π•”π• π•žπ•‘π• π•€ π•žπ•–π•Ÿπ•₯π•šπ•€ β€’ O...

By HeyaDemons

54.5K 2.1K 198

❝Our family was never meant to have a happy ending were we❞ ... More

γ€š East Blue Saga γ€›
| Romance Dawn Arc |
Of Dreams and Hopes
He Made A Promise
The Hidden Treasure of the Sea
| Orange Town Arc |
I Just Need An Angle
Connections to Those We Love
I Really Hope This Doesn't Scar
| Syrup Village Arc |
Mark of a Warrior
An Arrival of an Ally
I Have a Score to Settle
An Artistic Approach
| Baratie Arc |
Know What To Do
Fate Was Never Kind
A Steely Determination
You Have His Spirit
| Arlong Park Arc |
There is More to This Story
You Just Had To Ask
Only Belongs to Herself
| Loguetown Arc |
You Did Remember
You Know This Person
γ€š Alabasta Saga γ€›
| Reverse Mountain Arc |
The Start of a Journey
We Used to Be
| Whiskey Peak Arc |
A Strange Sight
One Very Lucky Girl
| Little Garden Arc |
Her Heart Knows
Then There Was Light
| Drum Island Arc |
Speak to Everyone's Compassion
A Field of Flowers
| Alabasta Arc |
Her Country's Future
Realise Just One Thing
A Royal's Gamble
Most Capable People I Know
Remarkable Resemblance To You
| Kanghari Island Arc |
Her Peaceful Moments
Just A Memory
γ€š Sky Island Saga γ€›
| Jaya Arc |
Dream About The Nonsensical
Places To Be
| Skypiea Arc |
A Whole Other World
Projections of the Past
Golden Bell's Farewell Song
γ€š Water 7 Saga γ€›
| Ocean's Dream Arc |
The Sound of a Whistle
Faces of those Left Behind
| Long Ring Long Land Arc |
Outside Interference was Allowed
Out of Practice
Shadow of a Smile
If You Could Kindly Leave
| Water 7 Arc |
Fate Was Having a Laugh
Force Waiting to Tear and Destroy
The Tale of a Woman's Darkness
The Next Course Of Action

Falling Apart Right at the Seams

253 16 2
By HeyaDemons

╔══════☩═══ ♛ ═══☩══════╗

𝔸𝕕𝕞𝕚𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠𝕩𝕚𝕔

╚══════☩═══ ♚ ═══☩══════╝

Liliana walked through the deserted streets of Water 7 in a daze as the events played through her mind on repeat. Looking and trying to see if she could've changed something. Maybe if she tried more. Done more. Followed through with her words, Usopp wouldn't have left. No one would've left. But Liliana wasn't. She wasn't good enough. Sane enough to keep everything from falling apart.

The admiral's words repeated through her head. Hesitation. Why is she hesitating? Fear? No. It's the want to stay constant. To not move forward. To continue in the place she knows. A place she feels safe. Needed. To feel useful to someone so that they won't abandon her. But what good did that get her? A crew that was falling apart right at the seams.

Liliana stopped as she stared at the moon. Her father said to look at the moon when she felt sad. But she wasn't sad. She felt hopeless. Will the moon still help? Or will it continue to just cast its glow in all its cold beauty. A mere witness to a young girl's troubles.

A few tears ran down her face as Liliana continued to walk before she stopped. In front of Liliana was her. The older sister who ran.

Rosette stared wide-eyed as Liliana before they grew concerned seeing the fresh tears run down her face. Then when Liliana turned away, Rosette frantically shook her head, holding out a hand. "Wait! Lily! Please don't go!"

Liliana paused. She should've kept walking but she didn't.

Seizing the chance, Rosette took a step closer but stopped, afraid to scare her off. "I just want to talk. Please." Rosette paused, looking towards Liliana with hope before she continued with her plea. "I'm leaving tomorrow and I don't know when I will see you again. Please Lils. Give me a chance to explain. Properly this time. Just one."

Liliana's fingers curled beside her before they relaxed. She wanted to leave but-she didn't. Taking one more step would destroy everything but if she stayed. Liliana faced her sister once again before taking a step forward. It was time to fix the broken.


Rosette poured the tea into two cups as they sat in her room. From the corner of her eye, she can see Liliana fidgeting before she sighed. Once the tea was poured, Rosette went to the bathroom. Coming back out, Rosette rested the first aid bag on the table before gesturing towards her arm.

Liliana hesitated before she placed her arm in Rosette's hold. She turned her arm over before revealing the multitude of scratches. Some new and some old. With dull eyes, she watched as Rosette cleaned up her wound.

"When did this start?" Rosette asked calmly.

"A few years after you left," Liliana answered dully, "I tried to stop but-It's become a habit now. I don't know. It's grounding."

Bandaging her arm, Rosette packed up the medical supplies before pausing. "Your arm. Is it still?"

"No feeling," Liliana answered simply as she closed her fist as tight as she could. But like all the other times, it felt like a ball was lodged in her fist, preventing her from closing it fully. "And strength still escapes me. They did say the damage would be permanent."

Rosette's eyes hardened. "If you had stayed away that day-"

"I didn't come here to argue about my choices," Liliana snapped, her eyes flickering from violet to red before she closed them. Taking a deep breath, Liliana opened them, her eyes landing om Rosette. "You wanted to talk. So talk."

Rosette sighed before nodding. "You're right-You're right. I'm sorry." Rosette sighed once again as she looked for the words to explain her actions. To explain why she left without a proper goodbye. But she came up empty because those weren't explanations. They were excuses. "You want an explanation but I have none. There is no explanation for the way I have left without saying anything. You don't have to forgive me, Lils, but please understand.

Rosette then grasped onto Liliana's hands, willing for her own feelings to transfer into her own. To make her see her reasonings. "The family. It was breaking. The only reason why it didn't break sooner was because of mum and dad. They were single-handedly trying to keep everything together. But with their frequent missions, there was only so much they could do."

"But you all could've tried!" Liliana yelled, a few tears escaping as she snatched her hands away from Rosette's hands. "I tried. I kept trying but you all kept pulling away!"

"There was nothing to be done!" Rosette snapped back as Liliana froze. Taking a deep breath, Rosette raked her fingers through her hair. "The damage was already done. When Jonah died something within all of us died along with him. And then more tragedies upon more tragedies kept piling up. Lily, if we had stayed together then we would've turned on each other. I couldn't stay in a family bound for ruin. It would've destroyed me."

Liliana stared at the table, fidgeting with the cup. It was silent between them. Just the sounds of the night as Liliana thought back to that day. She couldn't deny it. The family had changed since that day. Her parents were walking around on eggshells around her and Alexander stayed away from home more and more. Her brother and sister? They did their best to avoid her at every turn. Their home just wasn't home anymore. "Then why didn't you say anything?"

Rosette cupped Liliana's cheek in her hand. A small flashback appears when a smaller Liliana would smile up at her older sister. "You were eight, Lils. You were still hopeful and it would've crushed me to see your hopeful eyes dull."

"I needed you." Liliana's voice quaked as her eyes met her sister's.

Rosette shook her head, a small watery smile appearing as three boys appeared in her mind's eye. One dressed in blue, one with freckles strewn across his face and the other-A young boy wearing a straw hat that carried the sun in his smiles. Rosette caressed Liliana's cheek with her thumb, wiping away the few tears that escaped. "You never needed me. If anything this family needed you but it wasn't then. We were too young and too stupid. We misplaced our blame and anger on the wrong people and it tore us apart."

Dropping her hand, Rosette held Liliana's hand. This time she didn't let go. "I was stupid and I was in denial. I ran away because the pain was too much. I wanted to forget but in doing so I neglected you-All of you. I only realized this when I was already gone but it was too late."

"I would've preferred a goodbye at least," Liliana said as her bottom lip trembled.

"I know. I know. I'm sorry." Rosette nodded before Liliana let go. All the anguish of the day that she held on. The guilt and anger over her sister. Over her crew.

Finally, Liliana cried out.

Rosette immediately enveloped her sister into her arms. Tightening her hold, Rosette buried her face into her hair as she also cried. Letting go of her own guilt and regret. The weight that she carried finally disappeared as the two sisters finally let go.

In the silence of the night, the moon looked on as a witness to a family that was slowly starting to repair the shattered bonds. However, for a family with so many layers of hatred and fear, this was only a small step in the long road of recovery and it was up to them if they wanted to stay on it.

When the tears subsided, Liliana smiled at her sister. A genuine smile that made her face hurt and heart soar. It was nice.

Rosette wiped a few wayward tears from her face before gesturing towards the forgotten tea. Taking a sip, Rosette looked at her sister. "So, care to explain why on earth I woke up one day and found your face plastered on a bounty poster?"

Liliana choked on her tea. Coughing, Liliana got a tissue and wiped her chin before staring wide-eyed at her sister. Liliana chuckled sheepishly, scratching her cheek. "About that."

Rosette merely leveled her with a hard stare. "I'm listening."

"Well, Luffy-He, er? I?" Liliana stuttered before sighing. Taking a sip of her tea to settle her nerves, she then looked up, conviction clear in her eyes. "I'm a Straw Hat Pirate now."

"Are you happy?" Rosette asked, tone serious as she observed Liliana with a critical eye.


Rosette chuckled before giving her a smile. "Then I'm happy."

Liliana sighed in relief as she took another sip. A small smile appeared, overjoyed at her sister's approval. She never needed anyone's approval to follow what she wanted but for the first time. She got her family's approval. Something she was deprived of since she was little.

Liliana then furrowed her brows, turning towards Rosette. "What are you doing in Water 7?"

"I was wondering when this question will pop up," Rosette said as she set her cup back on the table. "You see, I'm currently doing research with a renowned scientist. He is a person that is leagues beyond everyone else and the work I'm doing is of the utmost importance. It could answer so much that we don't know and he's my ticket to finding the answer." Rosette then tapped her finger on the table, a small frown appearing as she looked out the window. "Well-Him and one other. Currently, I was hoping to speak to Iceberg about this matter but I haven't had any luck so far."

"Iceberg?" Liliana's eyes widened in surprise. Remembering her encounter with Iceberg, a sudden realization for his reaction to meeting her.

Rosette tilted her head in confusion. "You've met Iceberg?"

Liliana nodded as she took another sip. "This morning actually but not for long because I had to leave and then-Then." Liliana's eyes saddened as she set the cup back on the table.

Rosette frowned, seeing her sister's dampening mood. Then she remembered how she met her wandering around on the streets in the middle of the night. "Now that I think about it, why were you wandering around the streets at night alone? Lils, did something happen?"

Liliana rapidly blinked the tears away, having grown tired of the constant crying. She then forced a smile on her face. "I just needed a moment to myself. You see we were all crammed into a small hotel room in town and the mood was stifling. Everything's fine."

Rosette gave her a suspicious look. "Lily, if there's anything."

Liliana shook her head, sighing. "Too much has happened today and I'm not in the mood to talk about it."

Rosette suddenly hugged her, smoothing down her hair. "Lily, remember this. No matter what happens everything will eventually right itself. The world may seem against you, but there will always be the sun in the places you're not looking. You just need to open your eyes and see."

"Thank you." Liliana brought her arms around Rosette and hugged her back. Blinking away the tears, Liliana smiled before finally releasing from the hold. Taking another sip of her tea, Liliana looked back at Rosette. "What did you hope to speak to Iceberg about?"

"That's classified," Rosette winked, "But what I can tell you is that it was rather important but he refused to speak about it. Even when I told him I was dad's daughter."

"He knew dad?" Liliana gasped.

"His mentor was dad's good friend," Rosette nodded as Liliana's eyes bulged out of its socket, "Small world isn't it? Well, anyway, I didn't manage to get anything and now I might never. My superiors suddenly called and said that I've run out of time and they have found another way. That's why I'm leaving tomorrow."

Liliana frowned slightly as Rosette smiled slightly. Tapping her on the chin to get her attention, Rosette gave her a wide smile. "Care to give this big sister of yours a proper farewell tomorrow?"

Liliana nodded, giving her a bigger smile. "Yes!"


With her bags packed beside, Rosette looked at the sea train that would carry her away from the island and to her next destination. With the light of the new day shining on the two sisters as they departed ways. This time on their own terms with a brighter story to tell for those around them.

Rosette turned towards her sister with a big smile on her face. "Well, this is it."

"Where are you going?"

"I can't say unfortunately but I can say that we're having a pit stop on the way there. A place called San Faldo-The City of Eternal Festivals. You should visit with your crew. I've heard some of the most renowned dancers perform there. It's a great spectacle."

"I've heard of it," Liliana nodded, remembering Kokoro's words before she smirked as she looked up at Rosette. "But that will all depend on what my captain wants. You know how he is."

Rosette chuckled, remembering their exuberant cousin fondly. "Oh, I know. He reminds me of dad in some ways with that unyielding smile of his. Tell him I say hi and I hope to see him again."

"I will."

Rosette smiled before placing a hand over Liliana's cheek as she committed those vivid violet eyes with so much hope to memory. She never wanted to see that light die but even she can see dark clouds churning. She has heard the reports.

He was on the move.

"Lily, listen to me," Rosette said, her eyes hardening, willing her little sister to heed her words. To commit them to her heart. To not do anything reckless. "You be careful here on out, you hear. He has been making strange moves lately, so you need to watch your back and trust that faith you have on your crew. Promise me."

Liliana stiffened before she nodded. Once, twice as she grasped her sister's hand tightly. "I promise."

Rosette stared into her sister's eyes. Those vivid violet hues that used to shine like sapphires before she gave her one last hug. "You worry me sometimes, Lils. Always so reckless but so determined. There is a reason why they say you take after mum more."

Curling her arms around her sister, Liliana blinked away the tears. "I'll miss you."

"You'll see me again. This isn't forever after all. Not again," Rosette smiled just as the train whistled, signaling its departure. Reluctantly, she let go before picking up her bags to step foot on the train before she paused. "I almost forgot something."

Liliana tilted her head in confusion before hastily catching something. Turning it over, Liliana saw it was a small brown box. Opening it, Liliana saw it was a compass but instead of the needle spinning like all compasses do on the Grand Line, it seemed to point in one direction. Liliana then looked at Rosette in confusion.

"In the case you ever wanted to find me, that compass will always point you to me. No matter where, you will always have me."

"How did you?" Liliana muttered in wonder.

Rosette giggled before placing her index finger in front of her lips. "It's a secret."

"All aboard! The train is about to depart Blue Station! Last Call!" The train conductor called as he whistled.

"I guess this is me," Rosette said before she boarded the train, "See you, Lily."

"See you, Rosie." With one last wave, the train left the station, leaving Liliana alone on the station. Liliana opened the box watching as the needle moved in the direction of the train before it disappeared. Liliana continued to watch the needle before she pocketed and left the station.

She was silent as she left. Stopping a few times to watch the compass before moving on. Checking to make sure it was doing its duty of following its master. Until finally, Liliana stopped checking it. Content in the way it faithfully did its job. Then, Liliana smiled-a small smile-but a smile nonetheless.

Maybe Water 7 wasn't as bad as she thought. Maybe as Rosette said-Everything was going to be ok.

Liliana walked through the streets of the city so she could reunite with her crew. She wanted to speak to Luffy. To share in the good news. Goodness knows that they needed good news after the hell they went through yesterday. With a slight skip in her steps, Liliana picked up the pace.

Brushing a strand of her hair away from her face, Liliana looked at the sky, noticing the strong gusts of wind and the darkening clouds as they rolled across the sky. She didn't have to be a top-notch navigator like Nami to read the tell-tale signs. "A storm must be approaching."

She then paused as she looked around her. Liliana's hackles rose as she looked at the deserted streets. "For a bustling water city it sure is quiet," she whispered as she looked around her in suspicion. "Too quiet."

Liliana blocked the saw, a red shield surrounding her. With a grunt, Liliana launched her attacker away from her. Then from the shadows, they all appeared, carrying various carpenter tools in their hands with vicious looks on the young girl. Some Liliana recognised were from the shipyard from that morning. Even the carpenter that escorted her back to the lower parts of the city was there. Except this time there was no kindness in his eyes. Instead it was replaced with fierce anger.

Liliana chuckled full of spite as she dusted the imaginary dirt off her hands. "I know I'm a pirate and all but don't you think this is a little much?" Liliana then gestured around her, a mocking smirk on her lips as her eyes flickered with red. "I at least deserve an explanation-Don't you think?"

"Don't play dumb, girl!" A shipwright snarled, his hands tightening on his saw, "Everyone knows what you pirates have done."

Liliana's eyes narrowed, her hands twitching. "Do tell?"

"The Straw Hat Pirates tried to assassinate our beloved mayor," That same carpenter from yesterday accused, "Now the Galley-La Shipwrights will show you no mercy to you and your friends."

Author's Note

Hello everyone!

How do you all like this chapter?

This chapter was mainly about Liliana's dynamics with her family and a little insight into her past. This chapter is also amping up for her own personal arc.

Also how do you like Rosette's character? Her character and motivations have been hinted but there will be more in the coming chapters.

We also have some healing in this chapter after the absolute angst fest in the lash chapter. The next chapter will be the final chapter in the Water 7 Arc so I'll be seeing you all next week!



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