Revenants - Arcane LOL x Male...

By DarkSoulsz

78.5K 3.2K 157

The moral of the story is that people change, even I, someone that you would never expect to fight ended up b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Few final words

Chapter 29

1.8K 79 8
By DarkSoulsz

Hundreds of our people, split up in groups attack different factories at the same time. With enough preparation to fight against those shimmer-sucking fucks. Weapons to help fight against them, despite how fast they may move. 

The main group, the one charging in with me is attacking the largest facility close to us. I hope I get to see one of the fuckers in charge and help put him in the ground. Cause we are steps away from the end.

"Rael, El. Make sure to keep your eyes open."

"Just make sure to come back safe," El counters, as he calls for his group to follow him.

I gesture for Cal to come with, as I lift my hand gesturing for us to start our charge head-on. They are to go in through any other opening and beat them in from the insides. Bottles of fire raised into the air we toss towards them.

Fixing my mask, that I stole back, I lead the charge head-on. The shadows dance against the walls as the fire starts to take hold. Reaching the entrance with the few stationed outside, I walk up to one of them.

Blocking the swing with his weapon with my arm, then stepping in as I snap his arm backwards and then slam the back of his head into the ground. His body goes limp as more doors swing open to reveal even more thugs charging us with weapons of all sorts.

Slowly working our way up to the front doors, they seemed to stop spilling from inside, some of them retreating in before we could reach them... must mean that El and Rael made it inside. A trio charges me, I jab my metal fingers into his gullet, snapping his neck as he chokes. 

The next then take a metal shard to the stomach as Cal pushes him to the side to bleed out. Stepping over him, the next one hits me in my ribs, then a punch in my stomach as I finally manage to catch his arm. 

Then as he goes for a kick, I kick the side of the knee he was standing on. Something snaps amidst the screams surrounding us. Cal finishes him off instantly as we turn to help the rest of our people in the assault.

"We lost seven people. We will continue through the main gates."

I nod, "And they so much more," then rushing to the inside of the building.

More of our people on the inside, people with tanks on their heads are on the ground with broken faces. Some of our people, with blade wounds that tore through their bodies. I shut my eyes tightly, moving forward with a heavy heart.

El then sides next to me, "Rud is in the back."

I look at him, seeing his eyes through his mask as I ask, "Give me that sword."

He nods, "Kill that bastard."

I grab it by the handle, Cal and five others follow me closely as we charge towards the back. There are fewer people trying to keep us at bay, probably for him to escape because he would never fight us head-on.

Cutting them down as we get all the closer. Each kill is swift, with great precision as the seven of us finally reach him. Stood at the back, I then call out to him.

"No more hiding, Rud!"

He turns around, then with a sneer, "How do you know that name!?"

Then looking at the six of them, I mutter, "Leave. I want to kill him myself, help the others."

Cal then grabs my shoulder, "I won't leave you alone. After he is dead, come with us."

I then pull off my cloak tossing it to the side, removing my mask last I hand it to Cal. Revealing both my arm and face to him, I wear a pained smile.

"I came to repay the favour."

"(Y/N)... you were hunting me all this time," then raising his voice, "Listen, boy, I saved you. If it weren't for me you would have died that night."

"Opposed to the suffering? What about 'protecting' me?"


"Wrong place, wrong time. Right?" then feeling tears well in my eyes, I clench my fists, "It wasn't enough that you took my arm, you made it as painful as possible. Take a good look, Rud. I lost the entire arm..." then with a pained chuckle, "And I am going to kill you with it."

Even if you don't fight back, I don't care. Everything I did has to lead me to this moment, and I won't let you slip through my fingers.

I dash forward, using the chem tech, my arm cocks back and slams down on his face almost like a shotgun. He falls to his behind, blood spewing from both his lips and nose. Dropping down onto him I cock it back again as my next blow is aimed at his stomach.

He finally lifts his fist, hitting me on the nose that sends my head backwards. I bring it back as I slam my head against his. Knocking his head back into the ground, a yelp escapes his lips as it is cut off with another punch to the face.

Despite his groans, screams of pain, and attempt to fight back I don't stop. Despite my tears staining my face, having to kill my family eating at me. I lift my arm once more, only to stop a moment before my voice quivers.

"You took everything from me! You spat on their name! You broke your promise to protect me!"

Then another hit as I wipe my tears with my sleeve, then with a hateful glare I slam him into the face again. So much blood already spilt, knowing he was on the verge of death, I stop for a moment.

"This will never hurt... as much as you hurt me," then watching the life drain from his eyes, I wonder whether or not he died a while ago.

Lifting myself to my feet, I shake the blood off the metal arm. Then turning to Cal who is dashing towards me, I turn in place to see that in the opening stood Jinx. Pink eyes stared back into me, first shocked and then a swift motion later her gun raised at me.

I wore a glare, the gun goes off as she lifts it into the air. Smoke trailing from its end I turn around to see Cal on the floor. Everything freezes, I hover in place, my mind was screaming, I couldn't hear a single thing.

I turn in place, as I grab the sword on the floor, chasing after her only for a cloud of smoke to cover the area. I desperately claw at the air, trying to find her only to realize the entire room was empty.

Jinx was gone, I was left alone with two bodies.

I toss the blade to the side, tears still streaming down my face as drop to my knees. I rest my hand on her shoulder, shaking her as I whimper to myself. Tucking my hands under her body, turned her around to see her lifeless eyes.

Holding the body against mine, despite my crying I could hear their boots hit the floor. I look up from her corpse to see El's face, my lip quivers as I scream, "Jinx killed her!"

The horror on his face, I could feel his pain in my shattered heart. This isn't... this isn't how it was supposed to end! She wasn't supposed to die!

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