Appetite For Love

By thedreadedangel25

357 140 90

When Aïda Völlenhoven and Aden van den Heever meet each other again, after twelve long years, old wounds will... More

An original story by Angelique Jacobs.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One

Chapter Ten

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By thedreadedangel25

"Wow! Sandton is even better than I imagined." Zoë exclaimed.
Aïda chuckled, "And you've deduced all this from a hotel room? You are easily impressed."
"Well, chomma I like money and this city is loaded with it so, yes I am easily impressed in that regard." Zoë retorted.
"We have to finish up. Aden's driver will be here in an just over an hour. I don't want to keep him waiting." Aïda stated.
"Yes, you're right he's done so much for us and for free too. The least we can do is to be punctual tonight. That is a lot for our african behinds to handle but there's always a first for everything." Zoë teased.
"Speak for yourself, I'm always punctual."
"You're always early for work and sometimes church but not for anything else."
"Okay you've made your point. Let's get dressed."

Fifteen minutes and both of them were dressed. Aïda had on a red fire engine dress. It was a kneelength high- low dress. The short sleeves were off the shoulder. Around her neck she wore a golden chocker necklace and a pair of golden studded earrings. She paired it with black slingback high heeled sandals. Her make-up was neutral with a pop of bright red listick. She's loves her red lips. Her hair was in a sleek bun. Again. A bun is a coily girls best friend.

Zoë had on a black blazer dress with a deep cleavage parting. A pair of black pointy high heels covered her feet.Her ginger hair was in a low ponytail. Her lips was also drenched in red pigment but, slightly darker then Aïda 's. A gold bangle adorned her right wrist and a good watch was on her left wrist. A pair of golden teardrop earrings and a golden clutch completed her look.

The two of them looked as wealthy as the city they were in. They had to lift up to hype. They were in Sandton City after all, also known as 'the richest square mile in Africa.

"Let's go Aïda." Zoë said excitedly.


"Aden, early as usual. Welcome buddy." Adriaan greeted his friend.
"Yes. Do you need any help?"
"That's the staff's department. You just enjoy yourself and I hope you've brought your checkbook."
Aden chuckled, "I knew you were only after my money. Some friend you are."
"Tonight money will be the star."
"Yes, you don't have to worry, I love giving to charity. Thanks for agreeing to add the fetal alcoholic charity this year. I know I asked you on short notice-"
Adriaan interrupted,"Dude don't appologize. Never appologize for doing good. I just wish that we could help everyone but, it's not in our capacity to do so."

A waitress came with cocktails and Adriaan took one but, Aden refused.

"You not thirsty yet?"
"You have no idea." Aden muttered under his breath but unfortunately Adriaan heard.
"Then do you want something else to drink? Maybe some red wine?" Adriaan enquired.
"No actually I'll have something later on." Aden responded.
"Of cause your favourite drink has not arrived, as yet."
"I wonder which will be your top pick tonight,a globetrotting cosmopolitan or something sweet and locally based?"
Aden looked at his friend with a curious expression, "What are you talking about?"

Adriaan couldn't stop himself from laughing. His best friend was private and never talked about his love life but, recently his body language has betrayed him. Most people would not have noticed, but Adriaan knew that Aden felt something for the cute little chef from Tuis Kombuis.

"About the drinks. There's something for everyone's taste. I'm sure you'll find something to quench that love thirst."

Aden's quizzical expression made him want to laugh again, but Adriaan knew that his very private friend would not confirm or deny anything especially, at such an event.

"I have to talk to Khaya. See you later." Aden said, practically running away.
"Okay buddy."


Aïda and Zoë stepped out of the car. The site in front of them was almost breathtaking.

The Harmse mansion was shaped like a rectangle. It was cream coloured with charcoal accents at the corners and on at the entryway. The pathway to the house consisted of big black outdoor tiles. This lead all the way to this front door. On the rightside of the pathway was thousands of cream coloured pebbles and on the ledt side was perfectly manicured green grass. Two huge windows on either side of the massive double door entry way, them a good view inside the house.

The place was packed. Aïda figured that there was atleast a hundred people present. But who was counting?

"Are you ready to go in, chomma?" Zoë spoke from her left side.
"We can't change our minds now. Let's go." Aïda confirmed.

They stepped into the threshold and into the spacious livingroom or maybe it was the entertertainment area. The walls were same cream from outside. Even the charcoal accents were repeated. Four cream, six seater coaches were splattered accross the room.

Another accent was gold: gold throws over the plush leather couches, a good statue at the door, gold vases on the four coffee tables ( in front of the couches), gold photo and picture frames and a beautiful gold chandelier consisting of thirty gold teardrops.

Ironically the gold gave the room a more homely feel. Maybe that was the point otherwise it would have looked like an art gallery with all of the beautiful artwork on the walls.

"Even you have to admit, chomma, that this place is stunning." Zoë whispered.
"Yes, it's the perfect balance between money and sophistication. I love it. Johanie has great taste." Aïda admitted.
"She is married to Adriaan so she has great taste. Only Aden is hotter then him when it comes to sport. Renaldo comes third of cause."
"Zoë, is when all you can think of?" Aïda asked with a grin on her face.
"No, I also think of money. Lots of money."
"Money does not make a person happy. Zoë."
"Really? So you won't be happy of you got enough money to expand your brand by yourself?"
"Are you talking about This Kombuis?"
"Yes, it would."
"Then you've proven my point."
"No, I have not. Tuis Kombuis is only one aspect of my life, anyway."
"This Kombuis is the only aspect of your life that gets any of your time, honestly speaking. You have no social life, chomma."
"I know. I hope to change that soon."
"I hope so too, chomma. Let's get something to drink."

"Don't drink too much little cook. You don't want to throw away the last but of dignity you have left."

Aïda knew that voice all to well. She was glad that Zoë had left to refresh her make-up. Zoë had had had two cocktails and she, Aïda took onlt one glass of red wine. She had only took a couple of food so far. She's not really into alcohol but in her line of work compromise is needed.

"Hello Tiffany."

Tiffany's green gaze sweeped all over her body. She looked disgusted. What was her problem?

"What poor man are you trying to seduce this time?"
"It was nice talking to you Tiffany but sadly I have to go." Aïda responded sarcastically.
"Had that little red dress actually been little, you would've had a better chance."
"Well thank for the advice. Excuse me."
"As you wish, cook. As you wish."


An hour later Aïda found herself alone in the Harmse backyard, next to their infinity pool. The first two courses had already been served. Both were starters. She had no idea how she would eat the rest of the five course meal. She was already full. The twenty break was a good thing.

Zoë was talking to Khaya and a couple she had met the previous night. Aïda was sitting at the pool with barefeet. Her feet hurt but, her heart hurt even more.

She had seen Aden only once and he had been in deep conversation with Tiffany. He did not even look at her once during that conversation even though she was standing across from him. Okay the room was not and their were many guests in between but, still, she immediately noticed him when he entered the room. She was not sure which was worse: him not noticing her or being ignored by him.

A bell sounded indicating that only five minutes was left of the breaking. Aïda out her shoes back on.

When Aïda entered the house again she caught a glimpse of the pair. She decides to sit on the bench that was practically hidden underneath a big tree with very low hanging branches. She needed to quickly get her shoes on and plaster a fake smile on her face.

She had barely sat on the bench when she saw the couple coming through the back door. Aden was very fast. Tiffany was trying to keep up with him. Then he stopped.

"Should I carry you or can you keep up. I want to be away from here as soon as possible."
"Wait Aden just let me catch my breath."
"Okay Tiffany. You caught your breath now let's go."

Aden grabbed her hand and continued his hurried pace.
"Do you want to leave so badly, so my love?" Tiffany asked before they rounded the corner.

They seemed like two teenage lovers who couldn't wait to be alone. Aden made a tool of her once again but it was her fault: she had failed to learn from the past.

She could still remember those devastating words from almost thirteen years ago.

Aden killed her that day. She cried herself to sleep for five nights. Everytime she heard a love song or watched a romantic comedy or sitcom on tv, she cried. So stopped watching tv and going to the movies. She stopped going to the beach and surfing. She stopped everything that reminded her of Aden. She even left that school. Her heart could not stand being in close proximity to him. It could not stand to be away from him either. Damn it all.There was no victory for her. She was the biggest loser.

No he was the biggest loser. He played her like like Jimi Hendrix played the guitar and she was too naive. But now their was no excuse for such a mistake.

She would not think about it though. She was at a party after all.

Aïda had no idea when her tears fell. She only tested the salty substance on her lips. She couldn't stay. Not anymore. She also couldn't leave without seeing the Harmse's.

She heard footsteps again. She just needed a few seconds to compose herself.

She attempted to clean her faces with some wipes. The foundation was coming off but her skin was in great condition so it didn't matter to much. She had bigger problems. Her heart was crushed. She could swear that it was physically in pain.

She looked up to see Johanie standing in front of her.

"Aïda, what's wrong?"
"Erm...I feel sick Johanie. I feel really bad. Would you mind if I left early. I don't want to put a damper on your party."

For a few seconds Johanie just looked at her like she was trying to figure something out. Aïda had no strength left to talk it give explanations.

"Sure. Do you know what caused it?"
"Your sudden illness."
"Hmm. I'm sure the altitude causes it. I had no time to acclimatize." Aïda looked down whilst lying, although it was not a complete lie. She did feel a bit sick because of the altitude but, her splintered heart overshadowed everything else.

An uncomfortable silence followed again.

"I can give Zoë a message then you can leave from the back. Is that okay with you?"
"I don't want to bother you, Johanie."
"It's not a bother at all. Anyway, thank you for your donations tonight. It's much appreciated. Now go. I'll handle Zoë. You get some rest okay. In fact, I'd be more than happy to keep Zoë overnight. I'm sure she'd love that."
"Thanks for your help, Johanie. Bye."
"Aïda I hope...I hope to meet you again someday. Maybe someday soon?"
"You know where to find me when you're in Cape Town. Bye, Johanie."

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