aking mommy." She said.

"Where'd you get that from?" Angel asked.

"JJ told me."

Angel looked at JJ, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"What?" He shrugged.

"JJ why would you tell your sister something like that?" She asked.

"Because, I hear them arguing all the time while we were there." He responded. "And mom said she was leaving dad."

"It doesn't matter what you heard, they're adults and they were having an adult conversation, therefore it had nothing to do with you. You understand me?" She said.

"Yes, mama." He sighed and looked out the window, not wanting his mother to see his face.

"Now I don't want to hear neither one of y'all say anything about what's going on with them? Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am." They said at the same time.

The remainder of the ride home was silent. When they got home, Heaven wanted to call Mya.

"Don't you ask her anything about a divorce. Stay out of grown folks business little girl." Angel handed Heaven her cell phone.

Heaven took the phone and walked away. She called Mya and got an snwer after the first ring.


"Hey, mom." Heaven said with excitement.

"Hey, baby doll, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm fine. How's my little sister?" She asked.

Mya chuckled, "Which one?" She asked.

"I guess I can check on Faith too while I'm calling."

"Faith is fine and so is Zion." Mya repsonded. "How's your brother? Are y'all behaving?"

"He's good."

"How is camp going? I should be back some time soon." Mya said.

"Hard and it seems so long."

"You should be used to it. You've been dancing there for years."

"I know, but Ms. Veronica is tough. Almost as tough as you are."

Mya laughed. "Good. She's supposed to be."

"When can we come home?" Heaven asked.

"Um," Mya was expecting the question from her. "How about I talk to your parents about that? I don't mind you guys coming home, and I'm sure you want to see your sisters. I'll talk to your mom."

"Want me to give her the phone?" Heaven asked.

Mya chuckled lightly. "Yes."

Heaven gladly handed her mom the phone.

"Hello?" Angel said, putting the phone to her ear.

"Hey, girl, how are you?" Mya asked.

"I'm good." Angel responded. "How are you?"

"I'm good as well, thanks for asking." Mya said.

"I know Heaven probably put you up to something." Angle chuckled.

Mya chuckled as well, "You know it. She wants to come over and I told her I'll talk to you about that. I don't mind her coming. I've been meaning to call anyway. I know they're dying to see Zion and Faith."

"How are they?" Angel asked.

"They're good. Zion is growing like crazy over here and Faith is missing her brother and sister. Even though she just came from over there last week."

Angle laughed. "You know they're close. She loves her brother and sister."

"She does."

"But whenever you want them, I'll send them on that way." Angel said. "You know I don't have a problem with that."

"Okay, I can come pick them up later on today if that's fine. I need to get out the house." She said.

"Okay, I'll let them know to get ready." Angel said.


When Angel off the phone with Mya, she looked at Heaven, who was standing closeby. "Mya's coming to pick y'all up, so go get ready."

With excitement, Heaven dashed up the stairs and went to JJ's room.

"JJ, mom is coming to get us!" She said. "Get ready."

"I'm not going."

She lost a little excitement. "Why not?"

"I'm going to stay here." He said in a dreadful tone as he kept his focus on his game system.

"Why?" She asked.

"Heaven!" He was annoyed, "I'm staying here, now leave me alone." He nearly yelled. "Get out."

"Ew," she frowned, "What's wrong with you?" She mumbled as she walked out the bedroom.

She went to the guest room and stuffed her bag. Angel and Derrick lived together and had a four bedroom home. JJ and Heaven lived with their dad and step-mom, Mya, and when they stay with Angel, JJ would share the room with Zachariah and Heaven would stay in the guest room.

After another fifteen minutes, Angel walked in the bedroom where JJ was still playing the game.

"Son, Mya is coming to pick you guys up." She said. "She should be here soon, so you need to get ready."

"I'm not going. I want to stay here." He said.

"You Sure?" she asked. "I thought you would want to see your sisters and your dad."

"I do want to see my sisters." He mentioned and Angel was a bit confused.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Heaven yelled as she scurried down the stairs.

"I'll go speak." He said, pausing his game and getting off the game chair.

Angel followed him out the bedroom and they walked down the stairs.

"Mom!" Heaven hugged Mya, squeezing her tight.

"Okay, don't hurt her." Angel smiled.

Heaven looked at her baby sister. "Can I hold her?" She held her hands out.

"Here." Mya gave Zion to Heaven and greeted Angel and JJ.

"Where's Faith?" JJ asked.

"She's at home with your dad." Mya answered.

JJ's expression changed. "Oh."

"Are you guys ready?" Mya looked between Heaven and JJ.

"JJ's not coming." Heaven said as she played with Zion.

Mya looked at JJ, "why not? I thought you wanted to come home?"

"Nah, I'll stay with mama for a little while longer."

"Okay, sweetheart." Mya said, giving him a hug, kissing his forehead. "Love you kiddo."

"Love you too." He said with a half smile.

Angel couldn't put her finger on what was bothering him, but she wanted to know.

When Mya left with Heaven, JJ disappeared to his room and Derrick and Zach had just gotten home.

"Hey, mama's baby boy." Angel said to Zach as he hugged her.

"Mom, I'm not a baby. I'm seven." He said.

"I know, but you're my baby boy.

"But I'm not a baby." He argued.

Angel giggled. "okay, sweetheart. You're mommy's big boy. How does that sound?" she smiled.

"Better." He ran off and Derrick appeared.

"Hey, beautiful." He sat his briefcase on the floor and wrapped his arms around her, picking her up as he spun her around in a cirlce.

She squealed. "Ohh. Someone's happy to see me." She said when he put her down.

"I missed you." He said.

"Sweety, I just saw you this morning." she giggled as he kissed her neck.

"And I've been thinking about you ever since I left this morning." He whispered in her ear.

"Oh really?" She became flirty with him. "I'm glad you're home, because I want to talk to you about something."

His smile faded as he looked at her. He began to think of anything that he could have possibly done wrong, but there was nothing. "Baby, I swear, whatever it is, I didn't mean to do it."

She gave him a confused look. "What?"

"Did I do something?" He asked as they walked to their bedroom.

She laughed, "no, silly. At least not yet."

"What?" he was now confused.

He followed her into the bedroom and closed the door. She sat her cell phone on the night stand and went to him, taking off his blazer jacket. "I had a talk with my mom today." She began as he unbuttoned his shirt. "And now I'm for certain that I want to marry you." She flashed a kind smile.

"Did your mom talk you into marrying me?" He asked.

"No, she talked some sense into me, just like Hallie." She said. "I can't make you wait for me and I certainly don't want to lose you because I'm not making a move, but we've been together for too long and I'm more than grateful to have you with me as my boyfriend, now I'm ready for you to be my husband."

His eyes grew wide, surprised at what she said. "Are you proposing to me?" he placed his hand on his chest with a silly smile on his face.

She couldn't help but laugh at his silliness.

"I might be." She giggled as she sat on the bed.

"Let me show you how it's done." He steped closer to her and got on his knee, grabbing her hand. "Angel LeBlanc, I've stood by you for years being your boyfriend, and now I want to take that next step with you in our lives. So, here I am, on my knee, asking you to marry me and be my Mrs. Robinson." He gave a hopeful look although he knew what her response was going to be.

Angel was smiling from ear to ear.

His smile grew as he picked her up. "My God, I love you!" They shared a kiss.

"We're officially engaged." She said.

"Now, I have to get you another ringt." He said.

"Another?" She questioned.

"I bought you a ring over two years ago, and attempted to propose, but that didn't go too well." He confessed.

"I'm sorry I've been that way over the years. I didn't mean to make anything hard for you, I guess I was taking my sweet time with things."

"Baby, I was going to wait for you no matter how much time it had taken. There's no other woman I'd rather be with."

"Thank you for being so patient with me." She had her arms around his neck. "And I don't want to make you wait any longer. We can get married soon. Like asap!"

"Asap? What about taking the time to plan a beautiful wedding for my queen?" He asked.

"I don't need some fancy wedding. All I need is you, and the kids there with me. We can go to the court house to get married."

"Courthouse?" He frowned. "Baby, I spend more than enough time at court, the last thing I want to do is get married there. How about a small wedding, somewhere nice? You deserve something nice, darling, and the courthouse is not the memory I want us to have." He explained.

"OKay, we can have a small wedding somewhere nice." She agreed. "I guess I have to make some phone calls. View our options and then we'll get married." She smiled.


"Now, let me to go finish talking to this boy and see what's going on with him." She stood up. "And I'll see you later Mr. Robinson." She slimmed her eyes at him.

"JJ?" He asked.

"Yeah. He seems upset about something, but I don't know what it is." She said, walking to the door.

"Maybe I could talk to him." he said.

"You think so?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'll see what's up." he said. "Sometimes, a boy needs to talk to a man to get things off his chest."

"Oh, look at my man." Angel grinned as she watched Derrick walk out the bedroom. "Let me know how it goes." She said.

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