Game of Prythian

By Cait2025

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In the beginning and in the end, there is darkness; Nothing more. Kana Archeron has spent her entire life be... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Part 2
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Thank you/SEQUEL!
Thank You!!!

Chapter Twenty-Seven

300 8 4
By Cait2025

(A/N This is a rather long chapter compared to the others. PS that's Kana's sword.)

Kana's POV: 

After I had convinced Xeres that I was fine, he sent for a few servants to help me. They came into my room quickly, and shooed me toward the bathroom. One drew the bath and dumped some oils and salts into the water, while the other brushed out my hair quickly.

"What are your names?" I asked calmly. They both seemed quite frightened of me. They looked at me, the older one brushing my head said, "Don't worry about it Princess."

"I'd like to know who's taking care of me." I said to them calmly, I smiled at them in the mirror. "I understand if you'd rather not, Rask can be brutal at times." At least from what I've read, from what my spies told me. The one with brown hair and soft hazel eyes looked like she was going to kill me.

The younger one reminded me of the sun, her hair was soft brown with natural blonde highlights. Her eyes were a soft blue with hints of teal and baby blue throughout her eyes.

They both left. Which left me alone. My breathing came in short breaths as I neared the tub. I glared at it, like it was the most horrid monster I'd ever faced.

I searched the bathroom quickly, and I found a small bucket in the closet. I scooped some water out of the tub and grabbed the sponge and soap from the rim of the tub.

I glared at the tub again minutes later as I dumped the dirty water back into the tub. My hand neared it and I flinched when the bedroom door opened. I focused my magic on the drain, the drain unscrewed and the water flooded out of the tub.

The servant spoke, "Your father wants us to help dress you lady." I frowned. "I am capable of dressing myself, just leave them at the bathroom door please."

"I'm sorry Lady, we cannot do so, we have orders from the king." The same servant spoke. She sounded like a snobby little bitch. "Please enter then." I tied a towel around me in a knot.

She entered with a distinct frown on her face. The other entered with her head down, clearly frightened from the servant that held her chin high. Like she was better than everyone else.

She waved me toward the dressing room, and I stepped on the stool with ease. She snapped, grossly, "You are quite thin darling, and that hair seems to like the slave quaters in Vallahan better than the royal castle of Rask."

She pulled the corset tightly around me, mother bless I hate these things. I glared down at her, I pulled at her bones a little, she shivered. But the servant put it off as cold. "Do you know what a Bone-Singer is?"

"Who doesn't? They are beautifully powerful, not more powerful than Prince Darwyn. Beside Lady, I'd give up now the princes are way out of your league."

Darwyn? I frowned and snapped at her, "It's a good thing that I'm Aldrich's daughter then, and a Bone-Singer who wants to kill you where your measly rat face stands. Excuse yourself, Servant. If I need someone I'll call for my brothers, Prince Theodoric and Prince Xerxes."

She paled and hissed while she scurried from the room. I hopped down off of the stool. I glanced at the younger maid in the corner. I set my fingers under her chin and made her look at me. "I'm very sorry for her horrible attitude, do you mind helping me out?"

She shook her head and fetched the dress quickly. She went into the room and brought in a different dress. I raised my brow, the dress was a gray hue that faded into black as it reached the bottom of the skirt.

The girl explained, "Kennedy rigged the other dress with itching powder, I figured you wouldn't like that."

I snorted and smiled, "No, I don't think I would have, thank you. Could I have your name?"

"My name is Marigold. I'm one of Prince Theodoric's servants." She said softly. I nodded as I stepped back up onto the stool. Marigold helped me into the loose dress. It was comfortable, and fit me just right. It covered the Mother's marking as well.

I glanced at Marigold, "May I call you Mari for short," She nodded, and smiled gently at me. "Mari, do any of my brother's hands wander where they shouldn't."

I heard the girl choke, she answered quickly. "No! At least not that I am aware of Princess, if anyone would know that it's the lower servants, who clean, and cook for the castle."

I nodded, soaking up the information. "Mari, I... have been away from Rask most of my life, I have barely any knowledge about this castle and it's goings. How many Princes are there?"

She blinked at me as she helped me down off the stool, and smoothed out my dress for me. "I understand if you want the information Princess, but I'd prefer if you talk to your known brothers about this."

I nodded as I was led to the vanity. I sat on the stool and Mari brushed through my ghostly white hair. "I just wanted to warn you Princess, you'll be meeting your family at dinner tonight. The Queen will be happy to see her daughter-"

"Mari, the Queen isn't my moher." I frowned at her in the mirror. Her eyes flicked up to my dark gray silvery ones. I continued, "Mari, I'm Aldrich's bastard. I wouldn't expect anyone to treat me very kindly here except Aldrich, Theo, and Xer."

She nodded,but smiled, "Least someone in this damn castle knows how to tell Kennedy off now."

I nodded and she prepared me for dinner tonight. She let my hair down, while it's straight locks sat perfectly with the dress. Before Mari left, she handed me velvet black slippers to go with the dress. I searched through the room a bit. I found a knife, and I tucked it into the pocket of the dress.

I glanced out the window with the incredible view and looked down directly to the moat of the castle. I snorted, they were fools if they thought this drop would stop me from escaping this room.

I frowned, why would I need to escape? My brothers are in this castle, and my father. I blinked, the other Princes arranged this room, they thought I was some person of interest from Hybern.

The door opened and I didn't bother to turn. "You look beautiful, Kana." I turned and met Theo. I blinked, he was much different from when I was younger. I only remember his calm, yet always heard voice.

"It's good to see you again." I cooed, he offered me his arm. I linked my arm through his own and I was quickly swept out of the room. I cleared my throat, "I know their are You and Xer. But how many other siblings do I have?"

He glanced down at me and winced.He glanced ahead of us, "Well, there is Xer, Darwin, and me. Which are all older than you. Then there are Aurthur and Athena."

I blinked a him, "So eight." He smirked at me, "Five Kana."

I glared at him, "If you've forgotten Theodoric I have eight siblings. Four brothers and Four sisters, three of which are in Prythian." He swallowed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to anger you."

I sighed, and shook my head. "Do you know how they are?" Theo looked down at my small form, I was the same height I had always been. However, had grown like everyone else, he had to be a few inches taller than six feet.

"Father sent a letter, and Rhysand said that Feyre is fine, Elain isn't doing too well. Nesta sits by her side almost everyday, almost never leaving." I shivered and Theo finished. He paused and I looked up at him. "Darwyn is the second Prince and Xer is the third. You stand fourth in line."

I paused starring at the large doors in front of us. "How old?"

He cleared his throat and said, "I'm just over four hundred. Darwyn is about thirty years younger than me. Xer will be turning two-hundred in a few years. Aurthur and Kennedy turn six this year."

"Thank you, Theo." I patted his arm with my free one. He nodded, "Let's not keep them waiting."

The guards pushed open the doors for us. Aldrich glanced up from the head of the table, "I'm happy you could join us." He smiled brightly. A female with strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes glanced up at me.

She said nothing. Her eyes pinned me with a gaze that many would find threatening. "Thank you for having me, King."

Theo pulled a chair out for me, and helped me scoot in quickly. He hardly made any noise. Xer sat to my left, and a little girl with light brown hair and Aldrich's hazel eyes looked up at me.

He snorted, "Drop the formalities Kana, call me Aldrich." I nodded and we all sat in silence, the Queen stared at me down. I stared right back, with an unwavering stone face.

A male on the right of Xer snorted, "Do you mind explaining, father, why you brought a hybern whore back to our castle?"

I didn't hesitate, "For a second rate Prince I expected more, especially sense there are sensitive ears in the room." He snarled at me, Aldrich snapped his fingers. I glanced at him, he knew my silent words well enough.

"I would not insult your sister that way." he spoke calmly. Darwyn choked. The Queen glared at him like cooked meat. "Her?" Darwyn pointed at me. I was tempted to snap his hand in half. The hand Xer wrapped around my own stopped my temptations quickly. "Out of all the things in the world father, I did not expect you to invite a bastard to this table."

I sighed, and glanced at the Queen. She glanced right back at me, and I motioned toward the children. She nodded, "Athena, Arthur, would you mind the adults for a minute."

They nodded quickly, but Athena paused to look at me. "I like your hair, nice lady." The child left quickly after that. The Queen hissed, "I get you're a soldier but could you mind your mouth Darwyn! They're children!"

The Prince sighed, "I'm sorry mother." I tried not to snort, a momma's boy then. I spoke softly, "Lady Queen, I can leave should you like a conversation with your husband and your boys."

"That'd be-" Darwyn started. The Queen silenced him quickly, "You will stay right where you are Kana. You may not be my blood, but you're most certainly mine as Queen."

I blinked, not what I expected. "Very well."

Aldrich looked to Darwyn, "She's your sister, just as much as the rest of them." He hissed and glared straight at me. "Father can you sense her? She barely has any magic to think of! Think of the shame that she'll bring you!"

"One, It was my decision to sleep with her mother, no king is perfect and if I don't tell the truth now then it will come out later and hurt a thousand times worse. Two, Kana, drop the fucking glamor."

I sighed and let it drop. My power swarmed the room like a cage. Xer squeezed the side of his chair. "Mother's sake, Kana."

I gently laid the glamor back on. "When I went into the cauldron, something told me that this was the power I was supposed to have should I have been born full blooded."

Darwyn glanced at Theo, who answered smoothly, "Kana was born Half fae, half human, but Hybern killed her, received her, and made her full blooded fae through the power of the cauldron."

All was silent. Theo's shining goldish hair did justice to his golden personality. The family talked while I sat silently next to Xer. The twins reentered after a few minutes and Athena kept shooting me small glances. When dinner was finally over, Xer was glaring at me.

We all exited quickly, and we left quickly. He followed me back to my room. Finally he pinned me with a question, "You barely drank anything." My tipy brother leaned against my door frame.

I shrugged, "I don't like getting drunk." I haven't been able to drink without vomiting blood. I wasn't sure I'd even be able to hold it.

He snorted at me, "Whatever you say Ghosty." I smiled at him, "It is what I say Kitchen boy."

He laughed, "I'd thought you'd forgotten about that by now."

I shrugged and entered my room silently. I wiggled out of the dress and set it on the vanity stool. I shucked the corset off and set it in the corner. I slid on a smooth silk nightgown while I set the velvet shoes in the wardrobe.

I sighed and laid in my bed looking up at the ceiling. The hallways of the castle had been regal, yet I hadn't taken the time to suck them in. Just as I haven't at the time to deal with the fact I am in Rask. I am in Rask, with the family I've always dreamed of, and my sisters are in Prythian suffering.

I thought back, the demon hadn't visited. She was planning then. I ran my fingers over the fine made quilt. The ceiling was in the shape of a dome, with the story of one of Rask's idols painted in it.

It told the story of the Mother's three sides. My mark burned as I noticed the artwork. I set my hand on it, and the mark stopped sizzling with magic. I closed my eyes, begging for sleep. Yet the face of the demon met me.

My eyes stayed open, thinking about Darwyn, his love for Rask that others saw as arrogance, rudeness, and hatefulness. Athena, and her kind words and silent nature, Xerxes he and his dark persona but kind heart, Theodoric and his nature to be king, Arthur who I hadn't notice or talked to the entire meal, the Queen who saw me as her own, and Aldrich, the father I'd always wished I had.

Then there was me, The dead girl walking, The High General with the most strategic talent in the world, the bone-singer, the soldier, the mother wihtout children, the sister of two families, The Back Queen, the player of The Game of Prythian.

The light of dawn leaked through the curtains. The servant's would just be waking up. I got up from the bed and made my way over to the dresser. I opened a few of the doors before I found a set of sparring clothes with a note on top, 'We figured you'd need these eventually.' - Xer & Theo

I would thank them later. I dressed quickly, and slid the sparring boots on that went up to mid-calf. I picked up the dress from the stool and pulled the knife out of the pocket. I went back to the drawer I found it in and found a matching holster.

My mark burned, Nesta had Trutina, my mark burned and I pressed my hand to it. When it stopped I was out of breath. I turned and found a dignified sword laying on my bed. A small note was laid on top, 'Sorry for the burning, it shall now only have a warm feeling to it and a bit of a glow.' - The Moon.

I read the note twice over then quickly destroyed it with my magic. I latched the sheath across my back, and the sword was something of pure beauty. I held it in my hands, I swung it through the air a few times. I swirled it and flipped it and pointed it straight up where a melas throat would be. When the sword halted a zinging metal sound was cutting through the air.

The sword was glowing slightly, I knew it was my own magic. I smirked, I was happy I still had it. I couldn't help but wonder if Xer would approve. I had never seeked someone's approval, yet I felt the craving to make my family proud.

I slid the sword into its sheath, and silently made my way out of my room. I wandered the castle for a few minutes. Before feeling the warming sensation of my mark. I followed it down the hallways where it felt warmest where I turned. I eventually made my way out a servant's exit and found a small training area.

Xer and Theo's scent, along with a few others, were all over the area. This is where they trained then. I glanced up and the side where the door was, is the side of the castle. The other is a cliff face that's protected by rock sticking up in jagged pieces. One could climb them, but they were tall enough to hide people from view from ground lookers.

Windows were etched into the castle, yet they seemed to be higher up, or tiny windows letting air into the seven story servant's stairwell. I drew my sword, who still has a name, and swung her around a few times.

I practiced the movements of battle, I was beyond rusty. I stumbled a few times, but eventually I got myself into a steady rhythm. Eventually I started enterwinging a few Valkyrie techniques into my own.

I tried a few different combinations until I found a happy middle. I spun the sword in my hand, flipping it and slicing. Eventually my power started to leak into the blade again. And it glowed as I brought her upward hard enough then stopped at throats height.

The metal singing through air noises echoed over the side of the castle. A slow clapping noise came from the door. I glanced up, my hand already on my knife. Darwyn came from the shadows, he smiled at me. "You're pretty good."

"Thank you," I muttered. "I'm sorry if I woke you."

He snorted, "It's fine, the upper windows are mine, but I'm a light sleeper. Xer and Theo won't wake up unless they feel panic around them." I nodded and looked over the edge of the cliff and looked over. The early sun was to my right, so I was looking dead North.

"Why are you up Kana?" He asked smoothly, he sounded worried. I turned to him and muttered, "I wanted to trian, I'm horribly rusty."

"Because you died?" he asked calmly. I shook my head, "I was a dead girl walking long before that."

He raised his brow and I kept my gaze on the ground. I answered, "When I was eight, I noticed some changes in my magic, it cut out and I'd get stuck in walls while I was phasing. One time I was standing right behind my mother when it cut out and i frightened her so badly she threw my littlest sister off the second story balcony."

Darwyn was silent as I glared up at the sky trying to stop the water in my eyes from spilling over. "I thought she died, I was so scared I winnowed for the first time, right down after her, I didn't catch her, but she survived. Now she has this little tiny, almost not visible scar on her arm."

I glanced at him as my tears faded, "Aren't you supposed to hate me?" he glanced at me, "I thought you were one of those pining ladies, trying to gain weath. Claiming your a bastard daughter of a king is an easy way to get rich quick."

I snorted, then giggled. "I get it, you love this country as much as I love it." The words were out before I could stop them. I explain when he gave me a weird look, "I always dreamed about going to Rask as a little girl, even after I turned down Aldrich's offer to come here with them. I couldn't abandon my sisters, even if it cost me my life in the end."

"What do you mean?" He asked smoothly. I cleared my throat, "When Aldrich came and visited for the first and only time, he scared my mother. Enough so that from that point onward she started poisoning me with ash wood dust in every meal."

I heard him snarl but I continued, "Eventually when she finally admitted to it, she was on her deathbed. My mother choked to death on her own blood from disease after my father lost us all our wealth in an accident. There was no cure, so since I was eight I was dying. Just before I died, when the Prince and Princess of Hybern killed me, I could barely stand for more than a few minutes on my own. Some days I didn't have the strength to get out of bed."

"If she were alive," Darwyn glared at me, a burning fire lit in his gaze. "I would kill her."

"If she had lived longer, Nesta would have done it for you." I said flatly. I sighed, Nesta, my twin, my half, and currently the guardian of Elain. Darwyn drew my attention. "Wanna spar?"

He picked a wooden pole up from the corner. I took my weapons off and gently set them on a crate. Darwyn tossed me a wooden pole. Darwyn was big enough he could use the pole one handed, while I'd have to use both.

If I used one I'd be off balance, but I could use that to my advantage. We circled each other as his magic drew a circle in the sandy-dirt for us. He asked, "Is it true you obliterated forty-five hundred soldiers by yourself?"

"Yes." I whispered. Feyre had watched me, even though I ordered her to be at the back, I knew she had seen me. Montesere would have slaughtered so many, yet I don't think I did much better.

I didn't even let them spot me in the sky.

"What type of magic do you have?" I asked, I knew the Xer was a daemati. The only one in the family.

Darwyn smiled, "Fire, I'm strongest with fire." I smiled at him, "I know you like fire then, but please remember that Autumn Court is a bunch of assholes."

He barked a laugh, and struck. I slid toward him on one knee blocking. We switched back and forth on offence and defense, just playing around. Acting like two kids.

Darwyn struck again, hard and fast. I dodged, leaping backwards. We weren't just playing anymore, this was a test of power. We fought for a little while, until he used his brute strength and I was knocked out of the ring.

He offered me his hand, I grasped it with my own. He pulled me up right, "Good job."

It was true, I know I can beat Darwyn, but I think I was happy I lost today. It showed me a few things about how he fought. We had a few more rounds, then Darwyn and I went through a small routine together. It wasn't as awkward, lucky he was a good conversationalist.

I yawned, my sleepless night catching up to me. Darwyn said, as we both did crunches, "You didn't sleep, did you?"

"I could close my eyes without seeing death." I mutter softly. I felt Darwyn's gaze on me, "I'm sorry you had to go through that, The Cauldron, and death."

I shrugged, "I'm not the only one who went through it, the cauldron wasn't the worst thing that's ever happened to me.

Darwyn spoke softly, "That doesn't mean you aren't allowed to feel things about it Kana, it doesn't make it any less okay or better."

I sighed as we finished off our crunches. I asked, "Wanna plank?"

"It's about nine, we should probably get to breakfast." Darwyn said, I nodded. I wanted to keep going, but I know I'd need to eat to fuel my training. I grabbed my sword and knife off the crates. Darwyn snapped his fingers and the grime and dust disappeared off of us both. I nodded my head in thanks as we headed toward the dining hall.

When we arrived, Darwyn held the door open but as he set his hand on the door handle. Then he paused, and snarled quietly. "Hope your acting is good."

He opened the door and let me enter first. Sun glittered through the stained glass windows. Our father sat at the head of the table, with the queen by his side. Four advisors sat, and one of them seemed to have brought their two oldest sons. I glared at my father, but Xerxes poked my mental shields.

I let him in then made sure to close the hole, I didn't know who these males were. Xer spoke, Father did do this, Kennedy leaked it to Advisor Harold's second son when they fucked apparently.

The males glared at the sword across my back. I sat in my place and the third Princess of Rask. Darwyn glared at the males as if they were dead meat. I asked, Who is Advisor Harold?

Xer glanced at me, Damian Harold is the fae sitting next to mom. Both of his sons are on his right. Advisor Tuscaloosa, Gareth Tuscaloosa. He'sone of my father's favorites, his son's are okay. But they can be assholes.

Advisor Harold spoke, his voice a grouchy barroton said, "You must be Kana-"

"Princess Kana to you Damian." I spoke lowly. He glared at me, "Princess Kana, it is a pleasure to meet you."

I hummed, "The pleasure is all yours. I would have preferred your son not go to the Royal business. One day, It will cost him his life should it continue." Damian's face flushed red with anger. His jaw clenched and his forehead wrinkled.

Xer glanced at me, approval and joy shining in his eyes. He said calmly, As i was saying, there is Advisor Falcon Lorde, he's a complete badass, you'd like him, he was going to be General, but when his father died he took up the family position.

The servants entered quietly, setting a bunch of dishes across the table. Once everything was settled down my father clapped his hands and thanked the advisors for the surprise, a silent threat not to do it again.

Xer continued, as I dipped fruit onto my plate, Finally there is Advisor Warner Province, he's old, like really old, and very wise. He married a female his age and had his sons a few hundred years ago.

"Princess Kana," I turned my head to look at the male who spoke. "It remains a mystery to how you've remained secret all these years, would you care to enlighten us."

He sat next to Advisor Harold, one of his son's then. "What is your name?" I asked calmly. He smirked, "Darrien, Darrien Harold."

"Then perhaps you can learn from Advisor Lorde, when to shut your damned mouth." I said flatly, I heard my brothers chuckle. I now knew why the twins weren't present.

Darrien's face flushed with embarrassment. I wanted out of this horrible chamber, I wanted to go back and spar with Darwyn some more. He seems the most invested in training out of all of my elder brothers.

Advisor Lorde spoke, "If I may Princess?" I glanced at him, his question shone in his eyes. "You may."

"You've served, Princess?" It was more a statement than a question. I answered calmly, "Yes," I swallowed a grape and spoke. "I was the High General of the alliance forces of Prythian."

I heard Darrien and his brother choke. Advisor Lord nodded his head, "I heard of you, the soldiers speak often of how you managed to avoid Amarantha's misting, and also of how you lived as two different people for so many years."

My lips lifted up, "It wasn't the best of times." Advisor Lorde nodded, "War is never a good time for anyone."

I was able to dodge the conversations after that, Xer and my brothers talking with Advisor Lorde. I sighed, when Darwyn stood I followed him out. When we were out of ear shot he smiled and set his arm on my shoulders, "That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen, those bastards are so arrogant."

I snorted, "Can we spar now?"

Darwyn nodded, "Falcon might join us if Xer and Theo can convince him, but our brothers will be there." I nodded, and we made our way down to our little area. I felt Darwyn move a piece of my hair behind my half ear. I had done a good job at hiding it until now.

"I assume this was from the fight that killed you?" He rumbled darkly. I nodded my head, "There's nothing we can do about it now, no way to fix it either."

He snarled quietly, I could feel the heat leaking from him. "Darwyn?" He glanced at me, and I said quietly. "What's the sparking?"

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "It's a process where your magic sparks for the first time, and you get the full force of it. We learned you sparked after we had gotten you back."

I frowned, when he asked, "Do you know when you sparked?"

I sighed and muttered, "I sparked while I was in the cauldron." Darwyn glanced at me, then he blinked, I waited letting my words sink in. he whispered softly, "We should have been there for you."

"I'm the one who pushed you all away, it's not your fault." I attempted to soothe him. Darwyn glanced at me, but left it alone. We waited for a few minutes but decided we could go ahead and start a round.

"You're still weak from the cauldron, don't push yourself." Darwyn said as we readied. I set my sword and knife on the crates again. I glanced at him, "I know my limits."

Darwyn frowned but didn't bring it up again. He tossed me a pole and we began. We exchanged short hits, and really just kept up at a steady pace. He didn't want to push me, I was tired, and weak.

The sun approached its peak and I threw my hair into a quick bun that hid my ears. Darwyn squinted at it, but didn't comment.

"You both were in training gear before breakfast so how long were you all going?" Theo asked as he picked up a pole from the barrel. Darwyn answered, "Kana and I experimented for like two hours, But she was here long before I was."

Theo glanced at me, and I shrugged. "I was up at dawn; old habits die hard."

Xer frowned as I stepped out of the ring. Xer chucked a canteen. "Thanks." I murmured, before pressing it to my lips. The water was cold. The best salve for the hto temperature and my dry throat.

Theo had stepped into the ring with Darwyn. Darwyn, unlike our match, did not hold back against Theo. I pushed myself on the crate next to my weapons and watched as my brother's duked it out.

I sighed, a familiar face came and sat on the ground next to my legs. I glanced down at Advisor Lorde. He tapped the top of my foot and said, "Call me Falcon."

"Only if my enemy insists." I joked. He laughed and watched the marvelous show of power. I murmured, "Who will win?"

"Darwyn usually wins, but he spends all his time either doing paperwork, training, or two different types of exercises." He winked at me and I chuckled. Falcon added, "Between the hree of them Xerxes always wins because he has the most available time for training."

I nodded and watched as Darwyn pinned Theo. Falcon said, "For a long time, I've studied war. Yet you are more than a fourth of my age, and are one of the best General's alive. How did you do it?"

"You studied books," I muttered. "I studied ballrooms."

"Ballrooms?" He glanced up at me. I nodded, "If you can read people, understand how they think. You can come to a logical conclusion about what that person's mind will do."

Falcon pressed his lips together and smiled, "So your telling me if I start going to balls and try to decipher what people do before they do it, I'll be a better soldier?"

"Yeah, that's the just of it." I shrugged. We both laughed. The storm clouds rolled in and we escaped indoors.

Falcon and I talked about battles long since fought as we walked. And when I was finally able to hide in my room. The only thing I could think about was why the Bone Carver would shift into him everytime he came to me?

Hey guys! I hope you all are having a magical end of the year. Whether you all are celebrating any type of holiday during this time, i hope it is a very happy time of year for you all.

Happy Reads Everyone!

: Dragon-Fly:

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