By Bread_dealer

27.3K 1.4K 238

*! ART ON THE COVER IS NOT MINE! * Before there was a little girl, a little girl that got abandoned long ago... More

πŸ–€Prologe πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 1 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 2 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 3 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 4 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 5 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 6 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 7 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 8 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 9 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 10 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 11 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 12 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 13πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 14 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 15πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 16 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 17 πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Chapter 18 πŸ–€
πŸ’™ THE LEFT PATH (Part 2) πŸ’™
πŸ’™ Epilogue πŸ’™
❣️ THE RIGHT PATH (Part 2) ❣️
❣️ Epilogue ❣️


807 45 23
By Bread_dealer

Kayn fought fiercely against the noxian warriors, killing them mercilessly and with nothing but hate in his heart. He didn't know why they were here or what they wanted. However, for some odd reason, Ionia had always attracted all kinds of horrible people. But this? To invade our homeland and slaughter so many people, all for what? Power? Glory? Pathetic...
Kayn knew that power lies within. Only a fool would try to obtain it through slaughter.

As his disgust grew stronger he once again slashed forward, killing yet another pathetic "warrior". The strength of Noxus? Absolutely ridiculous. Those fools couldn't even lay a scratch on him. How greatly disappointing...

Every time someone tried to attack or kill him, he almost effortlessly struck them down. Kayn felt something when he fought alongside his brothers. Something new...
He felt focused yet calm. His state was quickly interrupted as Kayn quickly turned to block the possibly most predictable attempt to pierce him.
Forcing the sword away from his hands with the huge scythe he wielded. And just as quickly cut the man in half.


Kayn then turned to be met with dozens more soldiers, seeming even more than before, to his dismay.

"Come on, Kayn! Let it loose already, kill all of them! Don't you remember what they did to our poor (Y/N)? "

"I hate the way you say that..."


But the darkin was right. Those people hurt (Y/N). She almost died back then. To those scumbags.
But a rule he will keep is to be calm. Rhaast will await the moment he lets himself go.

"You will not win this fight, darkin.. "

"We'll see about that."

Kayn then jumped confidently in, ready to face anyone or anything standing in his way.

Hours of bloodshed and violence had passed by as if they had never been there. Kayn felt himself slip into the daze he felt before. That feeling...
It felt powerful, it felt right. He began striking down more and more of these pathetic soldiers he felt something change.

Power fueled him as if it ran through his veins. It filled his senses. And yet he felt in complete control. He wasn't overwhelmed by it, he felt calm...

At that moment Kayn smirked to himself. Victory was his.

He raised the scythe and slammed it into the ground. He grasped the weapon tight as he felt a whole new type of power flow in him.



Rhaast's demonic voice screamed as if in agony. Shadows flew around and in the scythe, as Kayn felt the demonic presence of his entity completely disappear. He felt the weapon change as if it formed to his will. He felt... powerful...
He felt his hair slip away from the braid he kept it in. He felt himself change. Just like the weapon.
He looked at his hands and he saw his skin. It had become a grayish-blue color, it looked as if he had painted it. Alongside this, he saw the tattoos that had appeared on his body.

He felt new. Much more powerful. And so much different than ever before.

"I am victorious! Do you see me, Rhaast?! I had won!"


As all chaos was loose, (Y/N) stayed in the walls of the order with Nakuri, awaiting Kayn's return. He had promised he would be back but she couldn't help but fear the worst. She had no idea what was going on. No one would tell her anything, ever. Of course, she asked Nakuri, but no matter how much she persisted, he just wouldn't...
She was worried. Why would they not tell her? What was going on? What was Noxus trying to achieve and what were they doing? What were they fighting?

"Hey, don't look so down. There is nothing to worry about. "

"You're lying. "

Nakuri got taken aback for a moment. She was not wrong. It's true, he was lying. He didn't know will they survive the invasion or the battle during it. All his brothers were gone, unknown if they would return. They truly were in danger out there but... (Y/N) couldn't know. She won't. For her own good.

"Why would you lie to me, Nakuri? "

"(Y/N) I am not lying. It's not what you may think-"

"Then what is it? "

Nakuri felt frozen by her glare. It kept him in place. It felt suffocating.

"When will they be back? "

"I...I don't-"

"Do you even know if they will live?! "

"(Y/N) please... I'm doing this for you. "

"How!? "

"People I love are out there, Nakuri! My family! Fighting something I don't even know. You say they will be back but it has been weeks! I-i don't even know if they are alive right now!-"

"They won't die, (Y/N)! "

"How can you be so sure! I almost died to one! What happens if they bring an army!? "

"We both know them, if only you just listen to me-"

"I'm done listening to you! "

"I kept and kept listening but no matter how many times you said it they didn't come back! What if they are dead... do I just sit here?... "

"(Y/N), please... "

"Please just... leave me alone for a bit... "

Nakuri's heart ached as she said that. For the first time in his life, she said that to him...
He flinched when he heard the door shut in front of him.

It was all his fault...


(Y/N) woke up the next morning quite sore. Her mind had woken up but she refused to leave the bed. No, she preferred to sleep through the day. There was no point. What would she do? She didn't even want to think. It's been so long since they left. Weeks. She didn't want to think of it. (L/N) could wait a day.

She gazed at the clock in her room. It was already past noon. Not fazed she turned back to sleep. That was interrupted by a loud:

*knock, knock*

"*grunt* Get away, Nakuri! I'm not in the mood right now... "

*knock, knock, knock! *

"Ugh! "-(Y/N) grunted as she got up, angrily.

" This better be important, idiot! "

As (Y/N) opened the door but stopped in her tracks, her heart almost stopped at she saw the person at her door...

"Am I returning at the wrong time? ~"

As she heard the ever-soothing voice of her beloved, (Y/N) almost fainted from excitement.

"KAYN!? Y-you are alive! "

"*chuckle* Of course i-*grunt*"

Kayn almost fell at the sudden weight that had crashed into him so suddenly.

"-am? "

"*laugh* Are you alright, (Y/N)?

The woman quickly pulled away and tried to restore her composure.

"*sniff* H-HUH? Yeah! I mean yes, yes I'm fine! Don't worry about it. What about you? "

"Muscles are a little sore but otherwise, good as new. "

But when she looked at him she noticed something. Something she found quite worrying. He was... different. His skin was changed somehow. It looked as if it was painted a grayish-blue color. There were strange new tattoos on his chest and arms. And she noticed his hair was let down. Which surprised her. He always kept it in that braid. Of course, she had seen him with his hair down but she never remembered it quite this long...

"Kayn, you look different? What happened? The corruption? Is it... gone? And what's with your skin being so blue-"

Kayn just raised his finger to silence her, as he rolled his eyes.

"One by one. I will explain everything. "

(Y/N) just confused, and nodded. Without a moment having passed, she pulled him in the room and sat him down on her bed.

"Ok! We are here. Now explain! "

Kayn sighed as he began to explain the situation and what had happened up until now in his absence. The calmest way to say it was that (Y/N) was in disbelief. An invasion?! And no one told her anything?! To think what could have happened!?

(Y/N) then suddenly slapped Kayn across the face. Shocked, before he could say anything she quickly hugged him and buried herself in his chest.

"You idiot! Why would you risk your life as if it's nothing, and to not even tell me? "

Kayn was at a loss for words. He touched the place where she hit him. His eyes wide, he stood as if frozen.

"You are so selfish, Kayn... "

He looked down at her shocked and yet confused.

"What if I lost you? You act so reckless like it won't matter even if you die, but it does! Why won't you ever think of the others you leave suffering, how much I will if you.... "

Kayn's gaze softened as he embraced her back.

"(Y/N) you know I would never bring you pain. Not to the only person that stuck with me."

(Y/N) looked up at him as he spoke:

"Listen to me close. Ever since the first day I came to this order everyone was either hostile or annoying. You were the only one who I could stand and whom I can trust ever since then. You helped me and have been through everything with me. And now that you are more to me than even before... how can you ever think I would leave you?.. "

The woman looked at him shocked. Such words... was this real?

"Do you, really think that? Do you... feel this way? "

"(Y/N) even before your stupid, childish confession I had already loved you. I had for many years. "

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"*sniff* Alright, I forgive you. B-but please stop doing this every week.. "

"*chuckle* Alright, I promise. "

(Y/N) smiled as she cuddled up in him and sighed.

"Zed wanted to see if you were alright and wanted to tell you something. You might want to consider tending to that. "

She pouted a little as she heard that.

"Can't we stay like this for a couple more minutes, please? "

"*laugh* I'm not complaining. ~"

And so they did. Embracing each other with sweet yet loving care. (Y/N's) eyes shifted around the room. Now it didn't look like a cage, but home. It felt just like she was supposed to be there. Kayn had changed but she didn't mind. If at all. She actually quite liked his new appearance! Especially his hair. So long, silky, and smooth. It felt heavenly!

Her eyes then stopped as she saw the scythe Kayn wielded. She chuckled to herself for a moment, before looking up at him.

"*chuckle* I see Rhaast got a makeover too! "

Kayn looked at her surprised but then remembered he forgot to mention it. She really didn't know anything about his new "look".

" He is gone, (Y/N). "

"What? "

Kayn smiled.

"I defeated him. The darkin is gone. "

"Wait but...how? "

Kayn just placed his head on top of hers as he sighed.

"Shh, I will explain later.... maybe. "

(Y/N) gave him a face before playfully slapping his hand.

"Hey, you should be happy. Now there is not anyone or anything that wants to consume and take my body. "

"Of course, of course. I'm glad you are safe. "

"I know you are. Now come on, (N/N). Let's go. Zed is still waiting. "

"Alright, alright. Give me a minute! "


As they both walked around the corridors, a lot of questions were asked and a lot of answers were given. It all just proved the point that she always was the last one to know anything that was happening in the orders walls. They never tell her anything.

But as they reached their destination, (Y/N) stepped forward and opened the door.
The moment she went in the room she saw him. He was as calm as ever. A few scratches here and there but all the same.

"You called, Master? "

"Indeed. I have. "

"Is there something wrong? "

"Not in particular that comes to mind. "

"So then... what is it? "

"I just wanted to know how was your health. Have you recovered in the past weeks? "

"Yes, actually. Quite well as well. There is only a scar left. I still get pain there but it's fine. "

"I see. "

"Will I be able to fight again? "

"That depends. You might be able to but that doesn't mean you should. For now, my answer is no. "

"I... I understand. "

(Y/N) then turned to leave thinking of the conversation as finished but then heard Zed clear his throat. She turned again as if nothing happened and gave a nervous smile.

"Anyhow, there is one more thing. "

"Y-yes? "

"A word about your little love affair with my pupil. "

"What? Kayn? No, no, Master I think you misunderstood the situation. There is nothing going on, I can assure you. Me and Kayn would never-"

"Is that so? "

"Yes! I promise it is quite impossible for someth-"

"(Y/N), do you take me for a fool? "

"No! No, of course not! "

"I have ears everywhere, you can't hide anything from me. Lies are not welcomed, and you know that. "

"I-i... I'm sorry. "

"*sigh* Anyhow, let me make myself very clear. You both can continue this little affair of yours, only if it never interferes with any training, battle or anything that has to do with the order. Next time you break one of my rules again, I might have to think of more drastic punishments, (Y/N). "

"I-i understand. Thank you. "

"And lastly -"

"Yes? "

"Be careful, (Y/N). I trust Kayn and I trust you. "

"Of course, I promise. "

"You are free to go. "

The woman just nodded as she exited the room with a smile. Closing the door behind her, she looked up to see Kayn leaning against the wall. "

"Mh? Oh, you're back. "

"Yes, Zed just wanted to check on recovery as you said. "

"And the other thing? He never told me. "

"Oh! That. Yes so, he kind of knows about us. "-she said as she gave a nervous smile.

Kayn's eyes went wide as he looked at her with quite a shocked face.

"What? "

"The good news is, nothing will change as long as we don't cause problems. "

"*sigh* Good. "

They stood there looking at the sunset. It felt real and at the same time like a dream.

"So what now? "

"It's been a hard year for both of us. Let's just stay like this for a little longer. "

(Y/N) just looked at him. She smiled. Kayn really has changed...


"Yes? "

"Promise me we will stay like this. That we will never change or part. "

Kayn smiled, looking down at her as he felt warm on the inside for the first time in weeks. He bent down to her level and calmly said:

"Close your eyes. "

(Y/N) was confused at first but then shook it away as she obeyed and closed her eyes.
Not even a few seconds later she felt warmth against her lips. She gave into it. Melting into the sensation of pure pleasure.

Time had stopped for them as now they both felt as one. And yet they felt different, they had grown so much through everything that had happened. It felt so strange and yet right. It felt like a dream but that warm feeling... it was no dream. It was real.

The moment felt like forever and yet felt so short at the same time. But to their misfortune, it couldn't last forever. When they parted she felt empty, and so did he. It was new. Something unknown to both of them.

Kayn then brought up his hand to her face and caressed it.

"That seals my promise. "

Her heart could not calm down as it was racing, overwhelmed by all the emotions. This made her smile as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. This feeling overwhelmed her. She felt like the happiest person in the world.

This was truly the best moment in her entire life...

"*sniff* I love you so much... "

Kayn smiled and embraced her tight and kissed her forehead.


I love you more. ~"



AN:There is the ending to the left path. I will make an epilogue for this ending and then start the right path. So be prepared for that I suppose! Love you people, be safe! <3

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