It's Hero Time!

By JackDroid

49.9K 851 643

You are Y/n Tennyson, Earth's Hero, and the Famous Y/n L/n! You were just living your normal Life Just drinki... More

That Fateful Day!
Papi the Happy Harpy!
The Clumsy Centaur Knight!!
Relations with the girls!!
Team MON!!/ Happy Returns!!
Miia's Under Stress!!/ Shedding Time!!
The Invasive Slime!!/ Snake eyes!!
Suu and Papi On the Loose!!
WANTED!/ A New Love Rival!!
Miia Vs Mero!!/ Darling's Love!!
Papi Lays An Egg!!/ Caught in the Spiders Web!!
Captured!!/ The worst enemy is Yourself!!
Y/n vs Albedo!!/ Getting the Team Together!!

Full Moon Madness!!

2.8K 50 28
By JackDroid

Y/n: "I-I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! M-M-MARRIED!?!?!? I CAN'T GET MARRIED!! I SUCK AT LOVE! And Not to mention I have Like 5 Girls fighting over me for all I know, and 2 of them A Princesses, Another one is A Jealous bitch, Another one I swear to god Is A Neko, and the last one Actually tried saving my ass!"

Miia: "What?"

Y/n: "N-Nothing we'll deal with that at A Later time but GETTING MARRIED!?"

Smith: "That's right."

Y/n: "W-Why did you Just spring this on me now!? Does Grandpa even know about this!?"

Smith: "This Might have Flown over his head, But I need you to do this As A Test run of sorts. You see If we want to integrate Monsters into Human Society we need to make sure they can get married first. Even some races like Lamia's and Harpies only have Females so they need Human Husbands."


Skurd: "YEAH!"

The three girls then had Sorry looks on their faces as you continued to argue with the Government Agent!

Skurd: "Do you have any words to say for yourself Smith!?"

Smith: "Well Good Luck!"


Smith: "Like I said Good Luck!"

Smith then left the House as she noticed the full Moon is rising outside, and she almost remembered something!

Smith: "Hmm. I feel like I'm forgetting something important..."

Later At 11:49 PM...

You were Laying in bed with nothing more than A Pair of sweatpants since it was Unusally hot in the House, and you were trying to contemplate the situation!

Y/n: "Ugh, Skurd what am I going to do..."

Skurd: "Girl troubles? Haven't seen that since that Catfight."

Y/n: "And That nearly killed me... UGH! Now I have to marry one of them! What am I going to do!? I mean Previously Smith had Said that if I even touch one of them I could get Arrested, but now She wants me to Marry them! N-NOT THAT I WANTED TO SCREW THEM, IT'S JUST THEY WANTED TO CONSTANTLY RAPE ME!"

Skurd: "I understand what you mean."

Y/n: "Really?"

Skurd: "No, I'm Just saying That to make you feel better."

Y/n: "Maybe I can call Gwen, Maybe she could give me some advice."

You then Used the Omnitrix's Phone Dialing feature (Because God forbid Azmuth would miss one Crucial detail), and you called up Gwen only to get Her Voicemail!

Voicemail: Hello this is Gwen Tennyson I am either Too Busy, Doing work, Doing Alien stuff, or even Practicing Magic to answer the phone right now. You May contact Ledgersdomain for A Follow up if I don't respond soon, Bye

Y/n: "Right, when I needed My Annoying Cousin she doesn't answer. Geez."

Skurd: "Tough Luck."

Just then bedroom door slightly creaked open and Miia popped her head in!

Miia: "Darling?"

Y/n: "Huh? Yes, Miia?"

Miia: "You seem A Little worried as of Late, and I'm afraid it's because You have to Marry one of us..."

Y/n: "No Miia it's not that, It's Just The Marriage thing is thrown at me in the middle of nowhere, besides I've dealt with worse. I literally had to stop and Contain An Anniahlarg, and recreate the entire universe after one is accidentally created wiping everything out."

Miia: "A-Anniahlarg?"

Y/n: "It's A Superweapon. Besides, I'll be ready to marry one of you someday No worries."

Miia: "Really?"

Y/n: "Yeah, Besides I got plenty of Ti- Aaaaaaiiiiieeeeee! W-What are you wearing!?"

Miia then slithered in Wearing nothing but A Completely transparent and completely revealing Nightwear, and Lingerie!

Miia then began to either all over you, as she pinned you down!

Miia: "SO You plan on Getting Married?"

Y/n: "M-M-Miia, I-I don't wanna do this!"

Miia: "Oh Darling, You Know When A Snake Mates, they could their Bodies together, and get in each other's faces, as they stared into each other's eyes~"

Miia began doing every one of the steps as you were nervous!

Y/n: "S-SKURD!"

Skurd: "Uh... You're on your own!"

Y/n: "TRAITOR!!"

Miia: "And You Know... Snakes Mate all Night long~"

Y/n: 'W-WHAT!?!?!?'

You're Fantasy of the next morning...

Cerea: 0///O///0


Fantasy End...

Miia then began to Lick Your sweaty abs, as you were A Blushing Mess!

Y/n: 'W-What's wrong with Miia!? I-I mean she's always pretty damn grabby, but never this sexual or Voracious! This doesn't seem like her!'

Just then Papi crashed through the Window on her own revealing Lingire shocking both you and Miia and Trashing your room!


Papi: "It's Okay Boss~! I'm Okay, Now We can begin~"


Papi: "No Problem, No Problem Boss! I know We'll Get Married, and We'll have some Babies together!"


Papi: "Oh Yeah Boss, Getting Married means We mate and have eggs! Just Like Mommy! And Of course, There's the Harpies, and the Wasp Monsters and You see that works by-"


Papi: "This is no Problem Boss~ I'm Not A Kid but A Full-Fledged Adult, and I can mate and Get Married~"

She then began removing the Blanket around your waist as she smiled!

Papi: "Now why don't we make some Eggs~"

You were now having A Nosebleed as you were thinking!

Y/n: 'W-Wait, P-Papi's never this Voracious either! She's like A Child! W-What is Happening to everyone! Wait, does that mean-?'

Just then Cerea ran in smashing the door over Papi's head, as she checked on you!

Cerea: "Lord Tennyson are you Okay!?"

Y/n: "Y-Yeah, What is happening? everyone is acting like A Total nutjob!"

Cerea: "They cannot be Blamed for it, Milord! The Full Moon is unlocking their animal Instincts, and with Marriage on their minds, they cannot control themselves!"

Y/n: 'Hm, Reminds me of Blitzwolfer, or even MonKi during A Full Moon.'

Just then Cerea began to pin you down, as you got nervous!

Y/n: "C-Cerea W-What are you doing!?"

Cerea: "I-I cannot control it, my Lord, I only serve only you, MiLord, and You May caress me all you want to your hearts desires~!"

She then began putting your hands on her boobs making you rub them, as Your nose exploded with Blood, and Miia and Papi Grabbed you from behind!

Girls: "Who are you going to Marry Master~!?"


You then Used your Parkour skills to get out there, and before they can find You, and used the Omnitrix to turn into...

Greymatter Y/n: "Ghost- WHAT!? GREYMATTER! You gotta be kidding me!! At least It'll help me hide though."

GreyMatter Y/n

You then thankfully hid inside of A Airconditioning Vent before the girls began to search the entire House, and you began to search for A Way out of this before you freeze!

Greymatter Y/n: "Thanks A Lot Skurd! Thanks to you I almost got Raped!"

Skurd: "Hey you could've handled it."

Greymatter Y/n: "They were crushing me, With their Sexy Bodies!!"

Skurd: "Wow, You are ungrateful."

Greymatter Y/n: "Oh My God, now we gotta think of something. Call smith."

Skurd: "Now, That's what I can do! No need to fear Skurd is here!"

He then uses Galvanmech DNA To Hack into the Omnitrix and find Smith's phone number and you called her! Smith Picked up the phone while taking A Nice hot Bath and she smiled!

Smith: "Hey, Darling how is it going?"

Greymatter Y/n: "Hey Smith, Yeah, I mean to tell you, I don't know... THE GIRLS HAVE GONE MAD!"

Smith: "Oh Yeah, I forgot to tell you that, Full moons make them go crazy. I'm surprised I forgot."


Smith: "You're Greymatter and you don't know?"

Greymatter Y/n: "Listens Galvan's are engineers, not Monster Biologists."

Smith: "Correct, Now I think the one cure for this is to make things cold. You Have A Few Aliens for that right?"

Greymatter Y/n: "I Mean... Yeah, I got A Few."

Smith: "Well my job here is done. Goodnight darling."

Greymatter Y/n: "NO, WAIT-!"

She then Hangs up the phone and you quickly began to formulate A Plan! You quickly traveled with Skurd through the vents, and it was super cold in here compared to the Heat inside of the House, and To you quickly realized that the Heat was Generated by the girls' Lust!

You then quickly fell into the Kitchen and quickly turned into your Human form, and right as you did, all three girls showed up and Slammed into you!

Y/n: "GAH!"

Miia/Cerea/Papi: "DARLING!/ MASTER!/ BOSS!"

You were then sent flying into the Fridge, and smashed it open, and soon as the dust cleared all 3 girls were shocked as they saw something absolutely horrifying!

Miia: "D-Darling...?"

Cerea: "M-Master...?"

Papi: "B-Boss...?"

They all Checked their hands to see there was A Red Liquid pouring on them, and much to their Horror you were on the ground with A Red Liquid pouring out beneath you!


Just then you quickly got up and prepared your Omnitrix!

Y/n: 'The Ketchup bottle was Very convenient but now is my finale!'

You then slap the Omnitrix, and then you got...

Y/n: "Articguana!! Cool!! Literally!"

Arcticguana Y/n

Arcticguana Y/n: "Now... CHILL OUT!!"

Skurd: "Chill Out? Really?"

Arcticguana Y/n: "Ice Puns are Hard. Okay?"

You then Shot A Massive Blue beam of ice out of your mouth that quickly blanketed the girls and the entire bottom floor of the house in Ice and Snow!

The Next Morning...

Arcticguana Y/n: "Miia, wake up. Miia, Papi you too."

Miia: "Huh? Darling why is so cold?"

Papi: "Why am I Naked?"

Cerea: "Why is last night A Blank?"


Your face was coated in scratch marks and freezer burns as you Just smiled goofily!

Articguana Y/n: "Yeah, Apparently I wasn't fast enough to cool you all down, so you all got  a few good hits in trying to pin me down."

Skurd: "It still hurts like hell. He told me."

Arcticguana Y/n: "Yep, but don't worry it's my fault for making you all nervous, and Freaking out, but now I shall keep you all in the Loop for now on."

Cerea: "Uh, What Loop?"

Arcticguana Y/n: "Ahem, To decide who I will Marry, I shall have A Date with each and everyone one of you Three so... LET THE GAMES BEGIN!"

You then fall flat only your face into An Icecold puddle of water before reverting back to Human form, as Skurd reassures the girls!

Skurd: "Don't worry Girls He's fine! At least I Assume so..."

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