The Fallen Mind

By Trintrinas

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This is the sequel from the book Jazz Up where we exploit Huey's perspective! More

The New Student
Sleep Deprivation
The Double Crosser
The Proposal
First Date
Son of a Bitch
Lie Detector
Taking Charge
Christmas Shopping
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Years
Fundraising Ideas
Retrieving Grandad
Valentine's Weekend
Black History Performances
Game Night
Mini Date
The Spring Festival

Official Date

151 4 1
By Trintrinas

I was in my bathroom this Saturday evening. After I asked Jazmine out on a date, I was debating on where we should go. It had to be something both of us would enjoy.

Then when I sat down to think about it, I couldn't come up with anything after a while. Jazmine and I had nothing in common in some areas.

She was more into the fun stuff, while I was into the serious stuff. For instance, on a Saturday like this, Jazmine would normally go to an arcade or carnival with her friends, unlike me, who would stay in watching documentaries and doing research.

But don't worry, I picked a place where we could have our date. Since I like to look back at history and Jazmine likes animals and the beautiful culture, I picked the museum. It was perfect because it had all of our interests there.

I looked on my counter to grab my cologne. I don't usually use cologne because I think it's poisoning the body, but I made this one on my own a while back.

It smelled nice and it didn't do any damage to the body thanks to my Granddad. I was going to test it out on my body, but my Granddad was going on a date and he was rushing out of the house.

He found my cologne I didn't test yet and he said he ended having a good night. I had to hide it from him because I didn't want it causing any drama around the house. As you know most of the women my Granddad goes out with are crazy. And I don't want that craziest around me.

I sprayed a little on me and then stored it away in its hiding spot. I left the bathroom and started heading downstairs towards my car.

While Riley was playing his game and yelling at the tv, I was able to peacefully leave the house without being asked a bunch of questions. I looked across at Jazmine's house to see her kitchen lights were on.

She's probably waiting on me. I got in my car and felt that it was a little cold. I didn't want Jazmine to get a cold, so I turned on my engine, and then I started to heat the car.

I decided I was going to text her when the car was heated up. As it was starting to warm up, I decided to pull down my sun visor mirror to check myself before she came.

I know Jazmine will call me out about my hair within a second, so I'm checking to make sure. Nothing didn't seem wrong with my hair, so I pulled out my phone to text her that I was ready.

Not even a minute went by and she came out of the house. When I observed her she was dressed very casually. She had on a short green dress that looked good on her and her hair was tied up in a ponytail.

I sometimes wonder how many rubber bands she snaps while trying to tie her hair up. I tried a couple of times on my hair, but most of the bands snap. Or if I do manage to tie it up it doesn't last long.

The passenger side of the door had opened to be met with Jazmine who seemed excited. When she closed the door she slowly looked me up and down. I could have said something but she wasn't looking at me crazy, unlike other people.

She had more of a seductive look if you asked me. She was looking at me as if I was her prey. It made me want to say something just to make her nervous, but knowing Jazmine she'll either think I'm being cocky or sarcastic.

"Hi!" she excitedly said waving her hand. "Hey!" I simply greeted before I put my car in drive.

I started towards the museum as I and Jazmine sat in awkward silence. I'm not much of a conversationalist so I didn't say anything. Or the real truth is I didn't know what to talk about.

Jazmine and I never talked much about anything. If we did talk it wouldn't be a conversation it would be me giving her a lecture. Or if she talked, she would usually talk about her relationships, dance, friends, etc.

Most of the time we would just sit in comfortable silence on the hill. I would read my book while she would sit next to me wanting attention or doing something to occupy her time like dancing.

"So what made you want to go to the museum?" I heard her ask. Okay good, she's starting the conversation.

"The museum has our interest because we both like history and arts. You're into animals and arts and I'm into the culture," I simply explained. The museum we were going to was Wuncler Museum.

I know you might be wondering why I would go to the museum that he put his name in. If I was going by myself, I would avoid it as much as possible, but since this is a date I decided to loosen up.

This is for Jazmine and I want to show her that I'm not too uptight about everything. "That makes perfect senses!" she said in realization.

"Yeah and so our group of friends won't see us. I know for a fact none of them would want to go to a museum on a Saturday night, they're too busy doing something else," I said truthfully speaking.

Riley is gonna be stuck to tv, Caesar is most likely talking to some girl, Hiro is making beats, Ming is either doing her studies or practicing kickball, and I don't care what Cindy is doing. I think she purposefully acts hard just to get attention. Valley Girl trying to be a Hood Girl.

"Huey are you afraid of people seeing us together?" she asked with her tone sounding depressing.

"No, why you ask that?" I asked concerned. I keep forgetting that she gets sensitive about our secret semi-relationship.

"Because I know we're semi-dating, but you don't have to be too strict on us doing that. The goal is for you to get out of your comfort zone," she exclaimed.

I'm okay with us doing a couple of things, I just don't want her to tell anybody because I don't want anybody in our business. Most relationships fail nowadays because of the people around the couple.

If something were to go wrong their friends or family would try to convince the pair to split or do something petty. I know for a fact Jazmine has friends that have a crush on her and if they find her going through a breakup phase then they're going to swoop in and try to be the hero.

I don't need any unnecessary drama going on so I rather keep it a secret.

"Look Jazmine I'm not experienced as you are with relationships. I've never 'semi-dated' with someone and I've never done any of this stuff most couples do," I exclaimed.

At the moment the only thing I'm experienced in is kissing and touching her in her sensitive areas. I can't continue with the last part because that's going to lead down a road I want to avoid.

I finally turned into the museum parking lot where there were barely any cars around. "I understand, but you can experiment a little, it's okay to try something you're not good at," she innocently spoke.

"Jazmine I don't even know what to do with you in some situations," I said repeating myself. I get a bit irritated when she doesn't understand on my part. "Like when?" she questioned once again.

"Like when I'm supposed to kiss, hug, or show affection to you as Caesar does and you guys are faking dating. Your fake relationship with him is way escalated than our semi relationship," I implied. I know for a fact I wasn't lying.

He still does it and she doesn't stop him. Sometimes I just want to give him another concussion, but that'll only make things as worse as it is.

"What's stopping you from doing all those things," she asked me with her tone changing. Instead of her tone of words being soft, it became deep, in a seductive way. I looked at her funny as she looked me up and down like I was her dessert.

"Jazmine?" I initially said to snap her out of her actions. It seemed to work but not in the way I wanted it to. She started to giggle as she backed away from me.

I looked down at my pants to see I was a bit hard from her lustful looks. I looked back at her to see she was still giggling. Was she teasing me? I immediately glared at her because I didn't like being laughed at or being led on.

"I'm not laughing at you silly, I'm just laughing at my actions," she assured trying to contain her laughter. I didn't fully trust that she was laughing at herself.

"Right, okay let's head in before we waste time," I suggested getting out of the car. Before Jazmine could even touch the handle to her door I had opened the door for her.

She had seemed taken back by my actions of opening the door for her. I know I might seem to mean to her but I'm still a gentleman.

I held my hand out for her to take and she had gladly taken it. As she got out of the car her face had turned a little pink. "Thank you!" she said smiling. I closed the door behind her and then we both started towards the museum.

As we're walking I look at Jazmine to see she's shivering. She's rubbing her hands to try and keep warm and she's walking a little faster because her legs are exposed to the cold.

I have on a long sleeve shirt and pants, so I'm more covered up than she is. I didn't want her to get a cold so I grabbed her and held her close to my body as we continued to the museum.

If I had a jacket I would give it to her but I didn't, so using my body heat was the best I could do until we made it inside. She had calmed down a little bit by rubbing herself until we made it inside where it was warm.

"Sorry, I had forgotten to bring my jacket," she apologized. "It's alright," I assured her as we headed towards the front.

"Hello my name is Chris, how many will be attending?" a skinny white man excitedly asked. I looked at the guy like he was dumb because it was only me and Jazmine. He didn't need to ask, but I guess it's just part of the job.

"Two," I simply spoke. "How old?" Chis asked typing on a computer. "Sixteen," I sighed.

"One of you or both of you?" he asked again still looking at his screen. "Both!" I gritted through my teeth. I had to calm down and not make a big deal about it, so I relaxed. He was just asking questions related to the payment.

"Now before you enter is one of you a little emotional with history?" he asked causing me to roll my eyes. "I believe we aren't, may I just pay for the both of us to get in?" I calmly asked.

"Yeah just let me calculate how much that cost," he said typing even louder on his computer. "Your total will be $20 in total for you to get in," he said looking directly at me.

I took out my wallet and decided to give him a $20 bill. I thought he would put it in the cash register, but instead, he ended up holding it up to the light.

"What are you doing?" I immediately questioned.

"I'm checking to see if it's real, I don't want any drama going on," he rudely spoke making my blood boil. It's the fact that he thinks I would give him a fake dollar bill to get into the museum.

I was about to ball up my fist until I felt another hand gently grab mines. I look to my side to see it was Jazmine who was holding my hand. I felt her squeeze my hand out of worry. I squeezed back to assure everything was okay.

"Here go your wristbands," he said handing us a black thin paper that goes around our wrist. "Thank you!" Jazmine said as I stared him down. I felt her pull me away breaking my eye contact with the guy.

As we walked away from the front I mumbled: "That was unnecessary for him to do all of that."

"It's okay it's over now," she softly said rubbing my hand and giving me a peck on the cheek. I started to calm down a little bit and relax my body.

"Where do you want to go first?" I heard her ask. There were a couple of sections in the museum that we could go to. The one that caught my interest was: "The history part."

"Yeah, it should be nice looking back on what our heroes did for us," she excitedly spoke. I nodded my head and then she was awkwardly smiling as if she was uncomfortable with something.

Jazmine then had walked a few steps away from me to look for directions. I looked up at the signs to see they had a lot of options in the same area.

Jazmine and I went to the area that had to do with animals and arts. When we entered that part the first things we both had seen were ancient weapons both heroes and the villains used back then.

I was surprised to see they had the masters I would see in my dreams. They had the pictures, a short story, some of the items they used, and added a description of the damage that it caused.

One of the weapons that caught my eye was the Bronze Khopesh. The Khopesh is a curved sword utilized during the Bronze Age in Egypt. It is a weapon representing the classic sword style in North Africa and the Near East.

This sword was also the piece that forged the Ancient Empire of Egypt. The Khopesh is always linked to Egypt despite not originating from there. During the Bronze Age, people used bronze weapons more often.

Over the centuries, the Khopesh was finally developed. In the New Kingdom period, the Khopesh became a common military weapon. It was famous for its slashing ability in enclosed areas.

Growing up I mainly focused on the Japanese side of weapons or my style of weapons. I never learned to expand outside of it because it was so common to use in today's world. By that, I mean other than picking up a gun to defend myself with.

I sensed Jazmine walk up beside me and she was surprisingly being very quiet. I guess she was patiently waiting on me to get done. "Sorry Jazmine, just amazed by its appearance and the damage it caused," I spoke.

"It's okay," she nicely said patting me on the shoulder. I assumed she was getting bored in the section we were in so I decided to ask her where she would like to go next.

"So which section do you want to go to?" I kindly asked her. Her face had lightened up then she had answered: "I would like to go to the section with prehistoric animals."

She immediately pointed in the direction as if she knew where it was before she walked over to me. We headed into the prehistoric animal section and had seen lots of skeletons.

There were mainly dinosaurs that were presented in this section and surprisingly other land animals that weren't in the Jurassic period. I don't care too much for this part of history. Tragically, they all started to go extinct but they wouldn't be able to coexist in today's world.

"It's amazing how these creatures lived for so long and were sadly wiped out," I heard Jazmine say.

"Yeah, but if they were alive today our population and ecosystem would be messed up," I simply said trying to leave it at that. The animals would be held captive and be used for no good. The government is probably doing that right now.

"I know, but it kinda makes you wonder if the same thing will happen to us?" she asked. "Yeah, but we're able to adapt to our environment and find a smart way of surviving even though it damages the earth and our environment a little bit," I said saying the hard truth.

The earth is gonna be destroyed later in life and the people know it. That's why they're trying to have a backup plan which is Mars.

"You're right, but do you want to go to another section, this one is kinda making me sad," she politely asked me. I was going to question why she wanted to leave the section, but then I had to remember it was Jazmine.

Although Jazmine had gotten out of the crying phase growing up, it wasn't exactly too hard to get her back into the crying phase. If you talk about sensitive topics or if she sees something then she'll start crying.

For instance, every time Jazmine sees a fast food restaurant serving meat she starts to tear up. When she sees endangered animals on the internet she cries. It goes to show that she cares about animals which isn't a problem.

The problem I had with Jazmine's crying was when she would let people easily get to her. Being one of the only biracial kids that looked different in Maryland Jazmine experienced a lot of hate from other kids and adults. She still does to this day.

They talked about her hair, the color of her hair, skin, eyes, her body, her personality, and so on. People were always finding things to hate on her about. I will admit I'm no better than those people because I would get upset when Jazmine would straighten her hair just to appeal to the eye.

I never thought there was anything wrong with her physical appearance. Neither with her personality, because she treated people the way she wanted to be treated.

I wish Tom or even Sarah could have taught her to have a backbone at an earlier age. Somebody could go up to Jazmine and call her ugly and she would run away crying instead of saying something back.

Now, if someone crisis her today, she doesn't run away crying, she just tries to kill them with kindness or at least tries to. But it's the first step for everybody.

"You're right, but do you want to go to another section, this one is kinda making me sad," she politely asked trying to hold in her tears. "Yeah," I said grabbing her hand and going into the art part of the museum.

This part had paintings and sculptures that didn't look too bad. Jazmine pulled me towards the first one that was presented. She was staring at the piece of art which had seemed to catch her attention. When I looked at it it was abstract.

She decided to go to the next art piece that was presented while I decided to go my route around the area. I started to walk around to all the other pieces to see none of them caught my attention.

But I stopped at the one work of art I didn't think I would ever stop at in a million years. It was a painting of a man and woman. There was a light and dark side. The woman was on the light side while the man was on the dark side.

It seemed like your typical corny picture, but there was more to it. The painting kinda reminded me of me and Jazmine. The colors and setting of the man and woman's part represented how I and Jazmine saw the world.

Jazmine saw it as full of joy and laughter while I had seen it with chaos and power. But somehow the people from both sides were standing up against each other as if they were trying to coexist with one another.

It gave off that opposites attract the type of setting. Or to be a more precise angel and demon.

"You must like this piece!" I heard Jazmine say. I didn't respond to her at the appropriate time so I looked up at her and said: "Huh?"

"Oh, sorry for interrupting you, but what I said was that you must really like this piece," she apologized before repeating herself.

"Yeah, I don't know why. It's so simple you can tell the meaning of it, but unlike the other, this piece has a story ahead and behind it," I said explaining it to her.

"I can see!" she said. "Yeah, but do you want to go over to the sculpture part before we leave?" I asked quickly looking at my watch. It was about to be 8 o'clock and I didn't want my Granddad getting upset with me.

If he was on a date he could care less if I stay out late but since he's lonely tonight he's gonna be calling me. He might assume I'm doing the worst which is having sex.

"Sure!" she said as I gently grabbed her hand. We headed into the sculpture section where they presented sculptures wearing less clothing. I looked back at Jazmine to see she looked very uncomfortable.

"People back then here had less clothing. I don't think I could live in that time period, I hate showing skin," she said speaking her mind. I simply looked Jazmine up and down and just shook my head.

This is coming from someone who posts pictures of themselves in bathing suits, revealing clothing, and sizes that are either too short or tight for them.

"What?" I heard her question me. I could tell from her facial expression she wanted an answer from me. I didn't want Jazmine and me getting into an argument on our date so I decided to avoid saying anything.

"Nothing!" I simply spoke. She kept looking at me, waiting for me to break, but she ignored it. "Okay!" she said as she continued to walk to the other sculptures.

Not long after I heard her saying: "Oh my!"

I immediately walked over to where Jazmine was because she was most likely either looking at something that was about to make her cry or make her feel uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" I asked her out of concern before she pointed to what she was looking at. I followed her finger and she was pointing at two naked people in a sex position. I looked around at the walls to see it said 'This section of the museum was inspired by Ed Wunclear the III'

I sighed and just pinched the bridge of my nose. I was not at all surprised to see this was his idea to put in the museum.

"Jazmine sex was normal in Greek and other places, they were just more comfortable to put it out as art," I simply said trying to drop it. "Yeah but the two people are so passionate about it," she said looking down at the ground in embarrassment.

"Jazmine, like I said sex was normal with them and they were comfortable to put it out there," I said making my point.

"Yeah okay, I'm going to go look around," she said slowly starting to back away into the sculpture section full of sex positions. I decided to go the other way and look at the appropriate art sculptures.

While I was looking around and letting Jazmine have her fun looking at people in sex positions, I had heard a familiar voice: "Aye yo' this some gay ass shit!"

The hell! That sounds a lot like Riley. I thought for a second he could be here, but I wouldn't catch Riley in a museum in a million years.

"These niggas over here wearing some half-ass clothing like somebody wanna see all that," I heard the voice getting higher. That has to be Riley. I followed where the voice was coming from and come to find out it was Riley.

I thought he would be with someone like Ed or Rummy, but instead, it was Olivia who he was hanging out with. The fuck is he doing here with Olivia?

"Riley!" I shouted his name out. He looked right in my direction and for a second he looked scared as hell. Olivia looked in my direction as well and smiled.

"Oh my gosh, Riley I didn't know your brother was here," she said shaking his arm in excitement. She walked over towards me with him slowly following behind her.

"What are you doing here Huey?" she asked. "I'm doing some research for a paper, but could you give me and my brother here some privacy for a second?" I calmly asked her.

"Yeah sure," she said leaving us alone.

I glared at Riley for a minute or two before he cracked. "What, I'm not out on a date with her," he said getting offended.

"Really," I said not being phased. "Yeah, I just came here to check out what Ed was talking bout with his old ass grandpa museum and Olivia just happened to be here," he said as I rolled my eyes.

I honestly didn't even know why I cared. I don't like Cindy enough to be questioning Riley. "Okay, enjoy your time!" I simply spoke before turning around to go find Jasmine.

"Aye Huey, you ain't gonna tell Cindy about this, right?" he asked as I looked back at him. "Riley that is between you and Cindy, I have nothing to do with your relationship," I said leaving it at that.

Everybody knew Cindy hated Olivia because Riley showed attention towards her. If she had seen him with her then she would try to beat his ass up. I know I should care but I don't have that type of relationship with Cindy to go say anything to her.

We're not even friends if that. The only reason I hang around her is because we have the same group of friends and she dates my brother. Other than that we don't have any kind of friendly relationship.

She's like a female version of Riley I can't put my hands on. Most of the time when I see her she verbally insults me along with Riley. So in this case scenario, I don't care about the situation.

I'm not gonna say anything unless she suspects something is going on then I'll respectively respond like I always do.

I was back in the section where they were showing sculptures having sex. I purposely avoided eye contact because I was already uncomfortable being in this part of the museum.

I finally found Jazmine who was having a conversation with Olivia before she left to go find Riley. Before I approached Jazmine she was observing this one sculpture where a man was rubbing a woman's vagina.

She was smoothly rubbing her thighs together while biting on her bottom lip. I ain't gonna lie, even though she wasn't doing much she was kinda making me horny.

I honestly wanted to put her in one of these positions but then I had to calm myself down because we both agreed to not have sex until we officially started dating. She said two months and we were about to come to an end with those two months.

I thought about it and the problem was me. Jazmine was ready to jump into a relationship with me, but I didn't want to go so fast. So she suggested we do this for two months to see if I want to be in a relationship.

At first, I didn't want to do it because I thought it would be a waste of our time. I couldn't think of anything Jazmine and me would get out of the relationship. Sex was off the table so we had to go beyond that.

I made my way up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. I heard her squeak afterward like a prey about to be eaten by its predator. She looked at me and was relieved.

" scared me!" she said trying to catch her breath.

"I apologize for that, but I see you found your interest in the sculptures," I said directing my attention towards the one she was looking at.

"Yeah, sorry you had to see that," she apologized blushing. I would have been an asshole if I asked her which one of these positions she wanted me to put her in. I just kept my mouth shut because I didn't want her to think I was a freak at the moment.

"Yeah, you ready to go home?" I simply asked her as she nodded.

I gently grabbed her hand and we made our way out of the museum. It was cold outside which I hated. I didn't have a jacket and neither did Jazmine. I had to hold her by me because I didn't want her to get a cold.

This was the moment I hated parking in the back. I could have parked in the front but it wasn't that much room up there at the time. Now that we are leaving a lot of the cars had left the front area open.

When Jazmine and I ultimately made it to my vehicle I opened the door for her so she could get in first. Then I went to the back to go retrieve the"Y trenchcoat I always hold on accessible. When I got here back to provide Jazmine the coat she looked as if she became too stunned to speak.

"You can use this until the car warms up," I told her. I closed her door to walk around to the driver's seat to start the car. I can't exactly leave yet until the car is warmed up.

I closed her door and walked over to the driver's seat to start the car. I had to let it heat up before we left back home. I didn't want my engine getting messed up because I didn't let it warm up. I had my keys ready to be injected once I got in my seat.

When I did get in and started the car I was greeted by an unexpected surprise. Jazmine leaned in to kiss me on the lips and I was taken back by her sudden action.

I couldn't help but observe Jazmine. She looked as if she was in the midst of heat. I wasn't going to leave her hanging so I had kissed her back. I didn't know if that would be a good or bad thing.

Jazmine seemed like she wanted to do more than just kiss. I had stand corrected when my trenchcoat dropped off her body and she got out of her seat into mines.

I was a little worried that she would accidentally honk my horn and people would see us in the car. They might suspect we're trying to have sex in the parking lot. But then again nobody is in the back where we parked and most of everybody had left the museum by now.

I made my seat lean back so she could have enough room to be on top of me. Normally, I wouldn't allow this and tell her to get off of me, but I kinda liked how she was taking control of the situation. It was a bit of a turn-on for me.

Jazmine leaned in to kiss, but as I stated before she was doing more than kissing. She was sucking on my lips, kissing on my sides, and sucking on my neck. I tried my best not to show any emotion or do anything that could possibly make her uncomfortable.

That didn't last long because I grabbed her ass seconds later. It was so squishy and felt bangable like before. I could just feel my dick twitching out of irritation of craving her insides.

Fuck it, she could ask me to have sex right now and I wouldn't say no to her offer. I was just up for anything she had to offer me at the moment.

I heard her moan under her breath which made my dick twitch even more.

I wanted her to feel how horny she was making. So I groped her ass even harder from before and buckled my hips into her so she could feel me. I was about to suck her neck until she said: "I can't handle this!"

"What do you mean?" I asked taking my hands off of her. Of course, I was worried because I didn't know if I did something to Jazmine to make her worry like this.

"I mean you, you've been turning me on all evening, and I can't handle but want to do it with you," she said breathing hard out of nervousness.

"Jazmine calm down," I said holding both of her arms down so she could face me. "It's normal for you to be feeling this way," I said as she started to calm down a little bit.

At one point of calming down, I couldn't tell if Jazmine was nervous or turned on again. The look in her eye answered my question.

We attacked each other once again and I felt her start to grind on my hips. I rubbed my hands up and down her waist and was about to grab her ass again until I felt tapping on my window.

Jazmine jumped a little and I was surprised myself. My car was foggy so I couldn't tell who was outside of my car until I heard: "Who is yo' monkey looking ass raping in this car you little rascal?"

Ruckus! There is only one person in Woodcrest who I know is that boldy races. Jazmine got off of my lap and went back to the passenger seat.

"You and whoever other little nigglet in there need to step out of the car for making out on the white man's property," he said tapping louder on the glass. I started completely started my engine and made my way out of the museum parking lot. As I was driving I had to wipe all of the fogginess away.

I heard Jazmine laughing right beside me and I just smirked. It was kinda funny seeing him chase after us. "That was close!" she said still laughing.

"We are never doing that again!" she said. "

Agreed!" I spoke.

"This was a very interesting date," she said smiling at me. "Glad you liked it!" I proudly said.

Thank you for reading! Sorry I haven't updated in so long I had to deal with school and work.

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