Christening The House

Por Bookwormmmm193

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Arthit and kong were dating from last six years..... They decided to Move in together and bought A beautiful... Más

Christening The House
Weekend Mornings....
Christmas 🎄
A Rough Day.....
My Turn......
I Thought.....
I am here to Serve....
Birthday Cake🎂
New year
Unconditional love
Angel 😇
I am Sorry....
Changing Room.....
Sleeping Bags....
Happy Birthday....
A Drunken Night..,
Like A Bamboo Shoot .....
I am Tired....!!
Happy New Year....
Ice Cream 🍦
Coffee Shop....
Love... And... Latte...
My Each and Every First....
Private Performance...
Lab partner
Wedding Night 💞
Sun & Moon
Yes... It's Really you
A Rainy Day...

Merry Christmas

1.3K 85 162
Por Bookwormmmm193

Kong’s POV --------

Looking out the kitchen window, I saw that the yard was covered in deep snow, and it was still snowing.

Would they be able to show up ??’

Dinner was almost done and they had a long way to drive. I looked over at Arthit, who had his glasses on, at the end of his nose, trying to read my mother’s recipe for pumpkin pie.

“They will be here, Don’t worry”

He told me quietly as he laid down the recipe card and started cracking eggs into a bowl.


I sighed, again looking out the window. The light was starting to get low, so I went onto the porch to plug in the Christmas lights. They lit up the porch and the front yard in soft, twinkling white light. I revealed in its beauty.

Looking back through my life’s journey, I don’t regret the decision I had made and the hardships I had to go through to reach where I am, right now. I have my wonderful husband….. Arthit, A gorgeous daughter, A handsome son, and two amazing grandchildren, whom I was currently worried about getting safely here.

The door opened behind me and I looked over to see Arthit walking out. He was still so gorgeous, even at the age of 60.

He had aged very well. His chocolate hair was liberally streaked with silver, but still hung in silky waves to his ears. He had to wear glasses permanently now, but they were very modern wire rims, and they made him look distinguished and, yes, I still say it....... So Fucking hot. The day he got them, I swear I jumped at him three times.

I smiled at the memory of that day and he grinned, pulling me to him so he could hold me close.

“What are you smiling at, love”

He asked, kissing me on my temple.

“I was just thinking of the day you got these”

I answered, tapping the edge of his glasses. A bashful smile spread across his face, showing his cute dimples, I love the most and I gave him a soft kiss.

Our moment was interrupted by two sets of headlights slowly coming up the drive.

“They are here !!”

I nearly yelled, pulling away from Arthit to stand at the edge of the porch steps. He followed me, resting his hand on my lower back.

We stood and watched as our daughter, Angie, got out of the car, followed by our son in law, Jack. He waved before going to the side door and opening it, then he leaned in and came out with our two year old grandson, Matt. Angie came around the other side, carrying our four year old princess of a granddaughter, Mary. God...... she was an angel, and she loved the hell out of Arthit.

As they walked up toward the porch, I caught a glimpse of mine and Arthit’s son, Sam, holding the hand of a handsome boy we were informed was his boyfriend, and apparently, they were getting pretty serious.

Arthit and I were bombarded by hugs and kisses out on the porch, along with a lot of chatter I couldn’t understand. I ushered everyone into the house and it was chaos as everyone got out of their coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, and hung all of them on the rack by the door.

Naturally, the kids wandered into the kitchen, obviously intrigued by the delicious smells that were wafting around in there.

“Ooh, who’s cooking ??”

Angie asked, pushing her long, chocolate colored hair over her shoulder before opening the oven door to take a peek. Arthit walked by and smacked the back of her hand, causing her to let go of the oven door handle, so it closed. She stood up and glared playfully at Arthit.

“Dad !!”

She whined.

“Oh no, young lady”

Arthit smirked at her.

“No peeking. You will see when it’s done”

Arthit and Angie faced off, staring eye into eye, then both started laughing and hugged each other tightly.

Matt nodded his little blond head like his dad, smiling, showing his cute dimples like his grand dad. I carried him into the living room to try to find him something to play with, and saw Jack admiring the tree. When I had Matt settled on the couch with a book with colorful pictures of cars, I walked over to him.

“Hey, Jack, how is work going ??”

I asked, looking at the tree with him.

“Work is Good, Daddy”

He answered.

“Just got a promotion at the agency, and the boss says I may be up for an ad award”

“Really ??”


He smiled.

“That’s great !!”

I said, and I meant it. I liked Jack a lot, and he was perfect for my Angie. He worked hard in an advertising agency, and Angie, Matt, and Mary have never been worried for anything. Jack was a good provider for his family.

Everyone started filtering into the living room with cups of coffee or cocoa, settling down to wait until dinner was ready. We talked and caught up on the goings on with everyone, and Arthit and I both tried to engage Ethan in the conversation, but his answers were short and softly spoken. He was really shy, and I wondered why.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and looked up to see Arthit standing next to me. I scooted over so he could sit, and he put his arm around my shoulder before handing me a cup of cocoa.

“Thanks, love”

I said quietly with a smile then I leaned down to kiss him.

Angie let out a loud Eeeewww...... and Jack laughed at her. Sam and Ethan turned beet red and averted their eyes. Damn, I was gonna have to have a talk with those boys.

When I finally released my SUN's mouth, I grinned at him and asked,

“How much longer until dinner ??”

“Only a half an hour”

He answered.

Nodding, I looked at my grandchildren playing on the floor. Matt was chewing on a soft toy car his mom had given him out of the her bag, and Mary was brushing her doll’s hair. They were so precious. Arthit and I cherished every moment we were blessed with spending time with them.

After just a little while, Arthit stood up, pulling me with him by the hand.

“Want to help me get the food set out ??”

He asked with his beautiful dimpled smile.

“Of course”

I answered, and followed him to the kitchen. I motioned for Sam and Ethan to follow and they did, happily.

“You two grab plates and stuff to set the table”

I told them while Arthit and I put the food into serving dishes to take to the table. I was closest to Sam, and I leaned in, whispering

“What’s going on with you and Ethan ?? You are never this quiet or shy”

“Um… will find out at dinner”

He answered cryptically with a small smile.

“Not even a hint ??”

I cajoled, grinning.

“No, Daddy”

He answered firmly, and walked off to set the table, with Ethan on his heels.

“What was that about ??”

Arthit asked me and I shrugged.

“Don’t know, but we are supposed to find out at dinner”

Arthit nodded

Eventually, the whole family was seated around the dining room table. It looked great, with everything a Christmas dinner entailed, even fruitcake. Arthit knew I hated that sweet thing, but we had to have it because he and Angie loved it.

“Could we all hold hands, please ??”

Arthit asked from the head of the table. Reaching over, I took his left hand in mine. I could never be too far from him and the other end of the table was just too far. Reaching next to me with my left, I took Sam’s hand in mine and smiled as I looked across at Angie, She and Arthit were holding each other’s hands tightly. They were so close. I knew Angie loved me too, of course, but they had a very special bond.

Arthit cleared his throat and after a few seconds even Mary and Matt quieted down and looked down the long table towards Arthit.

“Thank you everyone for coming to dinner and for spending Christmas with us. We know you have your own families, but it means the world to us that you come home still. I thank God every day that I have been blessed with Kong and then Sam and Angie and Jack and the beautiful babies”

Arthit swallowed and looked at me with a sad smile.

“I also thank God for the people who are no longer with us, who we were blessed to know and be loved by. No amount of time would have been long enough, and I miss our parents every day”

Letting go of Arthit’s hand, I reached over and gently wiped a tear away from his cheek. He was so sensitive and I loved him so much. His parents died in a car accident just three years after our marriage and it was a very big blow for Arthit to loose both of them at the same time. My Dad had been gone five years now.......Heart attack. But mom had just died in early spring last year. They had truly become Arthit’s second parents. They loved Arthit truly, deeply.

Leaning over and giving me a quick kiss on the lips, he smiled one of his breathtaking dimpled smiles and continued

“May the wind be always at our back.

May the sun shine warm upon our face,

May the rains fall soft upon our fields.

May green be the grass we walk on,

May blue be the skies above us,

May pure be the joys that surround us,

May true be the hearts that love us.

And until we meet again,

May God hold each of you in the palm of his hand.

To those who are here, and those we wish that were, may God hold you close and may we never forget the love of family”

He prayed

“Dig in everyone. We worked hard all day, so enjoy and eat in good health”

I added and squeezed Arthit’s hand.

“Wait. One second please”

I was shocked to hear Ethan speak up.

“Sure, what is it ??”

I said looking between him and Sam. Sam blushed and smiled at him before looking over at Arthit and I.

“I know you have just met me”

Ethan took a deep breath to steady himself and I glanced at Arthit who had a look of confusion on his face. Squeezing Arthit’s hand, he looked at me and I smiled. Arthit looked at Ethan than back at me, looking shocked. I nodded slightly and Arthit smiled at me. When we looked back at Ethan, he continued

“Sam means the world to me. He is the reason I try to be who I am, to put the best I have into everything I do. Spending the day with you all, it is easy to see why Sam turned out to be the man he is. I thank you for that”

Taking another deep breath, he looked over at me and I smiled at him, nodding slightly.

“These last six months have been the best I have ever had and I can’t think of a future without Sam in it. I have asked him to marry me….And he said yes !! He said yes !!”

I watched as Sam stood up and threw his arms around Ethan and they stood there and held each other. Everyone cheered and clapped, even Mary and Matt. Everyone stood and hugged the happy couple.

After we all sat back down and our plates were full, Ethan looked over to Arthit and I and said

“I am sorry I didn’t ask you first. I was going to, but the perfect moment just crept up on me and I had to ask him. I would still like your blessing. You are Sam’s parents, you are so important to him, to us. Please tell me you two are okay with this”

Looking to Arthit, I smiled and Arthit said

“Ethan, I don’t know you very well, and I look forward to getting to know you better. As long as you continue to treat my son, how you have been, you honor, cherish, and respect him, then yes, you have my blessing”

Arthit finished and looked at me.

“Ethan, Sam is my son, he will always be one of the most important person in my life. I know he is 28 now, but he will always be my little boy. I have cared and loved him unconditionally as a parent should. I sit here and I watch you two together”

I looked at Ethan, who looked pale, and Sam, who looked amused, and continued

“You have only been dating six months. I look at you both and I am reminded of Arthit and I, when we first met. I know I am not losing Sam, but getting an another son. I can tell how much you love each other. Yes, you have my blessing too”

They started to grin madly, but they were short lived because I held my finger up.

“But…….. if you are gonna be a part of this family, Ethan…. For God’s sake, you have to give him some love around us. Kiss that man of yours !!”

Laughter erupted around the table, and I saw a slight gleam in Ethan’s eyes as he turned to Sam, took his face in his hands, and gave him a deep kiss. The entire table erupted in cheers.

When we calmed down, we continued to eat and talk about the wedding and what they wanted. They didn’t have a date yet, and weren’t sure yet where they wanted it held but they didn’t want to wait too long.

Taking a bite of the ham, I smiled as it practically melted in my mouth.

Feeling Arthit’s hand on my arm, I looked over at him.

“What’s wrong, baby ??”

He asked. It still made me smile when he called me that.

“The ham…..everything….. it’s perfect. Mom would be so pleased with how everything turned out”

“Thank you, Kong. That means a lot to me. Last Christmas when we cooked and she showed me how she did everything, all her tricks and hints, I think she knew it was her last time cooking. It was just a few months later I got all the recipe cards in the mailbox”

Looking down, he continued

“It means so much to have those cards with her writing on them, her recipes”

“She loved you so much, Arthit, from day one”

I leaned over and hugged him. Nodding into my neck, he answered

“I know, I loved her too”

Pulling apart, we quickly kissed and smiled at each other.

After dinner plates were cleared and we stuffed ourselves with Arthit’s pumpkin pie and my apple pie, we loaded up the dishwasher, put away the leftovers, and headed into the living room. When all of us were comfortable on the couches and chairs, Arthit and I held our grand babies in our laps and I turned on the TV to watch some movies with our kids.

Angie got up, to turn off all the lights except for the Christmas tree, then settled back beside Jack on the love seat. The fire was crackling in the fireplace, casting a warm glow over the room. It felt homey and comfortable. Arthit had his free arm around my shoulders, softly running his fingers through the back of my hair, while his free hand combed through Matt’s blond curls. Matt was stretched out in Arthit’s lap with the back of his head on Arthit’s chest. His heavy eyes were fixed on the TV. I had both my arms around Mary’s middle, and her head was laid back just under my chin.

We sat and watched, not after very long, Matt was snoring lightly against Arthit. I looked at Arthit, He was so right. Christmas meant family, and love, and togetherness. And once again, I was so happy for having this loving family.

When the end credits started rolling on the screen, I turned off the TV and we all sat in silence for a moment. Jack came and took Matt from Arthit so he could put him to bed, and Arthit stood and stretched.

“Want some coffee or anything, love ??”

He asked me, and I smiled.

“Coffee please”

He nodded and left the room and Mary hopped off my lap, rubbing her eyes. Angie got up and took her to get ready for bed, and that was my cue. I moved from the couch to the rocking chair by the Christmas tree, and got settled. As soon as Mary got back, she would ask for a story. She did it for the past two years, and every time, she would ask for a different one. It has become a tradition.

The first time she asked, she wanted a Christmas story, with Santa and princesses and elves. Last year, she wanted a story about how Santa made the toys and got them to all the kids around the world all in one night. I also had to add what the reindeer eat and what they do on the other 364 days of the year.

Arthit and Jack came back in, and we spent the time waiting for Angie and Mary in idle chit chat. Sam and Ethan were in a world of their own, talking quietly, giggling, and kissing in the big chair. I shook my head at them, smiling, remembering when Arthit and I were like that.

Soon enough, Angie and Mary came back in, both dressed in their Christmas themed pajamas, and Angie settled herself against Jack on the couch while Mary climbed up into my lap.

“Hey there, princess”

I grinned at her.

“What are you after ??”

“Story, Pop-pop”

She said in her sweet voice, and it melted my heart.

“What would you like to hear about this year ??”

I asked, and she grinned at me.

“I wanna know about you and Gramps”

Surprised, I asked

“Me and Gramps ??”

I glanced over at Arthit and he just smiled and shrugged at me.

“Well, what do you want to know about us ??”

I asked, turning my attention back to her.


She said matter-of-factly.

“You want to know about our Christmas ?? Our first one ??”

She nodded, and Arthit and I shared a smile.

“Okay, princess”

I said, and she snuggled into my side.

Everyone’s attention was focused on me now. This was a story no one had heard. After taking a long drink of my coffee, I began…..

“The very first Christmas I spent with your Gramps was when I was 19 years old, actually I met him first on the Christmas night, He lived in a very small town and I was visiting a family friend of my Dad, there on Christmas, People from that town celebrates Christmas very enthusiastically, they would set up booths selling homemade food and gifts. There were games and a visit with Santa for the children, near the huge Christmas tree in the garden.

As I walked through the celebration garden that cold night, I was studying the gifts on one of the tables of a nearby booth when the most adorable laugh graced my ears. I looked up to try to find where it came from when it sounded again, and I laid my eyes on the most beautiful person I had ever seen. He was dressed as a cheery elf, talking and laughing with the kids who were lined up to sit on Santa’s lap. He was passing out hot cocoa with candy canes in it, while sipping his own.

In the twinkling lights and street lamps that littered the garden, his eyes were shining with happiness and mirth, and I wanted to get to know him, right then.

I hung around near where he tirelessly worked until the celebration was done, waiting for my chance. I thought I would be frozen by the time the festivities were wrapping up and people started packing away their things.

When the man playing Santa had left his post, I walked up, pretending to admire the tree and desperately wishing HE wouldn’t think I was a stalker.

My fears were proven unnecessary when suddenly the smell of mint and cocoa wafted under my nose. I turned my head and was staring directly into the smiling face of your Gramps with his bright shining eyes. I was hooked from that moment on, and took the cup with a grateful smile.

We ended up sitting in the gazebo most of the night, getting to know each other and sharing stories of our lives.

Your Gramps and I danced to Christmas music that was playing on the radio”

I was getting lost in my memories

“I remember, I felt like I was floating in your Gramps arms. I hated to dance because I was so clumsy and I always trip whenever I danced but...... He held me so close, so strong, I wasn’t afraid of tripping or falling. And...... I knew I would always be safe in your Gramps arms”

I looked over at Arthit.

“I always have been”

“Is that when you do all that kiss stuff ??”

Mary asked, and I laughed loudly while a murmur of soft laughter sounded all around the room.

“Yes, princess”

I smiled widely, tapping her nose with my finger.

“That’s when we did that kiss stuff”


Mary said, wrinkling her nose.

Smiling, I continued,

“After that night, we had exchanged phone numbers and texted, called, and had dates. Few months later….. Infront of your Great Pop-pop and Great Mom-mom, your Gramps asked me to marry him”

“Did you say yes ??”

Laughter rippled around the room again, and I nodded.

“Of course my princess, I said yes, silly !!”

I tickled her briefly, making her giggle and squeal, then hugged her close. .

“Love you, princess”

“Love you too, Pop-pop”

She grinned, then hopped off my lap. The next thing I knew, Angie, jack, Sam and Ethan all had their arms around me.

“Hey, what’s all this ??”

I asked, and they let me go, sniffling and wiping their eyes.

“Daddy….. That was a very beautiful story”

Angie sniffed

“Oh, because That’s not any ordinary story my love….. It’s my Life story”

“Awwwww !!”

Angie quooed

I held my arms out and Angie threw herself into me, holding me tight.

“I love you, Daddy”

She whispered in my ear, and I kissed the side of her head.

“I love you too, my baby girl”

I whispered back, and she let me go so she could hug her Dad.

Then, Sam was in my arms and he kissed me on the cheek before backing away and giving me a sincere look.

“Daddy, I hope that Ethan and I have the same kind of love you and Dad have, I really want…. What you both have”

Looking at Ethan then back at Sam, I nodded at him.

“I am sure you will, Sammy”

Sam moved on to give his Dad some love too, and Ethan held out his hand. I shook it firmly.

“You have a wonderful family, Sir”

He told me.

“I will be proud to be a member of it”

“It will be good to have you too Son”

I told him.

After a few quiet moments, we all started moving around, getting ready to go to bed. We left the tree lights on, for Santa, closed the channel to the fireplace so it wouldn’t pop out onto the floor, and took water bottles and coffee cups to the kitchen.

I went to check the lock on the front door while everyone else went upstairs to their rooms, and I felt strong arms wrap around my waist from behind, followed by soft lips on the side of my neck.

“Hey there”

Arthit said softly in my ear.


I smiled, and he kissed me again, right under my ear. He knew what that does to me.

“Wanna go to bed, my love ??”

He asked, kissing me again, and sucking on my neck slightly.

“I will go anywhere with you, my Sun”

I answered him in a whisper, then turned in his arms.

“But we have to play Santa first”

Arthit leaned in and kissed my smiling lips, then took my hand and led me to our bedroom, where we gathered the gifts for our family and then scattered them under the tree.

Once back in our bedroom, I closed the door and clicked the lock, watching as Arthit undressed next to our bed. My eyes roamed over every inch of milky white skin he uncovered. He was so fucking beautiful, even if he wasn’t quite as toned as he used to be. He was still lean, and strong.

He was my husband, my lover, my Sun, my forever.

I walked slowly over to him, unbuttoning my shirt and shrugging it to the floor.


I almost whispered, my voice sounding husky in my ears.

He looked up at me, surprised, as he stepped out of his pants and faced me. I pulled him into my arms and studied his gorgeous face. Raising my right hand, I traced every bit of his face, just like I used to do. Every line, every eyelash, every inch of his face was perfection to me.

“You are the most beautiful thing in my whole world, love”

I said with a small smile.

“And I thank God every day for allowing me the gift of spending this Life with you”


Arthit breathed, and took my lips in a slow, loving kiss.


I hummed into his mouth as I stroked slowly up and down his back with my fingertips. His fingers still had enough coherency that he had my pants open and sliding down my legs in record time. I stepped out of my pants, kicking them aside, as Arthit ran his hands down my back to cup my ass.

Pushing myself into him, I broke our kiss long enough to whisper

“Arthit, make love to me……”

“Always baby”

He whispered back, pushing me gently back until I was laying on our bed, propped on pillows. I reached up and took his glasses off of him and laid them on the table as he slowly settled on top of me, leaning down to kiss and lick at my chest and neck. God..... he felt so good. I gripped his back with my fingers, silently pleading for more, and when he pushed his hips against mine, I moaned softly

“Yes, Arthit…fuck, you are so hard”

“Only for you…always for you…”

Arthit whispered against my mouth and I caught his bottom lip between mine, lightly sucking as Arthit started a rhythm of pushing his hard-on against mine. It felt so good to be surrounded by him like this. The warmth of his body on mine, his smell invading my head, making me crazy with desire, and the way he looked. God..... he was an angel sent straight from the heavens.

His silky hair framed his face as his deep hazel eyes studied mine. His pink lips were curved in a small smile, showing me hints of those delectable dimples I loved so much. He was so fucking beautiful.

I remember the first time we made love.....and as I watched Arthit come. He had his head leaned back with his eyes closed, and I could see every eyelash on his cheeks as his mouth opened in a silent cry, a perfect ‘O’. His hair were messy, wet with sweat and sticking to his flushed cheeks and forehead. His adams apple bobbed up and down as he grunted out my name and bit his lip with the tips of his white teeth. Seeing him like that, knowing he was lost in ecstasy, because of me, had me gripping him everywhere I could reach, screaming his name as I came along with him.

Feeling Arthit’s hot breath against my neck and his teeth nibbling my ear brought me out of my thoughts. With my memories fresh in my mind and Arthit hovering above me, grinding into me, lit a fire in me and I flipped him over.

“Kong, fuck baby……”

Arthit panted out.

Looking him in the eyes, I lowered my mouth to his, never breaking eye contact. When my lips were just above his, I snaked my tongue out and licked his lips. Seeing Arthit’s eyes roll back into his head made me smile as I licked and nipped at his neck.

“Kong… oh… it feels…so good”

Arthit was near incoherent as I continued my assault on his sweet skin while I slowly rocked into him.

“So good, I need you Kong… so much…please baby…..”

Reaching over Arthit, I grabbed the lube from the nightstand. If there wasn’t a full moon, we always left the bed side light on. I never wanted to waste an opportunity to see Arthit as we made love.

Arthit reached for the lube, but I didn’t let him take it.

“No love, let me”

Arthit’s eyes grew darker as he nodded and leaned up to kiss me.

Breaking our kiss, I sat up and poured some lube on my hand. Bracing my self with one hand on Arthit’s chest, I reached my lubed fingers behind me and slowly ran them over my entrance. Slowly, I pushed my middle finger into the tight ring, even after all these years it always felt so tight.

Moaning lowly as I pushed in more, my head fell back at the feeling.

“Fuck, you look so fucking hot… knowing you are fucking yourself with your fingers, getting ready for me… oh, God, so good Kong”

Arthit moaned as his hips bucked up into me.

Looking back down at Arthit, I saw the look of utter love and desire in his heavy lidded eyes. his neck was tight and his head was thrown back as he looked at me.

Moving my finger out, I slowly pushed two in.

“Oh! Arthit, touch yourself…please.... let me see you stroke yourself”

Taking his hands off my hips, he hurriedly poured a few drops of lube into his hand and rubbed them together. He took his length into his hand, grasping it firmly at the base. As he pulled his hand closer to his glistening, almost purple head, he squeezed tighter.

“Fuck !!”

“Shhh babe, we aren’t alone”

Reaching out, Arthit took my wood' in his other hand and matched his own strokes.

“Yes, so good, always so good !!”

I breathed out.

I started to bounce slightly on my fingers. Every time I moved down, I would sink deeper onto them. When I went up, Arthit’s hand would squeeze my leaking wood'.

“Arthit, please, I am ready. Oh fuck, please baby.”

“Oh, come on baby”

Arthit groaned out and sat up. My fingers fell from me as Arthit’s lips crashed against mine. Reaching for the towel next to the pillow, I quickly cleaned my hand and grabbed Arthit’s soft hair, turning his head to deepen the kiss.

“Over, now. Lay on your back”

He said when he broke the kiss and maneuvered us around.

Laying on the bed, I looked up as Arthit slowly leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. He positioned himself with his hand and slowly pushed into me.

“Oh… fuck. I love you Kong… so good, you feel so good”

Pushing into me completely in one fluid motion, my back arched as I felt Arthit fill me so completely.

“I…oh fuck… love you, too Arthit”

Arthit rested his elbows on each side of my head and ran his fingers through my hair, tugging on it gently.

Our lips were barely touching as we breathed in the other’s moans and pants.

Arthit’s rocking was slow and deep and it was driving me crazy. My feet were locked around him as my hands clutched at his slick back.

“You feel so good, so hot, so tight”

Arthit whispered into my ear.

There was barely a sound in the room, only the slight creak of the bed and our muffled cries and moans. Having to be quiet somehow added to the intensity. Our love making was like the notes of a cello, the tone slow, deep and so filled with emotion.

“Arthit, so… oh !!”

Arthit was hitting me right where I needed him to.

“What, baby ?? Talk to me”

Arthit panted into my ear, never breaking rhythm with his thrusts.

“Right there…oh God…you…so wonderful…perfect…”

I rambled out incoherently, arching up into him and pushing against him with my feet.

“More Arthit more...…”

I whined.

“Need faster ??”

Arthit grunted, and I nodded vehemently.

Arthit picked up his pace and I cried out loudly.

“God! Yes !! Like that !!”


After that, there was no more talking. Arthit’s fingers were gripping my hair as we kissed sloppily, tongues playing, along with the faster squeak of the bed, our passion building. I couldn’t stop digging my fingers into every part of him I could reach. And as much as my eyes wanted to close in pleasure, I wouldn’t let them. I had to see Arthit’s gorgeous face, twisted in pleasure, as he made feral love to me.

With every movement of Arthit against me, my cock was getting the most incredible friction between our sweat slick bodies. I was getting close.


“Me too Kong...…oh God...…”


I whimpered, feeling the tingling start.

Arthit’s hands tightened in my hair, his fingertips digging into my scalp, as he drove into me wildly, right on the edge.

White light flashed behind my eyelids as I let out a muffled wail into Arthit’s neck, completely overcome by ecstasy. I could feel myself shooting between us, and Arthit stilled, grunting loudly as he started to come. Raising my head, I pushed my fingers into his hair and brought his mouth to mine. We rode out our orgasms kissing and moaning softly into each other’s mouths.

When we were spent, our kisses slowed, and we eventually parted with a small peck. Arthit smiled at me, and I gave him a satisfied goofy grin in return.

“You are incredible, my love”

I whispered, and he leaned down to kiss me once more.

“You are too, baby”

Arthit smiled, and moved beside me on the bed.

“Let’s clean up and get some sleep. I have a feeling that morning’s gonna come early with a certain little girl in the house”

“You are right”

I smiled and slowly got up to clean up. Arthit followed, and within a matter of minutes, we were clean and snuggled together under the warm blankets. Sighing in contentment, I closed my eyes and let sleep claim me.

Just as Arthit had suspected, I was woken up by the sound of little feet rapidly getting louder.

“Gramps !! Pop-pop !! Santa came !! Wake up !!”

Rolling over and yawning, two very excited, very awake little bundles of joy jumped onto the bed.

“Really ?? He did ??”

Arthit teased.

“Are you sure ?? How did Santa know you and Matt would be here ?? Are you sure they are for you ??”

Mary looked serious for a moment as she thought.

“Gramps, he is Santa !! Of course he would know we were here !! Besides.....”

She said matter of factly

“Momma and I left Santa a note just in case”

“That was very smart of you, Princess”

I kissed her cheek and tickled her as Matt threw himself into the bed between us.

“Mary !! Matt !!”

We all froze as we heard Angie at the door

“There you two are !! I see you had to wake Gramps and Pop-pop up. Let’s go start making breakfast so they can get ready and meet us in the kitchen”

Arthit and I gave them each a hug and a kiss and they hopped off the bed and ran to Angie. Seeing them run away and their hair bounce reminded me of our children so many years ago. The grey eyes that Mary had gotten from her mom who had it similar as me. And little Matt, his beautiful dimples that he had similar as Arthit. I loved that pieces of each of us were passed onto our children and now onto our grandchildren. I knew our love was real, it was solid, it would last until we took our last breaths. But seeing our children and our grandchildren, our biological combination just filled me with love.

Leaning over, I took Arthit’s jaw in my hand and tilted his head towards me

“Merry Christmas, Arthit. I love you”

Before he could respond I kissed him, filling him with all the love I felt for him.

After breaking our kiss for much needed air I laid my forehead on Arthit’s.

“Kong, I love you too, baby. Merry Christmas. Kong, I got you something. I want to give it to you now, okay ??”

Nodding my head and smiling, I told him okay. Arthit leaned over the bed and reached under it and pulled out a gift that was wrapped in a shiny paper with a deep green bow on it.

Arthit handed me the box and we both sat up onto the pillows.

“Kong, the last 41 years have been better than I ever could have imagined. You complete me. You are my other half, baby. here, open it, please”

Reaching over, I wiped away the tear that slowly ran down his cheek and kissed him softly on the lips.

“Arthit… I..... I love you too my Sun”

Looking at the gift box, I took the lid off and moving the tissue paper, I saw a photo album inside. Lifting it out and setting the box aside, I opened the leather album.

The first page showed a picture of the gazebo, where we first met. We still try to make it there at least once a year.

I gasps when I turned the next page.

“Arthit, Wow…”

There was a picture of Arthit and Me staring at each other, completely lost in our own world.

On the next page was a picture of Arthit and I sitting on the couch talking. We looked so young.

As I turned the pages, I saw Arthit and my life go by. There was a picture of Arthit and I, at my parents house on the Christmas he proposed to me. My parents, so young, so healthy. I couldn’t help but run my fingers over their smiling faces.

Next there was a picture of my sister Elly, pregnant and beautiful. Her husband Darek had one of his huge smiles on his face. He looked exactly the same today. The pictures of me, of Arthit, of our families.

As I turned the page, there was a picture of Arthit holding Angie. She had just been born. Arthit’s eyes were red and tear stained. My grey eyes were already showing on her tiny little face. Arthit was looking up at me as I stood behind him, leaning down. My hand was tracing her tiny little face. I clearly remember when this picture was taken. My sister Elly, was in the bed next to us and Arthit was fanning over how beautiful our baby girl was.

Next was a picture of me holding Angie. She was a few months older and smiling.

“Arthit, Oh, God. This is great, I love it”

Arthit put his arm around me as we continued to flip through the photo album. There was pictures of Sam when he was born. Poor Elly, looked exhausted. But she was a pro at this by now. She had their own son, then Angie, then their twins, and then Sam. Angie had my genes and Sam had Arthit's. Elly offered to give birth to our kids, and we are forever greatful to her for giving us our own bundle of joys.

It was fascinated and sad at the same time to see our life in pictures. We always looked so happy and so in love. Reaching recent photos of Arthit and I, this fall as we sat around the camp fire behind the house.

“Remember the first time we came camping here ??”

I asked.

“Yes baby, I do !! I had this house built right where the tent was !! I will never forget that weekend”

Leaning over Arthit kissed me under my jaw by my ear.

As I reached the end of the album I noticed it was only about half full with a lot of empty pages.

Looking over at Arthit he could see the confusion in my eyes.

“Kong, I can’t wait to fill the rest of those pages up baby, I love you, and I will continue to, till I take my last breath”

“Oh, Arthit !!”

I through my arms around him shaking from the tears of joy I was shedding.

Arthit laughed and kissed me hard.

Our house was full of laughter and warmth too, with our loving family. It was the perfect Christmas.


A/N: Another one shot of Kong-Art. It is my Christmas gift to all of my lovely readers and my Peraya family.

Merry Christmas to all of you.

I hope you all will like it  💖💖

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