The Keepers of Chaos: A Vault...

By Kronaeon

856 209 23

Unknown forces stir in the depths of Waterdeep, Dead gods, and fallen homes. The unsolved mystery of missing... More

Alekzandr Ikorov: I
Herod Westwood: II
Riu Astrial: III
Adleth: IV
Asher Exitium: V
Adleth: VI
Markos Amanodel: VII
Ammalia Cassalanter: VIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: IX
Riu Astrial: X
Adleth: XI
Alekzandr Ikorov: XII
Herod Westwood: XIII
Vaelle Lurval: XIV
Asher Exitium: XV
Markos Amanodel: XVI
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: XVII
Herod Westwood: XVIII
Riu Astrial: XIX
Adleth: XX
Alekzandr Ikorov: XXI
Donna Evergrove: XXII
Markos Amanodel: XXIII
Riu Astrial: XXIV
Asher Exitium: XXV
Ammalia Cassalanter: XXVI
Herod Westwood: XXVII
Asher Exitium: XXVIII
Riu Astrial: XXIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: XXX
Markos Amanodel: XXXI
Herod Westwood: XXXII
Adleth: XXXIII
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: XXXIV
Asher Exitium: XXXV
Vaelle Lurval: XXXVI
Alekzandr Ikorov: XXXVII
Markos Amanodel: XXXVIII
Riu Astrial: XXXIX
Herod Westwood: XL
Adleth: XLI
Asher Exitium: XLII
Ammalia Cassalanter: XLIII
Riu Astrial: XLIV
Alekzandr Ikorov: XLV
Vaelle Lurval: XLVI
Andraste Liadon: XLVII
Adleth: XLVIII
Asher Exitium: XLIX
Andraste Liadon: L
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: LI
Markos Amanodel: LII
Riu Astrial: LIII
Herod Westwood: LIV
Ammalia Cassalanter: LV
Adleth: LVI
Asher Exitium: LVII
Herod Westwood: LVIII
Markos Amanodel: LIX
Donna Evergrove: LX
Alekzandr Ikorov: LXI
Riu Astrial: LXII
Andraste Liadon: LXIII
Vaelle Lurval: LXIV
Adleth: LXV
Herod Westwood: LXVI
Asher Exitium: LXVII
Markos Amanodel: LXVIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: LXIX
Adleth: LXX
Riu Astrial: LXXI
Ammalia Cassalanter: LXXII
Asher Exitium: LXXIII
Vaelle Lurval: LXXIV
Estral Ever'reiyn: LXXV
Andraste Liadon: LXXVI
Herod Westwood: LXXVII
Riu Astrial: LXXVIII
Markos Amanodel: LXXIX
Herod Westwood: LXXX
Alekzandr Ikorov: LXXXI
Vestus Konstotte: LXXXII
Vaelle Lurval: LXXXIII
Adleth: LXXXIV
Markos Amanodel: LXXXV
Herod Westwood: LXXXVI
Andraste Liadon: LXXXVII
Rishall Callahan: LXXXVIII
Herod Westwood: LXXXIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: XC
Riu Astrial: XCI
Vaelle Lurval: XCII
Ammalia Cassalanter: XCIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: XCIV
Andraste Naïlo: XCV
Vestus Konstotte: XCVI
Adleth: XCVII
Riu Astrial: XCVIII
Markos Amanodel: XCIX
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: C
Alekzandr Ikorov: CI
Ammalia Cassalanter: CII
Vestus Konstotte: CIII
Adleth: CIV
Herod Westwood: CV
Markos Amanodel: CVI
Vaelle Lurval: CVII
Riu Astrial: CVIII
Adleth: CIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: CX
Markos Amanodel: CXI
Andraste Naïlo: CXII
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: CXIII
Herod Westwood: CXIV
Vestus Konstotte: CXV
Riu Astrial: CXVI
Markos: CXVII
Adleth: CXVIII
Vestus Konstotte: CXIX
Vaelle Lurval: CXX
Andraste Naïlo: CXXI
Adleth: CXXII
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: CXXIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: CXXIV
Riu Astrial: CXXV
Ammalia Cassalanter: CXXVI
Markos Amanodel: CXXVII
Vestus Konstotte: CXXVIII
Herod Westwood: CXXIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: CXXX
Adleth: CXXXI
Andraste Naïlo: CXXXII
Vaelle Lurval: CXXXIII
Riu Astrial: CXXXIV
Herod Westwood: CXXXV
Vestus Konstotte: CXXXVI
Alekzandr Ikorov: CXXXVIII
Riu Astrial: CXXXIX
Vestus Konstotte: CXL
Adleth Meliamne: CXLI
Vaelle Lurval: CXLII
Ammalia Cassalanter: CXLIII
Andraste Naïlo: CXLIV
Markos Amanodel: CXLV
Victoro Cassalanter: CXLVII
Vestus Konstotte: CXLVIII
Markos Amanodel: CXLIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: CL

Herod Westwood: CXLVI

1 0 0
By Kronaeon

Champion: CXLVI

"NOoOOO!" Herod screamed. He dropped his body over the edge of the cliff, staring down at Markos. For once he saw a twisted mixture of fear and pain in his friend's face. "Markos!" He could- Markos couldn't-


"..." His lips trembled. Markos hit the stone pavement below them. He clenched his eyes shut, finally taking a peek over the edge. A twisted mangled form, with a pale complexion, staring up at the ceiling. Bits of white bone were littered about the ground below, some of them connected to soft pink flesh covered in blood. Around the half-elf's head was a halo of blood resembling a crown painting the floor a bright red color. Herod searched, begging the gods to find some semblance of life. It wasn't meant to be. His eyes met dull grey sea green ones utterly devoid of life and filled with fear. Markos lay in a pool of his own blood. His brains smashed in, decorating the dirt with his caved skull fragments.

"Comrade!" He heard a voice scream behind him. Explosions echoed at his back his ears were filled with a ringing rage. Markos was dead. "Comrade please!"

'Herod he's behind you!'

"Caligo gradus.." His body folded into mist, He spun around appearing behind Victoro, his vision was blurry and his head was filled with bloody rage. "Puderis cornibus arboreis crimen!" An enormous hoof of energy exploded from the air crashing down on Victoro with green fury. Herod hit the ground delivering a rapid strike, while the lord swatted aside a spell being flung from Alekzandr. "VICTORO YOU BASTARD!" He roared, his blood was pounding in his ears, suddenly everything around him seemed small and dim nothing mattered. Markos.. Markos.. Fuck! He spun around, meeting the Lord's eyes mid-swing. "Contere sgrios quae càil cunnus!" Vulity ignited not in fire but a shattering swirling tornado spinning around his sword.


The two blades met, a shockwave pushed out from the joined pair. "Impressive. A shatter incantation combined with a booming blade and eldritch blast all fired at once? I didn't know a sad warlock as yourself could manage such a combination of magic." Victoro smiled humorously at him. The lord's face was matted with dirt, and covered in scratches. Clearly, Markos had done more than this monster wanted to let on. This wasnt right.. This.. he held back tears. No one else. No more! No more! he felt the itch in his brain, the hatred and anger, he would let no one else he cared for die! His mind flashed to his own childhood, to the death sentence he'd beaten, to Ant'tran and more. Death in all its forms, he would conquer it. 

Steadily meeting the priest's eyes Herod felt a fire ignite in his stomach. "That.. was a mistake." He growled, leaning into the hold.

"Why?!" Victoro cackled, Herod was shoved back, suddenly the strength this man had was too much to handle. 'Get in close.. And beat him to death!' He thought. The rapier was pulled back under the Lord's arm before it was shoved forward with blinding speed. "Do you have no one else left to die for you?"

"Ag!" He yelled swatting it aside the lord reposted instantly Herod rolled to dodge another attack but was soundly reposted over and over. "No..." He growled. "Because now I have no reason to hold back.." Every attack he attempted to get in manually would be rebuffed, his feet were faster, his power clearly on match, but his skill. He knew deep down his skill was for some odd reason, no contest. Victoro swung his sword like it was an extension of his arm.

'You can't beat him in swordsmanship!' Vulity protested. He ignored the teal fox.

"Vulity Mor irrumabo ceriorem, ventus!" Herod swung his sword delivering another holy eldritch blast. "Grace, Pluet in lìonadh caelo buille!" the sky opened with a hailstorm of vines and ice shards. His breaths were rapid and his was face twisted in anger he knew that. Victoro looked calm, but his eyes were clearly upset. This ritual needed to be completed. Soon. The Lord instantly pushed his sword against the teal blast knocking it away. That was possible? Herod lunged to the left in an attempt to avoid another strike, it was too late. Cold steel met his leg drawing blood like a leech. "A-" he bit his tongue to avoid crying out, no. This wasnt the time! Blast continued to sail from his left, Alekzandr never refusing to give up even while Victoro blocked them with his cane. He turned his pain into power rolling onto his back to avoid a second blow. "Inern Puderis-" He started.

"Fury kadz!" The Lord fired an incantation.

"Noi Arger." Herod finished his own. Firey force washed in his direction, like a tidal wave of flames, he was knocked onto his back. Herod brought Vulity up into his grasp feeling the scorching force touch his feet. "Ceriorem ventus-" He shot a whirlwind of force up splitting the flames down its center, his original incantation landed at the same time. Vine-like flames erupted over Victoro's body dealing the hellish rebuke taking on the image of stag antlers. "Take that, you bastard!" Herod backflipped onto his feet swinging his sword again he shouted another eldritch blast knocking Victoro away. "You... fucking.." He huffed several breaths unable to contain his own rage.

'Calm down Herod! We've got to beat him on a clear footing!' Vulity exclaimed.

"Are you angry?" The question caught him off guard. What? "Are you angry? Really. Are you angry? Do you have even the slightest clue what that half-elf was? The body's he's buried.. You are truly angry with me? In your mind, that boy was a cultist just like me if anything we both deserve to die in your brain, no?" He felt a little dizzy, Victoro's rambling was not entertaining. With a steady turn, Herod met the lord's eyes, they were full of confusion and disgust. "That thing. Was nothing, a gods meal which had long ago expired. What I did, really should be exactly what you wish to do to me. In fact, how can you possibly hate me more, Warlock? I am a cleric of Asmodeus, a noble. Lord Cassalanter high priest of Nessus's faith. But you want to kill me even more because I ended another cultist's life?"

"He was a friend.." Herod whispered. Victoro frowned. Doesn't know.. "You asked, if I had the slightest clue of what he was. I just told you. He was my best friend.. I'm just gonna kill you." He didn't mince any more words, Herod charged.

"Gryyl Fiamme colpiscono vujuly." The Lord's blade erupted into green flames.

"Pathetic." He flicked his wrist. "cuisle castitatis Puderi." Herod let off a pulse of strength, waves of energy shot out slamming Victoro against the walls behind him, cracking the building apart. Just one flick of his wrist. The Lord stood up shakily and charged.

Herod swung down meeting his sword in mid-combat, he beat against it over and over finding only his strikes to be blocked. Could he even use spells so close? Incantations were fine small things worked but right now he had nothing of substance besides straight up trying to stab him. "You seriously think you can beat me? Alone?!"

"He's not alone! Neznachitel'naya illyuziya!" Smoke melted on his left, Herod could have sworn he saw Riu's figure jump over Victoro before it was slashed to dust.

"An illusion? Really drunkard?!"

Behind him, Herod knew Alekzandr was having a hard time firing his gun. "Ventri Vuli." he faked a stab at Victoro's chest using the sudden momentum of a green eldritch blow to push him backward.

'Are you moonwalking?!' Vulity cackled. Maybe.. He slid on his feet gaining distance from Victoro, it was clear every strike he leveled was outmatched. Alekzandr appeared on his left. Reaching up Herod grabbed Segiri's bolt while he slid by pulling it back for the wizard.

"So! A bastard and a drunk, that's who's going to fight me." Victoro spun around his cane striking the crumbling balcony with it pushing a whirlpool of flames. Herod didn't miss a beat spinning around Alekzandr after the assist he rush back in.

*Shiveen* *Shiveen* *Shiveen*

He traded blow after blow being blocked and even oftentimes being stabbed. In the arms in the gut in the shoulder, every turn he couldnt find his mark. "Shut up! For the love of all that's freaking holy shut up! You insufferable slut! Grinding for power, climbing the world on top of the backs of your own kids! Just shut up!" He screamed getting another stab wound. They locked blades, rapidly Victoro raised his cane swinging it in a giant arc. There was nothing about this man which he did not hate. His own mother.. Had treated him like an outcast, a nothingness, and this man was just throwing away his kids? While claiming to be fighting for them?

'Herod block it!' Vulity filled his head.

Herod pushed Victoro away before they met again in the very next swing. The only reason he was even alive was because while the lord had overwhelming speed, he had even greater power. Though, it was clear if they were engaged one on one at the current pace he would lose. Agh! "Vulity..." He groaned finally gripping the sword with two hands he pushed in closer, igniting his sword with a silent booming blade.

"Prayer? Now? While you're locked in?" The priest laughed.

"Ceriorem.." He looked up with a grin leaning in with his sword. No, he didnt have to actually swing it.



*VreePoom* The Lord was sent spiraling backward straight into the wall, this time there was no blocking the eldritch blast. It was in direct contact with the stupid nobles' sword! The walls cracked apart sending dust and fragments all over the balcony Victoro's body spread out spitting a row of blood.

"GHAWA!" The Lord screamed in agony. "Miqut puwwudy." His cane shot a row of red pin-shaped demonic winged entities at Alekzandr, Herod reached out his hand but was too late, the blasts made contact throwing the soldier away. "Finally. Lets end this Warlock."

"Like you ended your own kids?!" He hadn't forgotten that. What this monster had done, or what this man had done to all of his friends.

"You can't stand against me warlock!" Victoro swung. Herod jumped back feeling energy swirl from Vulity, he looked down at the ground seeing the broken figure of Markos. Something broke in him.

'So the clock strikes eleven.. Let antlers be thy crown.'

"Omnia in pulverem converteris." He swung his sword letting spirals of green and teal energy burst forth forming a massive pair of stag horns his cape billowed in the wind when he jumped clear off the balcony. "Cauda fuga." His feet hit the air. The first spell hit burning the lord's cape into ash, the priest looked shocked. "See.. that's the thing.. Victoro. I'm not just a warlock." He grinned feeling power pulsate over him, his prayers to Puderis had succeeded. "I'm a champion." He pushed off the air itself flying at Victoro with blazing speed. Herod swung his sword wind pushed from them both throwing banisters off the walls. Could he afford to hold back any longer?

"You're still not very bright!" Victoro roared, the man reposted causing him to narrowly avoid another hit. Herod ducked away. Combining several incantations into his strike it felt as if the attacks were being thrown away by the wind itself.

"Up until now.. I haven't ever mixed any magic like this! Victoro.. You should be careful." He shook with more and more anger, his blade started to glow brighter. "I have to.." He decided. Herod reached up with his left hand doing something he swore he never would.

'No! You can't, you can't use that!' Vulity tried to beg him. Even Victoro looked shocked in fear for a second.

For the first time in four years, Herod gripped Vulity with two hands.

"Because if I'm being honest.. I don't even know how to control all my power." He crashed down from the sky wielding the sword crackling with lightning.

"Yirzm wmizzyr!" The rocks crashed together around him pulling up from the balcony like spikes trying to stab him. He leaped over them catching one small wound in the leg. He kicked Victoro in the chest spinning around they traded blades echoing across the battlefield in massive pings. He sent shockwaves of power rippling through the room. The floor itself began to be destroyed under everything he was using.

'Be careful! The blessing isn't complete!' Why the hell not? Was Puderis still waking up?! Green energy surrounded his sword, but his body felt vulnerable. Something Victoro seemed to notice.

"What is this?! Some half blessing? Some champion of a god! Die already, so I may rescue my children."

Herod had, had enough of it. He spun around, letting Victoro's sword glance off his cloak of protection his hands seem to light up with small silver gauntlets forming around them. Pointing Vulity at the wall behind Victoro he smiled. "Ventus." The fox spirit shot out at the wall jumping off of it and right into the Demon priest's back.

"Ah- what?!" Yeah. He could bounce the attack off things. Herod blocked another strike only for the mans eyes to flare up causing searing agony to spread across his own body. He grit his teeth in pain, knowing he didn't have a ton of spells left to use constant hellish rebukes. Herod backed up, getting another strike at his leg. Despite his burst of power, it was still the skill gap that separated them. He needed range, he needed to be close, to catch the guy off guard- the blessing. His brain worked overtime wondering just how far the blessing went.

He stood up straight holding Vulity out with one hand. Herod pictured it in his mind, the cage that was chastity, the effort he'd lent himself to, the death he planned to halt. Eternal life was something few understood, but now.. for Markos.. he cringed away tears in anger. Herod twisted his blade from an upright position rotating it ninety degrees until it faced the floor. "Cage death... Vulity." Air pressure shot from the blade, with green and teal power erupting around him transforming the sword itself into his eldritch power. 

"What.. on Toril.." Victoro halted for just a second whispering in fear. 

"Forima athtio crelens Vulity.." He started to picture it, a weapon that had been so descriptive and clear to him from Markos. The two swords met once again he needed a strike he needed- *CLA-Slit* The satisfying sound of flesh being torn into met his ears. Herod grinned in his two hands was a long polearm blocking Victoro's rapier. But segmented into the man's shoulder was a shallow cut, coming from the familiar green etched blade, only now it was long, curved, and sent in one direction.

"A scythe?!" Victoro roared.

"Yup!" Herod pulled back swinging over his head for another strike. Victoro was faster than he anticipated, the man raised his blade up for a block. "Forima athtio crelens." The staff melted in Herod's grip transforming into a dagger he pulled it in close with little effort. "Crelens." He chanted again. With the point aimed at Victoros chest, he felt a burst of energy but also something sapping at his arms. Vulity sprang out into a long spear.

"BL-a!" With a rapid strike, Victoro pushed him away pulling out the tip that was in him. "What the hell is this?!"

"The Crelens!" He offered like it was in any way helpful. His anger over Markos's death had fueled his power into its ultimate form. "Haven't you seen it? I've been holding it in front of you this whole time." Herod backed away, with an outstretched arm he offered Vulity shattering the image around her. In his palm, by the scruff of her neck, he showed off the blue three tailed fox.

'A little embarrassing! Let's kill him! Screw the whole blessing we can do it now!' She was wrong. He knew that even with the Crelens he could feel it sapping his bones. He needed to get the leg up on the priest, just a bit. He was evenly matched now, no matter how much skill the fuck had, he had even more power. Victoro stumbled back, with one expression in his eyes. Terror.

"My hexblade is a fucking god. You think it's stuck as a long-sword?" He smirked. Wind gathered around his body, he set Vulity into a long sword once again, feeling the power he'd summoned. This was its next form, something he shouldn't have been able to access for so much longer. But right now, the blessing made it possible. Something rested on his head, he felt his cloak begin to shift and change. He knew his sword's name. "Vinculum castitatis, Vulity."

"It's not enough." Victoro took a ready stance. "Come and die." His claims didnt match his tone. Victoro was scared.

He pulled Vulity back and charged. Victoro countered going in for a stab. Shield. He twirled his blade letting it melt into a large shield which the attack bounced off of. Spinning around he flicked it into a short sword. "Sicut ventus finalis, stampedo utor!" He mixed magic together air blew past him Victoro stabbed his stomach making him spit blood, but not before a massive hoof of force hit the lord in the face. It was a shallow cut, not even half an inch deep. This bastard killed Markos, he was going to make him feel pain beyond anything he'd ever seen.

"Agh! You're annoying I give you that!" Victoro slashed at his chest. Herod spun pointing Vulity at the ground he used an eldritch blast to shoot into the air, his fly spell was still active. Herod jumped over firing another mixed incantation at the lord.

"You fucking killed Markos!" His tears couldnt be held back anymore, the rage he was masking with arrogance and excitement was starting to bubble to the top. He didn't want to show off anymore. He wanted to kill him. Herod hit the ground cracking the stones apart, with a rough thrust he shot more lightning. It wasn't even simple force anymore around him. The stones crumbled to dust rising in the air Victoro began to try and fight hundreds of small blasts being sent his way. With each step forward Herod splinntered the ground as if he was a hundred thousand times heavier, it wasn't his weight though, it was the gravity of his own strength.

"Qraflv uz idd!" His electric storm was caught by the Lords' sword and sent into the dirt. Images flashed through his mind, the time he'd picked up Vulity, the power he commanded. Was it all useless if he couldnt even protect his friends?

"Stop embarrassing yourself. You threw away your family. You're nothing to me." Herod sprang a spear out slicing the lord's forehead, before he could be countered he effortlessly spun around using bits of lighting to move even faster around the bastard stabbing him with a sword, then an axe.

"DAMNIT! OFF!" Victoro raged. The Lord jumped back from his strikes landing near the archway at the balcony. His sword was now in his left hand and the black cane in his right. "Oeyl vorv ky karl!" The Lord with hatred in his snarl struck the ground with his cane. Two large red circles formed out of mist behind the priest. "You had trouble with just three of them.. So how will you-" The portals spilled out a grasping clawed hand. Two- no three.. Or.. five?! Five devils crawled out of the portals, two of them spined. One was a bearded devil another was a winged red imp. The next was gortesuqe and made of nothing but bone and dragon fly wings. Its spat horrific acid and more. A bone devil. "It took a while to conjur but-"


Blood sprayed across the walls above them, Victoro roughly hit the archway knocking the wind out of his lungs. Smoke and dust rose from the dead carcasses on the ground. Herod jumped to his left spinning Vulity into a scythe once again he thrusted the blade through the side of the bone devil's head ripping it apart. "Caelum pierer lunam nèamh a 'gearradh cabar." He spun his blade around his head slicing down with two hands sending an attack meant to cut the moon in half at the spined devils. The heads landed at his feet. He glanced back to Victoro who was thrusting at him with deadly accuracy. He looked angry.

"ARGH!!" Another strike cut his chest, damnit! Herod felt pain run through his arm where he was holding Vulity, accessing the Crelens like this was dangerous. Fuck! Why couldnt he match this man in skill? "I can see it. You rely on your strength, your power! But what do you have besides that?" Victoro's sword became too fast to handle. The mixture of spells started to burst with so much force the archway behind the lord was crumbling apart.

"Omnem meretricem conculcet et eius centrum adurat!"


His sword was sent to the side the incantation he just made exploded a pillar behind him with one strike. He never trained properly. In all reality, he didn't know how to swing a sword the right way, Markos was his first time actually having to spar with someone in close range. Now fighting Victoro a man consumed with so much power and strength, but most of all skill.. He was pushed back narrowly avoiding strikes and blows, trying his damndest to gain an upper hand. Alekzandr was on the ground.. Riu was breathing.. He didn't know the state of Adleth or Vaelle. Vestus may have been dead.. And Markos.. He'd used thunder step to get there, to help him. And now..

"You killed Asher! Your cult. Our friend. Markos wasn't the first you robbed from us!" He still remembered Asher, damnit what would that stupid fucking overpowered big-mouthed mercenary do? "Estral Ever'reiyn's blood is on you! And this stupid pointless cult! If you hadn't gotten greedy or wanting all of this could have been avoided you bitch!"

"Greedy?! I rebuilt my home!" Victoro's eyes flashed in anger. "Your friend killed over a hundred of my cultist! My best swordsman. And so many others! He deserved the death he got. The Ever'reiyn line is done! Now join them!"

He switched Vulity into a hammer cracking the floor using dust to blind Victoro, he jumped back swinging another Eldritch blast. "Agh!" He spat out blood with another stab wound getting him.

'I'm working on it! B-but the Crelens is draining your body!' Vulity cried, yeah.. Well.. he needed it a bit quicker. Screw it. He rushed in swinging his sword with a divine smite, he only had a few of them left but it was now or never.

*Shiveen* *VreePoom* *Shiveen*

"You're slowing down warlock, lets finish this." Victoro lunged.

He struck over and over, still never really breaching the man's defenses. Switched to a knife, then a sword, finding mild success in getting shallow blows. 'Fuck it, I need as much help as possible.' He thought. "Puderis.. Vulity.. Licceral.." He started to pray both out loud and silently, please oh please. He needed help he could kill worthless demons but not this stupid fuck! Were they seriously evenly matched? After all that? He just needed one tiny leg up. "Fucking Hephestus, Dionysus, Selune! Oh for god's sake, Cthulhu you big squid! Nyarlathotep! Give a man a hand?! Fuck it! Hey Ares! I heard Asher's dead wanna help?!" His senses opened up, he saw the faint being thrown his way and tossed it aside easily. Shit that was lucky. Herod traded blows getting in a solid strike. Herod's vision turned red. He spun around dancing in circles to avoid getting hit anymore, his body felt tired and worn out. After all that? He had gained the blessing of Puderis even if it was still forming, unveiled Vinculum castitatis, and used the crelens. Still, he couldnt win?!

*Shiveen* *Shiveen* *Shivseeshnk* *Shicsseeshnk* *Evcsseeshnk*

The ringing sound of blows was constant, his vision only got more and more engulfed with the red color of blood. Damnit! Damnit! Why- wait.. He spun around gliding his hand through the air like it his blade was weightless, he paired away three more strikes, throwing an eldritch blast square into Victoros chest.

"Ar- What.. the hell.. Is.." Victoro gasped for breath when he hit the wall, his free black hair spread out like birds wings, his body clearly trembling. "What on Toril are you wearing on your face?" The Lord demanded. Herod wasn't sure what he meant.

"Contere sgrios quae càil cunnus!" His voice seemed to reverberate and sound.. Off. Like something else was mixed in, his sense was so alert he felt as if he could hear the rolling of sweat. The attack came down with a crackle of lightning, wind swirling around it. He combined spells like it was nothing else. Suddenly he began to push Victoro back. Shoving the lord further and further back. Every strike became obvious, every blow was easy to counter.

"Colpiscono vujuly wpuzy!" Divine red energy surrounded the Lord's sword, but it did nothing. Herod grinned swatting it aside with his own sword. "What- What is this blessing?!" Red power crackled around Herod, he felt the presence of Puderis fade in more and more. Whatever it was it was giving his blessing time to come into effect. "What is this mask you're wearing?!" Herod could see it now, just barely, coming up in his peripheral vision. It was a few inches from his eyes, red energy swirled with a black center, it rested on him made from pure energy. Every strike he threw felt familiar and reminiscent. Herod jumped back away from Victoro's raging inferno of divine fury which the lord struck the ground with sending shockwaves of fire. He slid off the balcony using his spells to ensure he could keep flying. Left. huh? Herod stuck his left hand out instinctually, as something had taken over him. He looked over catching an elven shortsword in his palm. It was gilded with silver on the edge and gold on its back, fitted with a ring for easy movement. Adleth's sword? He grinned and jumped off the air for a second time. This time, however, the blows were far from even.

'Kill the whore!' Vulity for once since the start sounded enthusiastic. Herod jumped off the walls, somersaulting over Victoro to deliver another strike. He twisted the two blades in hand like it was second nature pushing the lord further back against the walls.

"Vulity Mor irrumabo ceriorem, ventus!" Herod used a holy Eldritch blast. He felt rage, sorrow, fear, and shock all at once. Power filled every muscle fiber he had, it was like someone downloaded decades of experience straight into his mind. *Evcsseeshnk* He threw another strike, tearing Victoro's chest open with blow after blow. It was child's play.

"What is that mask?!" Victoro demanded once again. The odd war-filled blessing engulfed him in energy. He was not just pushing Victoro back, he was decimating the priest. "Answer me, bastard! Warlock of a nameless deer, you think you can fucking do this?! I have spent years!" The priest looked disheveled and terrified. Every hurl of suits and strikes seemed vain and half-baked, his hair was cut above the shoulders now, a quick addition Herod had made. "Years practicing and working to perfect this plan! I won't be killed by a fucking bastard child!" *Evcsseeshnk* The music the swords made sounded so familiar but he couldn't place its origin. He tossed Victoro's blow aside and kicked him in the chest. With both swords, he brought them crashing down letting the strike of witch bolts radiate onto the man's body.

"I'm not just a bastard." He spat blood, his voice vibrating, not on its own, but with something else. This was the advantage he needed. Markos had done little to injure the lord, leaving him to fight all alone. But now, he could win. "I'm the champion of Puderis, and you killed my friend.

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