Xiaolumi S3: Everything To Me

By Otaku_AriaSnow

58.4K 1.9K 1.3K

"Oh Alatus Nemesis, on the wind your feathers of gold, oh so fair, grasp that light in heavens and conquer al... More

Yaksha's Love
Gifts From The Past
A Red Hot Oni Pt I
A Red Hot Oni Pt 2
Ei's Day Off
Yoohoo~! Lumine's A Target!?
The Stormy Island Mystery PT I
The Stormy Island Mystery PT II
Hear My Song Pt I
Hear My Song Pt II
Hear My Song Pt III
You Are Cordially Invited
Crane In The Harbor
Old Friends & New Ones
You Are A Mystery, Lumine
Sea Gazer
Combing Rite of Fortune
Xiao's Birthday Wish
She Would Have Adored You
A Snake's Wisdom
Gorou's Message
Heading For A New Frontier
Chariot of the Sun
Enjou's Warning
Ominous Revelations
Forbidden Knowledge
Primordial Goddess of Fate
Lumen De Lumine PT I
Lumen De Lumine PT II
Lumen De Lumine PT III
Safe Here In Your Arms
Saiguu's Sacrifice
Forgive Me, Sister
Something Amiss
Towards The Future
Author Lumine
Sly Old Fox
Unexpected Reunion
Flower of Khaenri'ah
Crude Plan
Void and Light
Flowing Like Time
Prof. Aria's Files: Yaksha's Soul Bond Ritual
Thanks & Announcements
Bonus Chapter: Vesperi Nebula

I Will Be Your Only Star

1.3K 44 61
By Otaku_AriaSnow

[A/N: I want to say again thank you so much for all the love and support you've given me and my stories. As I write this I just reached 150+ followers, something I never thought would happen as writing is a hobby of mine. So the fact you all enjoy my series makes me overjoyed on so many levels. This chapter is the wedding itself. Liyue style weddings are very different from Monstandt, Fontaine, and Inazuma. Actually for a treat this chapter's cover art isn't random fanart, it's one I drew for their wedding. But enough blabbering lets get on with the chapter and I hope you enjoy the song I picked for Xiaolumi here. I rarely ever provide a video in the middle of a chapter but this time I make an exception cause it's Yunjin's opera!!]


Lumine's pained whimpers rang in both Xiao and Shenhe's ears as they carried Lumine into Bubu Pharmacy. Qiqi had stayed behind to help the soldiers injured in the fray against Beisht. Paimon not far behind them as they made it into the building. Lumine's injuries at the sight were enough to send the healers into action. 

"Goodness me, hurry bring to the back."the receptionist urged.

"Will do."Shenhe agreed before turning her gaze to Xiao's anxious one. "she'll be fine you should go get ready for the ceremony."

Xiao said nothing his gaze not leaving Lumine in his worry. He knew he had broken the ancient tradition by seeing her before the sacred bonding rite but...he had been worried. Rightfully so thanks to that damn hydra having appeared earlier today. "I know your worried but Lumine will be safe with us. You can come get her at Jade Chamber later today."Shenhe assured. 

"I-I'll be fine Xiao."croaked Lumine as she stopped while being lead to the back. "You should go get your wing checked, I know you got hurt too."

"You certain you'll be fine?"Lumine gingerly nodded. "Alright, I'll go..."

"You needn't worry she'll be in my care and ready for your ceremony."came a familiar voice. All eyes turning towards the back door to see Baizhu with his sly but some how reassuring smile. Changsheng around his neck letting out a soft hiss as her tongue flickered out briefly. Xiao sighed and went over to Lumine to stroke her cheek that was caked in her blood from the collision. She could feel his worry and sorrow as she nuzzled into his gentle hand with a pleased hum. Satisfied she'd be safe, Xiao left in a dark mist. 

"Bring her back to my office then leave me to work."Baizhu instructed. 

"Alright."Shenhe stated helping Lumine into the room and then down onto the table. The silver haired exorcist swift to grab Paimon by her scarf and drag her out of the room despite her protests.

Baizhu entered and closed the door behind him and casually went over to Lumine and started examing her. "Considering you took a direct hit from Beisht it's a miracle your alive, my dear."

Lumine winced as she felt his hand apply a bit of pressure on her leg. By now the only thing keep her modesty and dignity being the blanket provided to cover herself. "Oh I'm sorry that must have hurt."he hummed.

"No you think!?"she hissed glancing over but soon regrated it due to her throbbing skull. "Ow...my head..."

"Easy now. You got a dislocated shoulder and quite the injury to your head."The greenette informed gently as he got her her to look him in the eyes after snapping his fingers by her ear. Her responses slow as he checked the symptoms. "Hm yes, defiantly a mild case of a concussion too. No surprise considering what happened."

"Great...just great. And it's my wedding day to boot..."grumbled Lumine miserably and in frustration.

"You needn't worry you'll get to go to your sweet yaksha. But my dear...your not human are you?"Lumine's eyes turned wide as she gawked at Baizhu. "Your look just now says I'm correct."

"H-How did y-you?"stammered Lumine as she felt Baizhu put his hand on her shoulder and arm. She was completely caught off guard as she shoulder popped back into place with a harsh tug, making her shriek in surprise and pain. "YYYYOOOOUUUUCCCHHH!!!"

"I have my ways. I was the one that operated on you last year, dear. Regular means wouldn't heal you I had to use my Vision."he informed as he lifted his hand casting her in a green glow. Her injuries responded beautifully and healed up in an almost an instant. The pace Lumine could heal was astounding and fascinating to him. The fact he had one of the "old ones" right before him...yes how festinating indeed. "Now just hold still and we'll get you sent off on your way."

"Xiao stop pacing."

Zhongli, Ganyu, and the other adepti with him were watching one very anxious and nervous young yaksha. Gone were his usual attire in favor of more formal Liyue robes that weren't too different from his winter ones with some key differences. They were most unique as his clothes seem to be a mix of Liyue and Sumerian in attire. A distinct vermillion red sash around his shoulder to tie around and wrap around his waist. The gold stitching forming a rising dragon. His mask as always kept close and fastened to the sash around his hip with some kind of sacred gold chain that prevented theft. 

"Xiao did you hear Ganyu? Just calm yourself. You'll be fine."he heard Zhongli reassure making him growl in frustration.

"I can't. What do you want me to say? That I'm nervous? Fine! I'm petrified!! I'm scared something will go wrong..."he finally spat out before sighing.

"You'll be fine Xiao. Lumine's also nervous she was fretting over everything for the last two hours while being healed from fighting Baisht. It took Beidou, Noelle, and Yunjin hours to calm her down after i picked her up and dropped her off with Lady Ningguang."Ganyu giggled. The young half qilin looked just as beautiful in her formal Liyue dress and her icy blue hair done up nice with a floral hair stick hairpin. Zhongli also looked rather dashing in his formal robes. They were ones the two young adepti actually knew well with their bright hues of gold and earthy tones. These were the same ones Zhongli wore when Guizhong was still living. The former archon had pulled out a pocket watch and smiled before putting it away.

"Its time Xiao. Time for you to get your beloved bride."Zhongli smiled while Ganyu had a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.

"Don't think the girls are going to make it easy for you to reach Lumine though, Xiao."teased Ganyu.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Easy is boring and this is a test of the Bonding Rite to see if I'm worthy of her."Xiao dismissed as he began to leave.

Zhongli had an amused grin as he left with Xiao while Ganyu went back to work to help put the finishing touches for the ceremony. Yes the Qixing were making a huge deal of this since this was a marriage between an adeptus and his bride. Still how did it get out that the bride was Lumine? Ganyu wasn't sure how it had leaked out. But Keqing had assured she had a plan so that there would be no wedding crashers. "Keqing's got this under control. She always does know what needs to be done and wont' let anything disrupt this."she thought. Ganyu knew these weddings were so sacred and rare to the adepti surely nobody would be foolish as to jeopardize this...would they? Surely not.

To do that would be to earn the ire of the adepti if this ceremony fails. No, no she needed to get her head away from that train of thought. Other then the odd overly excited mob things had gone smooth. Yes things would be fine so it was time to go check in on those firecrackers and then Xiangling with the cake.

It was laughter, mischief, and chaos. As Ganyu had warned, Lumine's close female friends: Shenhe, Jean, Xiangling, Beidou, Klee, Lisa, Amber, Noelle and Eula were not making this easy. It was beyond frustrating to Xiao. The test from little Klee and Amber had been thankfully pretty easy and straight forward: get some floaty bloaties and pop them. Noelle and Beidou had been a bit harder as they were tests of strength but he managed without too much issues. Next was Xiangling who tested him with his cooking, something he hated doing but not terrible at it. Each test took him closer and closer to the Jade Chamber until finally it took him straight to the book store he knew Lumine loved. Leaning against the railing in her beautiful red wedding gown for the celebration was Lisa and Jean who both offered welcoming smiles.

"My, my you made it."hummed Lisa in delight.

"Impressive that means you passed the others' tests we came up with."noted Jean.

"What's the tests you have for me?"Xiao asked.

"Questions from both of us. Lisa will ask you four and I'll ask four as well."Jean informed calmly as Lisa set the book down she was reading.

"I'm listening and I'll answer."Xiao nodded as out of habit crossed his arms.

"I'll go first. Lumine uses a Vision, true or false?"Lisa asked.

"False. She is able to wield multiple elements at once but has no need for a Vision."Xiao answered swiftly. Lisa smiling at his reply.

"Correct. Next one, when is Lumine's birthday my dear yaksha?"Lisa asked.

"June 16th along with her twin brother whom she searches for."The girls again smiled at his reply.

"When Lumine helped Monstandt I gave her what title?"Jean asked.

"Honary Knight of Favonious."Xiao once again didn't hesitate.

"Very good. Next one is a bit harder, dear. Lumine was able to defeat and save Dvalin because she has this unique ability. What is this ability?"Lisa asked with a sly grin.

"Lumine's capable of purifying corruption."Xiao said with a faint fond smile. It was an ability he himself experienced regularly and even seen first hand. More then ever he was sure the decrease in his suffering was her doing. Something he was grateful for but it...also puzzled him.

"Correct again. Last one from lil' old me my dear. Lumine's favorite flower is what?"Lisa asked.

"Asters and lilies."he said firmly.

Jean's next three questions were simple but easy for Xiao. Asking what her favorite food was, her hobbies, and when did he and Lumine first meet. All he got without issues as the girls let him pass. The last one left was Shenhe as he arrived just below the Jade Chamber that floated overhead. Shenhe too had her red dress on but in hand was the crystal ore spear Xiao knew extremely well. For it had been the very polearm a late member of tribe had used for centuries.

"My test for you is a duel. Defeat me, Lord Xiao and you can past."Shenhe stated flatly as her Vision activated.

Xiao wasted no time as he summoned his jade spear, "Lets see how long you last this time Shenhe. You've never defeated me and your two millennia too inexperienced still."

The silver haired exorcist was fast to lash out but Xiao was as always far faster. But Shenhe did give him a bit of a workout before he finally got her to yield and submit in defeat. Finally all the tests were finished and that left one final part left. Swiftly he teleported up onto the Jade Chamber and entered it's impressive halls. Walking down the stairs until he reached Ningguang's quarters and opened the door to reveal Ningguang also robed in red and gold. 

"Ah you made it right on time, Vigilant Yaksha. I just finished up getting your bride ready."smiled Ningguang, pleased with her work. 

Slowly Xiao went over to see Lumine and what he saw was enough to make him flustered, blushing redder then his own clothes. Lumine smiled up at him a crown of gold laurels and a special hairpin modelled after her twin cosmic asters were in her hair. The red jade comb's effects still in effect with how long her hair was and twisted in a loose braid. Two of his feathers fastened on the end. Elegant but gentle makeup with red eye shadow and eyeliner graced her fair face. It was faint but Xiao could smell a perfume of not silkflowers but Sumerian flowers, subtle and delicate which was pleasing to his nose. Her Liyue wedding dress of red, gold, and white had a phoenix stitched in gold but gold flower stitching on the white and red flowing sleeves. The golden silk shawl Zhongli had given her wrapped around her shoulders making her the picture of beauty and elegance. 

"What's the matter Xiao, does it look that bad? Oh it's the makeup isn't it? I told Ningguang not to go overboard..."She was swiftly silenced at Xiao's tender smile. A smile so large she never saw before as he managed to find her missing red high heal and bent down on one knee. With care taking her petite foot in his hand and slipped the shoe on. "Lumine you put the flowers of Sumeru to shame. Your gorgeous."he hummed as he offered his hand to escort her away after handing the red packet to Ningguang. 

"Really? That makes me very happy."Lumine said cheerfully her smile easily could shatter the heavens as she took his hand. With a smile he lead her away and out of the jade chamber. While in the city the festival had hit a fever pitch as firecrackers went off and excited cheers as Keqing with help from Albedo and Diluc and Kaeya kept the crowd in control as drums and instruments played. Lion dancers moving with the beat. All of them dressed for the reception that was to take place at Wanshu Inn.

"Back off all of you!"snapped Diluc, making many back away out of fear at the sharp tone of the redhead. Nobody was going to ruin this day for Lumine whom had become like family to him. The procession already in sight with Xiao with Klee in front and the adepti acting as escorts. The excited cheers and shouts of praise and desires a ringing and uncomfortable feeling for Xiao. His wings were out as were the custom so they had twitched with anxiety. But so far everything had moved smoothly as they left the city behind and arrived at the beautifully decorated and heavily guarded Wanshu Inn. Already smiling faces of loved ones were what greeted them as Klee hurried off back to Jean and Albedo with a delighted smile. 

"Did Klee do a good job?"Klee asked.

"Yes you did wonderfully Klee."praised Albedo leading her away to go sit down. Not long after the others arrived and took their seats as well. At the far end of the path sat Zhongli with Madam Ping. Xiao going over and helped Lumine out from the procession, Ganyu holding up the umbrella for Lumine as she came out. A veil of red and gold over her head while she clutched the flower ball in hand. The sight one of many emotions for the on lookers as the couple walked over to meet Zhongli, tea being offered as they kneeled. Zhongli smiled as he motioned for them to rise and Xiao and Lumine were handed a red silk sash with a much large flower ball at the end of it. Each grabbing on end of it after Xiao removed the veil to reveal Lumine's face. 

"Ready?"whispered Zhongli, the couple nodding, neither taking their eyes off each other. In a stronger voice bold in nature Zhongli addressed the guests. "I welcome you all and thank you for coming to this most joyous and sacred occasion as we honor the Sacred Bonding Rite between this young adeptus and his beloved intended."

Zhongli then turned his gaze onto Xiao first, "Xiao, you are willing to marry Lumine as your wife,  in sacred marriage together for life? Whether she has sickness or health, poverty or wealth, beauty or is plain, in good times and in bad, you are willing to love her, to comfort her, to respect her, and protect her? And willing to be forever loyal to her?"

"Upon my soul I do so swear."Xiao firmly breathed, resolve in his golden tiger-like gaze. Nothing but tenderness at he looked at Lumine. 

Zhongli then turned his gaze to Lumine, ""Lumine, you are willing to marry Xiao as your husband, in sacred marriage together for life? Whether he has sickness or health, poverty or wealth, beauty or is plain, in good times and in bad, you are willing to love him, to comfort him, to respect him, and protect him? And willing to be forever loyal to him?"

"Upon my soul I do so swear."Lumine said with a tender smile.

"By the power invested in me, may this contract in life be set in stone."Zhongli said firmly before turning a nostalgic smile. Xiao and Lumine tossing the flower balls to the crowd as Xiao pulled Lumine close into his arms, happily Lumine wrapped her arms around him shoulders as his wings spread and furled slightly in sheer joy as they kissed deeply and passionately. Their loved ones cheering and some even crying as to Jean's surprise it was she and Diluc that had caught the flower ball. 

"Ah man I wanted to catch it..."huffed Kaeya.

"Better luck next time, Monstandter."teased Beidou. 

Laughter filling the air as they all left for the Jade Chamber for the feast and to celebrate. Xiao and Lumine with Shenhe and Paimon as lantern came to life lighting the sky. The festival having set loose a sea of xiao lanterns as Yunjun finally took to the stage and began her performance.

The celebration went late into the night until not even the lanterns flickered in the sky anymore. By this time Lumine was clearly exhausted and was now leaning on Xiao rest her head on his shoulder. practically half asleep and looking content.

"Paimon think Lumine's tuckered out after everything today."Paimon noted as she looked over.

"Stress from the wedding, dealing with an ancient god, getting injured by said god, having to get healed, then the wedding itself."Shenhe listed off bluntly. "You'd be exhausted too, Paimon."

"After all the things she's been through she deserves it, let her rest."hummed Xiao content to hold his new wife close.

"Hey get him! Don't let that trespasser through!"came a sudden shout.

"Hey your not allowed into the VIP area!!"shouted another but the drunkard clearly wouldn't listen. Shenhe wasn't too thrilled at the sight of the disturbance and neither was Xiao.

"Oh it's the girl from the play and the great—"the man hiccupped as Xiao scooped up one very sleepy Lumine into his arms with a glare of warning at the man. Eyes of gold turning jade green as teal undertones threatened to shift to vermillion. Seeing this Shenhe stepped between them. 

"Take one step and you'll regret it."hissed Shenhe. "Or shall I smash in your skull to get the point across?"

"Shenhe, no violence!"rebuked Ganyu as she came over with Ningguang. The half-qilin turned her gaze to Xiao with a smile. "Take Lumine and go. We can clean up here and she's clearly exhausted after such a long day."

"I agree with Lady Ganyu, take your wife and enjoy the next few days to yourself."encouraged Yunjin.

"Paimon knows the rules so Paimon will go stay with Xiangling for a few days to let you guys be lovey dovey. Because Paimon is a good friend and Paimon wants you two to be happy."smiled Paimon in delight, a playful wink before let out her own tirade on the drunkard.

"We'll send the wedding gifts to the Serenitea pot later, dear so hurry along."urged Lisa.

"Thank you."Xiao stated softly before vanishing in a dark mist with Lumine in his arms. He soon reappeared in his room at Wanshu Inn and set her down on the bed. removing her shoes and the trinkets from her hair to set aside along with the shawl. Come morning her long hair would be short again. But he could feel the seal on the courtship rite cracking...far faster then Lord Morax had thought it would. it was concerning as he could feel the agony from it starting to return. He had felt it since the fight with Beisht and he had felt it again just moments ago. "It's better Paimon stays away for the next few days....I don't know what state I'll be in when it does shatter..."he thought tucking Lumine into bed. Slowly he moved to the window and opened it before going to sit in it. Golden eyes reflecting the moonlight as the soft cold glow cast its shadows into the room. The welcome song of crickets and nocturnal life was a welcome lullaby as his wings vanished in golden light. Slowly he hopped back down and changed out of his formal clothes into his usual ones. Throughout the night his watchful gaze never left. Before long he felt the urge to be closer to her as she slept. More then content to snuggle up to her before sleep claimed him, stress from the events having caught up to him. What welcomed him were only the gentlest and sweetest of dreams.

To Be Continued...


[A/N: It is now extremely late and like Lumine I'm getting some sleep. Good night, I'll see you guys for the next few chapters before we start Enkanomiya~! But things are about to get spicy~!]

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