You See Through Me

By JennxRose18

10.3K 96 14

Yasemin a new girl is a hedgehog who has lately been running from her past. Always wanting a change and a new... More

Making A Change
An Offer Of A Lifetime
A Rift Between The Team
Quite A Pet I've Witnessed
A Night To Remember
Showing True Appreciation
It's Doomsday!
It Started With A Cookie
Can't Escape The Guilt
It's A Cowbot?
The Star Of The Show
Luck Of An Echidna
The Real You
Breaking And Entering
Case Closed!
Tomato Sauce Anyone?
No Point In Running Anymore
A Rockabye On Repeat
Trapped For Who Knows How Long
7 Minutes Or Less
Made For The Wild
Old Friends And Journey To The Past
The Glory Of A Shrew
What Lurks In The Room
All Mispoken
Two Complete Opposites
Music To My Ears
A Foxes Cupid
It All Started When....
Who's The Real Thief?
One on One Battle
We're Officially Role Models
Gotta Love Rainy Days
The Battle Is On!

Here's To A New Year!

171 1 0
By JennxRose18

Episode 29: New Year's Retribution

Yasemin's POV

Today is a very special day. It's new years eve! Me and Amy were prepping the decorations for the big party tonight. Amy was on a ladder putting some decorations up and I was passing the decorations to her.

Amy: Come on, everybody! These decorations aren't gonna hang themselves!

Tails is revealed to be holding a bazooka in his right hand.

Tails: Oh, aren't they?

Tails aims his bazooka at the huts, hanging decorations from them. We all look at the decorations seeing them all set up nicely. He then turns to face Amy.

Amy: They still didn't hang themselves. Your machine did it!

Amy crosses her arms, as does Knuckles.

Knuckles: Not cool, Tails.

Sticks walks up to Tails.

Sticks: Take those things down! You're gonna attract bugs, and aliens, and kumquats, and list jokes!

Sonic walks up to Tails and Sticks. And defends Tails

Sonic: Come on, guys, lay off him!

But then i notice something

Yasemin: uh guys?

Tails' decorations come crashing down. Sonic then puts his left hand on Tails' right shoulder.

Sonic: Way to ruin New Year's, dude.

Knuckles: Is that the holiday where a giant rabbit breaks into your house and hides painted eggs?

Yasemin: no that's Easter

Knuckles: oh wait what do you do on that holiday?

Then i give him a puzzled look

Amy pushes a white new year's ball with colored dots on it with both her hands.

Amy: Knuckles, forget about your crazy holidays, and help me get this ball on top of that pole.

Knuckles grabs the pole with both his hands and lifts it. Amy puts the ball where the pole was, and Knuckles puts the pole back over the ball. Amy attaches the hook to the ball with her right hand, and Knuckles turns the crank with his right hand, lifting the ball to the top of the pole.

Amy: When it drops to the bottom, then it's exactly midnight, and the start of the new year.

Sticks runs up to Knuckles, causing him to let go of the crank.

Sticks: Don't trust her, Knuckles! I told you about the kumquats!

Amy gasps as the ball falls. She tries to hold it back up with both her hands, and grunts, but the ball pushes her to the bottom of the pole and breaks. I rush over to help her

Tails: You really dropped the ball!

Tails giggles, until me, Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks all stare angrily at him.

Tails: Not cool?

Then I shake my head at him. But then we hear a rumbling noise coming by

Sonic: Huh?

Eggman laughs evilly as he pilots his Eggmobile and four Ball Bots bounce alongside him. They all float alongside him.

Eggman: Okay, Ball Bots, let's roll!

The ball bots roll on the ground and Sonic jumps onto one of them. He walks backwards on it, and jumps off it just in time as it hits a tree, which destroys it. Knuckles then grunts as he punches a Ball Bot that rolls towards him with his left hand, getting it stuck inside it.

Knuckles: Huh?

Then I run up to one and jump in the air with my staff and stab through the ball bot. Then I stab another one as well and kick one coming by me. Knuckles grunts as he punches a Ball Bot that rolls towards him with his right hand, getting it stuck inside it. He lifts both Ball Bots up and flexes with them. He then grunts as he tosses the ball bots back at Eggman, causing them to hit his Eggmobile and cause a great deal of damage to it.

Eggman: Whoa-oa-oa!

Eggman's Eggmobile loses its balance and turns upside down.

Eggman: Ah, what's the use?

Eggman flies away in defeat, and Tails is now holding his bazooka in his right hand again. He aims it at the last Ball Bot and fires decorations at it. The decorations cause the Ball Bot to spin and toss them onto the houses. We all look around in amazement.

Amy: The decorations look great, Tails, and this'll make a great New Year's Eve ball!

Then I hand her the ball bot and Knuckles puts the pole up and Amy pushes the Ball Bot to where the pole was with both her hands. Knuckles sticks the pole in the Ball Bot, destroying it, and Amy attaches the hook to it with her left hand. Knuckles then turns the crank with his left hand, lifting the Ball Bot to the top of the pole.

Yasemin: Very well done you guys. I can't wait for tonight!

Amy: me too it's going to be great

Then we all leave and I just can't wait for tonight. To keep it real and honest, New Years was always my favourite holiday to celebrate. Because it was all about changes and a new start and that's something I want to make.

(village centre night)

Tonight was the party. I was wearing a cute white top and a denim blue skirt. And I brushed my long F/C hair and put on some perfume. Once I was there I saw the gang and I walked up to them.

Sonic's POV

I was at the party and things were all going pretty well. I was with the gang and we were having a good time. But then I see Yasemin walking by. Wow, she really is a sight for sore eyes. And she always seems to get the crowd's attention, especially mine. My cheeks start to turn red and I hide my face away from everyone and I try to keep my cool. Yasemin comes up to us

Yasemin: hey guys

Tails: hey Yasemin, it's great to see you

Then i see Amy hug her

Amy: You look great and is that a new perfume I smell?

Yasemin: yes, it is thank you for pointing that out Amy

Then I see Amy look at me. She gives me that smirk. Oh no, she knows

Amy: Sonic do you want to come with me and Yasemin to go watch the villagers dance?

Uh oh i gotta speak now

Sonic: (stammers) uh s-sure y-yeah let's go

Then I see Yasemin giggle and I gulp pretty loudly. Then Amy takes my hand and we all head off. Once we saw the other villagers dance we were watching them. I try to not think about the fact that Yasemin was so close to me and that I see her beautiful bright blue eyes shining in the moonlight sky.

Then Amy points us out to Knuckles wearing a hotdog costume and we all look at him as he was dancing in a conga line with the villagers.

Sonic: Why are you dressed like that?

Knuckles stops upon hearing Sonic, and turns to face him.

Knuckles: Isn't New Years the holiday where you put on a costume and threaten to prank strangers if they don't give you candy?

Yasemin: (puzzled) what no that's halloween Knuckles

Amy: That's not a holiday, it's extortion.

Then Yasemin looks at Amy with realisation

Yasemin: Huh, I never thought about it like that. I guess it is a prime example of extortion but with candy

Knuckles: I'm hearin' a lot of words, but I'm not seeing' any candy, ladies

Then i see them both give Knuckles a stern look

But our attention was turned over to Soar the Eagle

Soar: Soar the Eagle reporting live from Village Center, where the New Year's Festivities are in full swing! People have come from far and wide! Men, women, children, celebrities, politicians, some nut in a hot dog suit.

Then Knuckles whispers to me, Yasemin and Amy

Knuckles: (whispering to me, Yasemin and Amy) I think he's talking about me.

Soar: It would be hard to find anyone who's not having a great time tonight!

Then the crowd continues to do their own thing and Yasemin looks at me and grabs my hand

Yasemin: come on Sonic let's go and look at the sky

Sonic: uh ok?

Then i follow her near the beach and she lays down on the ground and i join her

Sonic: someone is in a happy mood, why is that?

Yasemin: Sonic it's new years eve isn't it the time to celebrate and think about possible changes occurring in your life and making new goals happen?

Sonic: yes i guess so

Then she comes closer to me

Yasemin: Then tell me what changes you are planning on making for next year?

Changes, that's something I can't think about. I don't think I need to change anything. I like everything the way it is. And it got better once Yasemin came. But I can't tell her that. That's just too weird.

Sonic: no changes here. Just the same old hedgehog fighting Eggman and protecting the village

Then her eyes widen and then she goes all quiet. Did I do something wrong?

Sonic: uh Yasemin? Is there something wrong?

Yasemin: oh uh i just thought that you would have more to say. But i guess you have already found your place here in the village

Then i think i get why she is so hooked on New Years. I grab her face and get her to look towards me

Sonic: What is it that you desire Yas?

Yasemin: nothing it's silly

Sonic: i won't judge, and i kind of like to hear whatever is on your mind

Then Yasemin smiles and takes a deep breath

Yasemin: let's just say that i have lately looked up to you Sonic

Then my eyes widened. She looks up to me?

Yasemin: You see, you're a complete hero and everyone adores you. I want that too. Back then people would run away from me or I made them fear me. But I want to be the one that the crowd would cheer for and the one who would be adored by almost everyone. I want to just be a hero

Then i grab Yasemin's hands and she looks at me

Sonic: Who said you're not already a great hero? I mean I see it. You were already being a true hero from the start. When I first saw you I saw a true hero just waiting for the right time to come out and take action. Yas, you don't need to change yourself at all. You're perfect the way you are and we all know that. I know that.

Wow, I can't believe I said that, but it was all true. Then she was at all lost of words but then we hear the sound of the Eggmobile flying through the sky

Yasemin: ugh you gotta be kidding me

Then i get up and help her up

Sonic: Are you ready to kick some Eggbutt?

Yasemin: always

Then I carried her and we went off back to the village.

Narrators POV

Comedy Chimp is holding a microphone in his right hand as the Comedy Chimp Show was about to start

Comedy Chimp: Welcome back to Comedy Chimp's New Year's eve. Sponsored by Meh Burger, home of the new ten-alarm super atomic chili!

Meh Burger's ten-alarm super atomic chili appears in front of Comedy Chimp, who picks up a chip from it with his left hand and puts it in his mouth.

Comedy Chimp: Ten alarm? This thing's barely ketchup! I mean, I'm sure it'll kick in eventually. Now, let's see who's out celebrating! How bout you, sir? Excited?

The camera zooms out, revealing Knuckles, who is holding a pillow in his right arm and wearing a blue nightcap, standing to Comedy Chimp's right side.

Knuckles: You bet! I just hope the obese man who watches me sleep doesn't think I've been naughty. Otherwise, he might not sneak into my house and leave presents

Comedy Chimp: Right. Oh, there's the Mayor!

Comedy Chimp, who is now holding the microphone in his left hand, walks up to Mayor Fink.]

Comedy Chimp: Mr. Mayor, a word?

The Walrus CameraMan focuses on Mayor Fink, who scratches his head with his right index finger.

Mayor Fink: Uh, uh, look, uh, the... the allegations that I used the town's money to buy myself a vacation island are totally untrue!

Comedy Chimp: Uh, I was gonna ask you to say a few words before the start of the countdown.

Mayor Fink: Oh! Well, in that case, I just want to wish everyone a very happy new year, and you're all welcome to come visit me on my private vacation island! Um, I mean, if I ever get one, of course. No more questions!

Mayor Fink walks away. The Child Monkey, Wild Cat, Mike the Ox, Stratford, Lady Goat, and Knuckles all cheer as they conga past him. The Child Monkey bumps into a pole, which causes the basket at the top to open, revealing confetti, which flies out of it. The villagers cheer as Lady Walrus and the Walrus Male continue dancing together, and the Child Monkey, Wild Cat, Mike, Stratford, Lady Goat, and Knuckles all continue congaing. Eggman flies his Eggmobile down to them. He is holding the Slow Motion Machine in his right hand. Sonic and Yasemin both arrive just in time as Eggman was holding the slow motion machine.

Eggman: We're gonna slow this next one down, for the ladies!

Then Yasemin gasps as she sees the machine

Yasemin: Sonic grab the machine!

Sonic: on it!

He runs up to Eggman upon hearing what he said. Eggman tosses the Slow Motion Machine into the air and presses the button on his wrist controller with his right index finger, activating the slow motion machine and causing everything and everyone, even Sonic, to slow down. Fastidious Beaver slowly blows the noisemaker he is holding in his right hand and Amy jumps slowly into the air. Sonic grunts and pants heavily as he struggles to run fast. And then he stops as he sees that everyone is all slowing down.

Sonic's POV

Alright Egghead what have you gotten yourself into? Now my speed has gotten slow and all my friends are now all slowing down. He crashed this party just for one last fight.

Eggman: Sonic, my little friend! And by "Friend", I mean "Enemy". Happy New Year! And by "Happy", I mean "Awful", and by "New Year", I mean "Not Yet New Year".

Sonic: What's going on here, Egghead?

Eggman: Isn't it obvious? My Slow Motion Machine has slowed everything down! slow, of course, for you, is just normal speed.

Sonic: What about you?

Eggman: Well, if you'd paid attention in Evil Scientist School in a desperate attempt to get your father's approval, you'd know that... aw, can't we just skip ahead to the part where I destroy you? Let's go with a classic! Laser beam!

Wow really he does realise that he reversed almost everything to be slow right? I move away from it while yawning very loudly

Sonic: Nice try, Egghead. Your father would be proud.

Eggman: Robots, attack!

Yeah he seriously doesn't get it does he? The Slow Motion Machine causes a swarm of Bee Bots to fly slowly towards us and then Eggman tries to get his hopes up

Eggman: They... they'll... they'll be here in a minute. Just hang on.

Sonic: I can't wait around all day for your slow bots!

Eggman: All right, need a new plan!

Sonic: Oh, here's an idea! How bout' I destroy your Slow Motion Machine, and we call it a day?

Eggman: Brilliant plan, Sonic! Oh, wait, totally forgot to mention, if you do that, everyone and everything will be stuck in slow motion forever.

Oh great, I should have known that would happen.

Eggman: Tell you what, let's settle this with one final test of our abilities. Just you and me, one-on-one! Mono-a-mono! Peaches and cream! If you win, maybe, just maybe, I'll be convinced to switch my machine off and return the world to its normal speed.

Sonic: Did you just say "Peaches and cream"?

Eggman: Quit stalling!

So first of all we played dominoes and the game was about to end and i was going to win

Sonic: Bam! Game over!

Eggman growls angrily and swats the dominoes with his left hand, but the Slow Motion Machine causes them to float in mid-air.

Eggman: That would've been far more dramatic at normal speed.

Sonic: Well, Eggman, I won fair and square. Shut off your machine!

Eggman: Give me one more shot!

Next we played hopscotch and I managed to finish the round while keeping my balance. But Eggman struggles to make it to twelve as he falls over

So obviously I won. Next we did the pole vault. I run over and successfully make it over the bar

Sonic: ha ha!

But Eggman manages to not make it past. I win again. And it seems to keep on happening through board games and any kind of sports. And lastly we were playing checkers.

Eggman: I can't believe it's come down to this!

I have the white checkers, and Eggman has the black. I managed to jump Eggman's last three checkers.

Eggman: Man, I hate checkers!

Eggman swats the checkerboard with his left hand, and the Slow Motion Machine causes it and the checkers on it to float in mid-air. Eggman then growls and tries to grab the checkers with both his hands. He eventually grabs a black one with his right hand, puts it on the ground, and stomps on it with his right foot. Guess I won again.

Then Eggman got more fed up and annoyed.

Eggman: All I wanted was a chance to beat you at one thing! Just once before the end of the year! Is that too much for a villain to ask?

Sonic: You did all this just to notch some kind of victory over me?

Eggman: Maybe.

Sonic: Yeah, I guess I have been pretty dominant this year.

Eggman: You guess? You guess?! I made a New Year's Resolution to beat you one time this year, and here I am, ten seconds before midnight, and I can't even win a simple game of checkers!

Ok maybe i should try to be fair here

Sonic: Tell you what, Egghead, You still got a couple seconds left! In the spirit of the new year, I challenge you to a dance-off!

Eggman: A dance-off? What, are you making fun of me? Not cool, Sonic!

Seriously, why would I be joking about this now? I'm just trying to put up a real fight

Sonic: I'm serious; the end of the year is a time for letting loose and having crazy fun! What's more fun than a dance-off?

Well what does he have to lose?

Sonic: So, we're gonna dance or what?

Eggman: Check this!

Eggman presses the buttons on his wrist controller with his left index finger, causing music to play. Eggman does the moonwalk, the robot, dances on one leg, and spins around, stopping on his left hand.

Eggman: What?!

Sonic: Alright, alright, my turn!

Then I breakdance spin around, stopping on my right hand, then my left. Then Eggman does some Russian dancing, then spins on his left hand. Then I looked over at Yasemin. Even though I know she's moving slow and can't really help me out here, I know what I have to do.

Sonic: Here goes nothin'!

Sonic spins on his head, then loses control and screams as he crashes into some boxes of party decorations.

Sonic: Ow!

Then i look dazed but i gotta make it look like Eggman won

Sonic: Looks like you won, Egghead.

Eggman: I won? I beat Sonic!

Eggman turns away from Sonic, and laughs evilly.

Eggman: Hey, everybody!

Eggman looks over Tails, Sticks, Wolfie, the Walrus Male, Lady Walrus, Knuckles, Mayor Fink, Mike, Wild Cat, and Amy, all of whom are still stuck in slow-motion.

Eggman: Oh, right.

Eggman taps the button on his wrist controller with his right index finger three times, disabling the Slow Motion Machine, and setting everything in normal speed again, causing Sticks to land.

Tails, Sticks, Wolfie, Walrus Male, Lady Walrus, Knuckles, Mayor Fink, Mike, Stratford, Amy, Wild Cat, and Child Monkey: Three, two, one!

The Ball Bot drops to the bottom of the pole and breaks.

Amy, Child Monkey, Wild Cat, Mike, Stratford, Mayor Fink, and Knuckles: Happy New Year!

Sticks chatters unintelligibly as she looks at the camera recording the whole event. Tails is now holding a bazooka in both his hands and fires fireworks into the air. Tails, Amy, the Walrus Male, Sticks, Knuckles, Mrs. Vandersnout, and Soar all stare in amazement at them as Eggman walks up to them. Tails turns to face him. I see Yasemin still frozen but then she moves again and is about to fall.

Yasemin: (about to fall) Whoa!

Then i run up and catch her

Yasemin: Wait, what's happening? Did I just miss the countdown?

Sonic: yeah sorry

Then Yasemin pouts but sees everyone all happy

Yasemin: It's ok, wait, is that Eggman?

Then we both look at him

Sonic: yeah come on

Then we went up to them as Eggman was telling them about his victory in beating me in a dance battle.

Eggman: It was a dance-off, and I won! Didn't you see? It was right here!

Sonic: Technically, it happened in the blink of an eye. Nobody saw anything!

Eggman: What? But, but... I... Oh!

Sonic: Well, nobody but me.

Eggman stares at me in confusion

Sonic: Happy New Year, Eggman.

Eggman: Happy New Year, you blue son of a gun.

Yasemin: i am so confused but i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one

Sonic: i'll tell you later

Knuckles walks up to me and Eggman

Knuckles: Hey, guys! I just saw my shadow! Six more weeks of winter!

Then I look at Eggman as we both chuckle loudly. But then Yasemin taps my shoulder and i see her smiling at me

Yasemin: Hey, about what you said before. Thank you, hearing you say that really inspired me. You always find a way to help me and honestly I'm glad that you have been there for me through some hard times Sonic.

Then she hugs me and I hug her back. I feel so safe in her arms and I don't wanna let go. But then she whispers in my ear "happy new year" and I whisper it back to her. It was a nice way to end the night. And now i think i know what change i want....the change i want is to finally tell Yasemin that I like her.

End Of Episode 29

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