Judgement Day (Hogwarts Myste...

By timbegs

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It began as a simple mission to find his brother Jacob. Now it has become an all out war for the survival of... More

Character Bio.
Prologue: It's the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine.
Chapter 1: A nice simple train ride to start the new year (NOT).
Chapter 2: Stay out of my way.
Chapter 3: Elementary my Dear Ethan.
Chapter 4: Right where it hurts.
Chapter 5: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.
Chapter 6: Hurricane a Blowing.
Chapter 7: Old Alliances. Never forgotten.
Chapter 8: Among Us.
Chapter 9: Breech and Clear.
Chapter 10: The Negotiation Table.
Chapter 11: Trust a few. Fear the rest.
Chapter 12: The Norse Uprising.
Chapter 13: In a world of Trouble.
Chapter 14: Is humanity safe?
Chapter 15: Nothing to see here. Just a wizard who's falling apart at the seems.
Chapter 16: American Deals.
Chapter 17: The True Plan.
Chapter 18: The Essential Wizards Guide to catching a loose Wampus.
Chapter 19: Triumph turned to Tragedy.
Chapter 20: Whatever it takes, by any means necessary.
Chapter 21: Journey to the New World.
Chapter 22: The Pueblos Magicos.
Chapter 23: Mexican Standoff.
Chapter 24: No Turning Back.
Chapter 25: The Journey Home.
Chapter 26: The Curious Case of forgetful Hair Products.
Chapter 27: The Mystery Thickens.
Chapter 28: Family Reunion.
Chapter 29: Into the Storm.
Chapter 30: One Problem Solved. New Problem Begins.
Chapter 31: Moment of Peace.
Chapter 32: Haunted to the Grave.
Chapter 33: Trial with a twist.
Chapter 34: What do we do next?
Chapter 35: Rising Sun.
Chapter 36:Just Plain Cruel.
Chapter 37: Old Wounds that never heal.
Chapter 38: Gods Among Men.
Chapter 39: Demons and Blades.
Chapter 40: Crimson Tide.
Chapter 41: Survivor's Guilt.
Chapter 42: Am I not Merciful?
Chapter 43: The Breaking Point.
Chapter 44: Same School. Different Problems.
Chapter 45: The Doxy Cometh.
Chapter 46: One Queen Sized Doxy, Extra Crispy.
Chapter 47: Healing up wounds.
Chapter 48: Complicated Situations.
Chapter 49: Preventing the Spread.
Chapter 50: Hitting the Streets.
Chapter 51: Always one step ahead.
Chapter 52: Cat and Mouse.
Chapter 53: Let it Burn.
Chapter 54: Curses and Legacies.
Chapter 55: A Hogwarts Christmas Story. Part 1.
Chapter 56: A Hogwarts Christmas Story. Part 2: How The Wizards saved Christmas.
Chapter 57: New Year and a New Threat.
Chapter 58: Laughing Contagion.
Chapter 59: Cursed CD Mix Tape. #4 on the Billboards.
Chapter 60: The Elephant and the Snake.
Chapter 61: The Hogwarts I.T Department.
Chapter 62: Give a Reason as to Why.
Chapter 63: Wizard Odyssey.
Chapter 64: Secrets of the Labyrinth.
Chapter 65: Mine by Right.
Chapter 66: Second Chance.
Chapter 68: Broken Circle.
Chapter 69: Attitude reflects Leadership.
Chapter 70: The Battle of Nottingham.
Chapter 71: Enough is Enough.
Chapter 72: Sea of Sand.
Chapter 73: Palace of Magic.
Chapter 74: Curse of the Djinn.
Chapter 75: Difficult Decisions.
Chapter 76: Approaching the Gates.
Chapter 77: The Palace of Evil.
Chapter 78: Running Red.
Chapter 79: Prepare for War.
Chapter 80: Reflection.
Chapter 81: United we Stand. Divided we Fall.
Chapter 82: Blood and Guts.
Chapter 83: End of the Line.
Chapter 84: Pain and Torment.
Chapter 85: Goodbye Innocence.
Chapter 86: The Last Sunset.
Chapter 87: The Siege of Hogwarts.
Chapter 88: The Final Duel.
Chapter 89: The Next Phase.
Chapter 90: End to the Tale.
The End.
The Story Continues.

Chapter 67: Cold as Ice. Warm as Fire.

366 4 83
By timbegs

"We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone." -Orson Welles.

The World was on fire all around Ethan. Everything was burning. And Ethan felt weak. He had just taken a colossal beating from Trotsky who was standing above him. 

"Don't do this, Trotsky." Ethan tried to tell him. 

"You're too late to stop this, Bauer." Trotsky laughed. He had just destroyed Hogwarts, and now Trotsky was ready to destroy the world. "Finally at long last. After years and years of waiting and waiting. Scheming, planning. It has all come into place." 

Ethan tried to reach for his wand, but Trotsky had kicked it out of the way. "You couldn't save Hogwarts. You couldn't even save Penny Haywood." Trotsky told him.  

"No! I did save her! I went into Mexico and I rescued her!" Ethan yelled defiantly. 

Trotsky laughed. "Oh, you fool. Don't you remember? Penny Haywood died there. The only thing you've freed her from is life." He reminded. 

Ethan couldn't believe that. "NO! You LIE!" He tried to strike at Trotsky. But Trotsky simply turned Ethan the other way. He could see a large pole that was hung from a distance. And the corpse of Penny was strapped to it for all to see. 

"Penny! PENNY!" Ethan ran after but found he couldn't even run straight. He then felt something in his stomach. It was a knife. And it was cutting deep. Ethan suddenly fell on the ground on his knees. 

Trotsky was standing above him. With a Big Sword raised. He was going to chop off Ethan's head. "Farewell, Ethan Bauer!" Trotsky swung the sword.

"GAH!" Ethan yelled breathing heavily and drenched in sweat. He was back in the Dorm Rooms. Sickleworth who had been sleeping on Ethan's bed had bounced off and onto Charlie's.

Ethan suddenly found himself not wanting to go back to bed. So he went down to the Common Room. Just starring at the fire and hearing someone else coming down the stairs. 

"E?" Ethan turned to see Ben. 

"You alright?" Ben asked. 

"Bad Dream." Ethan answered. 

"Well, that explains why your bed was drenched in sweat." Ben replied. "What happened this time?"

Ethan sighed. "It was Trotsky... we lost." He answered. 

"Well... let's make sure that we don't lose." Ben replied. 

"Did I wake up Charlie and Jae?" Ethan asked. "Sickleworth kind of flew onto Charlie's bed." 

"Oh, you woke up Charlie. But he went right back to sleep. And Jae... well let's just say that it'll take a Nuclear Bomb to wake him up." Ben answered. 

That didn't surprise Ethan. "Good to know." He said.

"Well, at least it was one bad dream. They happen." Ben replied. 

"Yeah, well. It's like you said. Let's make sure that we don't lose." Ethan commented.

"My thoughts exactly. We should... Nah. Forget it." Ben said.

"What?" Ethan asked.

"Trotsky's not going to stop until he wins. We need to step up the game if we want to beat him." Ben explained.

"What do you mean by that?" Ethan asked.

"Not really sure what it is. I can't really think when I've just woken up in the middle of the night. You going back to bed?" Ben told him.

"I'll be right there." Ethan answered. And Ben went back upstairs leaving Ethan with his thoughts. Ethan certainly hoped that it was a dream.

The Next Morning were people going about their days. Waking up. Going about their day. They were now in the month of February. And Ethan knew what that meant. Today in particular was Valentine's Day. And that meant that couples would be trying to think romantic thoughts with each other. 

And surprisingly, Jae was in definite high spirits at breakfast for today. 

"What's up with you, Jae?" Ben asked. 

"Oh... it's just that time again. For the greatest investment of the Smuggling Season." Jae answered confidently. 

"You mean Valentine's Day?" Charlie asked. "Why would you-"

Ethan smacked his head. "You're not making more Love Potions are you?" He asked. 

"No..." Jae answered. "I'm getting the ingredients that are necessary for making Love Potions for students." 

"Jae. That is a horrible idea." Ethan shot down. "Don't you remember what happened last time you made a Love Potion?" He asked. 

"You mean the one where Barnaby-" Jae started. 

"Please don't talk about that." Ethan interrupted. "I thought we agreed to shut out that memory completely." 

"What happened?" Ben whispered to Jae.

"Barnaby drank a burnt Love Potion." Jae answered. "Anyway, Ethan. I just get the ingredients. I am not responsible for the effects that the Potions may cause. But if the clients just happen to make a Love Potion. That's on them."   

"You've got a Loophole." Ethan grunted. 

"I like Loopholes." Jae replied. "Anyway. I've got this whole thing planned. All I gotta do is get the ingredients. And I'll still have enough time to spend with Chiara afterwards."  

Ethan sighed. "Well, I won't stop you. Just don't let it get out of control." 

"Come on, E. When have I ever let anything get out of control?" Jae asked.

Ethan didn't answer that question. Jae had a lot of things get out of control. He then was about to take off when Tulip walked up to him. 

"Tulip?" Jae asked. 

"Hey, Jae. You got any ingredients that I can use?" Tulip asked. 

"Sure thing. You'll be my first customer of the day." Jae answered.

"Tulip, why do you need these ingredients for a love Potion?" Ethan asked. 

Tulip was surprised to see Ethan there. "Oh, Ethan. Didn't notice you there." She greeted. "Um... I was hoping to get something from Jae... for Victor." 

Dennis croaked. 

"Ugh... the Vampire." Jae groaned. 

"You don't like him, do you?" Ben asked. 

"After he insulted my Chiara. No thanks." Jae answered. "Whatever. I've made deals to worse people. Just take the ingredients and go."  

"Here's your money." Tulip handed Jae some Galleons. "Who knows? Maybe you'll be lucky enough to-" 

"Lucky enough to what?" That was when Victor walked up. With a whole entourage of Girls just looking at him with dreamy eyes. 

"Oh, Victor. Hi!" Tulip greeted while blushing and quickly putting the Ingredients for a Love Potion behind her back. 

"Hello." Victor said as Tulip ran away. "So, what's up with you, Smuggles? Got tired of spending time with the Fur Face?" He asked. 

"Her name is Chiara." Jae shot back and not in a friendly tone. 

"Oh, that name." Victor mocked. "Must be love at first bite for you." 

"You should know, Fangs." Jae countered. "Maybe Paris turned you into a Hypocrite." 

"A Hypocrite with a bunch of girls that would make even Lockheart feel jealous." Victor continued. 

"Who needs that? Ethan and I got our own girls and that's all we'll ever need." Jae pointed out. "Right, E?" He asked.

"Yeah. Pretty much." Ethan answered. 

"Oh please. Don't make me laugh." Victor laughed. Ethan's Girlfriend doesn't have any good taste in men. And Jae Kim. Your Girl has fur in-" 

Victor never got to finish his sentence. Because he got a sucker punch from Jae in the jaw. "What's the matter? Couldn't your Vampire Speed have dodged that?" Jae asked. 

"Ow." Victor grumbled. 

"You insult Chiara one more time. You're going to find your bed full of Garlic and Wooden Stake in your heart. Oh, and don't bother going near me. I've already got Garlic with me on standby. Same with Chiara." Jae threatened and then walked out of the Great hall.

Victor looked at Ethan, Charlie, and Ben. 

"Don't look at me. You said it." Ethan commented. He then decided to walk out. "See you later?" He asked Charlie and Ben. 

They both nodded. 

Ethan headed down the halls and he could see Corey Hayden wheel chairing herself down a hall. "Hey... Ethan!" She shouted with a smile on her face.  

"Hey, Corey. How are you feeling today?" Ethan asked. 

"Just hanging in there... at least my Mum can't tell me to get off my butt anymore." Corey answered telling a joke. 

Ethan laughed a little. "Oh yeah. Happy Valentine's Day to you." 

Corey shrugged. "Same with you. Though I don't think I'm interested in being your date this year. You've got Penny for that." She replied. 

"Right, are you going for Victor?" Ethan asked. "I just saw him insult Chiara." 

But Corey frowned. "Well... I don't think it's going to happen between me and Victor. I seriously doubt he's interested in Cripples." She admitted. 

"Yeah... well Victor is a jerk. I still don't know why Tulip is so infatuated with him though." Ethan replied trying to cheer Corey up. 

"Because he's so hot and mysterious." Corey suggested. "Well, that's why I like him. Not sure about the other girls." 

"You always do love a good mystery." Ethan replied. 

Corey chuckled. "So... got any good ones for me today?" She asked. 

"Nah. Right now I'm heading off to find Penny. You know where she is?" Ethan asked. 

"She's off in the Artefact room." Corey answered. 

"Thanks." Ethan replied before taking off. 

Corey kept wheeling down the hall. And all the while she was singing: It's Not Unusual by Tom Jones. "It's not unusual to be loved by anyone. It's not unusual to have fun with anyone..."  She was also thinking of potential people that were still single. If Rowan Khanna was still alive. Corey probably would've gone for him. Deep down she had a crush on the Parsis boy with glasses who was the same age that she was. Even though she could never admit this in front of anyone. Not even her parents. And speaking of Corey's parents. They were not too thrilled with the news that their daughter was crippled and forbade Corey from doing anymore dangerous stunts. Translation: Core was forbidden from doing anymore adventures. Which Corey was of course going to ignore because she was Corey.

Penny was over by the Artefact Room making some kind of Potion. Ethan couldn't really see what it was. But it smelled rather nice to him. "Penny?" He asked.

Penny smiled at him. "Hi, Ethan." She greeted with a smile. "Happy Valentine's Day to you." But then she noticed a bit of a sigh of relief in Ethan's voice. "What's wrong?" She asked. 

"Nothing... Just a bad dream." Ethan answered reluctantly. "Trotsky won. And you were dead." 

Penny put her hand on Ethan. "It was just a dream. Nothing more." She assured. 

Ethan nodded. "I know. It just felt so... real is all. I'm not going to let it become real." He said, but not before turning his head at the Cauldron that Penny was making. 

"Is that what I think it is?" Ethan asked.

"Well, that would depend on what you think this is." Penny answered.

"Is it an Amortentia?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah. It's something I just feel like brewing for the holiday. Put me in the right mood." Penny answered. 

"Are you thinking of putting of making me drink it Penny? We're already Dating..." Ethan started. 

"No." Penny told him. "It's just the most loving holiday of all. And Potion making makes me feel better." She explained. Penny then started looking at the potion sniffing it. "I can smell... Wood Bark, Chocolate, Bowtruckles..." Her eyes looking at Ethan. She knew that Ethan smelled all of those things. She also remembered in their 6th year when Ethan was trying to make an Amortentia Potion for Potions Class. 

1 Year Earlier.

"For the last time, Mr. Lee. YOU DON'T PUT THE INGREDIANTS YOU SMELL INTO THE POTION!" Snape was yelling at Barnaby. 

"Oh...." Barnaby replied looking at his Cauldron. "Then what do I use?" He asked.

Snape smacked his head. "5 points from Slytherin because you're an idiot." He grumbled.

"He would've gotten 10 points if he was in another house." Tonks whispered to Ethan who was having trouble trying to get his Potion the way he wanted to. 

"Is it 14 or 15 beans I crush?" Ethan asked himself as he saw Penny standing on the other side of the table and just cruising through the Potion like a pro. But she could also see Ethan struggling to get his potion to get the way he wanted it to. 

"It's 15." Penny quickly signaled to Ethan when Snape's back was turned. Ethan saw. And he put 15 beans in the potion. 

By the time it was done. Snape was going around checking the cauldrons. "Time's up. Now show me your progress. Or rather, your poor attempt at progress." He snarled. He walked by Penny's Potion first. "Hm... It all clears out. Excellent form as usual, Miss. Haywood." 

Ethan gave a thumbs up to Penny. And Penny beamed. Merula just made a sneer. She hated it when Penny got all the praise from Snape. Given that Snape wasn't an easy teacher to please. And he was the head of Slytherin House. 

Snape then walked by Ethan's Potion and examined it. "Not perfect, but surprisingly better than your previous attempts in my class, Bauer."

Ethan wasn't sure how to take that. That was when Snape looked at Penny. "Miss Haywood. In the future, let your boyfriend pass or fail on his own." He ordered. 

"Yes sir." Penny replied even though she wasn't going to do that. 

Snape had left. And Ethan could smell something from his potion. Cookie dough, some type of perfume that Ethan didn't know about, and what was more... it appeared to also have the scent of hot chocolate.

Back to the Present. 

Penny later figured out what Ethan was smelling. And it was herself. She didn't know how Ethan was smelling out her perfume. But she remembered that it was the Potion that was smelling that. And her Potion smelled the same thing it did back then as it was now. She then got up and looked at Ethan again. "So... Ethan. In Greece we talked about..." 

"Doing something for Valentine's Day?" Ethan asked.

Penny nodded. "Until we got interrupted by the Greeks and Kassie. Speaking of which, how is she doing?" She asked. 

"She's staying with Mum at our house." Ethan answered. "Mum says that she and Kassie are getting along really well." 

"Well that's great to hear." Penny replied. But she was getting off topic. "So... what do you say? About Valentine's Day?" She asked. 

Ethan nodded. "I'd love to. Say Hogsmeade?" He asked. "Madam Pudifoot's Tea Shop?"

"Love to." Penny answered with a smile on her face and a kiss on the cheek for Ethan. She then left.

Although Madam Pudifoot's Tea Shop wasn't exactly Ethan's favorite place in the whole world. He really thought that he was due for a good date with this one. His two dates there with Penny involved tea cups falling from Tonks and Charlie... and a bunch of other stuff. And the other date involved a Valentine's Day Date with Gilderoy Lockheart. And for the most part it didn't seem like that would be happening this time for this year. Which might be their last in recent memory. 

Ethan held Penny's hand as they both walked through the door into the Tea Shop. Neither seeming to mind the snow that was coming down as was typical for the February Month. Ethan had managed to change into a much nicer change of clothes which were both red and grey. While he noticed Penny taken to a throwback of a black long shirt with a gold short skirt and her black stockings. Ethan also noticed that Penny was wearing a small chain necklace on her neck in the shape of a falcon. Her hair was also in a single braid.

"You're wearing my necklace, Penny?" Ethan asked.

"Of course, silly." Penny answered. "I told you I loved it when you gave it to me." 

Ethan smiled. He chose the shape of a Falcon because it was Ethan's Patronus. And Ethan could swear that the happiest he felt was when he was with Penny. "And I'm so excited to spend more time with you!" He replied.  

"We got lucky too... this shop is normally so crowded, but today we have it all to ourselves!" Penny noted.

"All the better to keep these outings our little secret..." Ethan whispered.

"Just one of our little secrets." Penny giggled back. "I'd hate for our friends to find out about what we're up to and get jealous."

"Or Jacob and Lizzie." Ethan added. "They're spending today with each other and nothing else. And... because Lizzie said that Jacob has about 8 Valentine's Days to make up." 

Penny smiled again. "Well... I hope you don't have to make up for that much time." She replied.

They both sat down at a table that was the closest to them. Madame Pudifoot walked up to them. "Ethan Bauer and Penny Haywood. I had a feeling I'd see you two again." She smiled. 

"Madam Puddifoot." Ethan greeted. "Nice to see you're not in Azkaban." He said remembering Umbridge accusing Pudifoot of turning against her and setting the Wampus, Tim on her.

"Likewise." Puddifoot replied. "I suppose I can thank Agent Ryder for that. May I offer you two lovebirds a cup of tea?" She asked.

"We'd love some tea, Madam Puddifoot!" Penny answered.

"Wonderful! What type of tea will you be having then, m'dears?" Puddifoot asked.

Ethan took this one. He knew that Penny would be in the mood for something flowery and soothing. "We'll each have a cup of herbal tea!" He ordered making Penny smile.

"A delightful choice, m'dears. I'll bring your tea out straight away!" Puddifoot left to get them their tea.

"Just the two of us again." Penny noticed. 

"So it would seem." Ethan said back. 

"Can I tell you something?" Penny asked.

Ethan nodded.

"I think you're quite handsome, Ethan." Penny told him.

"Despite my scars?" Ethan asked referring to his face.

"Especially your scars." Penny answered leaning over and kissing him. 

"Well I think you're quite beautiful." Ethan replied. "Not just now or the Celestial Ball, but anytime, anyplace, anywhere." 

"You thought I looked beautiful for the Celestial Ball?" Penny asked.

"Well, you were." Ethan answered.

Penny blushed. She was looking all around her as Madam Puddifoot delivered their tea for them. "I don't know why. But every time I set foot in Madam Puddifoot's shop, I feel like I'm entering an enchanted cottage." She said. "The smell of pastries wafting through. The delicate lace... What do you think of the way Puddifoot's shop is decorated, Ethan?"

Ethan looked around him "Well, I suppose a little romantic atmosphere is nice, but the decorations in this shop are just... a bit garish." He admitted.

"Oh... I think they reflect how I'm feeling right now rather perfectly." Penny replied.  "Perfect! A cozy little date... one that happens to be going very well right now!" She declared.

"But I do have to admit that it's impossible to focus on decorations right now... Because I can't take my eyes off of you, Penny." Ethan said to her. 

"Oh, Ethan. You're even sweeter than one of Madam Puddifoot's cauldron cakes. Or Jae's Treacle Fudge." Penny replied.

"Don't tell Jae." Ethan told her. 

They continued talking when Puddifoot walked over. "Can I interest you in something to nibble on, m'dears?" She asked.

"Yeah. I am a little hungry." Ethan answered.

"He's being polite, Madam Puddifoot. We're starving." Penny answered. "Could we have a Cauldron Cake, please?" She requested.

Madam Puddifoot nodded her head. "I must confess. I've sat a good many couples at this very table over the years, and may I just say..."

"Just say what?" Ethan asked.

"You two dears have excellent chemistry together!" Puddifoot told them. 

"Well I can't imagine my life without Penny in it." Ethan told Puddifoot. "It's why I went to Mexico to rescue her." 

"Sounds romantic." Puddifoot commented.

"It was... something." Ethan replied not wanting to think about it. "Especially when we dealt with that bastard Derek Slayton." 

"Ethan. Slayton's dead now." Penny told him. 

"Oh, he's horrible isn't he." Madam Puddifoot agreed. "I hear that he puts innocent creatures on a horrible drug. And it's just... awful." 

"He won't be doing it anymore." Ethan assured.

"That's fantastic news." Puddifoot said as she left to get the cakes.

But there was another subject on Penny's mind. "Here's a question, Ethan. And don't read too much into this but..."

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "But what?" 

"If, someday, you were to get engaged... what would your ideal proposal look like?" Penny asked jumping the gun.

"Engaged?" Ethan asked confused. He had not been expecting Penny to jump on that so soon. 

"Was that a little too forward?" Penny asked.

"Not really." Ethan answered. "I just never expected you to actually come out and say it." 

"I kind of surprised myself when I said that." Penny admitted. 

"But I guess I would have to say that I would want it to be a moment of..." Ethan couldn't really finish that sentence. "I honestly don't know." 

"Oh, that's okay. Because I know that you've got plenty of time to think about it." Penny replied. "Because I'm not going anywhere. And you're not going anywhere." She told him.

Ethan nodded.

"And... if we were to have kids... what would you call them. Boy and Girl?" Penny asked changing the question.

Ethan sighed. "I think maybe for a boy, I want to name one Sean." He answered.

"As in the Sean Patrick Cormag?" Penny asked.

"And another boy, I want to name, Rowan." Ethan added for pretty obvious reasons.

Penny smiled. "I love that name. What if we were to have a daughter?" 

"How about Scarlett?" Ethan asked.

"My thoughts exactly." Penny answered. Their Cauldron Cakes had been brought to them. But Madam Puddifoot was also carrying some type of box of leaves which she dropped. 

"Oh dear! I've gone and spilled my tea leaves..." Puddifoot complained.

"Don't worry Madam Puddifoot!" Ethan took out his wand and they were all organized into neat piles.

"Thanks, m'dears! You two truly are the sweetest!" Puddifoot praised. She then noticed Ethan's wand. "A New wand?" She asked.

"From Greece." Ethan answered. "Minotaur Horn Core, Obsidian Pure Black, Tungsten." He noticed.

Puddifoot nodded her head. "Well, that certainly is a sight to behold. Oh, but don't mind me. I'll let you get back to your date."

Ethan and Penny noticed that the sun was starting to set. But neither of them cared.  

"Ethan? Quick game of 'What If'?" Penny asked. She loved playing that game with Beatrice.

"I'm game." Ethan answered. 

"If you could invent any type of magical tea for me, what would be its purpose?" Penny asked.

Ethan had an idea. "I would invent a mind enhancing tea that improves your memory and focus!" He answered.

"Brilliant! Imagine what I could do with an encyclopedic knowledge of Potion ingredients!" Penny replied.

"I'd dare say that you'd even be better than Snape when it comes to Potions. Though I think you already are." Ethan told her.

Penny giggled. "You know. If I invented a tea for you, it'd be one that magically melts your heart!" She told him.

Ethan placed a hand on Penny's. "You don't need a magical tea for that, Penny - you've already done it." He told her looking into her eyes.

They both walked out of the Tea Shop. And the snow was still falling down. 

"We should probably get back to Hogwarts, eh?" Penny asked. 

"I suppose we should." Ethan answered. That was when they heard a loud clanging sound. It was coming down the hall. 

And it looked like one of Chiara's Golems. And it was coming their way. Along with Chiara and Jae.

"Hey, guys! Happy Valentine's Day!" Jae shouted. Along with Chiara. 

"Hey, guys." Ethan greeted back. "Um... why are your Golems with you, Chiara?" He asked.

"Oh, they're here to make sure Jae doesn't break my heart." Chiara answered. 

"I'm not going to break your heart, Chiara." Jae told her. "...And it's not because I'm intimidated by your personal Golem Bodyguards." 

"Wait a minute, Jae. I thought you were smuggling in potion ingredients for students." Ethan said. 

"I was.. Till McGonagall shut me down." Jae replied. 

"And you landed back in detention?" Penny asked. 

"Um... no. Not this time." Jae answered. "You see Penny, McGonagall demanded that I stopped selling potions to students. I told her that I technically wasn't selling potions, but rather I was selling miscellaneous stuff that just happened to be essential ingredients to making Love Potions." He explained.

"He means he got McGonagall on a loophole." Chiara translated. 

"You got McGonagall on a loophole?" Ethan asked wondering how that was possible.

"I'm a business man, Ethan. And if there's one thing that we businessmen know. It's how to find a loophole." Jae answered. "Even on Professor McGonagall. Maybe even Dumbledore." 

"Dumbledore might prove difficult though." Penny pointed out. "Hardly anything gets past that guy." 

"Maybe." Jae shrugged. "So, what brings you out to Hogsmeade? You two go on a date for Valentine's Day?" He asked.

"We just got off of it." Penny answered. "Up by Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop." 

"I thought you got banned from that place." Chiara said. 

"No, that was Tonks." Penny clarified.

"Yeah... I don't think Tonks is going to be looking for a date anytime soon, anyway. She told me herself." Chiara admitted. 

"One day. She'll find someone. Mark my words." Ethan replied. 

"We went to Chiara's secret grove by the Forbidden Forest." Jae told them. "Got to play a little bit with Borf too." 

That was when the little Wolf Pup that took a liking to Chiara since her 1st year walked up next to her. 

"Borf." Borf barked. 

"Hello, Borf." Ethan greeted. 

Borf barked at Ethan. 

"He likes you, Ethan." Chiara explained.

"Yeah, I know." Ethan replied.

"Well, what's not to like about Ethan?" Penny asked. 

Chiara smiled. 

"Borf's no Tea Shop. But it was just me, and Chiara... and bunch of Golems to guard us. Sometimes, that's all we need." Jae told them.

"Nothing wrong with that, Jae." Penny replied. 

"So... you think we should head back or something, you know... before Filch starts to get suspicious?" Chiara asked.

"Oh, please. You think Filch is going to get Mrs. Norris cold in conditions like this?" Jae asked dismissing it. 

"No... but we should probably be responsible students." Chiara answered. 

"We're responsible students?" Penny asked. 

"Nope." Ethan answered for everyone. 

"Best Head Boy, ever." Jae commented. 

"Hey... look at that." Penny noticed a whole pond that was frozen. "You thinking what I'm thinking, E?" She asked. 

"What?" Ethan asked. 

"Ice Skating." Penny answered. "Come on, I thought that was a given." 

"Sorry, Penny. It's just... I've never actually gone Ice Skating before." Ethan confessed. 

"Never gone Ice Skating?" Penny was shocked. "Well we'll just see about that." She began pushing Ethan over to the pond. "You coming with us Jae and Chiara?" She asked. 

"Nah. Chiara and I are going to check out a music shop before we head back." Jae answered. 

"Okay. See you back at Hogwarts then." Ethan told them.

"Um... Penny? We don't have any Ice Skates." Ethan said as they went to the pond. 

Penny grinned and put some ice spell on Ethan's shoes turning them into skates. "We do now." 

Ethan looked at his skates. "You sure about this?" He asked.

"Just go on the ice." Penny insisted. 

Ethan took a step but slid down on the ice. "Ouch." He groaned.

"Not like that, E." Penny reached up to grab him. "You have to slide with your feet. Like this." Penny then showed him as she skated along the ice like a pro. 

So Ethan slid on the ice and his legs split. "And... also try not to split your legs." Penny added.

Ethan gave a thumbs up. "Yeah. This makes sense. I can beat the Minotaur in Greece. But I can't even skate with my girlfriend." He complained. 

Penny just simply took Ethan's hand. "It's not that hard, E." She told him getting Ethan back on his feet. "Just follow my lead."

Ethan moved his one leg forward along with Penny. "See?" Penny asked smiling. 

Ethan had trouble adjusting to his balance though. "Woah." He said. 

"I've got you." Penny assured. They then both decided to skate together. 

"When did you learn to skate like that?" Ethan asked. 

"My sister and I would go skating when we were younger." Penny answered. "And my Father used to play Hockey for the British Ice Hokey Team for the Olympics." 

"Well that explains it." Ethan replied. They both skated neither minding the snow that was falling. It was starting to get dark. And Ethan and Penny were starting to feel cold. 

That was when Ethan noticed Sickleworth also trying to skate. 

"Sickleworth? What are you doing out here?" Ethan asked. 

Sickleworth was then pointing to a place. 

"What does that mean?" Penny asked. 

"I think that Sickleworth wants us to follow him." Ethan answered. 

"You think we've got that time?" Penny asked. 

"Well, if it gets us out of this weather. Then I'm all in for it." Ethan answered. And both he and Penny followed Sickleworth.

Where Sickleworth was leading them to was a small cave on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest. "A cave?" Ethan asked.

Sickleworth nodded. And he dashed inside. "Hold on, Sickleworth." Ethan went in after him. And he was surprised to see where Sickleworth had gone. The whole cave had been lit in a orange glow. And a Waterfall in the middle of it. Like an underground spring. "Woah..." He said. 

"Ethan?" Penny asked coming in behind him. "Did you know that this place existed?" 

"I wish I did." Ethan answered. "This must be where Sickleworth disappeared to after Rakepick abandoned him." He figured.  

"Well, Sickleworth picked good. I mean... this place feels warm." Penny commented. 

Ethan noticed that too. Especially in contrast to the very cold air outside.

"Not exactly what I had in mind for Valentine's Day, isn't it?" Ethan asked.

"I don't care where we go. As long as I'm with you." Penny answered. 

"You really mean that?" Ethan asked. 

"Well of course. Don't forget our first Valentine's Day together." Penny reminded. And Ethan remembered it well. When Penny had managed to organize the Green House for both her and Ethan. And Penny had given him her heart. Metaphorically of course. But Ethan would always remember it. Even if he didn't really remember what happened before that. "Even when I was chained up in Mexico. You were always with me." 

"Penny..." Ethan wanted to say, but Penny stopped him with a kiss. 

"Ethan, did you really mean what you said back at the Tea Shop?" Penny asked. 

"Every word of it." Ethan answered. "Well, I said a lot of things, technically." 

Penny smirked. "About me making a tea that could melt a heart and saying that I've already done that?" She asked. 

"Because you did." Ethan answered staring into her blue sapphire eyes. "Even as far back as our first year." 

Penny smiled. But another thought was on Ethan's mind. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"I don't want to lose you again, Penny." Ethan told her. "And with everything that's happened lately. This might be our last Valentine's Day together." 

"You won't." Penny assured. She then took Ethan's hand and placed it on her chest where her heart was. "That's a vow we don't need an unbreakable vow to make."  She kissed Ethan again. And Ethan could see where this was going. 

"Um... Penny, are you sure?" Ethan asked. 

Penny nodded. "I love you, Ethan. And I don't think I have it in me to go back to Hogwarts right as it's snowing. And with a lurking Filch. I don't think he's quite forgiven you and Sikander after the whole Abrams Tank incident." 

"Oh yeah, that." Ethan remembered. "Well if this is our final Valentine's Day... Oh sod it." He decided to kiss Penny while running his fingers through her hair which Penny allowed. 

Penny kissed him back as they both discarded their coats. "Was this your plan all along? To corner me into this cave, just the two of us?" Ethan asked.

"Come on, Ethan. Do I look like Tonks or Tulip to you?" Penny asked. "Me? Putting up scheme?" 

"Okay. Maybe you're not that devious." Ethan admitted as he embraced Penny again. Just letting all other thoughts drag away from his mind. And that was love for him. It could be both Cold and Warm. Or in Ethan and Penny's case, both.

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