Appetite For Love

By thedreadedangel25

357 140 90

When Aïda Völlenhoven and Aden van den Heever meet each other again, after twelve long years, old wounds will... More

An original story by Angelique Jacobs.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One

Chapter Nine

10 4 0
By thedreadedangel25

Recognition hit Aïda as she inhaled his cologne.

Why was he doing this?

She started to struggle but Aden whispered in her ear, "Aïda calm down. It's me Aden."

With that he released her.

"What do you think you're doing! Are you trying to harm me? Tell me Aden!" Aïda demanded.

Aden looked hurt, "I'm sorry I thougt you knew I was here. I realized when you were about to scream that I scared you. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

To Aïda he seemed genuinely sorry so what else could she do?

"Okay you're forgiven this time." She admitted.
"Thank you. Would you please come with me? I want to talk to you somewhere more...suitable."

Aïda looked at him in silence for a few seconds wondering whether to go with him or not.

"Okay but make it quick."
"Good. Follow me."

She followed him not wanting to create a scene. He led her into an elevator at the back of the house. They reached the roof of the mansion just before midnight.

"Why did you bring me here?" She felt a bit nervous.
"Don't be scared. I won't harm you."

She relaxed after hearing those words but, he hated the fact that she could be scared of him. But he had done a stupid thing earlier.

They heard the countdown to midnight.

He stared into her eyes as the fireworks went off around them, "Happy New Year Aïda. May all your prayers be answered this year."

He kissed her on her hair, between her parting. All she could do was stare. Every thought seemed to disappear from her mind. She was barely conscious of the fireworks going off in the background. Only his presence and the beating of her heart. It seemed to spring out of her chest.

Aden stared at the beautiful woman in front of him. Her big, beautiful dark eyes staring into his blue ones caused a stir in his soul. He had to take her to a more crowded place because his thoughts were not so pure anymore.

"Shall we go." He pulled himself away from her.

She seemed to be in two minds to him.

"Wait...Happy New Year to you too, Aden. May your life prosper. May you be blessed abundantly."

She give him a big beautiful smile showcasing that left dimple of hers to perfection. He smiles back at her.

"I'll take you back down. Your friend must be looking for you."

"Wait. Can I watch the fireworks display for a few minutes. It's not everyday that I get to enjoy it from such a beautiful place." It was Aïda.
"Hmmm. Sure. Let's enjoy it together then." He smiled.
Aïda again, "You know I like the beautiful display but I hate the noise and the effect it has on the animals."
"I hate the effect it has on the animals too that is the reason I did not arrange fireworks myself." Admitted Aden.

She gave him a shy smile, "Do you have any yourself?"
"Any pets."
"No, pets are not allowed in my flat in London and I'm barely ever here so I can't even have any here." Aden admitted.
"So you live in a flat in London? If I had money I'd buy a big house with lots of outdoor space. I'm so sick of having no space." Aïda realized then that she said too much, "I'm sorry I did not mean to bore you with my issues."

He said nothing for a few of seconds and it made Aïda feel a bit selfconcious. Maybe he thought of her as a golddigger.

"There's nothing to be sorry about," he smiled at her," when I moved to London I bought the first flat I liked. It was only supposed to live in it for a while but, I had no desire to go looking for a bigger house after I settled in. I was away from the house alot so it made know sense to have a huge mansion stand empty most of the time."
"But you admitted that you're barely in South Africa so why did you get this place? Or are you renting it?" Aïda inquired.
"I bought this place only for investment purposes but, I have to admit it comes in handy on nights like these."

Aïda felt a pang of disappointment after hearing his last sentence. Maybe it was pain. The thought that his life was far away from hers bothered her far more than she cared to admit. She had to turn her back to for fear of the tears that threatened to fall.

" must be really good at rugby," She decided to change the subject, " since you make a living from it."
Aden chuckled, "Have you really never seen me play? I don't know how to feel about that. It could be a good thing though."
"So then you're not that good?" Aïda teased him turning back around to face him. He back now leaning against the railing of the balcony.

Aden laughed for about about a minute. His rumbling laughter seemed to vibrate through her. It made her want to laugh too but, she controlled herself.

"Tanith was right: you are cute.Too cute."
"I'm not your puppy okay." She retorted.
"You're right because you're much cuter then any puppy I've ever seen." He had a devious glint in his eyes.

She pointed her finger to his chest wanting to say something smart. She realized her mistake when she felt his hard torso underneath her flesh. He suddenly looked really tense, his pupils getting bigger. His smile was gone. She removed her finger after about five seconds.

"I'm sorry...I should have known my place." She remembered Tiffany at that moment. How did she forget about that woman.

Aden looked confused when he asked, "What place is that?"
"I have no right to touch you there," she whispered the last part to herself hoping he won't hear, "Unfortunately, I don't think I'll forget how you feel now."

Aden gaze intensified as he continued to stare at her. She had to get away because clearly the atmosphere had shifting to something else.

Before she could excuse herself she was interrupted.


"I wonder where Aden went? The guests are starting to leave." Adriaan muttered to no one in particular.
His wife answered, "I saw him going in the direction of the bathroom but, he should have been back by now.
"Okay. I'll see everyone off."
"Yes and I'll see how far the catering staff are in cleaning the kitchen." Johanie offered.


*Someone clears throat* "Well well chomma, fancy seeing you here."
"Zoë!...What are you doing here?" A guilty feeling Aïda asked.
"I could asked you the same question but, I think I know the answer." Zoë smirked.

Just then the same guy that spoke to Zoë earlier came up behind her. Where did they come from? Aïda wondered. She had not heard the elevator and Aden looked upset. Probably because he did not want to be seen alone with her.

"Aden what are you doing here?"
"I should be asking you that question, Khaya. This is after all my house." Aden's sounded irritated.
"I'm sorry Zoë and I wanted some fresh air. I figured we're be alone." Khaya explained with a boyish from on his face.

Aden seemed to relax after that. He looked Aïda and then back to Khaya and Zoë. A look of surprise on his face.

"As long as it was just fresh air I have no issues."
"Yes, we only wanted fresh air." Khaya answered.
"I found Miss Völlenhoven here. She was also looking for breathing room. I was just about to leave and allow her to enjoy the silence when you two came." Aden fipped.
"Oh really chomma you could've called me. I know how you hate crowds. You probably want to go home. Right?" Zoë chipped in.
"It's okay Zoë, don't worry about me. Tell you what: I'll get a taxi on my own. You spend your night however you please."

Zoë clearly was embarrassed. Aïda immediately regretted what she said.

"Why would you go home in a taxi, Aïda," it was Aden, "You're my guest so I'll make sure you get home safely."

"And I'll take Zoë home." Khaya said.

Aïda and Zoë both seemed uncertain.

"Aïda are you sure about leaving on your own? Khaya invited me to an after party, I'd love to go."
"I'm sure. You go enjoy your night, party animal."
"Can we leave now, Zoë? If you're ready." Khaya asked.

Zoë walked over to Aïda and gave her a hug. Aïda reciprocated.

"I'll get Aïda home." Aden announced.
"Thank you, Aden . Enjoy your sleep chomma."
Aïda rolled her eyes, "You enjoy yourself too."


"Did you call Aden yet?" Johanie wanted to know from her husband.
"His phone goes straight to voicemail," Adriaan answered looking dejected, "I'm sure he'll be back any minute now."
"I hope so too. Does he know we have to be at the airport in less then three hours?"
"He does but, if he's not here soon we'll leave the door unlocked. I doubt anyone will break in. It is Clifton Beach after all. We could leave it at a neighbour."

The two did not even see the two couples that joined them.

"No need. I haven't gone anywhere." Aden starteld them.
"Thank goodness, " Johanie sighed,"Where were you all?"
"We needed some fresh air." Aden answered for all four, "I see almost everyone left, I'm sorry. I lost track of time. You two are free to leave."
"Okay." Johanie said.
"Thanks for helping me out you two especially you, Johanie."
"Don't mention it. A single man can't do everything by himself. He needs a woman's touch for certain things." Johanie smiled at him warmly.

Both Aïda and Zoë glanced at each other, confusion etched on their faces.

"Oh before before forget: Aïda and Zoë I'll see you two tomorrow night. Did you book a flight for our Sandton Gala already?"
"Not...not yet but, I'll do it immediately." Zoë completely forgot in the excitement for Aden's party.

Johanie looked less then impressed. Aïda felt embarrassed, she assumed that Zoë took care of it. Aden looked confused, he had no idea that Aïda was invited to Sandton as well.

"Zoë is just pulling your leg. Their flight has already been booked." Aden lied but, he did not want to tarnish Aïda ' s image in front of his friends.

Both Aïda and Zoë stared at him like he was crazy fortunately Johanie did not notice.

"Okay. See you all in Sandton." Johanie smiled at them and gave the two ladies a hug.

After Adriaan and Johanie left to finish packing and Khaya left to get his car, Aden spoke to the ladies.

"You two will come on my jet. We're leaving at eight tomorrow morning. That is the second of January. I'll send drivers to your homes okay. Zoë inbox your adress to me," Turning to Aïda, "I'll find out where you reside in a few minutes.

Aïda had no complaints at that moment because Aden had just saved her from embarrassment.

Zoë was practically floating on air. It had been a really good night for her. A new year had never started this good for  her.

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