Beauties and Beasts

By LoweFantasy

321K 17.8K 2.9K

Neara and Shay looked to the future (read 'pastries') to forget their past, but are interrupted by being tran... More

Chapter 1: brought to you by an overworked boob bearer
Chapter 2: brought to you by 'Wish-Fulfillment'
Chapter 3: brought to you by ammonia, the je ne sais quoi of pee
Chapter 4: brought to you by Aunt Flow
Chapter 5: brought to you by hot dogs, both processed and figurative
Chapter 6: brought to you by Sewing men, the sewers of us all
Chapter 7: brought to you by that one crazy all-natural peep you know
Chapter 8: brought to you by cheap Wet N Wild makeup
Chapter 9: brought to you by birdies giving the bird
Chapter 10: brought to you by angry sheep and a stick
Chapter 11: brought to you by #allthemuscles
Chapter 12: brought to you by a lack of dating
Chapter 13: brought to you by almost incest and edible sparklies
Chapter 14: brought to you by caffeine
Chapter 15: brought to you by a beefcake
Chapter 16: brought to you by snot
Chapter 17: brought to you by an inferiority complex
Chapter 18: brought to you by ophidiophobia
Chapter 19: brought to you by a doctor
Chapter 20: brought to you by dinosaurs!
Chapter 21: brought to you by a wanna-be ninja
Chapter 22: brought to you by the chocolate man
Chapter 23: brought to you by divorce
Chapter 24: brought to you by dirty laundry
Chapter 25: brought to you by a chagrined sheep in a tiger's den
Chapter 26: brought to you by selfishness
Chapter 27: brought to you by Not-Chickens
Chapter 28: brought to you by Drama Kings
Chapter 29: brought to you by Orson Ramsey
Chapter 30: brought to you by writhing
Chapter 31: brought to you by Yogi Bear
Chapter 32: brought to you by fuzzy rides!
Chapter 33: brought to you by bunnies
Chapter 34: brought to you by happy drugs
Chapter 35: brought to you by fine print adultery
Chapter 36: brought to you by an angry toddler rolling on the floor
Chapter 37: brought to you by appetite
Chapter 38: brought to you by Prego
Chapter 39: brought to you by fairytales, lullabies, and cling wrap
Chapter 40: brought to you by eggs!
Chapter 41: brought to you by catering
Chapter 42: brought to you by creepy old men
Chapter 43: brought to you by bromance, the best kind of 'mance
Chapter 44: brought to you by manly contusions
Chapter 45: brought to you by a learn'n
Chapter 46: brought to you by Reading Rainbow
Chapter 47: brought to you by PHAT
Chapter 48: brought to you by Cat Fights!
Chapter 49: brought to you by babeh sneks
Chapter 50: brought to you by The Wolf and The Hare (who both lose)
Chapter 51: brought to you by the classical almost die
Chapter 52: brought to you by bad parenting
Chapter 53: brought to you by chicken poop on a bed
Baby Snake Name Reference
Chapter 54: brought to you by politics...yay
Chapter 55: brought to you by da feelz
Chapter 56: brought to you by cooties
Chapter 57: brought to you by armpit hair
Chapter 58: brought to you by the Masseur
Chapter 59: brought to you by Possessive Males
Chapter 60: brought to you by Plot Holes
Chapter 61: brought to you by Moses
Chapter 62: brought to you by, uh, brain farts...
Chapter 63: brought to you by boobs
Chapter 64: brought to you by stink
Chapter 65: brought to you by Daddy's Girl
Chapter 66: brought to you by Endangered Species
Chapter 67: brought to you by horsies
Chapter 68: brought to you by shepherds
Chapter 69: brought to you by travel logs
Chapter 70: brought to you by the muse that wouldn't shut up
Chapter 71: brought to you by daughter wars
Chapter 72: brought to you by...issues
Chapter 73: brought to you by club'n
Chapter 74: brought to you by a sprinkle of lies
Chapter 75: brought to you by moms
Chapter 76: brought to you by dem berries
Chapter 77: brought to you by Bunny Oden
Chapter 78: brought to you by shampoo, the best kind of poo
Chapter 79: brought to you by I shouldn't have sat down
Chapter 80: brought to you by bleeding hearts
Chapter 81: brought to you by THE studmuffin
Chapter 82: brought to you by single parenting
Chapter 83: brought to you by #disclaimer
Chapter 84: brought to you by the Shire
Chapter 85: brought to you by cravings
Chapter 86: brought to you by blurd
Chapter 87: brought to you by bread lessons
Chapter 88: brought to you by dandruff
Chapter 89: brought to you by chocolate-covered raisins (or is it rabbit poo?)
Chapter 90: brought to you by flashbacks
Chapter 91: brought to you by no beta, we die like men
Chapter 92: brought to you by falling off mountains
Chapter 93: brought to you by good-byes and BABY SNEKS
Chapter 94: brought to you by poor planning
Chapter 95: brought to you by #alltheroadtripsongs
Chapter 96: brought to you by umbrellas
Chapter 97: brought to you by baby blankets
Chapter 98: brought to you by the Master of Disguise--I lika da juice
Updated Baby Snake Guide!
Chapter 99: brought to you by healing cuteness
Chapter 100: brought to you by Tyndali--the co-writer
Chapter 101: brought to you by Dalmatians
Chapter 102: brought to you by the best makeup: DIRT!
Chapter 103: brought to you by mermaids
Chapter 104: brought to you by Winnie-the-Pooh
Chapter 105: brought to you by the prodigal son
Chapter 106: brought to you by a control freak
Chapter 107: brought to you by a bomb shelter
Chapter 108: brought to you by NCMO
Chapter 109: brought to you by the very very bad day
Chapter 110: brought to you by clay
Chapter 111: brought to you by love nests
Chapter 112: brought to you by balls
Chapter 113: brought to you by MINE!
Chapter 114: brought to you by bad guy
Chapter 115: brought to you by catharsis
Chapter 116: brought to you by a lack of communication
Chapter 117: brought to you by daddy love
Chapter 118: brought to you by Thanksgiving--so be grateful, fartknockers
Chapter 119: brought to you by first world problems
Chapter 121: brought to you by an opportunistic cold
Chapter 122: brought to you by pretty people
Chapter 123: brought to you by the renaissance snake
Chapter 124: brought to you by the biggest ho
Chapter 125: brought to you by stupid little brothers
Chapter 126: brought to you by poor mental health
Chapter 127: brought to you by imperfect parents
Chapter 128: brought to you by MC Hammer
Chapter 129: brought to you by the scorpion's bride
Chapter 130: brought to you by a fed up sheep
Chapter 131: brought to you by a girl who needs her boy
Chapter 132: brought to you by a reluctance to clean
Chapter 133: brought to you by D-day
Chapter 134: brought to you by poke'mon battles--I mean, drama. Serious drama.
Chapter 135: brought to you by scorpion smashing time
Chapter 136: brought to you by wife tracking tattoos
Chapter 137: brought to you by blue-eyed bunnies
Chapter 138: brought to you by a fear of commitment
Chapter 139: brought to you by the talk
Chapter 140: brought to you by FINALLY!!!!!!
Chapter 141: brought to you by bedtime stories
Chapter 143: brought to you by therapy
Shay's Epilogue
Chapter 143: brought to you by dude friends
Chapter 144: brought to you by dude friends part 2
Chapter 145: brought to you by crushes on fictional characters
Chapter 146: brought to you by bread crumbs
Chapter 147: brought to you by plausible gayness
Chapter 148: brought to you by *gasp* possible modern convenience!
Chapter 149: brought to you by freaky fish men
I Painted Orson!
Chapter 150: brought to you by TYNDALI!!!
I Painted Asher!!

Chapter 120: brought to you by covid

845 66 6
By LoweFantasy

Harnessing the power of second-grade science labs, Neara brings the rain. She also makes out with Tony because sometimes you just need to blow off a little steam.


"It's called static electricity." Neara touched Winston with a giggle and his tail flicked behind him.

"And the point is?" Orson's hair couldn't have been more buoyant.

"You're just mad you look like a cloud." Benedict casually shocked Orson as he walked by, earning a snarl and a punch.

"S-T-A-T-I-T-A-T-T-T-C" Tony spelled proudly. WIth some coaxing from Neara, Orson allowed the other two beastmen into their reading lessons, although Benedict didn't show up for lessons more than half the time.

"Close: S-T-A-T-I-C. You got the letters right, but you added a few." She smiled encouragingly at him. Maybe she should get more mates? Shay rushed into hers, but it's not like she'd ever been kidnapped... except the time Calvin almost took her, and the time the Rabbits took many times had they been made off with? How many mates would she have to have before they finally stopped?

Alone, she was a prize to be claimed, with a few mates, she needed more. Even with a super powerful mate like Orson, they were still coming after her. It seemed like the more she mated, the more she needed to keep safe. She bit her tongue trying to soften chewy tuber Orson brought back from his daily excursions, not in some small part because she'd remembered Aetius and the last time she'd seen him...

"And we need all the beastmen?"

Neara nodded. "And all the furs. If they all shuffle around, it should attract..."

"A lot of Eagles wondering what the hell we're doing."

"Since when do my ideas not work out?" Neara faced Orson and scowled darkly.

"There's a first time for everything."

"And there's such a thing as recognizing a pattern, stone-head."

A small smile, meant only for her, parted his lips.


Using Ethel's Eagle mate, (who again apologized for being slow to pick her up) they picked a day when most of the clouds would be over the City. Beastmen rolled out every fur they had, to the disdain of their mates, watching and fuming. A large tree in the middle served as a ladder to help stabilize the growing line of beastmen clinging to each other. Overhead, Eagle beastmen circled, waiting their chance to connect the two lines with the heavens.

Winston stood near the tree in an authoritative position; Ape King chose not to come, telling his Clan they could make their own choice, but highly advising against angering the gods... whatever that meant. Neara didn't see any religious ceremonies or oaths (besides Orson's) or shrines or anything to suggest they took the gods seriously. Beastmen stood in small concentric circles around the tree, the females standing outside the circle of furs looking suspicious. He raised his hand and chopped it down, "Beastmen, now!"

The air hummed as beastmen shuffled as fast as they could around the tree, dragging their feet as they marched. Orson, Benedict, and Tony raced each other as fast as their rings would let them, occasionally glaring daggers at each other. Soon the beastmen became blurs of colors, streaks of testosterone until Winston roared. All of the men stopped and grabbed hands, clustering around the base of the tree. Winston reached for a Leopard beastman hanging from the tree and above, Eagles dove for the dry branches. When they all connected, an enormous crash seemed to break the sky, a deluge of rain falling in huge sheets to the ground below.

Everyone stood in shock as the waves of water let up to a pleasant downpour, sun-warmed spots quickly melting into thirsty soil. Even Benedict seemed to perk up as the smell of rain wafted across the City.

Soon, solemnity forgotten, beastmen began playing and splashing in the fields around them, joining their mates in games of tag and... basically tag. Neara forgot they didn't know much else and rugby had been forbidden. She'd have to change that. Eventually.

Orson smiled at her from under the tree, hands held above his head to protect his fluff. His jagged smile made her feel warm inside, like he was holding her. She could feel his thin fingers inching their way across her hipbones and...

"Agatha!" Tony dove on top of her, his eyes downturned with worry. "Your spots!"

...shit. She'd forgotten about the makeup.

He scooped her up, a process she was quickly getting annoyed with, and ran to Tiger Castle.

"How did you know that would work?"

"Huh?" She'd been thinking about Orson.

"Making the beastmen tingly... how did you know?"

"Um, I thought about how lightning strikes the ground in a rainstorm and how maybe if we used lightning to strike upwards, we'd get some rain." They hadn't talked about molecules yet, if they ever got that far, so she didn't think he'd understand about shaking the droplets until they collided and combined to make bigger drops that fell.

"And who taught you to make lightning?"

"We just need to make sure everyone thinks this is Winston's idea... if we're going to get rid of Ape King, we need to make sure the City sees him as their new leader."

"The City respects strong beastmen."

"Is Winston stronger than Ape King?" She paused to pull more of her hair over her face. Just because she didn't think anyone was watching didn't mean people wouldn't notice Agatha transforming into Neara with a single swipe.

"From most beastmen's point of view, Winston has more stripes, so he's stronger. He has good ideas, so that helps, but Ape Clan is revered because they know how to think." He shifted her weight to one arm and tapped his head. "Before you came back, Ape King tried to summon rain, but only brought a few clouds. This might change the favors though, since Winston succeeded in bringing rain... and he made me feel like I helped too."

Neara thought for a few minutes. If she managed to create pottery, and she still had to figure out the glaze, pots would be easier to carry, making it so beastmen could have time for other crafts or thinking for themselves. Who knows how technology might take off if these super powerful creatures had free time to think?

Safely inside the Castle, she tapped his arm to set her down. All the beastmen were outside, celebrating in the rain. She didn't have to worry about someone seeing her. Her legs shook slightly as she walked up. "Tony?"

He smiled down at her, his tiny ears looking more proportional now that his damp hair clung to his head. "Yes?"

"Do you remember..." Just ask, you idiot! Better yet, pin him against the stairs and give me fuzzy bear cubs! "... when we kissed?"

A light pink splayed across his features and he held a hand to his mouth. If this were an anime, there'd be rose petals blowing in a breeze that didn't touch his hair, his eyes seemed to go dewy, the eyelashes thick on his cheeks. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about it." He straightened and scratched his shoulder. "But if you want me to forget, I will." Before she could stop him, he slapped the side of his head roughly, going cross-eyed in the process.

"No! I just, I wondered if... ugh, of course you do, I just wanted to know..."

Tony finished shaking his head. "You know everything already; what do you need to know? Do you want soup? Are you hungry?" His eyes widened. "You got wet and I didn't even think about getting you a fur! I should bundle you up." He reached for her again and she placed her hands on his firm, warm, strong forearms. His hands paused, the heat from his wide hands radiating and sending goosebumps around her waist.

"I want to do it again." If she hadn't paused between every word, it might have sounded badass and feminist and... shoot, did he even know what 'it' was? She mentioned kissing earlier, but he'd said other things, then almost touched her, so did he think she was trying to tell him to back off and she'd smack him again? Also badass and feminist but not quite the vibe she was going for...

Then he was kissing her and cold stone contrasted with the hot body pressing hers against what she assumed was a wall, but might have been the floor. He smelled like rain and sweat, clean but dirty, like maybe he'd washed his hair but not the rest of him. She felt the tip of his canines on the corners of her mouth/lips, then his warm arms separated her from the wall, lifted her up until she was surrounded by his heat.

His lips softened and pulled back, his eyes just above her head, lazy and unfocused. She smiled shyly at him, incredibly aware of his...emotions. Thoughts threatened to drift across her consciousness, quickly shooed away by the dangerous cloud of pleasure.

"I wanted to make sure she was safe." The deep voice rumbled from the wrong direction.

"Don't worry, Winston, she's safe. I have her." Tony smiled again and Neara spun in his arms, all positive emotions turning to stone at his empty gaze.

"I see." Winston nodded once. He looked at her, no malice or jealousy in his eyes. A tendril of disappointment snaked its way up her throat. Why didn't he care? "The plate is in your room." He turned and walked away, even his tail swung nonchalantly.

Tony squeezed her slightly. "Was that a good kiss?"

"Yeah..." she felt breathless, and not entirely because of the Bear.

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