Till Death- The Salvatore Baby

By ShadowN15

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"Who the hell do you think you are? You can't barge into my room threatening my boyfriend," Tori yelled at th... More

Town of Misery
Cast a Spell
In Vain (Pt 1)
In Vain (Pt 2)
Rescue Mission
The Truth
The Truth pt 2
Founder's day Chaos
Twisted Carnival
The Vamp who cried wolf
The night of the concert
Skylar and the Swan Witch
Consequences Pt 1
Consequences Pt 2
Sacrifice Yourself
Masquerade and Suits
Wanna play charades?
Rose and Wolves
Crying Wolf
Zdravei, Katerina!
Ugh, the 60s
I'll Find a way
The Sacrifice
The Deal
Part 2
Her Birthday
Disturbing Behaviour
Turn. It. Off!
Just one day!
Ghost World

Take a bite

2.8K 65 6
By ShadowN15

Chapter 4

Jeremy POV

Sitting with Tori after so long, laughing felt good. I was worried about Vicki but when Tori reassured me that she was going to be fine I calmed down. I never understood how she managed to do that. I felt horrible for being a complete dick to her. I stood up saying "Now that we are talking and all, I wanted to give you something, I had this for a while. I got this when Jenna and I went to this store." I had gone out with Jenna a couple of days ago to some vintage store, she needed something for the founder's day. I was walking around bored when I saw a pendant that reminded me of Tori.

Every time there was a crescent moon we would sneak out of our house and go to the falls to lie down and watch the sky, our parents used to be so mad whenever we got caught trying to sneak back in. When I saw the crescent moon pendant with the jade stone, which happened to be her favorite color I bought it, even though I knew we were not talking to each other. I have had the pendant with me for a few weeks now, wondering when I could give it to her, today, at this moment seemed the right time.

I was taking out the small gift bag that I had kept safely in my desk drawer when I heard a 'Thud' I turned around to see Tori who was sitting on the bed two seconds ago, now on the floor, faced down. I dropped the bag in my hand and rushed to Tori, turning her to see her face. Her face was greyer, blood was coming out of her nose. "ELENA! Help!" I yelled out as I cradled Tori. Stefan and Elena rushed into my room, Elena saw Tori her eyes widened "Oh My God! What happened?"

"I-I don't know, one minute we were laughing, I got up for a second and the next thing I knew she was on the floor. What do I do? Someone call 911"

Elena rushed downstairs to call 911, while Stefan rushed to my side "Get a glass of water, some towels," he yelled out while he checks her pulse.

"Is she a-alive?" I asked, as my voice cracked.

"She has a pulse, get a wet towel," Stefan instructed. I ran to the bathroom to get wet towels.

I heard Elena talk to the 911 operator "Yes, she collapsed, I don't know, yes, she has a pulse. My friend is tending to her. Okay," I drowned Elena's voice, tears were streaming my face when I suddenly heard a gasp. I rushed out with the towels, dropping them when I saw Tori awake, coughing.

"Oh my god! She is awake," Elena said, to the 911 operator.

"N-no paramedics, tell them I'm okay," Tori said as she gasped and coughed. Stefan held her. Patting her back gently.

"Yeah, no, she said she is okay, she doesn't want the paramedics, yes, I'm sure, sorry for the trouble, thank you," Elena told the 911 operator.

I rushed to her and hugged her. "I thought I lost you," I sobbed.

Tori gently patted my head and let out an exhausted chuckle. "Leave you alone, now, why would I let you live a peaceful life," she said, coughing towards the end. Stefan was standing, smiling at us. He looked relieved. Tori tried to stand up but swayed. Stefan caught her and made her sit on my bed.

"Tori, are you sure you don't want to get checked out by the paramedic?" Elena asked, concerned

"Yeah, I'm okay, guys. Seriously," Tori said

"Elena? Could you get a glass of water for Tori?"I asked my sister, Elena nodded and rushed to the kitchen.

"What happened?" Stefan asked

"Oh-uh I overexerted myself. You know, school, sports and all, completely forgot to eat and drink water, I guess. I tend to do that sometimes." Tori explained

"Right, she forgets she is human," I said, Tori always had the nasty habit of being so engrossed in work she forgets basic human needs like food, drinking water. Once shows so focused on a painting she passed out because she forgot to breathe. I always made fun of her absentminded quality but today was...

"Have you eaten anything?" Stefan asked Tori

"No, I had a beer, that's it I guess?"

"Come on, let's get some food in you after you wash your face," I said as I lifted her, supporting her as we walked to the bathroom. Tori looked in the mirror and gasped out in shock "Shit! I look like a ghost from those horror movie posters," she said as she washed her face and mouth. That's weird I thought, she had no blood in her mouth, except for whatever dripped from her nose to her lips.

Once Tori was done I helped her walk down to the kitchen where Stefan was making a sandwich while Elena was pouring apple juice in a glass. Tori sat down on the chair near the kitchen island while I sat down in the chair next to her.

"Did Matt call?" Tori asked Elena

"Yeah, Vicki is fine, tired but fine," Elena said

I was relieved, Vicki was okay, so was Tori. I felt I could breathe easier.

Stefan handed a plate to Tori "Here, eat this," he said

"Thank you! When did you realize Elena was a bad cook?" Tori asked as she bit into the sandwich. I laughed and Elena playfully glared at Tori. "Uh-I didn't know, she asked me to make one while she got a glass out of the cupboard," Stefan said laughing.

"Well, now you know," Tori said. As she ate her food.

As Tori ate I saw color come back on her face.

"You wanna stay over tonight?" I asked her "Uh- No, I can't, I am just gonna head back. I have work to do at home in the morning,"

"Excuse me, young lady, you just fainted, you are not driving back home." Elena scolded Tori

"I'm fine, Lena. My sugar was low and this sandwich that Stefan made, helped. Okay, so I'm gonna leave you guys to it," Tori said, standing up.

"No you aren't, or at least let me drive you or you can call your mom to pick you up," I suggested

"J trust me, you don't have to do that."

"No, he is right, driving right after you gave everybody a scare like that is not a good idea. How about I drop you home? My house is nearby, I can walk from your place." Stefan said as Elena nodded agreeing.

"Uh-Okay," Tori said reluctantly

Stefan and Tori walked out of the house.

"J!" Tori said before leaving "I'm sorry I hurt you, and thanks for the gift, I can't wait to open it." She hugged me and pecked my cheek before heading out. It felt good to have Tori back. Stefan got in the driver's seat while Tori sat in the passenger seat and they drove off.

I walked into the house, going to my room when Elena spoke up "I'm glad you and Tori patched things up, she is a good influence on you,"

"Don't start," I was annoyed with her comment. I ran up the stairs and slammed the door.

Stefan POV

"So, what really happened back at the house?" I asked Tori who was silent staring out the window.

"I exhausted myself with work. You know the school, plus today at the bonfire with Vicki, the whole situation was scary." Tori explained, but something was missing, I knew she was omitting the details. When I saw her passed out on the floor, her blood on her face, I felt fear, more than I have ever felt, I could hear her heartbeat slowing down and she was not breathing. When Jeremy ran to the bathroom and Elena downstairs I bit my wrist and gave her my blood. I prayed it was enough to let her survive, which it was, thankfully. Her blood though was very alluring, I almost lost control but I managed

"So, did my sister make a move on you at the bonfire?"

I laughed at her question "She told you?" I asked

"She told me you turned her down." She said. I felt guilty.

"Uh- I didn't uh-mean to hurt her feelings,"

Tori laughed "Don't worry about it, Care can be what's the word.."


"Yeah, spirited. High-spirited." She said as she chuckled.

"When did you...." As I was asking, Tori's phone started ringing.

"Sorry, one sec, it's my dad," She said as she answered the phone.

"Hey Dadio, How are you?" I focussed on the road trying not to listen in on the conversation. "I would love to but, I have school and mom would kill me if I miss classes, wait, you spoke to mom, wow...progress. Hardy-har-har, dad. Awesome, for how long? Caroline will never agree to it you know. Seriously? Have you not met her. Mark my words dad, anyways, if mom is okay with it then I'll pack my bags tonight. Cool, love you, bye," I smiled at her.

"You seem happy,"

"Yeah, it was my dad, he invited me to Memphis."

"How come?"

"Dad couldn't be there for my birthday, although I'm pretty sure he invited me and Care because he wants us to meet his boyfriend Steven although Care can't come because of school event planning. Whatever, the hidden agenda I want to go see the rock and roll landmarks,"

"Yeah, it was on the 15th of September, I usually have a lowkey thing with my family but since dad came out of the closet, things have been difficult for mom, so this year I didn't want to do anything much to Care's despair."

"How long have you known you were adopted?" I asked Tori

"Since I was 10 years old. But, I guess I always knew deep down,"

"We are here," I said as I parked the car in the driveway.

"Thank you, Stefan. Are you sure you can walk home, I can drop you or you can take the car and I can pick it up in the morning when I go for my run,"

"You should rest, sleep in after exhausting yourself today. Plus, I like walking and it's not far from here so. Goodnight," I said

"Goodnight," Tori smiled and entered her house, I walked away slowly and after I reached a little further away I ran back to the Gilbert residence. I hid keeping watch on the house to ensure Damon didn't try anything.

Third POV

Tori walked knocked on Caroline's door to check on her, when she didn't get a response she opened it and checked to see Caroline passed out. Tori thought to herself if Caroline saw how hilarious she looked passed out drunk she would swear off alcohol and sleep forever, laughing to herself she walked back into her room.

She looked at herself in the mirror, there were blood drops on her shirt and dried blood in her nose. Tori got into the shower reflecting on the events that happened, she was scared for the first time in a long while, she never realized how serious witchcraft could be, granted she was told a million times by Sheila, she only truly understood the warning today, she was sure she was dead or at least going to die.

After her shower, Tori got into bed and messaged Luke saying she was home. The events of the day tired her and she fell asleep.

Caroline was upset Tori was leaving to go see their dad. Liz had called Bill and told him about the Vampire attacks. She was concerned for the safety of her daughter and asked Bill if he could take the girls away for a while till they could get a proper strategy to hunt the Vampire/ Vampires in town, Liz was more worried about Tori because of her history and how when Tori was a baby she was being hunted by a vampire. Bill was eager to see his daughters and decided to invite them to Memphis and meet his boyfriend. He didn't mention the last bit to Liz.

Bill had called Caroline who rejected the thought of Memphis, she hated museums and historical sights. Despite Bill trying everything to persuade her to come to visit him she said 'no' claiming that as head of the event management club, head of the cheerleading squad, and all she had too many responsibilities to take a vacation. Tori on the other hand was easier to persuade. Liz tried t talk to her daughter but Caroline ignored her mother. Ever since Caroline's parent's divorce Liz, to keep her mind off things started working more, this caused Caroline to feel neglected and ignored, Caroline was angry and her mother was the brunt of all the anger.

Damon was sitting and reading Stefan's Journal, he was messing with Stefan's head by orchestrating a nightmare where Elena was attacked by him.

Damon's smile widened further when Stefan woke up screaming like a little kid.

"Bad dream? Do you know how easy it was to get into your head just now? You really need some human blood. It might even the playing field. Football reference. Too soon."

Stefan ran across the room and threw a knife at Damon, hitting him in the stomach. Damon grunted out as he said out "All right, I deserved that. But I just wanted to let you know, they caught the culprit. The animal responsible for killing coach Tanner and all those people."

"What are you talking about?"

"It was a mountain lion. Really big one. It attacked a hunter this morning. It's all over the news. "Deadly beast captured. All's well in Mystic Falls." Damon said exagerating

"Why would you cover your tracks? Stefan narrowed his eyes in suspicion,

"I've decided to stay awhile. And I'm just having way too much fun here with you and Elena."

"Can't touch her now."

Damon smiled at his brother and stabbed him in the stomach. The pain of being stabbed made Stefan fall onto the floor.

"This is John Varvatos, dude. Dick move." Damon said as Stefan removed the knife.

Damon left the Salvatore Boarding house and ran to Caroline's house, He was using the Forbes girl because her mother was the Sherif of the town and if he needed help with retrieving Katherine's necklace, Caroline was the best person to help retrieve it, plus, he wanted to know more about Caroline's sister Tori. Oh, an additional benefit was being able to mess with Stefan and Elena. It was a kill three birds with one stone kind of situation.

Damon jumped into Caroline's room through the window. Caroline was in the shower. Damon decided to snoop into Tori's room, the girl who looked familiar was bothering him. He got into the room and was greeted with a complete contrast to Caroline's room. While Caroline's room was all sunshine and beach vibes. Tori's was darker, her bedroom walls were purple, and the furniture was black. As Damon walked in he saw multiple paintings and posters of different bands. To the corner he saw two guitars and a ukulele, 'so, she plays music' Damon thought. He was going to open a notebook that seemed like a diary on the desk when he heard Caroline get out of the shower. He rushed into Caroline's room and lay in her bed.

"Damon! You scared me," Caroline said as she clutched her towel closer to herself.

"I want you to take me to the founder's party," Caroline's eyes widened when Damon said that.

"You cannot be my date. My mother is going to be there, and she is a very proud gun owner." Caroline tried to explain. Damon was annoyed with the blonde girl he sped to her and started compelling her "I went through a lot of trouble to make sure this party wasn't canceled. It's very important I be there. Please take me."

"Caroline smiled and suggested, "You should come to the founder's party with me." Damon smiled he was a step closer to getting back the one person who he loved, he could never get his daughter back but, Katherine he could, he was going to do anything to ensure he was successful. In Damon's mind apart from Katherine being the love of his life, he lost his daughter in search of her, his daughter's life would go in vain if he was unsuccessful.

It was Halloween, Caroline was going crazy getting the school organized in time for the big fright night party. She had a lot of things she had to do. She had to get costumes ready for her, Bonnie, and Tori. Tori was supposed to be back by now but she would be late. The decorations were not put up properly and on top of that, she was dealing with the whole Damon fiasco.

She messaged Tori she would be leaving a costume for her on her bed and that she had to come to the school, no excuses.

Elena was at Salvatore's house. Stefan was explaining the effects of caffeine on a vampire and how it helps them maintain a warm body temperature. "Coffee is our friend. It's the caffeine. It circulates through our veins, and it warms our body so we're not so cold to the touch."

"Well, what if I wanna drink human blood?" Vicki asked. Stefan was worried about Vicki and her history of being an addict. He knew as a vampire it would only magnify and instead of drugs, it would be blood. He knew what being a ripper meant. He was damn well going to make sure that Vicki didn't follow the same steps he did.

"You're gonna have to learn to live with that urge and fight it on a daily basis one day at a time."

"Oh god! Don't start with that whole 12 steps thing. The school counselor has been down that road, and it doesn't work for me."

"It can work. It's your choice, Vicki."

"So you've never tasted human blood?" Stefan's heart dropped, he looked at Elena. Who was still getting her head around the whole Vampire situation

"Not in a long time," Stefan replied as he looked away from Elena

"How long?" Vicki knew what she was doing, she hated Elena.

"Years and years. I'm not proud of my past behavior."

"Does this sketchy feeling ever go away? It's like I have a massive hangover. This daylight thing is a bitch. I need more blood. Where's your bathroom? I have to pee. Why do I have to pee? I thought I was dead." Vicki got up and ran to the bathroom.

Stefan stood up, deciding to give Elena a moment to process the whole situation "I'm going to, uh...I'm gonna get her some more. All right. I'll be quick."

As Stefan left Vicky walked in startling Elena "False alarm. My body's feeling really funky. It's a good funk, but it's weird." Vicki went to her bag taking out her phone to call Jeremy.

"Who are you calling?" Elena asked, worried about the answer.


"Vicki, you can't see Jeremy anymore," Elena warned the new vamp. This annoyed her. Vicki tried to hold in her anger "Oh come on don't you start. I'm gonna see whoever I wanna see."

"Even though you could hurt him?" Elena said, trying to play on Vicki's emotions, Elena, from what Stefan told her, understood that the emotions vampires feel are magnified, if Vicki cared about Jeremy she would stay away. Vicki paused from calling Jeremy and turned to Elena "I would never hurt Jeremy." Elena decided to push further trying to make Vicki understand why she should stay away from Jeremy "I know you think that but I can't take that risk. You're gonna have to let Jeremy go now." Vicki was pissed "Oh really? And how long have you been preparing the "you're not good enough" speech? I'm assuming it predates the whole vampire thing." Vicki asked, she was trying to

"All I am saying is Jeremy is not getting involved in any of this. I mean it, Vicki." Elena warned

"Or what?," Vicki grabbed Elena by the throat and pushes her against the wall "Let's get one thing straight, you perky little bitch. You had my brother whipped for fifteen years. Fifteen years and then you dumped him. When I look at you that is all I see, just so you know. And I'm gonna see Jeremy whenever I wanna see Jeremy, because I have some fun new toys to play with, and I won't think twice about ripping your little head off. You got it?"

Vicki let Elena go and walked back into Stefan's room.

Stefan came into the dining room when he saw Elena on the floor coughing. He ran to her and checked on her "She threatened me." Elena said as she held her neck

"She's on edge. Imagine every sense in your body operating at super speed. I mean, she's uncomfortable in her own skin. And then when you throw in her other issues..." Stefan explained

"How long before it settles? Hours? Days? Weeks?"

"There's no rule book."

"Well, how long before you learned to control it?"

"A while, But I didn't have anybody helping me. I had to do it on my own. The thing is it's hard to resist certain people especially when you're new, it's difficult to separate your feelings. Love, lust, anger, desire...it can all blur into one urge, hunger."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that Jeremy can't see her, not now. She might not be able to resist him, and she could hurt him."

"Or worse." Elena continued worried about her brother.

Vicki called Jeremy despite Elena's 'warning'

"Vicki? Where are you?" Jeremy answered

"That's not important, what are you doing?" Vicki asked

"Oh, I am going to Tori's place to pick her up for the school's Halloween party. She just returned back home."

"When did you and the prude become friends?"

"Hey, Tori is not a prude. So stop calling her that."

"Please, she kept giving you lectures about how taking drugs is bad and blah blah blah," Vicki mocked

"She was looking out for me Vicki, and I get what she was saying," Vicki was jealous.

"I got to go, Bye" before Jeremy could reply she hung up the phone.

Jeremy drove up to the Forbes' residence. He knew Vicki hated Tori. Tori had just reached Mystic falls. He walked up to her door and knocked

Jeremy was stunned when he saw his friend. She was a mess. "Ugh! Caroline got me a corset, a freaking corset,"

"What are you supposed to be?" Jeremy laughed seeing the annoyed face on his friend

"My guess, a witch because of the hat, which, by the way, does not stand and falls to the back making it seem more like a cowboy hat than anything, and the length of the dress is so short. I have to wear black tights or else I'll be giving the milk away for free," Jeremy who was drinking water choked on the water, laughing. Seeing this Tori began laughing. Every time they looked at each other they would burst into a fit of laughter. This went on for 10 mins.

"Shit we are late, I still have to get ready. Give me five minutes and we will leave," Tori ran to put her make-up

Jeremy was sitting on her bed when his phone rang. Hoping it was Vicki he picked up but to his dismay it was Elena.

"Hey! Where are you?" Elena asked

"At Tori's, we are going to the Halloween thing at school,"

"Oh okay, listen, Jeremy, I know you're upset about Vicki. I heard she called Matt. But you can't be with her. She needs to get better. The best thing you can do for her is let her go."

"What does that even mean, "let her go"? Oh, okay, sure. Since we're such experts on letting people go, right?"

"I know you may not see it, but trust me Jer. It's for the best."

"Look, for months after mom and dad died, I felt like crap, like "nothing really even mattered" crap. Now all of a sudden, I get these moments and things started to feel just a little bit better, and Vicki was in every single of 'em. So you may not see it, but trust me. Keeping me away from her is not for the best." Jeremy hung up on Elena and texted Vicki. Vicki messaged back that she would meet him at the school carnival. Jeremy hated he was going to ditch Tori but, Vicki needed him.

"Okay, I'm ready, let's go so I can kick Caroline's ass for giving me this costume. Jeremy laughed and they both left for the carnival.

Tori and Jeremy arrived at the school. Tori was greeted by Caroline and Bonnie.

"Hey, Guys!" Bonnie said as Caroline ran up to her sister hugging her

"Gosh! I missed you,"

"Yeah, yeah I missed you too," Tori replied

"Okay, I know you don't approve of the costume but look you are HOT, Isn't she hot Jeremy?" Caroline asked

"Uh-Yeah, sure," Jeremy said uncomfortably, he always saw Tori like a sister.

"Okayyy... let's go," Tori said as she dragged Jeremy away from her sister and Bonnie.

Elena and Stefan arrived at the Halloween carnival. Elena went to find Jeremy while Stefan went to find Vicki who believed she was here because of Jeremy.

Elena was searching for Jeremy when she bumped into Matt "You went with last year's costume too, huh?"

"Yeah. I didn't know that I was coming till an hour ago." Elena answered

"Me neither. And you're going as...you?"

"Have you seen Jeremy? He's not talking to me right now. We got into a fight."

"No, but I understand, I got into it with Vic too, when she got home. I'm trying not to smother her tonight, but part of me didn't wanna let her out of my sight."

"She's here?" Elena gulped in fear

"Yeah, you can't miss her. She's a vampire."

"I got to go," Elena said as she rushed to find her brother.

Tori and Jeremy were hanging around with Tori's friends. Jeremy apologized to Luke and everything was good. Jeremy felt free, happy after a long time. However, Vicki suddenly appeared behind him.


"Whoa. Vic, you scared the hell out of me"

"Sorry. I'm sorry." Vicki said and kissed him. Tori and her friends were surprised to see the PDA.

"Come on, let's go," Vicki said pulling Jeremy

"Hold on, let me tell the guys," Vicki looked at Tori with disgust. She didn't let Jeremy talk to her and pulled him.

Tori watched her friend get dragged away. Something about Vicki irked her. She felt cold when she saw her.

Luke asked her a question breaking her out of whatever trance she was in. SHe decided to ignore the feeling and continued on with her conversation.

"Vicki and Jeremy go out the back entrance as they continued making out. Vicki felt herself losing control pulling back from Jeremy. He looked at Vicki, 'she looked beautiful' he thought and said as he held Vicki's face "I was so worried about you."

"I'm fine now, but...I gotta leave"

"Wh...what? Where?"

"I gotta get out of here, Jer. I just...I can't live at home with Matt. He just doesn't get it."

"No, you can't. You can't just leave."

"Come with me. If you come with me, we can be together forever." Vicki said, as she kissed him biting Jeremy's lip drawing blood she pulls away and kisses him again sucking his blood.

"Okay. Yeah. Ow. You're taking that costume a little too far. What? What is it? Vicki! Vicki, what the hell?! Oh, my god. No! stop! Vicki! No! Ah!" Jeremy yelled as Vicki continued biting him, hurting him.

Tori felt scared, like death was in the air, the feeling she felt when she saw Vicki didn't go away no matter how much she tried to ignore it. Elena and Stefan rushed towards Tori when they spotted her.

"Have you seen Jeremy?" Elena asked panicked.

"Uh- Yeah, Vicki dragged him outside. Why? What's wrong?" Tori asked. Elena rushed along with Stefan, out the back door of the school. Tori felt uneasy, the feeling she had was stronger, her instincts were screaming at her to follow Stefan and Elena.

"Hey, I'm gonna go," Tori said and ran before she could get a response.

Jeremy was screaming at Vicki to stop biting him, Elena rushed out the door to see Jeremy struggle against Vicki's hold. She grabbed a wooden plank and hit Vicki, breaking her hold, angered at this Vicki pushed Elena just as Stefan and Tori burst through the back door, Elena flew back towards the dumpster but before she could hit the ground Tori stopped her mid-air with her powers and gently set her down as Stefan grabbed Vicki holding her to the bus. Elena shut her eyes expecting a painful impact but realized she was stuck mid-air. She panicked and saw Tori who raised her arm slowly bringing them down as Elena came down. Stefan was in shock at what happened, this caused his focus to shift giving Vicki time to get out of his grip.

Jeremy's jaw dropped seeing his girlfriend run away at a speed that was supernatural and his best friend being able to use telekinesis.

Stefan tried to look for Vicki, He knew she was mad so she would attack again "Go. get inside. Go!" He yelled at Elena, Jeremy, and Tori

Elena grabbed Jeremy and Tori, running inside as Stefan continued searching for Vicki. Vicki managed to stab Stefan, immobilizing him, and ran towards Elena who was running to get inside the school building she was pulled back by Vicki. Tori seeing this rushed outside to help Elena and Jeremy followed her and managed to block Vicki from Tori. Vicki threw Elena causing her to fall on some broken glass and pushed Jeremy away grabbing Tori.

"You were always such a pain in my ass, I'm gonna enjoy killing you," Vicki said as she tried to bite Tori. Tori used her powers to immobilize Vicki. Seeing Vicki in pain Jeremy got up running to Tori "Stop it! Whatever you are doing," he yelled at Tori. Tori's concentration broke, this gave Vicki enough time to recover. Vicki pushed Jeremy, Tori saved Jeremy from being hurt but this caused her focus to split, Vicki managed to grab Tori and bite her. Tori yelled out in pain. Vicki had never tasted blood this good before, granted she was a new vampire, but whatever blood she had so far, nothing matched up to this. Stefan managed to get the piece of wood out from his chest and saw Vicki draining Tori, Stefan grabbed the wooden stake and stabbed Vicki much to the horror of Jeremy and Elena. Vicki let Tori go. Jeremy saw his girlfriend fall on the ground, black veins covering her body and she turned grey. Jeremy rushed to her but Stefan held him back

"Vicki! Vicki! Vicki! Vicki!" Jeremy yelled out sobbing falling on his knees as Stefan held onto to him.

Tori was in shock "No!No!Oh God! She's dead, She's dead, She's dead, She's dead," Elena held Tori as she freaked out while Stefan held onto a sobbing Jeremy.

"What was she? Oh god! She.....Oh, God!" Tori said. She realized she exposed her powers to three people. Sheila was going to kill her

"You can't tell anyone about me," She said pleading to Stefan and Elena. Jeremy was a mess.

"Please, don't tell anyone," Tori begged them. Stefan was surprised to see Tori so vulnerable.

"Your secret's safe with us," Stefan said and Elena nodded. Elena was skeptical toward Tori, but Tori saved them so she was okay.

Elena saw Jeremy who looked broken. "Get him out of here. Take him home and stay with him," Elena told Tori. Tori nodded and grabbed Jeremy pulling him towards the car. "She's dead, Vicki is dead," Jeremy cried out. Tori hugged her friend. She never was fond of Vicki because Vicki was always rude to her and hated her. But, she felt horrible about what happened. She didn't understand what made Vicki into a monster. Jeremy held onto Tori like his life depended on it. After 5 minutes she helped Jeremy into his car and drove them back to his house. Jeremy was a zombie, Tori saw, he had stopped crying out loud, just tears streaming down his face. She managed to help Jeremy into his house and into his bedroom. Jeremy sat on his bed, no expression on his face, and cried silently. Tori went into his bathroom and took some paper towels to wipe Jeremy's face and her neck. She saw a nasty bite and was worried she would become like Vicki. Tori shook her head and decided to focus on Jeremy, who once again had witnessed someone he love, die. Tori began to wipe Jeremy's face when Jeremy looked at her "I don't understand what happened, mean, I know what I saw, but...I don't understand. Now she's dead. Vicki's dead."

"I'm so sorry, Jer...I didn't...I'm so sorry," Tori said

"Make it stop. It hurts. Why does everybody have to die on me?"

"Oh, my god. come here." Tori said as she hugged him "Shh, shh, shh, shh. It's okay. it's okay." She said rubbing his back.

Tori made Jeremy lie down on this bed, sitting beside him. Jeremy lay his head on her shoulders as Tori gently ran her hands through his hair, calming him down. Elena had reached home and saw both Tori and Jeremy silently cry.

Elena ran downstairs where Stefan was. She walked to Stefan who had a sullen expression on his face. She sat beside him on the porch swing "Are you okay?"

"I, uh...I wanted to help her. But instead, uh...How's he doing?" Stefan asked

"He's a mess. He's just a kid and Tori, what the hell was she, how did she do that?"

"She is a witch. Witches are good, they usually hate vampires, I -uh- never expected her to be a witch,"

"Witches, Woah...that's too much supernatural, I can't." She said in disbelief "And Jeremy is a kid, I don't want him going through this again."

"Elena, what can I do? I...What can I do to help? I'll do anything." Stefan said

"Can you make him forget?" She asked


"Stefan, please. I don't know how he'll ever get past this. I just want him to forget everything that happened." She pleaded

"If I did it, there's no guarantee that it would work...Because of who I am. Because of how I live. I don't have the ability to do it right." Stefan said, animal blood made him weak, the only person who could help was Damon and he was sure would never help.

Damon heard what Stefan said about the compulsion. He knew he messed up, Elena made sure he knew it. "I can do it. If this is what you want...I'll do it." Damon said appearing on the porch where the two teenagers were.

Elena was surprised at Damon, so was Stefan "It's what I want."

"What do you want him to know?"

"I want you to tell him that Vicki left town and she's not coming back. That he shouldn't look for her or worry about her. He's gonna miss her, but he knows it's for the best. Also, his friend Tori is up there with him,"

"What! You guys let the sheriff's daughter witness this?" Damon yelled out in disbelief

"Sorry Damon, I was too busy dealing with Vicki, a vampire you created to think about Tori," Stefan whisper screamed.

"Fine, I'll just compel her too." Damon walked into the house to go to Jeremy's room. He paused at the door when he saw Tori and Jeremy. Tori had dried up tears on her face and Jeremy had his eyes closed. Damon cleared his throat grabbing the attention of Tori. Damon froze seeing her, she looked like, Damon shook his head breaking his thought process.

"Who are you?" Tori asked

"Stefan's brother,"

"What are you doing here?" Tori asked

"Elena asked me to come speak to you about what happened today." Damon answered, he walked up to Tori looking into her eyes, compelling her "You are going to forget everything that happened today with Vicki. She left town and Jeremy was upset that's why you were here to comfort him and go downstairs," Tori was pissed at the way Damon demanded her to leave her friend "how the hell does he think she can just forget what happened, Vicki died, she was a monster. Stefan stabbed her and she was bitten," Tori thought to herself. The man in front of her was ordering her like a parent, she wanted to tell him 'uh- you are not my dad. If I want to stay here and comfort my friend, I will.' But instead, her instinct told her to agree and walk away. She got up, slowly pulling away from Jeremy who had fallen asleep as she walked away Jeremy woke up when he felt cold, to see Tori missing "T! Don't go, please, stay with me," Jeremy said. "Don't worry J, I'll be right back, I'm just gonna go downstairs. I'm not leaving you." Damon smiled at the two friends. Jeremy didn't notice Damon till Tori left the room.

Damon walked to Jeremy and looked into his eyes. "Hey man, we need to talk,"

Tori walked outside the house and saw Stefan and Elena.

"Tori!" Elena called out when she saw her exit the house. Tori walked up to the couple. "Hey! Please tell me what the hell happened tonight," Tori asked

Stefan took out his phone and typed a message "Can you put a silence spell so that we could have a private conversation?"

"Why? We are outside, with no one around," Tori typed

"I don't want Damon to hear this,"Stefan typed back

Tori closed her eyes "silentio privatus"

"Okay, we can talk," Tori said

"Do you know what Vicki was?"

"No! What the hell was she?"

"Vampire," Stefan said, Tori's eyes widened, she had read about the creature of the night, never did she think it was real, 'ironic huh', she thought.

"How? What?"

"I will explain everything but first I have a question. When did you know you were a witch,"

"Shit! Nobody is supposed to know this, Stefan, Elena you can never tell anyone about me do you understand, I need to make sure J doesn't tell anyone too. If people find out about me you guys could be in danger,"

"What? Why?" Elena asked

"Promise me you won't tell," Tori ignored Elena. Elena looked at Tori and nodded.

"Your secret is safe with us," she said as she went to hug Tori. Tori sighed in relief and hugged her back, causing Elena to wince in pain.

"Were you hurt?" Tori asked examining Elena, "You are bleeding, Here, I can help," Tori held Elena's stomach and whispered "Sana prohibere sanguinem sana eam" Stefan and Elena watched Tori, her eyes shifted to an aqua blue. Stefan took a double-take, when Tori's eyes turned blue she looked a lot like Damon, more so than she did earlier. Elena watched as Tori did the spell and was shocked to see her wounds starting to heal.

"Woah! Thank you," Elena said, smiling at Tori. Just as Tori finished the spell, Damon came out of the house. "It's done." Damon looked at Tori

"You should go back home, Jeremy is asleep, visit in the morning," Damon said, trying to compel the girl. Stefan hid his smile, knowing Tori could not be compelled. However, to keep Tori's secret he decided to drive her home.

"Hey!" Stefan said getting Tori's attention "Why don't I drop you home?" Tori nodded "Take my car," Elena said as she gave Stefan the keys

Tori followed Stefan and got into the car.

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Till next time......

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