Unique Love #2

By Brezzy31

347K 13.4K 1.2K

Angel is looking for a Dom who isn't afraid to take control of him and can get past his size and height to ta... More

CH2 Pick up Lines
CH 3 Assuming makes an ass out of you
CH 4 Damn you Greyson
CH 5 Love is a Myth
CH 6 Friends
CH 7 Secret Love
CH 8 Kiss Me
CH 9 Who Needs A Rubber
CH 10 Back Alley's
CH 11 Are you my Dom ?
CH 12 Training and Training
CH 13 Surprises

CH 1 Starting Over

48K 1.3K 268
By Brezzy31

Nikolaus POV--Nikolaus pictured above.

I walk around my new home that is yet to be decorated in anyway, I have the essentials furniture, drapes, and bedding but my walls are still bare as the day I moved in. At one time I had a 5000 square foot mini mansion furnished and designed with everything I could ever want or need but now I have down scaled because I was blinded by a hot body and nice ass and had to give it all up. I foolishly married a man twenty years my junior after only knowing him for six months and sadly the marriage only lasted a year. Big surprise huh?

Jordan was this hot temperamental Hispanic twenty five year old that came into my life completely unexpectedly and I fell in deep lust with him and immediately fell under his spell. He said and did all the right the things to make me think he was in love with me. I thought he was my soul mate. Everything he did was so perfect and he loved everything I did and I was so starved for that connection I let myself be blinded to his true nature. But never again I can see clearly now and no one will ever how do you say it in America Hood Wink me again.

I really thought that we had everything in common sadly it was all a con. A lot came out in the divorce proceedings he thought I was nothing more than an idiot Russian immigrant who had more money than brains. Which is partly true I was born in Russia and raised there with my mother until I turned sixteen and moved to America to live with my American father. He was wrong on the brains part though you don't get where I am today without them and Jordan would have never wanted me if not for my money anyways.

In the divorce settlement I gave him my beautiful mini mansion we shared for a year and six months of alimony and today I just made my final payment. I never have to think of Jordan again but just because I don't have to doesn't mean I wont. I can't help but dwell on all my stupid mistakes sometimes causing my blood pressure to sky rocket and my anger and self pity to get the best of me.

Another thing that has my blood pressure high so high is I hired a college student to help decorate this new house I find myself in at the recommendation of my favorite bartender who happened to become one of the only people I can confide in lately. I find it hard to talk to my colleagues or any of my family about Jordan without feeling like a total fool. I guess it was easier for me to open up to a stranger but now I am happy I did because I have become so close with Greyson and subsequently his boyfriend and the bar owner Blaine.

It has been about six months since I hired Avery to decorate this place and the first order of paintings for the walls are coming in today. Out of all the new things in my home the new drapes, wood flooring, and new furnishings in the house the paintings have to be my favorite purchase. They are these huge 36' X 40' male nude paintings. They show just enough to be provocative without being straight porn and I just adore them.

Avery is on his way over now to over see to the delivery and hanging of each of the twelve paintings. I am surprised at what a great job he is doing, he told me before I hired him that I would be his first paying customer so I didn't expect much from him but he is blowing me out of the water. He has really put in the work and it shows. It has taken some time but slowly this house is becoming more of a home for me and my family. I know part of the reason this is taking so long is I wasn't ready to move on and start over and gave Avery a hell of time in the beginning. Now I'm glad I sat down and really went over the details with him to make this place feel like home.

I hear the doorbell ring and go answer the door. Avery comes in with his ever present binder that I swear weighs more than he does. I greet him warmly. "Hello Zaika (Russian for bunny), you ready for the paintings to be delivered? It feels like ages since you first showed me the available ones to choose from and now they will finally be here?"

Avery sets the binder down on the deep mahogany coffee table he picked out and opens it and pulls out a bunch of invoices for me to sign. "Here Nicki sign these I have to give them to the delivery company before they release the art into our possession and yes I am happy the day has finally come no more bare walls for this place."

I quickly read over the invoices and pricing and sign on the X. "Here Zaika." I hand over the paperwork just in time for the delivery company to show up and start unloading. I let Avery take over directing and nit picking the placement of each painting it ends up taking three hours to hang each of the twelve just right. I retired to my study about an hour in after the first few paintings were hung to get some work done and to get out of Avery's way.

Avery said he would come and get me when everything was "just right" so I can see them all hung. I am checking some emails from the publishing company where I work when I hear Avery's tentative knock."Come in. Just let me finish this email Zaika."

"Take your time Nicki." I finish up my email and get up and we go through the whole house starting in the living area and look at all the beautiful paintings. "You did a wonderful job this really buttoned up the place it finally looks like a home not an empty space left."

Avery beams at me. "I'm glad you like them Nicki. I can't believe these are the final touches and I am all done with my first ever job. Again thank you so much for taking a chance on me Nicki."

"No problem Zaika you did a wonderful job I almost don't even miss my old home." Avery hugs me and the door bell rings."Who could that be?" Avery jumps to go answer the door."Oh that's my brother Angel he is picking me up today."

Avery opens the door and in walks in a very handsome dark haired man and he is huge, he even gives me a run for my money in height and muscles. He is wearing a tight black wife beater that shows every single muscle in his torso and arms. He literally could not be more my type if walked out of my dreams. The more I stare at him I realize he is the bouncer at my favorite bar. 

He looks at Avery not even sparing me a glance. "Hey Aves you ready to go home?" Avery holds his hand up. "Give me a minute I need to get my binder and then I will be ready." He runs to the living room leaving me and Angel alone in the entry way. I reach my hand out. "Hi I am Nikolaus Alexandrov nice to meet you."

He sakes my hand. "Nice to meet you Mr. Alexandrov thanks for giving Avery a chance he will not stop talking about how amazing it is to work for you." I smile at Angel and even with his dark skin I see a blush tint his cheeks slightly. "No problem he was a pleasure to work with. He did an amazing job would you like to see his work?"

Angel nods."I would love to, if its not an imposition?" I shake my head no. "Follow me, my paintings just got here today and they are by far my favorite thing your brother has picked out for me. I would love to show them to you."

We start in living room and I show him the first two paintings. "Wow this are really amazing Nikolaus very sensual but not to much at the same time, I would love to own one of these someday." Angel says while looking at the paintings dreamily.

Avery sees us and follows us as we look around adding little tid bits here and there about the drapes and fabrics and why he choose them. When we finally make it back to the door Angel shakes my hand again."It was really nice meeting you and thank you for showing me your home it is really beautiful."

I shake his hand in return."No problem it was my pleasure to share it with such a handsome man." I wink at him and he blushes as Avery pushes him out the door and turns around to hug me. "Enough flirting with my brother I have to get to class but thank you Nicki I hope to see you soon. I don't know what I am going to do with myself now that I am done here."

Avery looks a little down not at all like the bubbly young man I have gotten to know. "Cheer up my Zaika with school you will be plenty busy then the jobs will come pouring in you mark my words your work speaks for its self."

With a nod and blush he turns to leave with Angel as I wait by the door and wave when they get to the car they wave back and then they are gone. All alone I go back to my study to finish up some work even though it's Saturday. I have come to hate the weekends and being alone. At first I was so embarressed about what Jordan did to me I shut everyone out and wanted nothing more than to be left alone. Now six months later I loth the silence that my own foolishness has created. I hate that I have cut everyone out of my life over that asshole leaving me in my self imposed solitude. I think I need a drink I might go visit Greyson tonight at Privilege if I am not to tired after I finish all my work I still have left to sort through.

Ok so I finished this earlier than I thought I would so I'm going to post it. Comment Vote tell me what you think so far.

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