✨Total drama x (fem!) reader✨

By Remibubs32

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✨🌸Hey! So this is my first story here!🌸✨ This fan fic contains NO male love interests!! only women in this... More

Audition tape
Not so happy campers pt1
The big sleep
Not quite famous
✨The sucky outdoors✨
✨phobia factor✨
🌸Up the creek🌸
🌸Paintball deer hunt🌸
✨if you can't take the heat✨
✨who can you trust?✨
🌸Basic straining🌸
The end.

Not so happy campers pt2

2.6K 54 10
By Remibubs32

Well here you are at the top of a literally mountain preparing to just free fall off it... awesome! I mean you gotta tick it off your bucket list at one point right? You stare down at the massive drop with a smile on your face then on an impulse you turn around and say "HEY Izzy wanna jump off at the same time and see who hits the water first?!" Startling mostly everyone and now loads of people thought you were nuts but Izzy clearly loved that idea and quickly agreed.

Bridgette jumped first, you all watched as she made it into the safe zone and says it's okay for everyone else to jump. Your about to jump but you stop yourself because someone else beats you to it you don't see who it was because they were already in the water then finally other than you and Izzy, Katie, Sadie and Courtney everyone had jumped, other than DJ , " I have to be in the same team as Katie!" Sadie whines and Izzy says "I'll switch places with her". "NNOOOOOO the BETRAYAL" you say " we were supposed to race each other" Izzy simply shrugs and Katie and Sadie jump off the cliff now it's just you and Courtney, "excuse me Chris? I have a medical condition" she says, oh no she's jumping if you can't race Izzy might as well make Courtney jump down. You grab her arm "your jumping." You simply state, you look her dead in the eye and jump taking her with you, Courtney screaming the entire way down you let go of her arm to which she grabs your arm "DONT LET GO YOU IDIOT!" She yells, this surprises you but before you could respond, you hit the water. 

"WOW! LETS DO THAT AGAIN!" you say once you get out of the water onto the boat helping up Courtney, "I'd rather not I could've died!" She responds, " isn't that the point?" You shrug and then you watch as the other team have to jump Beth being the chicken for their team, because each team only had one chicken Chris couldn't decide who to give the carts to so he flipped a coin the gophers won and got the carts, stupid coin, but because you had no specific team you could travel with whoever you wanted so you chose the gophers. 

They made it back to camp in no time and Chris then told them to open the crates with only their mouths, you didn't have a crate to open but it was rather funny seeing people pull on ropes like dogs or try to chew on the wooden crates, once Izzy opened hers, getting rope burn on her tongue in the process, everyone else's soon opens after. The killer bass came into view Eva at the front and Tyler at the back, but the one thing that sticks out the most is Courtney's eye, it looks way worse than it did on tv. 

"Hey Courtney your eye looks really bad you okay?" You say as you walk over to her, she try's to cover the eye, "it's fine just an allergy!" She says "it'll get better", yeh not without medical attention you think, " listen I've got something in my bag that may help, you sure you don't want anything?" You say, she reluctantly agrees to the idea and you take her to the cabin to find the cream.

Your dad had always, whenever you went away had made you take a med-kit with you so it was now a habit, eventually you find the cream inside the little box and you and Courtney walk to the bathroom together, "listen right, you capable of putting this on or do you want me to do it?" You say holding the cream up, " perfectly capable thank you" she responded she then turns to the mirror and puts the cream on.... Her four head, "okay yeh no I'll do it" you say spinning her around and quickly putting the cream on her eye, "there all done wasn't that hard was it?" You say putting the cream into your pocket, "thank you y/n" Courtney says then you both walk out the bathroom towards the challenge... which you'd both missed and it was clear that the gophers had won their hot tub looked like so much fun! But as you now knew, well knew from the start, your were now officially a killer bass. 

To be honest Ezekiel's presence was enough to make you want to punch him you don't know why he just gives you that vibe of something you want to punch and in a minute he's gonna give you a good enough reason too, "I just don't get why we lost ey? There the ones that have six girls" oh yes there it was the reason, but Eva beat you to it and was already holding him by his neck at least you know who's going home today. 

You watch as home school gets onto the boat of losers and sails away towards the luxury island, unfortunately you were gonna have to stay in this dump a while longer you've got shit to do, it was now down time so filming was effectively over but you never know what they could catch on screen, anyway it was now time for the one thing you dreaded, sleep. It's not like you hate it you love to sleep but you just find it hard to actually get to sleep. Especially in a new place, but you've gotta try right? I mean mum didn't raise no quitter and so you walked off to the cabin and got changed.

Well, you failed miserably it was now pass midnight, everyone else was asleep so you couldn't even talk to someone, you could borrow Eva's MP3 player but she'd have a massive go at you for it and you didn't feel like going to hospital just yet, "hmmmmmmmmmm what to do?" You whispered thinking out loud might make the silence less deafening, then you got an idea, you'd go and sit on the steps leading up to the cabins you could look at the stars and stuff and maybe you would feel more sleepy afterwards. Yeh you'll do that. Carefully you get down from the top bunk so you don't wake anyone up and walk out onto the steps and sit down, it was cool outside and the sky was surprisingly clear that night it was quite relaxing. You sat there for a few minutes possibly an hour you didn't know then you heard something "who's there?!" You yell forgetting that people were still asleep, "YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" Yells back a very startled heather, "oh it's you", "you say that like it's a bad thing" she says "I just wasn't expecting anyone else to be awake I guess and it's only you" you say, heather raises her eyebrow at this people at home bend over backwards for her and she wasn't used to someone saying it was only her " why are you even up? Shouldn't you be asleep heather?" You ask genuinely wondering why on Earth she was out of bed, " I need to go to the toilet if you must know" she replies "oh! Sorry I didn't mean to keep you from that you can go." You say and the mean girl walks away towards the bathrooms then comes speed walking back.

"Why are you still awake huh? What are you planning?" She says, "I can't sleep" you say staring up at the sky, "why?" She asks still skeptical "I dunno I just cant, it's hard to sleep in a strange place with people you don't know. And I don't have the things I have at home to help me sleep" you respond. Heather seems to accept this response and starts walking towards the bathroom again.  

A few minutes later you see her walking back, then without warning she sits next to you, you weren't an idiot you weren't going to form any sort of alliance with her but you did like heather, "what are you doing?" You ask, "I'm sitting what does it look like?" She responds rolling her eyes at the stupid question "I was just wondering, I thought you wanted to sleep?" You say she clearly looked tired so why was she sat next to you, " I can't" she says, "why's that?" You say, "just can't" good enough you guess. You sit there together for a while just looking at the sky when you feel something against your shoulder, it was heather she'd fallen asleep, you smile, for a mean girl she did have some rather cute moments, not long after heather dosed off you started to feel sleepy to, and finally you fell asleep your  head resting on heathers as you drifted away into the land of sleep.

BOOM another chapter complete! I'm very happy with how it turned out I probably won't update this until after Christmas but maybe I will for a little Christmas present to you guys I don't know yet, also thank you for over 100 of you reading this it means a lot to me I didn't think anyone would take an interest, thank you. Have a good day or night~~ Remi 💕

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