Two Halfs, One Heart

By PaigeMarieHall

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When Ben Tennyson, his grandfather Max, his cousin Gwen and his best friend Paige Swan go on a trip for the s... More

Chapter 1- And Then There Were Ten
Chapter 2- Washington B.C.
Chapter 3- The Krakken
Chapter 4- Permanent Retirement
Chapter 5- Hunted
Chapter 6- Tourist Trap
Chapter 7- Kevin 11
Chapter 8- The Alliance
Chapter 9- Last Laugh
Chapter 10- Lucky Girl
Chapter 11- A Small Problem
Chapter 12- Side Effects
Chapter 13- Secrets
Chapter 14- Truth
Chapter 15- The Big Tick
Chapter 16- Framed
Chapter 17- Gwen 10
Chapter 18- Grudge Match
Chapter 19- The Galactic Enforcers
Chapter 20- Camp Fear
Chapter 21- Ultimate Weapon
Chapter 22- Tough Luck
Chapter 23- They Lurk Below
Chapter 25- Dr. Animo And The Mutant Ray
Chapter 26- Back With A Vengeance
Chapter 27- Midnight Madness
Chapter 28- Ben 10,000
Chapter 29- A Change Of Face
Chapter 30- Merry Christmas
Chapter 31- Benwolf
Chapter 32- Game Over
Chapter 33- Monster Weather
Chapter 34- Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures
Chapter 35- Under Wraps
Chapter 36- The Unnaturals
Chapter 37- The Return
Chapter 38- Be Afraid Of The Dark
Chapter 39- The Visitor
Chapter 40- Perfect Day
Chapter 41- Divided We Stand
Chapter 42- Don't Drink The Water
Chapter 43- Big Fat Alien Wedding
Chapter 44- Ben 4 Good Buddy
Chapter 45- Ready to Rumble
Chapter 46- Ken 10
Chapter 47- Goodbye And Good Riddance
Chapter 47- Ben 10 VS. Negative 10 PT. 1
Chapter 48- Ben 10 VS. Negative 10 PT. 2

Chapter 24- Ghostfreaked Out

67 3 0
By PaigeMarieHall

"Help! I can't get down!" "Don't worry! We'll come up and get you!" Gwen said to the boy. "We?" Ben asked. "Hey! You're the one with all those alien heroes at your fingertips. And Paige is the one with the magic," Gwen said. He activated the Omnitrix and was now Wildmutt. "Oh, good thinking, Benji! Turn into the vicious, drooling alien attack dog... to rescue the scared kid out of the tree," I said.


"It's OK. I'm here to help get you down," Ben reassured the boy. "I don't want to get down. I want out!" Then the boy transformed into Ghostfreak. "Leave me alone!" Ben shouted. "You can't get away from me. Always the hero. What a waste of potential! If you want to be helpful, get me out!" Ghostfreak said as Ben screamed.



"Ben! Ben!" Max said, trying to get his grandson's attention. "Earth to dweeb! Clean the wax out of your ears!" Gwen said as she hit him with a piece of paper. "You OK, son?" "Yeah. I guess I'm still just a little weirded out by that Wildmutt nightmare," Ben said. "Me too, Benji. It was so freaky," I said.


"Well, what do you two expect when you wolf down... two mega-enchurritos and two pints of Bad Breakup for midnight snacks?" Gwen asked. "You think you're so smart. Is that why you want to go to this stupid school? It's full of nothing but snobs and posers. Princess, promise me you'll never want to go here. I can't lose you," Ben said. "I promise, Benji," I said, smiling.


"Bancroft Academy is one of the top schools in the country," Gwen said. "Yeah, for snobs and posers." "Ben, I'm warning you. You'd better not do anything... to embarrass me on the tour of the campus. That goes for you too, Paige." "Hey! What am I going to do?" I asked. "Don't get your shorts in a twist. I'll be on my best behavior," Ben said.


"Why doesn't that make me feel better?" We arrived at the school and were being shown around. "And recently, Bancroft Academy was awarded... the prestigious solid gold main cup trophy... for top-rated prep school on the East Coast. So you can see why we're very picky about who we admit. So many delude themselves into thinking that they are Bancroft material. It's so sad," Our tour guide, Tiffany said. "Why is this girl so stuck up?" I thought, irritated.


"Well, I have a 4.2 GPA, I'm President of the Computer Club... Treasurer of the Science Society, volunteer at several local charities with my best friend, Paige... and I'm a member of my school's Jiu-Jitsu team," Gwen said. "How nice for you," Suddenly, Ben and I heard someone say his name. "Ben!" We gripped each other's hands tightly, terrified.


"Do you have a question?" Tiffany asked us. "Yeah. Why are there so many kids here during vacation?" "Attending our prestigious Summer School Session," Tiffany answered us. "Summer and school. There's two words that should never be used together. What?" Ben asked when Gwen gave him a look. Suddenly, we stopped when Ben thought he saw something. "Benji, what is it?" "I thought I just saw... never mind. Grandpa's right. I just need a little sleep, princess," Ben said.


"And this is our science lab." "An electron microscope!" Gwen said, excitedly. Ben and I were looking at different beakers when we heard the voice again, "Let me out!" "Leave us alone!" Ben said, throwing the beaker. "That's my cousin, always joking," Gwen said. Suddenly, more beakers went off and exploded. "Ben, what are you doing?" Max asked. "Max, Ben didn't do anything. It was Ghostfreak," I explained.


Then the sprinklers went off, soaking Tiffany; which was hilarious. "This is not going to look good on your application. Bancroft is a no-freak zone," Tiffany said. "At least Gwen has a personality. You lack one!" I said, infuriated. "I am so sorry about my cousin. Actually, we're not really even related. I think his parents found him at a zoo or something," Gwen said. "Gwen, I am so going to get you for that comment!" I thought.


"At B.A., it is as important who you are as what you've done. You know, if you're a person from a quality family." "Benjamin Tennyson, I'm going to..." Gwen didn't finish speaking because we heard glass breaking. "Paige and I better check that out. Come on, princess," Ben said as he pulled me away. We looked and saw that a trophy case was smashed. Then we heard laughing in the gym.


"You again! We said as Ben and I saw the circus freaks. "It's those kids who took down Zambozo," Thumbskull said. "That was a sweet gig working for that clown and you two ruined it! Now it's payback time." "A little Heatblast action should light a fire under you freaks," He said as he activated the Omnitrix. But instead of Heatblast, Ben transformed into Ghostfreak.


"Ghostfreak, I didn't pick you," Ben said. "Nice trick, kid." Then Thumbskull lifted up the bleachers and threw them at Ben. Then Acid Breath sprayed acid on him. "We ain't scared of no ghosts," The freaks said, laughing. "You should be," Ben said. "Wait a minute. Something's wrong. That's not Ben's voice!" I thought, frightened. "It's those circus freaks!" Max said as he and Gwen showed up.


"Max! Gwen! Something's wrong! This isn't Ben!" I said, freaked out. "You're right, Paige. Something is wrong. I've never seen Ben so vicious," Max said. I ran to him to see what was wrong. "Ben! Ben! Benji, answer me!" I pleaded. "Sorry, sweetheart. Your beloved Ben isn't here. I guess they guess they didn't learn their lesson," Ghostfreak said. "I'm going after him!" I said, determined. "Please be careful," Max and Gwen said.


I found him in the corridor from earlier. "Benji, are you OK?" I asked, hugging him. "Yeah, princess. I'm OK but I'm glad to be rid of that freak," He said. "And I thought we were close. So nice to finally meet you face to face," Ghostfreak said. "This can't be happening. You can't be you! I'm you!" Ben said. "I was never you. An Ectonurite's consciousness exists... even in a few strands of DNA. When the sample was taken for the Omnitrix... I was trapped inside. But now, I can reveal my true self," Ghostfreak said.


I knew that something bad was going to happen. So I silently preformed a protection spell on Ben so nothing could happen to him. Then Ghostfreak transformed. "Ew! He's so ugly!" I thought. Ben pushed me behind him as this was happening. "And I thought you were ugly before. What do you want?" Ben asked. "I need the power of the Omnitrix to make me whole again. I can only do that by taking over your body. Now, let's see how you like... being trapped inside someone else," He said as he reached for Ben.


The protection spell I preformed on Ben kicked in and Ghostfreak was blown back. "Ben, Paige, take it easy. You two look like you've just seen a ghost," Max said. "You have no idea how right you are, Max," I thought. Now, Ben and I were in the process of looking for Ghostfreak. "Ghostfreak's got to be in here somewhere," Ben said. "He's looking for himself?" Gwen asked and I shook my head. "No he's looking for Ghostfreak, Gwen," I said.


"He said he's been alive inside the watch this whole time, just trying to get out. That's why I always felt weirded out when I was Ghostfreak!" "Look, Ben, whatever's going on, we'll always be here for you," Max said. "That's right, even if it turns out you've got a major leak in your brain pan," Gwen said. "Gwen, listen to me! Ben's not a wacko! Ghostfreak is loose!" I said, defending my boyfriend. "OK, OK, so the butter hasn't slipped off your noodle. But how are you planning on bringing him down once we find him? That alien's pretty tough," Gwen said.


"Sunlight! He couldn't go into the sun. He had to stay in the shadows," Ben said. "What, like a vampire? You never had that problem when you were Ghostfreak," Gwen said. "That's exactly why he needs me. Somehow if we're joined, he'll be whole again. Which means we'd better find him before sunset," Ben said. "I've got a couple of things from my Plumber days that might help," Max said. He and Gwen went to get them. Ben was about to follow when I grabbed his hand.


"Ben, wait. Please don't be angry with me but I preformed a protection spell on you so Ghostfreak can't hurt you. It was the only thing I could think of so you wouldn't get hurt. Please don't be mad at me," I said, pleasingly. "Why would I be mad, princess? This is the most loving thing anyone has ever done for me. You love me so much that you preformed a spell to protect me from anything. I love you so much," Ben said as he kissed me.


"I love you too. Now, let's catch up with Max and Gwen," I said, smiling. Now night fell and we were still looking for Ghostfreak. "We've been at this for hours. If Ghostfreak trashes the campus, I'll never get admitted!" Gwen said. "Max, Ben and I looked at Gwen and I raised my eyebrow, silently questioning her. "Not like that is as important as saving all these innocent people." Ben turned to me and grabbed my hand.


"I'm picking up some trace spectral activity from around that corner," Max said. "Ben, don't worry. The protection spell will work on your aliens as well." "OK, princess. Let me get my game face on," Ben said. He activated the Omnitrix and in a flash of green light, he was Four Arms. "Hey! I meant to do that. Maybe I'm finally getting the hang of this thing," Ben said as we heard screaming.


Then we saw the circus freaks. "I haven't got time for you freaks, so the party's over." "You got it all wrong, muscle head. It's just about to really get rolling," Frightwig said. "And it's a surprise party," Acid Breath said. "Hello, Ben, have you been working out?" "Ghostfreak!" "Major horror show," Gwen said. "I know, right?" I said, in agreement. "You ain't seen nothing yet," Ghostfreak said as he tried to merge with Ben. "It seems I cannot merge with your alien forms. No matter, time is on my side. You will be human again soon enough," Ghostfreak said.


"Don't count on hurting him, freak show. With the protection spell that I placed on Ben, he is safe and you can't touch him," I thought, proud of myself. "But we have a surprise of our own," Max said. "Daylight at night!" "Sun gun. Projects a beam as bright as sunlight," Max and I said. "Clever, but not clever enough. Ghostfreak said as he merged with Thumbskull. "I hate this! As long as I am in a host body... your weapon has no effect," Ghostfreak said as he charged at Ben.


"So should I turn in my admissions application to the main office... or just give it to you?" Gwen asked Tiffany. "Go ahead and play musical freaks all you want. I'll just kick their butts," Ben said. "You're right. Maybe I need a new partner. Someone more interesting for you to battle," I heard Ghostfreak say as I was making sure Gwen was OK.


"Princess, look out!" I saw Ghostfreak coming toward me, I screamed, he merged with me and that's the last thing I remember. I felt pain in my head, I look up and saw Ben coming toward me with caution. "Benji, what are you doing?" Then I was out of it again. "Then you'd better hope the love of your life knows how to fly. It's your choice, hero," I heard. "Ben! Please! I love you!" I thought. "Benji, what... what's happening?"


"Next sound you hear will be your beloved's screams... as she takes a big dive!" "Ben!" Max and Gwen came over to me to make sure I was OK and get me down. "Eliminate them all!" "We had a deal, you Halloween reject!" Ben said. "You had a deal with me, not them," Ghostfreak said. He tried to merch with Ben but it wasn't working because of my protection spell. Max and Gwen looked at me with knowing smiles.


Ben activated the Omnitrix and was now Grey Matter. "That's enough to make me gag, too," Ben said. "Get him, you fools!" Ghostfreak commanded. "Where'd that little pipsqueak go?" Thumbskull said. "Get them!" "Spread out. They're in here somewhere," I heard Acid Breath say. It's just you and me, precious." "Bring it on, stinkbreath," Gwen and I said. I used the fire extinguisher to blast him while Gwen hit him with a frying pan.


"Excellent teamwork!" I said as she and I high-fived. Then Frightwig showed up. She tangled us in her hair but Max dumped a tub of grease on her. "I need to find Ben! Even with the protection spell, who knows what Ghostfreak will do! Let's go!" I said to Max and Gwen and we raced off. "Something tells me I am so not getting into Bancroft Academy," Gwen said. "You don't need this stupid school to prove you're smart. Do you think any of these eggheads... could have brought down those circus freaks?" I said to Gwen. "Thanks, Paige," Gwen said as she hugged me. "Princess, I just wanted to say thanks for casting the protection spell. I also wanted to apologize for not protecting you from Ghostfreak. If anything had happened to you... I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I love you so much," Ben said. I hugged him, "You're welcome, Benji. Forgive yourself for what happened. I'm safe with you and that's all that matters." He nodded as he kissed me.


Hello everyone. Here is the song that Ben was thinking of when I was at the mercy of Ghostfreak.


Also here are the two outfits I wear throughout my book. My Rey Mysterio shirt with jeans.

Here's a picture of Rey Mysterio

He's another one of my favorite people in the world❤

I also wear my favorite outfit

Here's videos of my aunt/godmother Regina's magic. She made me the powerful sorceress I am :)









Here is her theme as well :)💜


I also have her purple dress from Season One of Once Upon a Time. She wears it in the Hansel and Gretel scones💜


Here's the ice cream Gwen was talking about. It's my favorite😊

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