Xiaolumi S3: Everything To Me

By Otaku_AriaSnow

62.1K 2.1K 1.4K

"Oh Alatus Nemesis, on the wind your feathers of gold, oh so fair, grasp that light in heavens and conquer al... More

Yaksha's Love
Gifts From The Past
A Red Hot Oni Pt I
Ei's Day Off
Yoohoo~! Lumine's A Target!?
The Stormy Island Mystery PT I
The Stormy Island Mystery PT II
Hear My Song Pt I
Hear My Song Pt II
Hear My Song Pt III
You Are Cordially Invited
Crane In The Harbor
Old Friends & New Ones
You Are A Mystery, Lumine
Sea Gazer
Combing Rite of Fortune
I Will Be Your Only Star
Xiao's Birthday Wish
She Would Have Adored You
A Snake's Wisdom
Gorou's Message
Heading For A New Frontier
Chariot of the Sun
Enjou's Warning
Ominous Revelations
Forbidden Knowledge
Primordial Goddess of Fate
Lumen De Lumine PT I
Lumen De Lumine PT II
Lumen De Lumine PT III
Safe Here In Your Arms
Saiguu's Sacrifice
Forgive Me, Sister
Something Amiss
Towards The Future
Author Lumine
Sly Old Fox
Unexpected Reunion
Flower of Khaenri'ah
Crude Plan
Void and Light
Flowing Like Time
Prof. Aria's Files: Yaksha's Soul Bond Ritual
Thanks & Announcements
Bonus Chapter: Vesperi Nebula

A Red Hot Oni Pt 2

1.3K 50 13
By Otaku_AriaSnow

[A/N: And the misadventure with Itto continues. I swear this troublemaker makes me laugh I can't keep a straight face writing this 2 parts. But this quest was also the hardest one for me to write. Next chapter ]


"Come with me. Saves you the worrying that I'll go off and skedaddle"

How did they get roped into this? Lumine and Xiao weren't' sure what to make of this knucklehead of an oni they now had standing before them now that he had recovered. Before they knew what had happened it had lead to their current situation...a hunt for some onikabuto beetles. Itto was well not the brightest as Paimon so brilliantly put it, "sharpest horn on the oni" something Xiao found slightly amusing from the fairy's words. Which brought them to where they were presently after leaving behind a pile of lavender melons behind. They had finally found a beetle that Itto liked.

"This is the one, this is the one~!"cheered Itto in delight. Xiao just having a deadpanned glare at the oni's eager delight. "See? As long as you're in my company you're defiantly guaranteed to find an onikabuto!"

"I don't know it seems...kinda small, Itto."huffed Lumine.

"I still don't approve of this trivial and childish game but whatever."sighed Xiao in annoyance.

"Yeah it's on the smaller side, so what? But size isn't everything in a beetle fight."itto dismissed quickly grabbing the beetle in his hands off the rock. 

"Hnph. Size don't matter but that's in a real life battle, oni. Nature has a way of being cruel and size matters in many things then."Xiao stated point blank crossing his arms. This young yokai was just as stupid as he was naïve it seemed. But he couldn't fault the guy for having a big heart at least as Xiao's mind drifted to the two humans. However Xiao turned alert at noticing Paimon float off somewhere.

"But didn't you just say earlier that size matters?"Lumine asked crossing her own arms as her brow raised in curiosity. She had seen other kids and her brother, Aether play beetle fights in the world they had been raised in.

"Just let the expert explain, Lumine-san."Itto insisted and assured.

While Lumine and Itto were talking Xiao started to track down the celestial fairy and soon found her by the cliff. With the quiet ease of a cat he sneaked over to her as she was inspecting a beetle red in hue and quite large. "What in the name of Celestia are you doing?"he asked, startling Paimon.

"Eek! Don't sneak up on Paimon! Why do you always do that?"she huffed.

"I asked what are you doing and why did you sneak off?"he repeated. "I won't ask again, i loath repeating myself."

"Oh Paimon wanted in on the beetle fight game so Paimon went and found the biggest beetle that Paimon could find~!"giggled the fairy showing off her prize.

"Hm...it is rather large. But don't' wonder off with out telling us, you'll worry Lumine."he gently rebuked.

"Sorry, Paimon just got over excited. Lets go back."Xiao nodded in agreement.

Fast as their feet could take them the trio followed Itto through the hideout of the bandits that the blue oni had sided with. Freeing and rescuing the captives as they went. Itto had been startled when the people started addressing Xiao as "Suzaku-sama" upon the sight of him and his wings having been out at the time. 

"Why the hell were they callin' you 'Suzaku-sama' this and 'Suzaku-sama' that? Are you some kind of big shot, Xiao?"asked Itto as they made their way for the chamber the leader was probably hiding in with the blue oni.

"Hmph, matters little to me what the mortals call me here in Inazuma."Xiao stated plainly.

"They started calling him that due to his true form being this really big bird."Paimon informed eagerly.

"Wait so this pipsqueak I see isn't what you really look like?"Itto yelped in surprise. 

"What did you just call me? Come on I dare you yokai!"snarled Xiao looking like some pissed off cat almost. Well more like a pissed off bird since his wings were still out and had curled, his feathers ruffled from sharp temper baring his fangs at being called small. 

"Woah easy there, pal I meant no offense."Itto assured practically looking like he had stars in his eyes as he tried to figure out what the yaksha looked like.

"Xiao's actually a bird yaksha adeptus from Liyue contracted to the geo archon, Rex Lapis."Lumine informed hopping with ease over the platform's gap towards the stairs. Paimon and Xiao not far behind as he stayed protectively close to his bride-to-be.

"Wait seriously? That's so cool man!!!"laughed Itto in delight at the fact he now knew a bonified adeptus. It did not take long before they reached the chamber and sure enough there was the boss of the ronin bandits. Neither of them wasted time as Lumine, Xiao, and Itto all summoned their weapons of choice and dived in without mercy at the bandits. Sending the minions flying while Itto took out the boss of the group with frightening ease. With a pained howl Nogata was sent flying.

"Give it up."hissed Lumine. "Your men are down and you're out numbered and out matched."

"It'd be wise to head her words, mortal ronin."Xiao spat as the man heaved himself up to sit up.

"Bet you think you've won, don't you?"taunted Nogata with a dark laugh. "So naïve, this is my home turf!"

"Who care's who turf it is you thief."spat Lumine.

"Ha! I'll let you in on a lil' secret then."Nogata began revealing some kind of paper charm. "A long ago I found this here rare paper charm. It's very precious to me."

Xiao let out a growl as he quickly sensed something was very wrong with this bandit. His instincts screaming and howling, making him get in between Lumine and the enemy. "Purge! Corrupted! Get rid of it!" were all the things screeching in his head. The  aura on this man and his eyes were not natural. His reaction alerting the girls first then Itto soon afterwards. What happened next sent them all into action as Takuya had expertly swiped the charm as itto was fast to knock the man flat on his face. However Takuya by mistake had torn the paper charm even with Itto's insistence. 

"You blubbering fool!"snarled Xiao. "What have you done!? The entire hideout is coming down!" Xiao was beyond furious as he dashed with a flash of anemo and quickly grabbed Luminesaving her from a falling lumber pillar. 

"Just get out of here, don't worry about me i got this!"shouted Itto as he hurried to charge after his fellow oni.

Xiao needed no more convincing as he teleported out of there as Lumine and Paimon held onto him. Getting the girls to safety with ease. once safely outside Xiao set Lumine down, golden eyes full of concern turning to relief seeing she was unharmed. "Thank goodness."he thought. Some time later Itto came out supporting Takuya just, bruised and battered from the rubble but otherwise they both looked to be alright.

"Look it's Itto and Takuya!"pointed out Paimon in relief.

"Ugh...ouch...that's going to hurt tomorrow..."groaned Itto as he hunched over with hands on his knees. Carefully he eased himself to sit down. man he felt sore from all the debre he bashed through today. Only to chuckle at seeing the concern on the trio's faces. "Hey what's with those looks on your faces? I did say we'd be fine."

"Are you sure you're ok? You look like a ruin guard smacked you from here to Monstandt, Itto."asked Lumine in concern. The sun just catching a small gleam of her silver ring on her hand. 

"You should take it easy those wounds aren't minor but they will increase in severity if you do not take proper due course of action."Xiao advised sharply, his words sharp but concern in his eyes betrayed him of his real emotions. 

"Yeah, yeah I know. But I'm sure I'd be fairing a whole lot better if somebody didn't toss a brutal bean attack at me earlier today!"he retorted sharply making Lumine begin to sulk in guilt. Xiao did not seem to take kindly to that as he went over pulled Lumine close just as his wings vanished in a golden light.

"We said sorry ok! No need to rub salt in the wound, geez..."huffed Paimon.

"Well I'm just glad you're both ok."smiled the petite blonde.

"Hm?"Itto's gaze turned to the silver gleam on Lumine's hand. "Wait is that an engagement ring on your finger Lumine-san?"

"Yep it is~"giggled Paimon.

"So who's the lucky one, eh~?"chuckled Itto. But it took even a moment to realize as he connected their behavior throughout their time together. "Wait, hold up, are you seriously both engaged to each other?"

"Yes."Lumine hummed in delight more then content to snuggle up into Xiao's arms. However that was also when the soldiers of the Tenryu Commission arrived before Itto and Takuya could get in a word. Swift to put both Itto and Takuya under arrest for what they both had done. one of them, Ishizaki turned towards the trio offering a polite bow.

"A greetings to you Guardian Sukaku, oh blessed winds of the south."he greeted. "and a greetings to you Traveler-sama." Itto looked very confused.

"Hello again Ishizaki."greeted Lumine.

"It is good to see out see you well but considering you three lend aid when you should have been apprehended the criminal bounties in question you're not out of the woods either."Xiao instantly growled stepping in to slowly ease Lumine behind him protectively. Hand poised to summon his spear if he needed. His actions and the sharp leer enough to send the soldiers on edge. 

"You so much as touch my intended, i will not be lienant with you."Xiao warned.

"Please, be at peace Sukaku-sama and allow me to finish."Ishizaki swiftly soothed. Xiao not moving from where he stood but eased his protective stance.

"Speak then."urged Xiao.

"However, given your special circumstances we will let you off with a warning."Ishizaki explained.

"Wait, special circumstances? Are you some kind of big shot or somethin' Lumine-san?"Itto ask.

"Very big shot."giggled Paimon. "We're guests of the Kamisato Clan and the shogun."

Itto could only stare in complete shock. which remained in effect as he was taken away. With Itto gone and this misadventure concluded the trio went on to go inform the situation to granny Oni before biddng farewell. However troubling sight soon caught their attention. The storm around Inazuma was inching closer to the nation of eternity. Had something happened to Ei?

To be Continued....

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