Dream Smp School - Technoblad...

By nevoosius

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Y/n starts an new journey in a new country, at a new school where she makes friends and meets new rivals.. an... More

Chapter 1 - New friends and enemies
Chapter 2 - Meeting the Pinkette
Chapter 3 - Classmates
Chapter 4 - Cafeteria cretins
Chapter 6 - The Football Game
Chapter 7 - Mother Puffy
Chapter 8 - Puffy pog pov 😎
Chapter 9 - Explanations and twitter feuds
Chapter 10 - Decorations and buddies
Chapter 11 - Bonding
Chapter 12 - Stream time
Chapter 14 - The Truth
Chapter 13 - Feelings? No
Chapter 15 - Secrets
Chapter 16 - Comfort
Chapter 17 - The Plan
Chapter 18 - Flustered
Chapter 19 - Gifts

Chapter 5 - Phils Decision

225 10 45
By nevoosius

(Just wanna say that Eret and Wilbur look so f*kin cute in this fanart, ngl. (I'm sorry 😫) credits to the artist @Dryaa20 on twitter for the art :) )

Chapter review:

"Minx, Hannah, Y/n, Niki and Puffy please come to my office right. now." He stated seriously. Oh no.


*Nobodys POV*

The 5 girls as well as the principal and the tall pinkette in front were sent to go to the principals office. Y/n, Niki and Puffy were told to wait outside the principals office while Minx and Hannah went in first. They sat still until Puffy broke the silence.

"We're for sure gonna get suspended."
"Yeah, probably." Niki replied disappointed.
"There's no way in h*ll were not." Y/n said.
Puffy started bursting out laughing aloud and Niki and Y/n joined in immediately afterwards.

'That was a f*cking wicked fight. People will be talking about that one for centuries. And y/n this is your first day, you're gonna be talked about a lot." She exclaimed.

Y/n became nervous all of a sudden, she didn't like people talking about her. "Don't worry about it though-" Puffy continued. "You'll be fine, we'll be fine.' She assured me.

Hopefully, y/n thought.

*Y/n POV*

I was beginning to become nervous as we sat in silence. It was taking the other girls ages to get done with the principal. What in the world were they talking about that would take so long? Maybe i would get the same treatment. My mum would definitely be called.. oh no. Sh*t sh*t. He was going to call my mum! What was she gonna say? She's going to be furious, I'm sure of it.

And at that thought, the bullies came out with the Principal. Minx giving me the deadliest death stare and Hannah gave me an 'I'm going to f*cking murder the sh*t out of you' look.

"Girls, please come in." He ordered.
We went in silently, giving each other nervous glances.
"Sit." He said abruptly.
We all sat.
"Now girls, please tell me what happened in your point of view."
Huh? Didn't he already know? Wasn't that why we were here?

We looked at each other confusingly and Puffy spoke up and told the truth. Every word of it and every little detail. Even the stuff that didn't need to be included, like; "Then Minx the f*cking stupid-" Puffy started.
"PUFFY! Stop!" Niki whispered loudly.
Then Puffy would apologise and continue, which made Phil giggle at times.

Puffy eventually came to the end of the story and Phil asked; "Y/n and Niki is this what happened exactly?". We responded with quiet nods.
"Okay good, because that's what I was told from Techno over here. I just wanted to make sure that you weren't lying." He said.

We all looked at Techno, but I looked at him gratefully. he immediately returned the favour, smiling at me kindly. Cute.

How could I be so dumb? Techno was there at the cafeteria the whole time, probably watching the whole thing. And he was weirdly trusted by Phil, which would make him more believable.

"I won't be expelling or suspending you ladies, but you will be given detentions on Wednesday after school.
That's when ALL of our jaws dropped. HOW DID WE GET SO LUCKY?! Ugh I love the principal now.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to the other girls?" I asked nervously.
"They have been given detentions for the week. Maybe two." He said.

I could tell that Puffy almost jumped out of her seat with excitement, because I saw her holding it back which made me smile slightly, but I didn't want to look like a mean person so I kept my facade up. Niki had to slap Puffy to get her to not jump with excitement and also giggled a little, as well as Principal Phil.

"Thankyou so much Principal Phil for your generous punishment, we didn't expect this to happen." Niki said honestly and modestly.
"You're very welcome Niki, now you ladies should probably be heading to class."

We took the hint and we stood up and left. Well that was when Phil asked me to come into his office again for a second.
He politely asked Techno to leave which left me and the principal alone. I started shaking nervously because my anxiety was playing up.
Unluckily, Phil noticed and said, "I'm not punishing you Y/n, you don't need to be nervous." He said with a kind smile. Which made me relax a little.

"But sir, what am i here for then?" I asked impatiently.
"First: You can call me Phil, i like that better, and Second: I'm going through your classes with you since you said you had an interest in some extracurricular activities like, music was it?" He asked.
I nodded my head excitedly. He laughed and gave me my room for music and my other cool classes like Art, Forensic science, Chemistry and Biology (you're a science girl 🥵😫💗💕) as well as some normal ones such as P.E, History and Geography.

I eventually warmed up to Phil, he was like a father i never had. He was kind, comforting, generous and supporting. The complete opposite to my biological dad, he was a d*ck.


I was then escorted out of Phils office and guided to my next class with Techno, because I had no idea where my next class was, since I usually followed Niki and Puffy, but they weren't here this time to show me to our next class. I found out that i had chemistry next so Techno walked me there.


"Thankyou." I said to Techno.
"No problem." he answered.
"No seriously, we probably would have gotten suspended if you hadn't given evidence." I stopped us walking.
"Yeah you probably would've." He stated.
"Wow okay Mr. Perfect we get it." I rolled my eyes playfully. He chuckled at this. His chuckle was so cute. wait, CUTE? Y/N NO. CALM YOURSELF. You met him LITERALLY TODAY.

"Hey you should come to the football game at lunch, it'll be fun, were going to crush the other team." He stated.
"Okay techno calm down youre sounding like Tommy, and we both know thats not a good sign."
We both BURST out laughing.

*Techno POV*

"Okay techno calm down youre sounding like Tommy, and we both know thats not a good sign." She said.
Oh my-
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" i laughed like crazy.
"Touché y/n, touché." I said.
She giggled. Her giggles were so cute. Wait, cute? No techno, not this again. Stop it, you met her today. 'And she's already beat 2 people up', my voices said.

Damn my voices were right for once.

We walked in silence for a bit.
"I'll come." She said quietly.

I decided to play with her. "Sorry I didn't catch that." 😏

"Oh, I said I'll come, to the game." She spoke up.

"To what game sorry?" I smirked playfully.

"The football ga-... you're a d*ck." She figured it out.

I started laughing loudly again. And she slapped me lightly. She was actually pretty funny, which made this whole situation a lot more comfortable on my behalf.

Dude I'm socially awkward, I don't usually do this much laughing and talking. My social battery is dropping exponentially right now, but it was worth it.

I saw her classroom coming closer and closer to us. This was it.

"I guess I'll leave you here then." I said.

"Oh! Yeah I guess so." She said surprised.
"Nice talking to you Techno." She smiled.

"Yeah you too." I replied content.

"See ya." She said going into the classroom.

I don't know why I got a sudden weird feeling, but I did. Maybe because it's all the talking I was doing with y/n, I mean I usually don't talk that much, or at all to be honest. I only talk with Phil because he's one of the only people I'm comfortable with other than Wilbur and Tommy surprisingly.
But there was something different with y/n. I don't know how but, as soon as she left I felt... lonely? No, empty. Yeah, I felt empty without talking or seeing her.

Wait- do I like..? No I can't. I cant possibly like someone. Liking someone is a total simp move bruh. And I'm no simp....

*Y/n POV*

I walked back into class, which gave me déjà vu from first period. It was the same.
Everyone was staring at me intently, but this time, some were whispering about me.
I hate people talking about me behind my back.

This is why I don't talk to people much. It's because of this specific reason. Trust issues babyyyy. Okay y/n stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

I walked down the room into an empty seat at the back of the room but this time, I didn't know anyone except the fox guy and the bald guy who I saw at the start of school, but they were at the front of them classroom. Other than that, I didn't recognise anyone.

"Alright class welcome to grade 11 math-" and I immediately spaced out. I hated math.

(Sorry to all the readers who like math, you don't today 😃)

Time skip to like 3 minutes.

I began drawing in my book because I was bored. As I should, I thought. The teacher was boring and math was sh*-

"Psst!" A voice whispered next to me.
I looked around and saw... Ranboo?!
"Hey! You're really good at drawing!" He complimented.

How did I not see him??!?! He's literally a giant who is sitting next to me!

"Hey are you okay?" He asked politely.
"Oh yeah I'm fine! I just spaced out." I smiled back.
"I'm guessing you hate math as well?"
"Yeah it's so boring."
"Mind if I have a look at your drawings?"

Damn he was about to see the drawing I drew of him Tubbo and Tommy. They just seemed like good friends, okay?

I showed him my drawing that I just finished.

(Credits to the artist, I didn't draw this. I could never.)

"Wow, that's amazing!" He exclaimed.
"Is that Tubbo, Tommy and I?" He asked.
I nodded excitedly.
He giggled quietly so the teacher couldn't hear us.

"Well keep going, it's awesome!" He explained. My heart melted at this statement.
"Thankyou!!" I returned.
"Hey by the way, do you wanna be friends? You seem pretty cool." He asked nervously.

"yeah no problem! Here have my number! Just so we can text after school!" He happily obliged.

"Cool! I'll text you after school!" He said.
"Okay!" I smiled.

And we just sat in class listening to the boring monotone teachers voice explaining useless algebraic equations.

*Time skip to lunch when you were just in a class with Niki and Puffy*

"Oh my god finallyyyyy. My classes were so boring! And I cant believe they split us up for math! That's so stupid!" Puffy argued.

"For once, I agree with you Puffy." Niki stated.
I laughed hysterically.
"HEY!! That was mean!" Puffy pouted.

And we walked to the school pitch where the boys were going to play head-to-head in a quick game of football.

I sat down beside Niki and Puffy on the bleachers looking out for people to recognise.
"Hey I just realised that you don't have mine and Puffys numbers for the sleepover! Here, you can have them." She showed me the numbers, I thanked her, and we looked at the game about to start.
This was when I felt a presence on my left. (Niki and Puffy were on my right.)

"Hey Y/n!"
It was Ranboo!
"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked.
"Oh I'm supporting the L'manburg boys!" He said.
"The what?" I asked.
"The- OHH, right you're new, sorry. The team with-"
"Tommy, Tubbo and the rest of the guys? The ones that are versing the Dream Team?" I finished.
"Yeah!" He exclaimed.

I'm such an idiot, of course that's why he's here. His best friends are playing football. This game seemed like a real big deal though.

In the corner of my eye I saw Hannah and Minx cheering the Dream Team on (ew) and I saw some other girls that I didn't know supporting the L'manburg boys.

Teams - (just to let y'all know who's playing):

Tommy, Tubbo, Techno, Wilbur, Jack, Eret, Fundy, Ponk, Purpled, Charlie, Connoreatspants + 2 extras on the bench

Dream Team:
Dream, Sapnap, George, Punz, BadBoyHalo, Skeppy, Callahan, Karl, Quackity, Awesamdude, Antfrost. + 2 extras on the bench

"I wonder who's going to win this time!" Niki said.
"Are you stupid Niki? Of course it's going to be the L'manburg boys! Have some faith in them!" Puffy shouted.
"Sorry." Niki quietly apologised.
"Aah no need to apologise, just have your hopes up and we'll definitely win."

Momentarily, Niki and I saw Wilbur wink at Niki from the pitch, which made both her and I giggle and Niki blush as red as a tomato. Puffy and Ranboo just looked super confused.

And I saw Techno from across the field. He was really muscly in his football outfit. And that's when he turned towards me and smirked.

I looked flustered and blushed turning away.
The boys bent down almost squatting and silence commenced for a few seconds.

And that's when the whistle blew and the game began.


YAYY!! A game of football!! I wonder who's going to win??

Also, this series is really fun to make, so if you're enjoying it please let me know, and comment some people or events you want introduced in the series. 😃

Words 2159

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