How to Date an Asshole

بواسطة AlanisKorali

466K 20.4K 2K

Like most people, Lauren had a big crush on a celebrity when she was a teenager. Unlike most people, she met... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 51

5.2K 237 18
بواسطة AlanisKorali

Chapter 51

"Hey, Noelle," I greeted as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Sup, Laure? Everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course." Big lie. "I just want to ask if you're back in the game?"

"Xan, be careful!" she yelled at a distance. "Sorry about that, she's reaching for a book on the shelf."

"I didn't know she could read already."

"No, she's just looking at the pictures. What was your question again?"

"If you're back in the events business."

"Oh, that. Yeah, I've started accepting bookings last month. Nothing's near to date though."

"Oh, great."

"Why? Do you need me to plan something?"


"Ooooh, interesting. What is it?"

"An engagement."

She coughed as if she choked on something.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she coughed. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm just surprised." She exhaled, short of breath, "Do Mom and Dad know about this?"

"No. But before your brain goes haywire, let me clarify that it is not my engagement. Actually, scratch that, we're still planning for the proposal."

"Oh my God. Is it Axel?"


"Then who is it?"


"Oh my God! I called it."


"I called it. I called it. I called it! You're in a relationship with Hailey. I told Mom that you two were too close to be just best friends. I called it."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Why does everyone think I'm a lesbian? I just told you the party isn't for me. It's for Hailey! Josh is proposing to her."


"Why would you think I have any interest in girls? I had boyfriends."

"Who am I to assume you're straight?"

"My sister?!"

"Well, whatever."

"Eh? You know what, never mind. I just need to know if you can commit to that, I need to tell Josh."

"Of course, of course! Anything for Hailey."

"Okay, good."

"Well, when is it?"

"On thanksgiving."

"That soon?"

"Yeah. I'll send you all the details that Josh and I have talked about. Don't call Josh for questions though, call me. We can't have Hailey suspect anything."

"Okay, understood. I'll wait for the file."

"Alright, I'll send it later."

"Uh-huh. I'll just call the sitters for a while to check their schedules too."

"Okay then. Talk soon."


Before I get to say bye, she already dropped the call. Classic.

I sat by the window and looked at the life happening outside these walls. Birds flew by, leaves swayed with the wind, people walked on the sidewalk, and cars honked from a distance.

I tried to focus on each element, but my mind always finds a way to drift back to the events of last night. It's all blurry now, but somehow, I can't seem to shake away the feeling of guilt and the ever-present thought of misjudgment. Had I overreacted? Was I wrong about everything? Have I been irrational? These were the same thoughts that kept me awake last night.

I was restless and deprived of sleep, but when Hailey called me at the break of dawn, I couldn't refuse. She told me that the Instagram follow made it to the tabloids. With headlines containing "Instagram official" and "Axel's new girl", I guess we got the traction we wanted. It's all rumors, of course, and they aren't at all true, but it buys us a small amount of time and that's good enough. Katie must be screaming with madness.

My phone pinged, catching my attention.

"Good morning. ❤️" an Instagram message from Axel appeared.

Now, this is the part I hate the most.

"Good morning," I replied.

A text message appeared, "No hearts?! 🤕💔"

"Can we not go overboard with the emojis?"

"But they look cute. 🥺"

An Instagram message popped up, "What are we up to today?"

I texted him, "What do you mean? We aren't up to anything today. I have somewhere to be."

Another DM appeared, "Don't mull over it too much."

"I'm not," I replied.

"Okay, then I'll just swing by and pick you up."

I texted, "Excuse me?"

He texted back, "See you later. 😉"

Oh no, no, no. I got up to my feet as fast as lightning and got myself ready. If I'm not here, then where would he find me? And even if he's already driving, with New York traffic, I doubt he'll be here in fifteen minutes. Ha! You're a genius, Lauren.

I finished getting ready in record time and was happy that Axel wasn't around when I locked my apartment.

I stood by the elevators, grinning jubilantly as I wait for the elevator to come up.

Finally, it dinged and the doors slowly opened. Revealing a very much relaxed Axel James.


"Oh, here you are!" he greeted. "I didn't think you'd be ready, but that's good. Let's go?"

"Uh-uh," I stepped back.


The elevator doors began to close and I ran towards the staircase.

"Wait!" he yelled.

I didn't know if he got trapped inside the elevator or if he was running after me. I couldn't hear footsteps, but I would not dare look back to slow my pace.

When I reached the second-floor stairs, he's at the end of the staircase.

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath and turned to go up again.

"Lauren!" he grabbed my elbow and I almost fell but he caught me by the small of my back preventing the fall.

I turned my head and our noses almost touched.

"Why are you running from me?"

"Let me go."

He did and I rose, fixing my stature.

"I'll take that as a thank you."

I took a deep breath and accepted my fate, "Why are you here?"

"I told you I'll pick you up."

"I didn't say you should. You don't know where I'm going anyway."

"Well, that can easily be fixed if you tell me."

"You think you're so smart?"

"Oh, come on now, let's stop with these games. We need to keep a united front, remember?"


"So? Where are you off to?"

I walked the steps ahead of him. "The jeweler's."

"Really? Odd but okay, let's go."

"Wait, what do you think you're doing?"

"We're going to the jewelry store?"

I chuckled, "We're not going to the jewelry store. I am going to the jewelry store. I didn't tell you to come with me."

"Oh, come on, let me come with you. I'm already here. How bad can it be?"

"Uh, let's see..." my finger tapped my temple. "I'm going to buy an engagement ring."

"An engagement ring?"


"Who are you engaged to?"

My brows raised as I try my best to suppress a laugh. "The love of my life."

"The love of your life?" he guffawed. "You can't fool me. You just broke up with Dean last night."

"Who told you I broke up with him?"

"I have ears, you know? I heard it from you."


"So that means you're a single pringle."

"Oi, don't get any ideas. The can is closed."

"But is it sealed?"

My face turned sour. "Alright, enough with the puns. That is inappropriate," I swatted my hand across his chest and walked further away from him.

He chuckled, "Hey, hey, I'm sorry. I was just curious. Okay, so if it's not Dean, then who is it? Do I know him?"


He was taken aback, words failing to come out, then he whispered, "Is it a 'her'?"

I shrugged and walked ahead.

"Lauren? Lauren!"

I stopped and turned. "What?"

"Is it true?" His face was etched with questions and confusion and utter disbelief.

If he was a cartoon character, question marks would be flying around his head, eyes comically enlarged, and mouth stretched to the floor.

I stared at his face until I can't hold it in any longer.

"Pffft," my laugh came out in pursed lips.

He exhaled. He was pissed off.

"You think it's funny?"

"Come on, it was a little funny, you should've seen your face," my laughter continued.

I knew he was pissed and I was waiting for him to tell me off or storm out, but what he did next surprised me.

He laughed. He laughed with me.

"Okay," he said catching his breath. "Where are you really going?"

I calmed myself down before speaking. "I told you. I'm going to the jewelry store to buy an engagement ring."

"Well, I know you're not engaged. So, what or who, is it for?"

I leaned closer and whispered, "It's for Hailey."

"Your best friend?"

"Yes. Her boyfriend asked me to pick out her ring."

"Oh. Well, then it's a good thing I'm coming with you."

"Who says you'll come with me?"

"Oh, come on," he grumbled out. "Let me come with you. Besides, I can help you with this. I have good taste. We'll find her the best one."

"Yeah, the best one in the budget."

"What's the budget?"

I leaned closer and whispered it in his ear.

He nodded slowly. "I can work with that."

"You better."

He smirked then walked with me on the way out.

* * *

My hand rested on the car door handle as I thought twice before going out.

"Are you gonna come with me inside?"

"Of course."

I winced, "Are you sure? Because I don't think it's your kinda thing. You know it could be very very boring."

He chuckled, "You're not getting out of this one that easily, Grant."

I exhaled, defeated, "Alright. But I don't want whiny meddlers when I shop."

"What am I? A toddler?"

"Well, you act that way sometimes."

He squinted, "Well, I won't. Okay?"

I clicked my tongue, "I'll believe it when I see it." I pulled the handle and went out of the car.

"Welcome to Knot & Gold. I'm John. How can I help you today?"

"Hi, I'm looking for an engagement ring."

"That's great, we have the finest options in the city. If you could please fol-" his mouth parted and his lashes batted slowly in awestruck and disbelief then his eyes followed the man who just walked in. "Axel James." He stepped out of the counter and greeted Axel personally.

"Hey," Axel smiled, making his way next to me.

"How can I help you, Mr. James?"

"Oh, we're, uh," he raised a brow at me. "We're looking for an engagement ring."

The salesman's eyes widened then looked at me. "You two are together?"

I cleared my throat, "We came here together."

"Yes," Axel moved closer. "Now, can we take a look at those rings?"

Something seemed to have caught up in his throat. He looks shocked but still managed to get the words out. "Of course. This way, follow me."

He led us to the back and showed us a plethora of rings nestled on the island display.

"Have a look."

My eyes skimmed the pieces but decided to start inspecting from the top. There were rings made of gold, some of silver, and seldom in rose gold. Different stones and gems rested on neat prongs with bands engraved with intricate details.

"They're all so beautiful," I said under my breath.

"Yes, they are, but I've got my sights on one."

"Where?" I raised my head to see where he's looking, but he seemed to have looked up too.

"Where?" he repeated. His brows raised at me. "Well, uh," he cleared his throat, "let me check again." He concentrated on the rings below. "Uh, okay, okay. How about that one?"

"Excellent choice, Sir. Do you want to have closer look?"


The salesman pulled out a key and opened the glass enclosure. He then carefully picked out an oval diamond ring with rhinestones on the gold band.

"Wow, that's beautiful."

"Please. Try it out."

"Oh, no, no."

He gave the ring to Axel, "Put it on your fiancée, Mr. James."

"Oh, I'm not-" Axel's brows raised at me, warning how it'll be a larger issue if we try to explain everything. "We're not- I mean it's just not my type. Why don't we look for something a little simpler?"

"Okay, how about that one?" Axel pointed at a round diamond on a simple gold band. The salesman picked it out then handed it to me.

I held the ring eye-level and examined its details.

"What do you think?" Axel asked next to me.

"I think this one's perfect."


"Yeah. It's simple but elegant and classic."

"Do you want to try it on, Ma'am?"

"Oh, no, please, I shouldn't."

"Why shouldn't you? C'mon, let's fit it." Axel snatched the ring from my fingers and took my hand.

He slowly rolled in the ring on my ring finger.

Something about the small gesture made the air feel thick.

"Beautiful," the salesman said and it brought me back to my senses.

Axel let my hand go and scratched the back of his head. "Alright, let's, uh, pay for it?"

"Yeah," I said as I removed the ring and gave it to the salesman to wrap.

"Alright, where to next? Do you have a cake tasting or something?" Axel said as soon as we got out of the shop.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm still preparing for the proposal, not the wedding. Not yet at least."

"Uh-huh, don't you think it's a little premature for the maid of honor duties?"

"At this rate, I don't know if I'm playing maid of honor when I'm doing the best man's work."

He chuckled, "You know I could play the best man today."


"And you know what usually happens between the best man and the maid of honor."

I laughed feeling the air come from deep within my lungs. "Yeah, right."

He smirked, "It's true, isn't it?"

"You wish."

"I'll take my chances."

I shook my head, "Come on, I'll look for a good engagement gift."

"Is that a thing?"

"For Hailey, it would be. Being prepared never hurt."

"Okay, let's go then."

I checked out several shops before settling on a couple's journal. It has a list of things to do together as a couple and I thought it'd be a fun activity for both of them.

Axel, on the other hand, thought different. He said engagements are magical and so the gifts should also be magical. Who would've thought he'd think that way?

He ended up buying a gift too just to prove his point. And a fancy one at that!

We went to a winery and had them pull up a good quality wine. He also had them make personalized cups. Talk about all-out.

"After that, what do you think you could gift them at the wedding?"

He shrugged, "Something from their registry, I guess."

I opened the car door.

"Wait," his hand rested on top of his car door.


"So, you're saying I'll be invited to the wedding?"

"No, I didn't say that."

He frowned, unbelieving, "Whatever you say," he entered the car.

My mouth opened in disbelief. When I entered the car, he was already fastening his seatbelt. "I cannot invite you. It isn't my wedding. Although..."

His brows raised, "I'll be your plus one?"

"Ha, dream on."

He pouted.

"Although if it was my wedding,"


"Hm, let me think. Yeah, no, I wouldn't invite you."

He laughed.

And laughed.

Almost too much.

"I don't think it was supposed to be funny."

He evened his breath and faced me. "If it was your wedding, I wouldn't need to be invited."

"Damn right, you wouldn't be."

"But I'd be there."

"What, you're gonna gate crash or something?"

"Yeah, or something."

"Whatever." was all I could say just to dodge the onslaught of snide remarks.

He just chuckled then drove away.

We were driving on the way home when the console rang a phone call.

"My manager," he said before clicking accept. "Hey, Peter, what's up?"

"Hey, man, where are you?" He said in a hushed voice.

"I'm on the freeway."

He exhaled, "Oh, good, you're on the way."

"On the way to where?"

"Are you kidding me? How could you forget?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, is it our anniversary, honey?"

"Man, come on!"

"Chill, I was just tryna lighten the mood."

"Well, it's not funny. I have been covering for your ass for the past hour. I was calling you but it said you can't be reached. Where have you been?"

"Nowhere that concerns you."

"I hate to break it to you, Axel, but as your manager, it does concern me and it is my business."

"Okay, okay. What are you talking about anyway? Spill it out, I'm already driving."

"You really can't remember?"

"Yeah, maybe I'll hire someone to remind me of my appointments. Oh, wait, that's your job."

"But I did remind you."


"I just went over this with you last night. How could you forget?"

"Oh," Axel stopped. "About that. Yeah, I may have been dosing off."

I shook my head as I clicked my tongue.

"Alright, you win. Where should I go?"

"To the orphanage. They've been hounding me since I got here."

"Oh right!" He glanced at me, "But I-"

"No buts, Axel. You need to be here now. They're already waiting for you."

He looked at me not knowing what to do.

I glanced at the clock. He wouldn't make it on time if he'll drop me home first.

I nodded and mouthed, "It's okay."

"Are you sure?" He whispered.

"Hello?" Peter said.

I raised two thumbs up.

He smiled. "Okay, we'll be there."

"Wait, we?" Peter asked as Axel tapped end call.

"Whoops. Well, then I guess he'll lose his mind that you came with me."

"No. I'll stay in the car."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'll stay in the car while you do your thing."

"It was a rhetorical question, Lauren. That's nonsense. You won't stay in the car, you'll come with me."


"You're not some dirty little secret, okay? Besides, we already follow each other on Instagram, that calls for friendship, right? It shouldn't be a big deal."

"Acquaintanceship," I corrected.

"Is that even a word?"

"Yeah, I guess? I mean I'm pretty sure."

He doesn't look convinced. I don't even know if I could convince myself either.

But he didn't disagree or even made a big fuss out of it anymore and just said, "Okay."

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