Heir To The Mafia

By mochacapri

266K 7.3K 301

What could possible break two people apart that gave up everything to be with each other? For Amira and Mason... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
Chpater forty-two
chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
Epilogue II
New Book {Published}

chapter thirty-eight

2.8K 103 0
By mochacapri

Amira's POV

It has been an hour since I woke up Enrique told me that I had passed out before we got to the hospital but I'm still so exhausted. Mason was still in surgery and I was waiting for my examination results. To say I am stressed is an horrible understatement because I feel like I'm loosing my mind.

I don't even know how long I've been out for and once I woke up they told me that I couldn't see Mason because he's still in surgery like for real how long does that shit take. I don't even know if he's okay he bearly even had a pulse before we got here, I'm really trying to be positive about this but I can't help but imagine the worse that could happen or did happen.

Enrique had gone to check if there was any news so I was left alone in a huge ass room in a fucking private hospital that no one cared to tell me Mason owns. Now I know a lot of shit had happened in the past three days so nothing should really surprise me anymore but it does. I'm very much surprised it doesn't matter though I could careless all I need is for Mason to be fine so I could maybe stop stressing.

I didn't know being alone could be this lonely and  there was so may thoughts, I really just wanted you cry. I wanted to cry about Mason's situation that my family and I got him into, I wanted to cry about the fact that even when I tried so fucking hard to be perfect and be a good person I still got the shitty end of the stick. I wanted to cry for the truth of everything and what I saw that may or may not traumatize me and for every pain that I'm in both physically and mentally. I just wanted to let it all out so the overwhelming feel of anxiety would go away.

The door push open and I look up to see my best friend who stormed in tears running down her face and I smiled at her sadly as she came and embraced me in a warm gently hug while she cried and I tried my best to sooth her and control myself. I hardly to never see Lexi this vulnerable and crying so I know whatever she was feeling was hurting her and I just had to do my best to let her know that I'm fine.

She pulled away eyes red and her cheeks stained from her tears “I'm so happy you're okay” she says smiling slightly and I could tell she wanted to start crying again “hmm, what do you mean? Should I have left you to have all the fun I haven't even seen you yet married yet” I tease as she scrunch up her face “never, you hear me?” she says laughing a bit and I joined “yeah? we'll see about that” I tell her and she rolled her eyes “I really missed you” she says smiling and hugging me once more “I missed you too” I tell her as the door opened once more and in walked William holding my precious gem of a son in his arms.

The moment he sees me he started jumping, Lexi moved back as William set him on the bed “mommy!!” he yells jumping on me and wrapping his tiny arms around my neck as I hugged him back tightly. Now I don't know which is more scarier me losing him or him losing me but both thoughts made my blood run cold and my eyes water. I was terrified of the thought of never seeing him again after we left that house but I'm ecstatic to see him happy and healthy he was fine and I'm holding him. I couldn't help but started crying giving myself an headache but it's worth it. I wouldn't bear to live my life without him and my tears aren't of sorrow but joy.

“you're okay mommy” he says pulling away and wiping my tears making me smile he's just the spitting image of his father and I got even more hope that he'll be fine, he has to. “I'm fine” I reassure him “hungry but fine” I say and he laughs “I was allowing you to have you're moment, here you go” William said and he spoke English so well if I wasn't so hungry I probably would've smacked him upside his head for playing dumb all this while.

I set Sage on my lap and got the bag from him thanking him before I opened it, there was loaded potatoe ranch chicken with cheese and a fruit bowl with yogurt and some chips and orange juice, there was also a large box of southern comfort eggnog and I gasp looking over at Lexi I know this was her doing.

“where'd you get it?” I asked looking at her suspiciously and she shrugs “I have my ways” she says glancing at William who flashed her a cold glare, I bet she had him search everywhere for it. I love southern comfort eggnog I used to drink it every damn day when I was pregnant with Sage and yes no need to worry its alcohol free and it taste like heaven it definitely does justice to its brand name and this all just boost my mood a bit.

I started eating along with Sage who was also enjoying my meal. It's good to be eating home cooked food and not a nasty ass burger someone pitied me to eat, not that I wasn't greatful but again I really hate fast foods burger and such. After my meal I cleaned Sage up then myself with the use of wet wipes and we just stayed there chatting a little until I fell tired so I just allowed myself to fall asleep cuddling Sage close to me.


My eyes blinked open and look down at Sage who was still pretty much sleeping. The room was very quiet and I could only wonder where william and Lexi has gone to. Rubbing my eyes I look to my side to see Mason laying on the bed with like a million tubes and wires making me stare in shock.

I moved off the bed slowly setting Sage down and shakily walked over to his bed side. I looked down at him and I couldn't hold back the tears that came in a rush and stream down my face as I looked down at him. His whole being looks lifeless and I'm very much used to his stone cold expressions but his face had zero pigment or tone, he just looks like a statue but what hurts the most is to know he's like this because of me. It hurts to know that I'm the reason he's hurt all because he was trying to protect me he came there to save me and got hurt in the process he really could've died and I would've been the one to blame.

Pulling a chair close I sat on it taking his hand in mine and I cried hoping with everything in me that he will be fine and healthy. I'm literally dying on the inside because I couldn't tell him I love him and to hear him say it back and I couldn't annoy him and have him be frustrated with me, I wanted him to just get up and force my stubborn self to stop crying I just wanted to hear it from him that he's fine.

During my little breakdown episode a soft knock came from the door and I tried to dry my face the best I could before I invited whoever it was in. A doctor push the door open walking in with a warm smile on her face walking over to me after looking at a sleeping Sage.

“good morning, miss Kenyon ” she greeted and I smile but for a fact I hated that I had anything that has to do with my father attached to me. “good morning ” I say my voice low and shaky “I'm glad to see you're up I've got some news for you” she says smiling then stop making me confused as I just stared at her “uhm...actually there's good and bad news I suppose we should get the bad one out the way?” she ask and at this point in my life I didn't really care so I just nod her on, she got to looking at her clip board while I stare up at her nervously. I'm not gonna sit here and act brave I don't even have walls to block my emotions anymore so why wouldn't I be worried? still what's the worse that could happen?

“Mr. Romano has lost a lot of blood from his wound though we're going through the blood transfusion process I think you should know that he's in a comatose state, we have no idea how long it'll be but hopefully he'll wake up once this process is complete” she says and I just sigh once again, this whole situation is just not going to get any better is it? First he got shot almost died and they managed to save him now he's in a fucking coma can my life get any worse.

I look at Mason gently rubbing the back of his hand and I want to loose it but it only seems that my tear river has run dry. I want to bang my head on the wall to get rid of the itching feeling of anxiety, I really do feel like my whole body is about to give in for some reason.

“it's okay, I promise we're doing everything to help him”she tells me and I nod slightly “well, do you want to hear the good news?” she ask all excited and jumpy she does kinda remind me of that one girl who I call my best friend “I guess” I say in a sad monotone and she smiles. “well first I'd like to congratulate you you're a little over six weeks pregnant ” she says all happy while I stare at her blankly.

For a minute I really thought the world itself slowed down to give me a moment to comprehend the words that just left her mouth. There's so many emotions, I don't know if I should cry or scream from happiness or have someone slap my stupid ass for being nonchalant. I mean of course I'm really happy that I'm having another child that's super exciting, but I don't think this is the right time. Mason is fucking unconscious I have Sage to look after and now I'm pregnant, though it does explain a lot of things and I really wanted to kick Mason in his ass for getting me pregnant again.

“thank you, for letting me know ”I tell her and she smiles “sure, let me know if you want to get an ultrasound okay” she says and I nod with a smile that she returned cutely before walking away and out the door leaving me once more to my thoughts. “see, now you have no other choice you have to get up rather sooner because you will not allow me to do this shit on my own” I threaten smiling at Mason before my hand slowly went to my stomach and I couldn't help the huge smile that formed on my face just by knowing my reality.

I sat there looking from Mason to Sage and rubbing my belly absentmindedly. All I could do was hope he'll just get up soon and this will all be over. I need him and the feeling that he's so far away was tormenting when he's right in front me me, I need him to be okay for me and our children because there is no way I'm willingly going to do this on my own I'd rather force his stubborn ass to get out of this state than me having to ever raise or second child on my own.... Stupid Mason there's no way you'll escape it this time....



Another update for yah...

And, I really wanna thank you guys so much for reading though I do know there's a hand full of you guys I'm still very grateful for your support and thanks so much for 5k reads ❤❤

Hope you enjoyed💛💙

Love you my butterflies 🦋🦋😇

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