Appetite For Love

By thedreadedangel25

357 140 90

When Aïda Völlenhoven and Aden van den Heever meet each other again, after twelve long years, old wounds will... More

An original story by Angelique Jacobs.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One

Chapter Seven

8 4 0
By thedreadedangel25

It had been a tense few days since that Christmas morning incident.

Aïda had asked her second in charge, Martin Dippenaar, to open up for her in the morning. To her relief he not only accepted but, offered to do it on a permanent basis. He had always felt that it was too dangerous for a woman to be alone in the restaurant so early in the morning. She told him that she would draw up a schedule for him, Clinton the other chef, and Sipho the quality assurance manager. For the moment though, she was back opening duty.

The drive through the sleepy streets of the city was usually a pleasant one for her. Very few vehicles were present at 05:40.  So trafic was almost none existent.It is especially quite during the festive season as many people leave the Cape to go back to their families in other parts of the country.

She used that time to reflect and plan ahead for the day. Mental preparation she calls it. Some of her favourite Christian worship and praise cd's would usually be playing in the background while she hummed away behind the wheel. Carefree.

This morning was different. The beautiful worship music was replaced by dead silence. Instead of a garment of praise was a shroud of fear and confusion.

She still could not fathom who would want to hurt her. Why else would someone be following her if not to harm her?

The streets were empty except for a couple of delivery trucks. Here and their was a car. Probably beach goers.

The cute mustard coloured building with the big front windows, either side of the French patio doors, greeted her just like most other mornings. She cautiously looked around but saw no strange activity. She prayed Psalm 91 and git out of her car.

Aïda felt much better after that prayer and opened the front door with more confidence than she had in the last few days.

Between her humming a song, the jingling of the keys, the noise coming from the fridges and the ringing of her phone, she did not hear the soft footsteps coming up behind her.

But she felt the hand on her right shoulder.


"Come on Aïda pick up your phone. Why did your phone to to voicemail all of a sudden." Zoë muttered to herself.

She called two more times but this time instead of ringing the phone went straight to voicemail.

She had no choice but to speak with her friend over the phone. She was at the beach already and the hunt for a parking space had been nightmarish but, she got one. Obviously she could not leave now. She would not get a spot again.

She tried Aida's number for the fourth time. No luck.

"The number you've dialled is unavailable at present. Please try again later."  Came the operator voice.
She left a voice note.


With horror Aïda looked at the man lying on the floor groaning.

Everything had happened so fast just a few seconds ago. Fortunately her bag was still open when she felt the soft tap on her shoulder. She grabbed her pepperspray and sprayed a liberal amount in the direction of his eyes hoping it would reach the intended target. She was about to kick him in a really sensitive area when she turned around and actually saw him.

It was Aden.

The open bag was not so fortunate after all.

She quickly got some milk from the nearest fridge.

Damn. Aden was trying to get up but, fell. Fortunately he was only groaning and not swearing.

She kneeled down next to him, "Here have this. It'll minimise the pain."
"Is it poison because only death could relief me now."
"It's milk. Come on Aden. I'm trying to help you. Take it." She pleaded.
"You should pour it in my eyes." He said.
"Okay. On the count of three. One, two, three."

Ten minutes later.

"I'm really sorry. I had no idea it was you," Aïda said, "You were supposed to be in England. What are you doing here anyway?"
Aden chose to ignore that question, "Why did you spray me?"
"Isn't it obvious? I thought you were an intruder."

Silence for about a minute.

"Are you on any danger? Be truthful, Aïda."
It was her time to avoid the question, "Why would I lie? Maybe you forgot whilst living in the UK but, crime is always a problem in South Africa."

Aïda  could see that Aden seemed satisfied with that answer.

"Okay. I was at fault. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry."

It was not the time for 'I told you so's' so she just let it go.

"You can wash your face in the bathroom in my office. Here's the key. I'll show you the direction."
"Only after you." Aden retorted.
"Okay. Follow me."

Five minutes later Aden found her sitting at a table, staring at her broken phone. During the altercation her phone not only came apart but, the screen was completely shattered.

"Will you need the phone today?"
"I can manage without it at work. We have a landline."
"What about your private life? Your social life?" He softly asked.
Without thinking she anwered truthfully, "What social life? I haven't had one in years. Anyway, my friend knows Tuis Kombuis' landline number."

Aden couldn't help it. He lifted his left brow involuntarily, "What friend?"

Is he jealous?Wondered Aïda.

"Don't worry about my friends, okay. Erm...If you're looking for Burton, he's still in London."
"I'm not here for Burton. I was worried about  you." He stated.
"About me? Why?" Aïda asked.
"I left five message on fb and called you twenty times. You never once responded. I know you saw my messages"
"Oh! I was busy."
"Hmmm. Busy avoiding me."

Only her dark skin tone saved her from being beetroot red at that moment.

And damn she could not even talk. Aden was looking at her with those greyish blue eyes of his, through thick, long black lashes. Seemingly in deep thought. Seemingly...there was another look in his eyes. No. It must be her imagination. Surely he would not look at her in that way...

Nevertheless he looked so good. Not forgetting the smell of his expensive cologne mingled with his natural scent. It was intoxicating.

She abruptly broke eye contact.

"You should leave before the delivery people arrive. I don't want people to think things."
"I'm not afraid of other people's thoughts. I'm just curious about yours. Anyway, I'll leave once the staff arrive. I don't like the idea of you being alone so early in the morning."
"I'm used to being alone. I'll be fine."
"I'm not leaving before your staff arrive. That's final." Aden Stated.

Aïda started pouting unconsciously. To her embarrassment Aden started laughing, a deep hearty laugh. Inspite of herself, it brought a smile to her lips. A broad smile.

"Here you are smiling to yourself, while I died a thousand deaths, thinking something horrible happened to you." Zoë scolded her bestie a few hours later.
"Meaning?" Aïda asked somewhat perplexed.
"Why are you not answering your phone. I was so worried about you." Zoë continued with her scolding session.


Reality dawned on Aïda: he had spent the entire morning with  and she had  enjoyed it. She had felt so save with him around. So much so that she hated seeing leave.

Aden had left only a few minutes prior. Just as the restaurant opened at nine.

He created quite the stir with the staff. After the first staff arrived the cleaning crew, he refused to leave, claiming he needed the free WiFi to check on his emails. That's what he did the whole morning too. Whilst drinking great coffee, of cause, he paid for it. Way too much. He casually told Aïda to keep the change. She didn't feel like arguing so she kept it.

"Here you are, smiling to yourself while I've been freaking out the whole morning. Why did you not answer your phone?"
"I'm so sorry, Zoë. My phone broke. Gosh! I forgot all about it."
Zoë side eyed her bestie, "You forgot? How? You really don't like technology, do you?"
"I've had a busy morning. Sorry for worrying you."
"No worries. I'm glad you're okay. It's back to the beach for me." Zoë smiled.
"You were at the beach. I'm so jealous. Enjoy."
"You don't look jealous. What's with the glow?" Nothing escaped Zoë's eyes it seems.
"Well...erm it's a beautiful day and I live in the most beautiful city in the world. So yeah..." Aïda avoided her friends penetrating gaze.
"Okay. I believe you." A very unconvinced Zoë mumbled, "but I want some breakfast before I leave."
"As you wish. I'll call Thandie. Will it be the usual?"
"Yes but, I'll call her myself. You just continue to enjoy this beautiful day cooped up in your office."


Aden looked at the phones in front of him. All of them were top of the range and day too expensive. He knew Aïda would have a problem with it but, he wanted to spoil her anyway. After all, he was the reason for her broken phone. He'll convince her somehow.

A golden business class smartphone caught his eye. His mind was made.


"Hmmm. That was delicious. Give my compliments to the chef."  Zoë said blowing ajr kisses.
"Go tell Martin yourself." Aïda told her bestie.
"Aren't you cooking today? You can tell him. I can't just enter the kitchen like I please."
"I'll go during lunchtime. I have some admin to take care of." Aïda informed Zoë.
"Okay, I'll come back before I leave. See you in five."  Said Zoë.

A minute later.


"Come in." Aïda responded
"Hello again." Aden entered with a boyish grin.
"Hi...erm. You again. Did you forget something?"
"Yeah, actually here." Aden puts the new phone on Aida's desk, "Please accept my apology for this morning.

Aïda had no idea how to respond. She wanted to say 'no thank you' but she needed a phone.

"If I had not snuck up on you your phone would have still been intact. So I won't take 'no' for an answer.

Damn. She has to get rid of him before Zoë returns.

"Apology accepted. Thanks. I appreciate it." She smiled nervously at him, "See you some other time."
"Okay." Aden had not anticipated that it would be so easy, "I'll see you again. Oh... I've loaded it with airtime and data  and my numbers."

He winked at her.

"Erm...Okay. I'll see you." She blushed but who could see with her being dark and all. Thank God for his mercies.

"Bye Aïda."

"Aïda if you ever decide to get rid of Martin, please bring him to..." Zoë stopped in her tracks, "erm...hello there."
A smiling Aden greeted back, "Hello. Zoë right?"

Zoë got her second shock of the day: Aden van den Heever knew her name.

"Uh...yes." stretching out her hand to him, "Nice to meet you."

"Mr can den Heever I won't keep. You're a busy man. I'll let Burton know that you're looking for him."

Was that hurt she saw in Aden's eyes?

"Yes, thank you, Miss Völlenhoven. Good day." He softly said.

Zoë could barely wait for Aden to leave before she gasped, "Oh my word! That's Aden! He looks even hotter in person. Wow! What a fine specimen."

Aïda his the phone in a drawer before Zoë could see it.

"I'll call Burton. You should get going." She urged Zoë.
"You're right. Maybe I can still admire him from afar. Bye chomma."

She almost ran out of Aïda 's office trying to get another glimpse of Aden.

Aïda sat back down on her seat, wondering what's gotten into Aden. His presence in her life was creating havoc with her emotions. Did he know what he was doing to her? Was it just a game to him?

Yes, it had to be. He was still the same Aden from high school. The same guy who strung her along for his own selfish reasons. Only he knew what those reasons were.

Still her heart wanted to believe otherwise. It wanted to believe he had changed.

Maybe it was not her heart but, her flesh that wanted this. Even so, the bible does say 'deceitful is the heart above all things'. It says horrible things about the flesh too.

She made up her mind to forget about Aden. She'll be strong this time. He want break through her barriers again. She was a grown woman after all.

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