
By ShilohShadow

2.8K 60 14

Sydney Summers is your typical teenager- kinda depressed, hates almost everything about himself- but with a t... More

Sydney like the city
Timothy Moon Timothy
For the project
I don't really care
Poopy shoe
I like talking to you
I'm full of those
Get off him
I'll hold you to it
Heading out?
Go sniff him
It's a co-op
Can I kiss you?
I can't wait
You're awake
Don't wait for me
It's a dream
I don't understand boys
Sorry for being an ass
I don't see why not
I'd never do that
Like a baby
Just thinking
I guess that's fair
You've eaten grass?
I have the thing
That'd be nice
Be a man
I don't deserve you
Ninja stars
Ninja Fight go!
Give me a reason
Not as down
He's an exception
I'd feel bad
You like the 'fit?
It's really nice
I won't look
Let him go
Every moment we have together
Thank you

Truth or Dare

49 2 0
By ShilohShadow

"Since it was Tim's idea, he should go first," Tai says, pointing at me.

"Alright. Go ahead," I nod.

"Truth or Dare?" Tai asks.


"Uhh," He frowns. "I was hoping you'd say it true you have a crush on someone?"

"Yep," I grin when he coughs at my easy answer. It's not like I have to tell him who. "Now we'll go, Heather, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," She says confidently.

"Let's it true that you kissed someone last year?"

She blushes, but nods. "Yeah." Then she grins. "Ream. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," He cocks an eyebrow at her challengingly.

"Alright, I dare you to lick the fence," She replies with equal attitude.

Without a moment's hesitation, he turns his head and runs his tongue up the metal of the fence. Then he makes a face and spits.

"It tasted like shit," He explains. He casts an evil glance at me. "Now. Tim."

"Dude, chill," I scoot away slightly, accidentally bumping into Sydney as I do. The glint in Ream's eye when he says my name makes me nervous...and how come it's my turn again?

"Truth or Dare?" He asks me.

"I don't trust you at all," I mumble. "Dare."


Twenty minutes (and lots of borderline invasive questions and dumb dares) later, and we've completely forgotten the pattern we had in the beginning.

"Sydney," Ream asks, wiping tears from his eyes from the last dare— A staring contest with Heather, and the loser owed the winner a favor they couldn't refuse. Heather lost, but barely. "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," Sydney replies, still trying to get rid of the dirt from under his fingernails.

"Oh, I have a good one," Ream nods. He nudges me with his elbow. "And I bet Timmy-Boy has been wondering it, too."

"Go ahead," Sydney waves for him to continue.

"How long as it been since you last ate? Seriously, man, you look malnourished."

Sydney freezes, and I tense up.

"Hey, you shouldn't ask that," I hiss.

"It's...fine," Sydney shakes his head. Tai glances at him, a concerned expression on his face.

"You don't have to answer," I tell him, resisting the urge to grab his hand.

There's silence, then,


My brain takes a second to remember what day today is.

"So you haven't eaten for two days?" Heather frowns. "More?"

I'm getting the feeling that the lighthearted vibe from just a few moments ago is dead.

"Yeah," Sydney nods, his face slowly getting more and more pale. A glance at his now trembling hands decide my next action for me.

I grab his arm and stand, scooping up our stuff and smiling at the group.

"I'm gonna excuse us real quick," I say, stepping back. "Go ahead and keep playing. I'll see..." I pause, trying to remember. "You, Ream, in the next class."

"Alright," Tai answers for everyone, then shields his mouth so the people on either side of him can't see his mouthed words.

Take care of him for me, he forms the words clearly.

I nod, then pull Sydney away.

Once we're back inside, I slide my hand down his arm to twine our fingers together. He squeezes tightly.

"Sorry," He mumbles. "I totally killed the vibe."

"Nah, it was Ream," I shake my head. "He shouldn't have asked that."

"But—" I can tell he's about to protest and say how wrong he is again, so I cut him off in the only way I'm sure will work.

I drop our stuff (hopefully he didn't have anything important in there) and wrap my arms around him, pulling him close.

He gasps in surprise, then relaxes and leans into me, linking his hands behind my back and resting his forehead on my shoulder. Even though I can feel his remaining tension, part of me still loves the feeling of his body pressed against mine.

"Sorry," He mumbles again. I sigh.

"I don't blame you," I tell him, taking a careful step back so we aren't so out in the open while still holding on to him. "And if you ever need or want to tell me anything, I'm open."

"Okay," He nods, hugging me tighter.

But then the bell rings, making us both flinch and pull away.

To anyone else, it would seem that the moment was ruined, but I can still feel a connection to Sydney. Like a string that formed while he was in my arms.

My fingers itch to be laced in his again.


"Tim? Tiiimmm?"

I snap back to the present, my eyes refocusing on the screen in front of me.

"Sorry," I chew on my lip, studying Sydney's features, slightly blurry as my internet staggers down a bar.

"It's okay, I was just blabbing anyway."

"Hey," I squint at him, bringing my phone closer to my face. "Can I come over?"

I notice the video quality improve again.

"What?" He frowns, creases forming between his brows. "You want to come over? Now?"


"Well, I'm not sure..."

"Or would you be able to come over to my place?" I press.

"Maybe," He glances at something beyond the camera. "I'll have to ask."

"It doesn't have to be for long," I say. "Even just for a couple hours or so."

"Again, I'll have to ask," He winces. "Lemme put you down for a minute. I'll be right back."

"Okay. I'll be here."

Then he apparently places his phone on his bed, because all I see is gray and the spinning ceiling fan high above.

Kiki decides then that it's a good time to jump up on my bed and start nibbling at her paws. I reach out to stroke her fur, ruffling her ears absentmindedly as I stare at my phone.

Now, let me take this time to step back and explain a few things.

After lunch, nothing else really happened. Ream might've been a little hesitant around Sydney, but not enough of a change to be noticeable. And Sydney didn't seem to let Ream's words get him down, since for the rest of the day, he was just his usual quiet self.

Since I feel like it'd be weird to freak out over it when the person who should be freaking out isn't, I ended up settling for just staying closer and providing support through my actions and proximity.

Still, something continues to bother me: the fact that I actually was wondering why Sydney was so slim. Though, unlike Ream, I chose to stay quiet instead of asking and being rude.

And now, as I stare at my screen, watching Sydney's ceiling fan as it spins and spins, I frown.

If he asks why I want to come over, I've prepared an answer that is technically true, though not the actual reason.

"I need some help with this homework," I'll say. Which I do. But what I mean is "I want to see you." And of course I can't say that.

Another voice in my mind unhelpfully adds "Because I'm worried about you." And I shake my head slightly.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when the bed squeaks and Sydney's face appears once again. He squints, his face illuminated by the light from the screen.

"They said 'sure'," He says, giving me a thumbs up.

"Awesome," I grin, and he mirrors it. "So, I'll meet you halfway? Like before?"

"If you want," He nods. "...I'll see you in ten?"

"Definitely," I agree. "I'll text you when I'm heading out."

"Sounds great... See you soon."

"Yeah. I'll see you."

"Okay—" He runs a hand through his hair. "Bye, Tim."

"Bye, Sydney."

Then he waves and clicks away.

I bury my face in my pillow, my face flushing, and toss my phone down.

I definitely won't mind him helping me with my homework, but I'll also have to remember to keep an eye on him. Not in a creepy way or anything, make sure he's really okay.

If he's really as fine as he keeps telling me he is.

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