Love and Potions - Severus Sn...

By Castiels_Trenchcoat6

101K 4.6K 2.3K

Rowan Knight fell in love with Hogwarts when she was forced to transfer in her sixth year. She quickly develo... More

Chapter 1 - Assistant Professor
Chapter 2 - Moving In
Chapter 3 - Hello, Severus
Chapter 4 - Legilimency
Chapter 5 - Late Nights
Chapter 6 - Amortentia
Chapter 7 - Fireworks
Chapter 8 - Home
Chapter 9 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 10 - Bold Words
Chapter 11 - Secrets Unveiled
Chapter 12 - Packing
Chapter 13 - Labelling
Chapter 14 - Hogwarts Express
Chapter 15 - Zabini Manor
Chapter 16 - Interruptions
Chapter 17 - Confrontation
Chapter 18 - Shopping
Chapter 19 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 20 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 21 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 22 - Imperio
Chapter 23 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 24 - Returning Home
Chapter 25 - Clean Break
Chapter 26 - Ilvermorny
Chapter 27 - Trouble
Chapter 28 - Staff Meeting
Chapter 29 - True Fear
Chapter 30 - Chaos
Chapter 31 - In A Different Life
Chapter 32 - Birthday Surprise
Chapter 33 - Birthday Party
Chapter 34 - Preparations
Chapter 35 - Yule Ball
Chapter 36 - Grief
Chapter 37 - Mother Dearest
Chapter 38 - Belief
Chapter 39 - Queen's Dinner
Chapter 40 - Powerful Friendship
Chapter 41 - The Real Truth
Chapter 42 - Family is chosen
Chapter 43 - A Mother's Love
Chapter 44 - Building Trust
Chapter 45 - Date Night
Chapter 46 - Separate Paths
Chapter 47 - Loving You
Chapter 48 - Emerald Trio
Chapter 49 - The Malfoys' Ball
Chapter 50 - A New Ending
Chapter 51 - Quidditch and Suspicions
Chapter 53 - Sly Fox
Chapter 54 - Loyalty and Love
Chapter 55 - Pity Party

Chapter 52 - A New Title

900 46 8
By Castiels_Trenchcoat6

Rowan had the very same feeling now that she had when she had first received the letter from Dumbledore earlier in the academic year. It was almost the end of the semester, and students were frantically cramming to prepare. It was the beginning of May, and that left less than three weeks left of the academic year. That meant that, while Severus rushed around to try and prepare the students for their exams, Rowan was left feeling useless. She had progressed in her pregnancy as she was now 20 weeks, and she was starting to show. With weekly appointments to Madam Pomfrey and Professor Dumbledore's meetings, Rowan had barely seen Severus in weeks. When they did see each other, it was usually during meals or at the very end of the day. 

Rowan remembered when she was a student at Hogwarts, exams were exhausting. However, she had never quite imagined exams from a professor's standpoint. Now that she was on the other end, she loathed these exams even more. Many thoughts clouded her mind as Rowan approached the Headmaster's door. She wanted to think about exams while she still could, as she had already been told that Severus had yet to renew her title as his assistant. 

Before she could even mutter the password to Dumbledore's office, the door slowly creaked open; leaving a slow and ominous feeling surrounding the staircase. "Hello?" Rowan called out, entering cautiously. After what happened the night of the Yule Ball, Rowan wasn't very keen on entering quiet places; especially around Hogwarts. This time of year, the school was usually buzzing with students and teachers.

"Ah, Rowan! Yes, yes, come and take a seat!" Dumbledore exclaimed as he hurriedly emerged from his quarters causing Rowan to jump in fear. Smiling nervously, Rowan nodded and took her seat in front of Dumbledore's desk. There had been many times when she was in this exact chair, and each time she got the same feelings; excitement and dread. "I am sure you know why I have called you here," Dumbledore continued as he sank into a seat across from Rowan. The first thing she had noticed was that he looked tired. Ever since Rowan had returned from her mother's capture, Professor Dumbledore had been working tirelessly to find the wicked woman; but leads had turned up dry and there was no sign that Evanora "Hyde," anywhere. Everyone, including Rowan, had given up on the fact that Evanora was gone for good-- everyone except Albus Dumbledore. 

Rowan nodded in response to Dumbledore's words, doing her best to clear her mind. Her stomach gave a small flutter as she tried to do so, making it virtually impossible. "Are you still planning on finding out the gender later?" Dumbledore inquired. Rowan smiled sheepishly, damned legilimens. "Yep- both Severus and I agree that knowing would only cause more worry between the two of us," Rowan replied, clearing her throat as she placed a hand against her small bump in hopes to calm down the flutters. "Let's get to the point, shall we?" He chimed as he unwrapped a lemon drop, smiling as he plopped the small candy into his mouth.

"As you know, assistant positions are temporary and Severus has not elected to renew your contract," Dumbledore began as he thumbed at a stack of papers on his desk. Rowan's heart clenched as she listened; the end of her time at Hogwarts was closing in faster than she could come to terms with it. "I know that, ideally, you would become a potions professor. However, we both know Severus has no plans on giving up his position," Dumbledore chuckled to himself and while Rowan wanted to, she feared she would burst into tears if she tried. 

Taking a deep breath, Rowan finally mustered enough energy to speak. "When would be most convenient to move my belongings back to the Zabini's?" Rowan cringed at the thought, but it was not as if she could go anywhere else. She and Severus hadn't looked for any places together and there was no time to with the end of the school year approaching rapidly. "No need, Miss Knight. I have a proposition for you," Dumbledore said, sliding a single piece of paper over in front of Rowan. Gulping, Rowan slowly grabbed it and began to read. 


Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I, _____________, agree that I will use my magic abilities to teach the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry about defending themselves against the dark arts. I agree to begin as soon as the next school year begins. I agree that I will reside at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 


"You want me to be a dark arts teacher?!" Rowan exclaimed as she clutched the paper tightly in her hand. Dumbledore smiled smugly as he pushed his bowl of lemon candies over toward Rowan. "I do believe the students would elect to have me removed if I let go of one of the best professors Hogwarts has seen in decades,". Rowan exhaled loudly as her shoulders visibly released the tension she had been holding in. "What about Severus? He has been wanting his position for years!" Rowan exclaimed as thousands of thoughts flooded her head. "He was the one who referred you, Miss Knight. He came to me a few days after you arrived and pleaded that, if Remus decides to move on, that I give this position to you," Dumbledore explained as he slowly dipped a quill into ink, handing Rowan the quill steadily. 

Rowan grabbed the quill, hovering over the empty lines. "Why is Remus not staying? Last I heard, he quite enjoys his job," she asked as she slowly pulled the quill away. The last thing she wanted was to get this position at Hogwarts because she was engaged to Severus. If she were to get a position at Hogwarts, she wanted it on her own accord. "Ah! I knew I was forgetting something," Dumbledore exclaimed abruptly standing up from his desk. Waving his wand as he mumbled incoherently, Rowan watched as a file from atop a large cabinet began to hover and fall right in front of her. "What's this?"

"Those," Dumbledore began, "Are Remus Lupin's resignation papers. He got offered a job at the Ministry of Magic- the same position that your mother abandoned," 

"That's amazing!" Rowan exclaimed loudly causing the flutters in her stomach to worsen. They only seemed to be this bad when Severus was teaching; it was one of the only times Severus ever gets loud. "What do you say, Miss Knight? Will you become our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Dumbledore asked as he took his seat across from Rowan once again. Taking a deep breath, Rowan placed the quill against the paper. Signing her name twice, a weight was lifted off of her shoulders. The question now was, how was she going to juggle being a new parent and being a new professor? 

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

Rowan entered the Great Hall, looking forward to being around Severus once again. After she had accepted her new title, she had to sign many forms and had a very detailed discussion about what she was to teach but mostly about what she was not to teach. There was a new spark behind Rowan's eyes; her future was looking bright and she was excited about it. She would be married to Severus, have a child, and be a full-time professor by this time next year. Smiling brightly, Rowan sat down next to a tired but happy-looking Severus. "Tell me you said yes, darling," Severus whispered as he turned to completely face her, abandoning his nearly full plate in front of him. His hand slowly found its way down to her stomach and Rowan could feel another flutter- right where his hand was placed. 

"Our kid is gonna hate having both of their parents working at Hogwarts," Rowan chuckled as she answered his question. She had thought out keeping it a secret; not telling Severus that she had accepted the offer until they were out for the summer. However, with Severus' skills in legilimens, that would be nearly impossible. Severus chuckle was music to Rowan's ears as he placed a small kiss against her cheek. Turning back to face the hall, children were deeply engaged in conversation; seeing Severus Snape smile was no longer a thing of wonder. Though, Rowan would definitely plea differently; his smile would forever be wondrous to her. 

Rowan looked down toward the rest of the teachers, catching the attention of Remus Lupin. "I hear congratulations are in order, Professor Lupin?" Rowan teased causing the shy man to turn a deep shade of red. "I could say the same for you, Professor Knight. I wish you luck- this bunch of children have a lot of bright and curious minds," Remus seemed a lot happier with the thought of becoming a part of the ministry of magic. Rowan hadn't spoken with him much during his time at Hogwarts, but she knew that he was a bright and talented man. He was almost too kind to be teaching such a dark subject, but the scars that lined his face proved that there was more to him than Rowan knew. That was something Rowan could relate to; her own past would haunt her forever- her scars were just less visible than Remus Lupin's. 

"Congratulations, you two!" Sybill exclaimed as she joined the rest of the staff for dinner. Ever since she had befriended Bellatrix Lestrange, Sybill Trelawney had been getting to meal late and leaving early. While Rowan knew the rest of the staff noticed this as well, nobody ever questioned it. Rowan, for one, was glad to see the pair had found a friendship in each other.  "Professor Trelawney! Looking lovely today," Rowan said with a smile. 

As the students and staff settled down and began quieter conversations, Rowan looked over toward Severus. "Yes, my dear?" Severus inquired as he turned, his dark eyes meeting Rowan's. "We have a busy few months ahead of us," Rowan shrugged as she reached and intertwined her fingers with his. If she could stay like this forever; not only would she, but Rowan would be eternally happy. 

"Why don't we call it a night, my love? I do believe that this weekend my mother will be joining us," Severus mumbled through a yawn, slowly standing up from the staff table. "As well as Bellatrix! You can't forget her, Sev," Rowan reminded causing a distraught groan from Severus. "How could I forget that wretched woman? She's always around," Severus rolled his eyes. Just as Rowan was about to reprimand him, a sly look appeared on his face. "Severus, what-" 

Severus quickly scooped Rowan up bridal style and carried her out of the Great Hall and down toward the Slytherin common room. "I cannot wait until you become mine forever, Miss Knight," Severus exclaimed quietly. Rowan smiled, pecking Severus on the cheek. "I have always been yours, Severus. Always," 

"Always," He replied. 

The days ahead would be busy for the two of them, but no matter how much time they spent apart, they would always come back together. As the saying goes, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

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