Two Halfs, One Heart

By PaigeMarieHall

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When Ben Tennyson, his grandfather Max, his cousin Gwen and his best friend Paige Swan go on a trip for the s... More

Chapter 1- And Then There Were Ten
Chapter 2- Washington B.C.
Chapter 3- The Krakken
Chapter 4- Permanent Retirement
Chapter 5- Hunted
Chapter 6- Tourist Trap
Chapter 7- Kevin 11
Chapter 8- The Alliance
Chapter 9- Last Laugh
Chapter 10- Lucky Girl
Chapter 11- A Small Problem
Chapter 12- Side Effects
Chapter 13- Secrets
Chapter 14- Truth
Chapter 15- The Big Tick
Chapter 16- Framed
Chapter 17- Gwen 10
Chapter 18- Grudge Match
Chapter 19- The Galactic Enforcers
Chapter 20- Camp Fear
Chapter 21- Ultimate Weapon
Chapter 22- Tough Luck
Chapter 23- They Lurk Below
Chapter 24- Ghostfreaked Out
Chapter 25- Dr. Animo And The Mutant Ray
Chapter 26- Back With A Vengeance
Chapter 27- Midnight Madness
Chapter 28- Ben 10,000
Chapter 29- A Change Of Face
Chapter 30- Merry Christmas
Chapter 31- Benwolf
Chapter 33- Monster Weather
Chapter 34- Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures
Chapter 35- Under Wraps
Chapter 36- The Unnaturals
Chapter 37- The Return
Chapter 38- Be Afraid Of The Dark
Chapter 39- The Visitor
Chapter 40- Perfect Day
Chapter 41- Divided We Stand
Chapter 42- Don't Drink The Water
Chapter 43- Big Fat Alien Wedding
Chapter 44- Ben 4 Good Buddy
Chapter 45- Ready to Rumble
Chapter 46- Ken 10
Chapter 47- Goodbye And Good Riddance
Chapter 47- Ben 10 VS. Negative 10 PT. 1
Chapter 48- Ben 10 VS. Negative 10 PT. 2

Chapter 32- Game Over

99 4 6
By PaigeMarieHall

Now, we were all cooped up in the Rust Bucket because it was raining. Max was taking a nap, Ben was playing a video game, I was reading Midnight Sun and Gwen was looking out the window. "I'm so bored. Even your stupid video game sounds good. Let me play," Gwen said. "Sorry. I already have a partner. Run! And, Ishyama, slam! He's the coolest. Kick! Sumo Slammer. Jump! So why would I want to play with you?" Ben asked.


"That's not fair! You let Paige play all the time!" Gwen argued. "Yeah! Because she's my best friend and girlfriend. The only reason she's not playing now is because she's reading. Why would I let you play?" He asked. "To prove you're not afraid of getting your Sumo butt kicked by a girl," Gwen said. "Ha! Shows how much you know. Paige has beaten me at this game hundreds of times!" Ben said to his cousin.


He finally had enough and handed Gwen a controller. A little while later, the screen showed that she had the new top score. "Yeah! High score for the Gwen warrior," She taunted. "Beginner's luck. Now, watch a real Sumo Slammer Samurai," Ben said. "Get his butt kicked by Kenko, the Shape Shifter? Careful. You only have two lives left," Gwen said as Ben snatched the controller from her.


Then on the screen, it showed that Gwen lost a life. "Ben, no fair!" "Careful. You only have one life left!" He said. "Guys, please! I'm trying to grab some shuteye here. Be like Paige and BE QUIET!" Max said. "Sorry, Grandpa," Gwen apologized to her grandfather. Suddenly, Ben activated the Omnitrix and was now Upgrade.


He merged with the game and lowered Gwen's score to zero. "Ben Tennyson, you are such a cheater! You're going to get yours one of these days!" She said, frustratingly. The next thing I knew, Gwen and I were sucked into the game.



Suddenly, we were in the Sumo Slammers video game. "How did this happen?" I thought. I looked at what I was wearing. I was wearing a white kimono with cherry blossoms on it.


My kimono


"What happened?" That big lightning flash must have zapped Upgrade, and we wound up in the video game," Gwen said. "We're inside Sumo Slammer Smackdown? Cool!" Ben exclaimed. "Not for long," I said, worriedly. "Robo Sumos? That is so level one," He said. Suddenly, one of them charged at Ben and tackled him.


He merged with two of them and they were destroyed. Gwen and I fought them and I used my magic to stun them. "This isn't a challenge. It's a slaughter-fest," He said. "Yeah. Real tough when you can control the whole game world as Upgrade," She said. "Jealous? Sayonara, suckers. Oh, yeah! You've been Sumo Slammed. Ben's the best. Forget the rest," Ben said.


"OK, since you control everything, how about getting us out of here before you..." Gwen was cut off when the Omnitrix timed out. "You are such a dweeb. Now what are we going to do?" "Yeah. I don't know if I can even teleport us out of here," I said. "Don't worry, princess. We'll just hang out until the watch lets me go Upgrade again. No problem. OK, maybe a little problem."


"What happened to all the hero icons?" I asked. "That's great. How long are we going to last in here without up..." She was cut off again by Ben. "Don't blow a brain gasket. Paige and I have played this game, like, a million times. Nothing could surprise us," He said. Then a giant chest landed on him and took one of his lives. "Ben!" Gwen and I yelled. "I definitely don't want to do that again," He said.


"The three of us are each down to our last life. Something tells me next time we get blasted apart, it'll be for keeps," Gwen said. "Which means we have to find a way out of the game and fast!" I said. "You're right, Princess. Come on!" Ben said as he grabbed my hand and the three of us ran for safety. More Robo Sumos stalked us but Ben, Gwen and I destroyed them before we could lose our last life.


When Ben got knocked down, I tried to use my magic to help him but it wouldn't work. "Well this is just great!" I said, frustratingly. "What's wrong, princess?" He asked. "My magic isn't working!" "That can't be good," Gwen said. I shook my head and tried to figure out what to do without it. "Oh, man. There are too many. We need to find an... Akeni Trunk!" I said as Ben grabbed my hand and we ran to get it.


"Dibs on the Samurai Sumo Sword," He said as he grabbed the coin and a sword appeared. "Wait a minute, Paige! You have Orcrist, the sword that Thorin Oakenshield gave you! And you have your grandmother's bow and arrows," Gwen reminded me. I shed a tear as I remembered Thorin Oakenshield. He was so special to me and I loved him dearly. Sadly his life was stolen by Azog the Defiler. I swore after he died that I would avenge him and his nephews Fili and Kili.


I did just that after I killed the Orc filth know as Azog the Defiler. I was brought out of my daydream when I felt Ben grab my hand and smile warmly at me. We jumped down and started destroying the Robo Sumos one by one. "How did you learn how to do that?" Ben asked his cousin after she destroyed many Robo Sumos. "I read the instructions," Gwen said, matter of factly. "This game came with instructions?" Ben asked.


Suddenly, Gwen gasped as she realized something. "The Dojo. We can use it to get to the next level," She said. "I knew that." Then the three of us stood on the yellow circle and it began to rise. "OK, Mr. Sumo Slammer Samurai, what's the plan?" She asked. "Keep moving and stay alive. Princess, stay close to me," He said. Then we ran away from the different robots that came after us.


Then I noticed another trunk and Ben and I jumped down to get it. "Hey, that looks like Four Arms, princess. I wonder if..." Then Ben jumped up and the Four Arms icon appeared on the Omnitrix. Then in a flash of green light, he transformed. "Oh, yeah! That's what I'm talking about. Four arms of fun," He said, happily. Suddenly someone appeared in front of us and it was Ishyama! "This is so cool!" I thought.


"Ishyama!" Ben exclaimed, happily. "How do you know my name, strange creature?" He asked. "My girlfriend and I are your biggest fans. We know all your stats. You weigh 527 pounds. You have a seven strength rating, nine intelligence, eight agility." "Enough! Are you or are you not a Shape Shifter?" Ishyama questioned Ben. "Sure. I guess you could say that," Ben said. "Then you can only be my arch-enemy Kenko. Sumo Slam!" The next thing I knew Ben was on the ground.


"Benji! Lay another hand on him and I promise you, it will be the last thing you ever do!" I said as I drew out my grandmother's bow and arrow. "Who are you?" Ishyama questioned. "I am Paige Marie Swan. Daughter of Emma Swan and Neal Cassidy. Granddaughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Future Queen of The Enchanted Forest," I said with pride.


Then he bowed to me, "Your Highness, please forgive me." I nodded but then the ground started to crumble. Ben grabbed me and held me tightly. "No! Wait!" He shouted as we fell. "Princess, are you OK?" Ben asked me, concerned. "Yes, my love. I'm fine," I said as I kissed his cheek. "Wait! I don't want to fight you," He said as Ishyama came toward us.


"You and your little friend cannot trick me, Kenko. I will not rest until you are defeated, as is my sworn task." "But I'm not Kenko. I'm Ben. I'm a good guy.," Ben said as he tried to reason with Ishyama. "Forgive me if I don't believe you." Then he charged at us again but Ben had a plan, he clapped his four hands together and blasted Ishyama away.


"It's true. My princess and I own every Sumo Slammers comic book, doubles of every trading card. We even eat your cruddy cereal,' Ben said. "I shall not be confused by your doubletalk. Up!" Ishyama said. Then I looked up and saw Gwen. "Four Arms?" She said, confused. Then I took out my bow and arrows and helped her destroy the robots. "Who are those magnificent warriors?" I heard him ask. "I already told you! That's my girlfriend Paige. The other girl isn't a magnificent warrior. That's just my goofy cousin," He said. "Back off! He's with me!" I said as Gwen and I shielded Ben.


"Thank you for protecting me; Princess. But I can take care of myself," Ben said. "So you are indeed the love of this creature's life and your friend is related to him," Ishyama said. "That's what I've been saying!" I said, irritated. "Please don't remind me and yes, Paige is the love of Ben's life. Princess of the Enchanted Forest, Future Queen, daughter of Emma Swan and Neal Cassidy, granddaughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Show some respect I'm Gwen,' Gwen said.


"I am Ishyama. You and Paige fight like champion warriors, Gwen," He said. "Well, Paige is great. I could use some more training," She said. "That's nothing. I'll show you a real champion," Ben said as he charged at the robots. "Ride 'em, cowboy. Probably should have seen that one coming," Ben said when the Omnitrix timed out.


"Ben, hang on!" Gwen and I said as we ran to save him. "I've got to read those instructions," I heard him say. Then I jumped and caught Ben in my arms. "Benji, are you OK?" "I am now, princess," Ben said as he kissed me. "Your skills are impressive," Ishyama said. "Thanks. Coming from you, that's quite a..." "Not you, Jester. Warriors Paige and Gwen." "Oh, man," Ben said, disappointed.


"Thanks! So, what are you waiting for, doofus? Go Upgrade and zap us out of here," Gwen said. "I can't. Only the Four Arms icon was inside that Akeni Trunk. Upgrade could be hidden anywhere on any of the other levels," Ben said. "Don't worry, Benji. We'll find Upgrade and the rest of your aliens. Don't worry." I said as I tried to calm my boyfriend down. "Not anywhere. Looks like it's on Level 13 in the Arena," Gwen said.


"Level 13? We'll never make it all that way unless...You know any cheat codes that could get us there quicker?" He asked Ishyama. "A Sumo never cheats. However, I do know a short cut, but the journey will be treacherous," Ishyama said. "Guess we don't have any choice, thank you very much,' Gwen said. "It doesn't matter, Gwen. All that matters is that we get back home," I said.


"From what land do you hail, warrior Paige?" "It's kind of hard to explain," I said. "I've never seen this part of the game before. Have you, princess?" Ben said. "No, I haven't." Suddenly, the doorway ahead was about to close, Ishyama ran ahead and held it open for us. "Game? This is no game. The fate of the entire Sumo World hangs in the balance," Ishyama said. "I know, I know. I read the back of the box," Ben said.


"The back of the box?" I pulled Ben aside, "Don't you get it, Ben? Ishyama doesn't know he's a program in a game. This is all real to him," I explained to him. "An Akeni Trunk!" He exclaimed as he jumped up to get it. I caught it and I could feel my magic pulsing through me. "Yes! My magic is back! Benji, you're the best!" I exclaimed, happily. Then I ran to hug him and he held me close.


"I'm glad you got your magic back, Paige. You two lovebirds can be lovey-dovey later. Right now, we have a mission to complete. Which is getting out of here," Gwen said. Suddenly, a doorway opened to reveal many Omnitrix icons. "Who needs it? I just hit the Omnitrix jackpot," Ben said. "Careful, my love. One may be a trap." I said, trying to warn him. Ben touched one, a red beam of light shot out of it and hit Ishyama.


"It was her fault." Ben said as he pointed at Gwen. "As if!" "It matters not. My life is nothing in the quest to stop Kenko. The Chamber of the Kappa will grant access to the level of your choosing, but only if you solve their riddle," Ishyama said. "The key names your weapon, but only by sight. When uttered as vow, a gesture polite." "What do you suppose it means?" Gwen asked. "Beats me," Ben replied.


"But I know what that means. I bet old Cannonbolt will impress Ishyama." Before Ben could get to the Cannonbolt icon, Kenko appeared! "This is not good!" I thought, frightened. "Let him go, Kenko!" "Tell me about this Upgrade icon, boy, or your friends will pay with their lives," Kenko said as he wrapped Ishyama, Gwen and I up. "Tell him nothing." "He's right, Ben. We can't let Kenko loose in the real world," Gwen said.


"The real world? Yet another domain I will rule with an iron fist," Kenko said. "No way. But I'm going to show you some real Sumo Slamming... Cannonbolt-style," Ben said as he transformed into Cannonbolt. "OK. Maybe that's a little too slamming." "I will leave you to my Henchmen while I find the Upgrade icon," He said. "Warrior Paige, your magic!" Ishyama said.


I conjured up two huge fireballs in my hands, aimed them at the enemy and destroyed them. "I can't move. What's happening?" I asked. "Grandpa must be messing with the controls. If he turns it off now, he'll delete us along with the game. Grandpa! No! Don't shut us off!" The three of us exclaimed. "So now we need to get the Upgrade icon on Level 13 so we can get out of this game," Ben said.


"There must be some way I can help you guys. Maybe if I push this," Max said. "No! We mean, just hit resume and don't touch anything else and leave the rest to the game pros. Right, Benji?" I said. "Right, princess." "OK. Here she goes," Max said. When the game was resumed, we were hard at work destroying Kenko's henchmen. "My bad," Ben said as Ishyama reappeared.


"Nice going, round boy. Now he's down to his last life," Gwen said. "Gwen, stop it! It was an accident!" I yelled, irritated. "We must still answer the Kappa's riddle if we are to continue our quest," Ishyama said. "The key names your weapon, but only by sight. When uttered as vow, a gesture polite. Names my weapon? That's it! Besides my magic, my weapon is my grandmother's bow, but when uttered as 'vow' it becomes bow," I said as I bowed.


Suddenly, Gwen got soaked in water and blew up like a balloon. "Looks like you've been putting on the old sumo feedbag," Ben said, laughing. "Says the original fathead," Gwen said. Suddenly, a golden light appeared. "The Dojo!" I exclaimed and we jumped on the circle. "Sure. When I bust something, it's all silent stares, but when she busts something, she's a hero," Ben said.


"The Arena of Sumo Warriors." "And the site of your final defeat, Ishyama," Kenko said. "Bring it on, Kenko!" Ben said as he charged at him. Suddenly, the Omnitrix timed out and Ben was back to normal. "You know, for a watch, you have a lousy sense of timing." "Ben! We'll handle Kenko. Take Paige and find that Upgrade icon," Gwen said. "No way. I want to prove to Ishyama that I'm a hero, too," He said.


"You will, my love. But you have to start thinking like a hero again instead of trying to impress a computer program," I said. Ben nodded as he grabbed my hand and we raced to find the Upgrade icon. "No! No! No! No, no! Wait! Yes!" "Your power is mine, boy," Kenko said. Ben threw his sword at Kenko to distract him. Then he got the Upgrade icon.


"Yes! Ishyama!" Ben exclaimed. "No!" "Your Sumo Slammer hero isn't here to protect you anymore." "I can take care of myself and you, all alone. Now we play by my rules, Kenko," Ben said. "Come out, come out wherever you are." "Quit fooling around and get us out of here before you time out again," Gwen said. "I'm right here, doofus,' Ben said.


"You wouldn't leave without saying goodbye?" "Ishyama?" I thought you were..." I said, confused. "It will take more than Kenko to finish off my last life. I just wanted to say I was wrong. You are the Superior Warrior. I only wish I could visit your world and fight alongside such a noble hero," He said. "Really? Well, maybe I can..." Ben was cut off when someone else spoke. "Sorry, Ishy, but your travel plans just got canceled," Max said.


"Grandpa, what are you doing? He's a good guy," Ben said. "No, he isn't." Then Kenko appeared, "Kenko!" I exclaimed. "You were trying to fool me into taking you back to the real world?" Ben said. "Let's get out of here before he succeeds." "A true Sumo Slammer never retreats. I'm going to defeat him honorably," He said. Suddenly, Kenko had ahold of me. "Fortunately, I am not bound by such honor."


"Destroy me, and the love of your life suffers the same fate," Kenko said. "I don't think so. This game's over," Ben said as he merged with Kenko. Gwen grabbed me so I would be safe. "Come on! Say it," He said. "Fine. You and Paige are the better Sumo Slammer Samurais. Happy?" Gwen said. "Who cares what you think, geek? I want to hear it from him. So, now who do you think is the best Sumo Warrior?" Ben asked Ishyama.


"Him," He said, pointing at Max. "Grandpa?" "Only a true Sumo Slammer would know to use the cleansing power of Sumo Salt to reveal Kenko's deception," Ishyama said. "It was easy. I just read the instructions," Max said. "Read the instructions?" The three of us said. "No time for goodbyes," Ben said as he grabbed Gwen and I. "Could you cut it a little closer next time?" Gwen said.


Ben looked through the Omnitrix and all of his alien heros were there. "Hopefully there won't be a next time. Right, princess?" "Absolutely!" I said, agreeing with Ben. "Well, it looks like it's finally stopped raining. Look, how about you kids go out and get some fresh air?" Max asked us. "I think I could use a little real world right about now. What about you, princess?" Ben said. "Definitely!" I said as we raced outside.


"By the way, my love. I know you're a hero and that's all that matters," I said. "You're right, princess. I love you," Ben said. "I love you," I replied as we kissed.



Hello everyone. Here are pictures of Thorin Oakenshield, Fili and Kili in case you're not familiar with The Hobbit Trilogy.

Thorin Oakenshield



Also this chapter is dedicated to _moonwalker_101 & TheMJPrincess who have given me such love & support❤

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