Lexi's Had Enough

By ElizabethSarahL

338 0 4

Alexandra "Lexi" Cole's third year at New York University is shaping up to be not too shabby. Her class sched... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 12

13 0 0
By ElizabethSarahL

Lexi and Isaac entered his bedroom shortly after the former's confrontation with Cassie had ended. The dance music blaring from the living room could still be heard clearly, but it was nowhere near as loud as it has been earlier. Isaac locked the door to his bedroom while Lexi found herself a seat on the bed. Isaac joined her a moment later.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Lexi said. "It was just Cassie being Cassie again. Nothing new there."

"What exactly did she say this time?" Isaac asked. "I'm curious."

"Well, she first mocked my costume for its 'originality'"— Lexi added air quotes to the insult— "and I was like, 'Why the fuck do you care so much?'. She then called me ugly and was like, 'I don't get what any guy would see in you.'"

Isaac's hands balled up into fists. "Seriously? What the fuck?"

"I know," Lexi remarked. "I just told her that I think I'm pretty and that I don't give a shit what she thinks about how I look. I then told her that she's the last person to call anyone ugly 'when she's so ugly on the inside."

"That's bang on," Isaac interjected. "You're absolutely right to have said that."

Lexi nodded. "Cassie didn't like what I said, but I just told her to fuck off. She refused to go, so I tried to join you back in the living room. But she stood in front of me and refused to let me go around her. Since she's taller than me, there wasn't a whole hell of a lot I could've done. We just shared some choice words before you showed up. Thank you again for doing that, by the way."

"Of course, babe," Isaac said. "I honestly didn't think you and Cassie were going at it again— I thought something else had happened. That's why I went looking for you. But I'm really glad I found you before things got worse."

"Well, I'm glad to be away from her now," Lexi remarked. She punctuated her thoughts with a sigh of relief.

"I'm so sorry that Cassie keeps harassing you every chance she gets. You don't deserve any of it."

"You have nothing to apologize for, Isaac. I honestly don't enjoy being so rude to her 'cause I know she's your ex and you two used to really care about each other. So, I'm sure you care about her even now— at least, to some extent."

"Not particularly, to be honest," Isaac interrupted. "If Cassie was civil, or even just ignored you, then I could tolerate her at the very least. So, don't worry about whether you're being too mean to her or whatever. After all the hell she's put you through, you deserve to let her have it."

"Thanks, baby," Lexi commented.

Isaac nodded and kissed her forehead.

"I do have to say," Lexi added, "that Cassie's antics mostly amuse me than upset me anymore. I wish she'd let things go between us, but she just won't. It's kinda sad when you think about it."

"It is," Isaac replied. He paused to chuckle. "Ah well, it's not our problem."

"True," Lexi mused before giggling a bit.

Isaac kissed her forehead again. "Wanna ditch this party and spend some alone time together at your place? We can watch a couple of horror movies and just chill out."

The request caused Lexi to do a double-take. "We can if you'd like to do that. Are you sure your roommates won't mind you leaving?"

"I'm sure," Isaac insisted.

"Alright then. I would like to try and find Nikita to tell her what's going on. Do you mind?"

"No, not at all. I'll just be waiting at the front door for you, okay?"

Lexi nodded. "Sounds good to me."

The couple exchanged a brief kiss before exiting Isaac's bedroom. Lexi disappeared into the living room while Isaac put some running shoes on and stood by the front door.

While waiting for Lexi to join him, he caught sight of DeShawn chatting to Mariana a few feet away. Despite it being relatively dark inside the apartment, he could make out Mariana looking quite upset while DeShawn appeared to listen intently. He also rubbed her back and appeared to try and comfort her. Their conversation lasted for a couple more minutes before they returned to the party in the living room.

DeShawn's always looking out for others, Isaac thought. Perhaps Mariana was venting to him about Cassie's bullshit? He's always there as a good shoulder to cry on.

Lexi suddenly appeared, looking flustered. "I couldn't find her. One of her classmates thinks she's in the washroom or something, so I'm just gonna send her a text about what's happening."

"Sounds good," Isaac said.

As Lexi sent the text in question, he grabbed his phone and sent a similar text to both Felipe and DeShawn.

Isaac: Hey, I'm going to Lexi's for the night. Don't wait up.

Once that was all taken care of, they exited the apartment for Lexi's. Isaac offered her his hand to hold, which she happily accepted.

"I hope you don't mind doing this," he remarked.

"I don't mind one bit," Lexi revealed. "Any excuse for us to be alone is one I'm willing to take."

Isaac grinned. "Are you cold?"

"I'll be fine but thank you. The sooner we get to my place, the better."

Fortunately for the couple, Lexi's apartment wasn't too far away. They made it a few minutes later, where they decided to get out of their costumes and get comfortable. Isaac had worn a plain black T-shirt with his costume but didn't have any pants to wear outside of the black dress pants he'd had on. But Lexi had an extra pair of basketball shorts that he'd accidentally left at her place the last time he'd been over.

"Thanks for holding onto these for me," he said.

"No problem," Lexi replied with a grin.

Once dressed in comfy clothes, Isaac went into the living room while Lexi went to take her makeup off and change clothes in the bathroom. He found some bagged popcorn and microwaved it for both of them. He was putting the now freshly microwaved popcorn into a bowl when Lexi emerged from the bathroom. Isaac took in her appearance with a smile.

"Is this okay? Lexi asked while gesturing to her outfit. She had on a baggy white T-shirt, black pyjama shorts, and white fuzzy socks.

Isaac nodded in response. "You look beautiful."

Lexi rolled her eyes at the compliment.

"I mean it," Isaac insisted.

"I know," Lexi replied. "Thank you. You made popcorn already?"

"I did. You can pick the first movie."

"That may be a decision you'll end up regretting 'cause I love horror movies. The gorier they are, the better too."

Isaac couldn't help but shudder. Still, he kept a brave front on. "I'm fine with that."

He and Lexi settled onto the couch and put on Lexi's pick, The Evil Dead. She grinned throughout the bloody flick while Isaac could barely look at it.

Maybe I did make a mistake in letting her pick first, he thought.

He looked down at Lexi near the middle of the movie, as she had reclined herself onto his body. She appeared to be enjoying herself despite the movie being so gory. She took turns smiling in between bites of popcorn.

If she's enjoying herself, then I guess letting her pick was worth it, Isaac thought.

He proceeded to kiss her head with a small grin on his face. Lexi's smile grew at the gesture. She looked up at him before resting her body back on his. She also planted a gentle kiss on his neck.

God, I'm so lucky to have ended up with this woman, he suddenly thought. She's beautiful inside and out, no matter what. She's also funny as hell, so kind, and just an incredible woman. I never thought we'd ever become a couple.

Isaac's mind drifted back to last year when he and Lexi had kissed for the first time. Lexi had done so in a drunken effort to thank him for helping her get away from an overly touchy guy at a party. He had brushed off the kiss as nothing more than a drunken mistake. But as he reflected on it now, he believed that that was when he'd realized that perhaps he should date her.

If I hadn't asked her out...

Isaac quickly stopped that train of thought. He didn't want to think about how things would have been different. Lexi was his girlfriend now— that's all that mattered now.

Once the movie ended, Lexi glanced up at him. "Did you like it?"

"It was...different," Isaac answered. "It was way bloodier than I expected. You weren't kidding when you said you love gory horror movies."

Lexi cackled. "Sorry! Actually...I'm not that sorry."

"If I have nightmares tonight, I'm blaming you."

"I can live with that."

Isaac shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Good."

Lexi stood up and stretched out. "Wanna watch another horror flick? You can pick this time, I promise."

"Well..." Isaac paused to think. He saw that the bowl of popcorn was now reduced to a pile of kernels. He looked back at Lexi, who now looked confused.

"What is it?" she asked.

Isaac moved the popcorn bowl away and pulled Lexi into his lap. "I can think of something better than any horror movie."

"Oh, yeah? What's that?" Lexi inquired.

"Kissing you," Isaac replied before kissing her lips as hard as he could.

As the couple made out, Lexi ended up on top of Isaac. He held her hips while she had her hands on his chest. They proceeded to make out for several minutes before they had to break apart and collect themselves on the couch.

"Mmm...this feels nice," Isaac remarked.

"It does," Lexi said. "Wanna move it to my bedroom?"

Isaac nodded. "Sure. And don't worry— I won't try to have sex with you tonight."

"I'm glad 'cause the timing is bad for that anyway," Lexi admitted as her cheeks flushed red. "I, uh...I got my period yesterday, so..."

"It's okay, Lexi," Isaac replied. "Now...shall we?"

Lexi nodded before leading him into her bedroom. They ended up sitting on her bed, where they resumed their make-out session. Lexi was close enough to have her legs wrapped around Isaac's waist. Isaac kept his hands on Lexi's face as they carried on with passionate kisses. Their bodies were almost in sync with one another during their make-out session.

Once they broke apart again, they locked eyes and exchanged wide smiles. Lexi then went in for another kiss.

"I love you."

Lexi pulled away in an instant. "What did you say?"

Isaac's dark brown eyes went wide. Crap. I didn't think I said that out loud.


Hearing his name called, Isaac snapped out of his thoughts. "Lexi...I love you. I really do."

The confession left Lexi reeling. She had moved a bit away from him and her mouth was gaping like a fish.

"Lexi, I truly mean it when I say it. I love you so much. I'm so happy to call you my girlfriend. I...I love you. I really, really do."

Isaac searched Lexi's face to see how his admission would register with her. He quickly spotted her blue-green eyes filling up with tears. A couple trickled out, so he tried to brush them away.

"Sorry, I didn't expect to cry," Lexi divulged. "But...wow. I didn't expect you to say that."

"If you don't feel the same—"

"No," Lexi interrupted, "that's not it at all. "I'm just so...happy. I'm happy that you said those three words to me because...I love you too."

Isaac was stunned into silence. His eyes widened and his jaw was now agape.

"I've been in love with you since we reunited in person, right before school started again," Lexi continued. "I guess absence does make the heart grow fonder 'cause when we reunited last month...I just knew. I knew I was in love with you right then and there. I should've told you sooner, and I'm sorry that I didn't. But I was worried that I'd scare you off by telling you. So, I just kept it to myself..."

Lexi paused to collect her thoughts, so Isaac seized his chance. He kissed her lips hard and rubbed her cheek with his thumb afterward.

"Baby, it's okay. I'm just so relieved you feel the same way."

"Me too," Lexi said while sighing loudly. "I love you, Isaac."

"I love you too, Lexi."

They shared a tender kiss and embraced. Isaac noted that Lexi hugged him as tightly as she possibly could. He also noticed that she wasn't crying anymore, causing him to smile.

"Would you like to stay the night?" Lexi asked out of the blue.

"I'd love to," Isaac replied. "I can't think of a better way to end the night than with you."

Lexi giggled. 'Me too, babe."

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