The Mob Character Shouldn't H...

By UnknownFate25

284K 11.7K 6K

Volume 2 of The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! It's been a year since Ken was transmigrated... More

126 - It's About Family
127 - The Arthurson Complication
128 - A Tense Family Meeting
129 - Failed Negotiations
130 - The Knight War
131 - A Talk Between Mother And Daughter
132 - The Du Lac's Dark Secret
133 - Saving Orphans
134 - Experiment X
135 - A Woman With A Mission
136 - The End Of A Rivalry
137 - Aftermath Of War
138 - The Flight Back To Japan
139 - A Historic Discovery
140 - The Enchantress Of Colchis
141 - An Outing With Xena
142 - A New Addition To The Family
143 - End Of Year One
144 - Roses Are Red, Blood Is Too
145 - A Withered Rose
146 - Sister Verses Fiancé
147 - How To Beat A Bitch
148 - Johnson
149 - The Cult's Shenanigans
150 - Let's Play A Game Of Torture
151 - My Second Year Starts
152 - The Second Kato
153 - Train Trouble
154 - The Yanderes Have A Sleepover
155 - Becoming An Apprentice
156 - I Think We All Expected This
157 - Ken Kage Enters The Spotlight
158 - The S Ranked Open Rift
159 - The Dragon Of The Lost Isles
160 - The Love Of A Mother
161 - I Hate Demon King Invasions
162 - I Also Hate Myself
163 - Another World
164 - Demon King Beelzebub
165 - Grinding With Medea
166 - Tempus - The Land Of Time
167 - The Colosseum
168 - Love Is War
169 - Tail of a Spar
170 - Attempts To Save
171 - The Knight Verses The Trickster
172 - The Arrival Of Azeroth
173 - A Fight Between Monsters
174 - The Damned Demon Queen
175 - Divine Shift
176 - The Queen's Past
177 - Loop
178 - On The Other Side
179 - The End Of The Queen's Reign
180 - Epilogue
Volume 2 - Thanks!

125 - Prologue

12.2K 323 345
By UnknownFate25

Volume 2 - Death's Life

(??? POV)

"Ugh..." I groaned. "What is this...?"

I looked over the evidence for the newest case. It was...pretty gruesome. I don't even want to think about what happened to the victim. This is one of the worst things I've seen in quite a while.

I placed the file down, pushing it away. The crime happened a couple days ago, and immediately the news went overdrive. It was a murder made by someone angry.

Someone with a vengeance. A personal grudge.

My phone buzzed. It was Officer Gordon.

"Yeah?" I asked, answering the call.

"You've sent the file?" Gordon asked.

"Yeah. This is pretty bad." I stated.

"Found out anything?" He asked.

"Yeah, well, this crime was made by someone with a grudge." I replied.

"Anyone could have known that with a single glance." He sighed. "This girl was straight-up tortured before they died. I feel sorry for the parents who came back home only to find their daughter in their basement in that state."

"You don't think it's the parents?" I asked.

"Do you?" Gordon replied.

"No." I shook my head. "Not with this evidence. It doesn't match."

"I thought so." Gordon stated. "So, what else did you figure out?"

"The crime was made by someone around the same age." I stated. "It seems the victim had been stalked a couple days before the killer struck. Whoever did this was very thorough."

"Motive?" Gordon asked.

"My best guess is jealousy." I stated.

"Seriously? A murder over jealousy?" Gordon replied, slightly disgusted.

"Well, with multiple broken hearts carved into the skin I think you can understand why I think that." I replied.

"God...I did not need to know that." Gagged Gordon. "This is the worst things that's happened in a long time."

"I've been in the business for a long time." I stated. "And this is still one of the worst cases."

"That bad, huh. Honestly, not too surprised." Gordon sighed. "Well, let us know if you suddenly have an epiphany from this evidence. We're currently finding suspects, and I'll get back to you."

"Alright. Thanks." I replied.

"No problem. Keep up the good work Detective Miles." Gordon stated, hanging up.

I sighed, placing my phone back into my pocket as I took a cigarette. Taking a long draw, I let the smoke float to the ceiling of my room.

What would drive a person so far? While I believe my deductions, I can't piece it all together. Why? Is this person just a psycho who needs some mental therapy?

My phone buzzed once more. I was worried of what may be there. Instead, it was just a text from my wife.

Milly: Want to eat out tonight?

Me: Sure. Needed a distraction from work.

Milly: That bad, huh?

Me: Really bad. One of the worst cases in a long time.

Milly: You can tell me at dinner then. Let's just go with something simple.

Me: McDonalds?

Milly: Yep.

Me: I don't get why you like them so much.

Milly: Their fries are THE best!

Me: Okay, okay. Fair point. I'll meet you there.

I stood up, discarding my cigarette into my trash can. I left the office, getting into my Cadillac and driving towards the McDonalds.

It's been a good month, so she must be dying to have those fries. I can't exactly blame her, they're quite good.

Pulling up to the McDonalds, I parked the car and entered. I immediately noticed Milly, who was energetically waving towards me.

I walked over to her, sitting down with her.

"I already ordered for us." She smiled.

We've done this enough times for her to already know what I want.

"Thanks." I stated.

"So, what's so bad about today?" She asked.

"A really bad case. You don't really want to know about it." I sadly chuckled.

"Hit me." She stated.

"Fine. An eighteen-year old girl was murdered. Tortured before her death and found in the basement of her house." I explained.

"Oh, you're doing that one." Milly winced. "It's been all over the news."

"Not surprising. It's a big deal." I sighed.

"So, what has you figured out, my dear Sherlock?" She asked.

"You know I can't disclose details until the public knows." I stated.

"That's so stupid, I'm your wife." Milly pouted.

"And we're in the middle of a McDonalds. This isn't even the best time to talk about this." I sighed.

"It's the best time. You're able to relax." She smiled.

"No, I'm sure there are better times." I sweatdropped.

The food was suddenly placed on our table before the waiter walked off, going back to deliver some more food.

We started to eat our food. Milly chowed down those fries like a lawnmower on overdrive. I don't think I've ever seen fries been destroyed so quickly before.

Kind of scary...

As we left the fast food restaurant to head home, I got another call from Gordon.

"Give me a moment." I asked Milly, accepting the call. "Gordon? What's up?"

"We've apprehended a subject." Gordon stated.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"We started to ask them questions. And then she admitted to it." Gordon replied.

"She what?!" I gasped.

"Yeah. She admitted to it. She seems pretty loco too. She won't answer our questions though, except for the question of if she did it or not." Gordon sighed. "They want you to come in to see if you can get anything from her."

"Alright, fine. I'll be there in a moment." I stated.

I hung up.

"Work?" Milly worriedly asked.

"A person has admitted to the crime." I stated, still confused. "They're calling me in to try to get some info out of her."

"Good luck." Milly kissed my cheek.

"Thanks." I smiled.

I got back into my Cadillac, heading towards the police station. I couldn't help but have an unnerving feeling about this. Why would the person admit to it?

What was this girl's motives? Why did she admit to it? Why did she do it in the first place? Why was she jealous, if my deductions were correct? Why torture?

Nothing was normal about this case, and it greatly bothered me. Too much known, and yet not enough.

I couldn't help but have a chill run down my spine.

Arriving at the police station, I quickly entered. They brought me to the interrogation room. Standing outside of it, I looked through the one-way mirror at the girl chained to the chair.

She had to have been about sixteen, with black curly hair. Why would she do this? What was going on?

It didn't make any damn sense.

"Think you can get anything out of her?" Gordon asked, handing me a new file.

"Not sure, but I'll try." I sighed as I skimmed through it.

The police let me into the room, closing the door behind me. I sat down in the chair in front of the girl. I placed the new file onto the table, staring the girl in the eyes.

All that separated us was the table and the restraints. If it wasn't for those, what would she had done to me?

" admitted it?" I asked.

"Admitted to what?" She replied, innocently tilting her head.

"You know what I'm talking about." I sighed. "The murder of Kiera White."

"Ohhh, that." She replied. "Yeah, I did. I murdered her."

"And...why? Why are you admitting this?" I asked.

"Because my goal's been completed. As simple as that. That bitch deserved to pay for what she did." She shrugged.

She, a sixteen year old girl, was being so nonchalant about murdering another girl. Which means either she didn't, or she was...


"Alright, so do you mind if I ask for your motives?" I continued.

"She deserved it." The girl muttered.

Okay, I see the problem. She's willing to answer questions, but seems caught up on certain details, causing her not to reveal others.

"If you don't mind, can I ask what that girl did to you?" I slowly asked.

"That bitch..." She growled. "She hurt him."

Okay, now we have a him. Must be the cause of jealousy.

"Him?" I asked. "A classmate? A friend?"

"My brother." She stated.

Okay, now I'm confused. Not some crazy girl taking out a love rival, not in this case. Unless...let's just not go there.

"So, what did she do to your brother?" I asked.

"She...she...broke his heart." She growled, glaring down at the table.

So it does deal with love. Not the original way I thought though.

"She hurt him. He'd come home covered in bruises and with black eyes. He took it for me." She continued, tears welling up in the corner of her eyes.

Shit, if she's speaking the truth then this Kiera was abusive. But that still doesn't condone murder.

"Eventually he quit school so he could focus fully on working for me. After Mother and Father left he was our only source of money." She continued.

Abandonment. The more I here the worse I feel for her. She's must have had it rough. Maybe she needs therapy.

"And then he came home, collapsing onto the couch after putting me to bed." She sighed. "Dead."

Oh shit. Wait...wait...did she's just...

"That bitch needed to pay." She growled, slamming her fists onto the table.

Her brother was never reported as missing or dead. He's still in her house. Oh god, he's still in her house.

She's crazy.

She looked at me. "You don't believe me, don't you? Even though I didn't even say anything crazy..."

"Haha..." She started to laugh. "Of course. No one ever does. Haha...hahahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Oh shit.

I quickly exited the room as the girl laughed maniacally. I didn't trust her at all. I wouldn't stay another second in that room with her.

"Go! Search that damn house!" Gordon yelled. "How could no-one have noticed a hardworking teenager going missing?!"

Gordon looked over to me. "Thank you, you did a lot. You can go home, I'll keep you informed."

"Ah...thanks..." I slowly replied.

I silently walked out of the panicking police station. This whole situation was so messed up. I felt like I was missing so many things to this story.

I knew one thing though. That girl was crazy.

The drive home was deafeningly silent. I couldn't think of anything except for her maniacally happy face. The face she made because she murdered a girl.

I tried to shake it out of my thoughts, but I couldn't stop replaying today's events. This case is horrific. I've seen a lot, but this really unnerved me.

A lot more than I expected too...

By the time I got home Milly was asleep. She always did like her afternoon naps. I went to sleep that night, struggling to fall asleep as my mind kept thinking back to that girl.

The buzzing of my phone woke me up from my restless sleep that night. I groggily grabbed onto it, answering the call and stopping the annoying screech.

"Gordon...what's up...?" I yawned.

"She's gone." Gordon stated, sounding as if in shock.

"Wait, what?!" I jolted awake.

"Last night. She...she hung herself." Gordon gasped.

I couldn't get the girl out of my mind for quite a long time afterwards. A mere reference to her sent shivers down my spine. Her name haunted me like a shadow.

I was afraid. Afraid of Kira Johnson.

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