Always Us

By LilFluffy419

311K 6K 2.4K

One shots of Spencer James and Olivia Baker mostly taking place in their adult lives. More

welcome home
morning buns
missed facetimes
happy birthday
anxious thoughts
daddy duties
locked out
championship high
honeymoon bliss
game on
twenty-four hours
tiny dancer
full house
coach james
mile high
stress relief
merry christmas
pretty lights
dinner chaos
temper tantrum
another woman
broken records
broken records pt. ii
night interrupted
boredom bites
childs play
home alone
snack break
balcony breakfast
big bank
happy wife
crisis control
malibu canyons
take care
pesky plans
6am lectures
pool days
new roommate
open practice
the newlyweds
attention hogs
family reunion
heavy mind
big milestones
midnight snack
time capsule
minor adjustments
field trip
worlds apart
date night
off season
wedding season
welcome home pt. ii
no boys
boys day
the agreement
not toys
bad news
sick snuggles
never alone
newspaper camp
hang up
early mornings
bedtime routines
press conference
becoming official
family business pt. i
family business pt. ii
united front
mini me pt. i
mini me pt. ii
mini me pt. iii
almost midnight
her happiness
breakup interlude
mr. handyman
evening stroll
valentine's day
everyday moments
runaway love
sister's keeper
good enough
slow sundays
at 3:35am
brown eyes
surprise surprise
spring break
young lovers
stolen memories
for you
home bound
home bound pt. ii
happy birthday pt. ii
stage five
stage five pt. ii
olivia's favorite
all nighter
sister's keeper pt. ii
big deal
study marathon
sit still
championship high pt. ii
team player
surprise visit
sunday afternoon
secret keepers
first game
holiday party
separation preparation
baby woes
first born
going slow
faded wounds
snack break pt. ii
chance encounters
utter confusion
morning champ
another one
harsh realities
back home
drunken consequences

terrible two's

3K 55 13
By LilFluffy419

"What do we do with it?" Spencer turned to Olivia.

"Don't look at me, it was your idea," Olivia shot a look at him even though they were sitting in the dark.

"Sorry," he muttered.

After a few minutes of silence, Olivia felt his hand make contact with her thigh.

"What are you doing?!" she whispered, slapping his hand away.

"I don't know. I figured might as well have some fun while we wait," he shrugged.

"I'm never having sex with you again," she scooted away from him, hitting her head against an open drawer, "ow, fuck."

Spencer chuckled, trying not to be too loud.

"I'm serious."

"Okay, I believe you."

"How do you think we got here?"

"I don't know you seemed pretty into it when you were moaning faster, daddy, ugh right there. cum in me," he mocked her, his voice getting higher and shaky as he went on.

"One day you're going to wake up and you're going to be missing some body parts."

"Okay, too far."

"It's been 30 minutes. We haven't heard anything in 10. I say we investigate," Olivia suggested.


"You go first," she demanded.

Spencer got up and slowly opened the door to their walk-in closet, the natural light flooding in. He offered his hand to Olivia to help her up.

"I can get up myself," she grabbed a drawer handle to pull herself up.

"Okay," he laughed.

Spencer led the way out of the closet, stepping quietly. He checked around the room, trying to find the reason for their hiding. His shoulders relaxed when he spotted their son sleeping on the floor, his arm stretch out under their bed.

"I think the coast is clear," he whispered back to Olivia.

"Finally, I - "


"Lord, have mercy," Olivia u-turned quickly back into the closet, leaving Spencer alone to deal with his offspring.

"Toy," Jackson pointed desperately under the bed.

Reaching under the bed, Spencer grabbed the toy car in one hand while scooping his son up with the other.

"How about we take a nap, huh? Doesn't that sound fun?" he suggested, carrying Jackson to his bedroom.

"No!!!!" Jackson screamed, not stopping for 30 seconds straight. He wiggled himself out of Spencer's grip, the rug breaking his fall. Unfazed, he got up and ran down the hall.

"Get out!" Sienna yelled and slammed the door after shoving her little brother out of her room.

"Olivia's gonna kill me," he muttered, going after Jackson.

"No slamming doors, please!" Spencer reminded her, opening her door back up.

When Jackson turned two last month, Spencer and Olivia thought they were prepared. After their first go around with Sienna, they knew what to expect. Or so they thought. Apparently, Jackson decided that the terrible two's were overrated and decided to take it up a notch. The terrorizing two's was a more fitting name for what Spencer and Olivia were now dealing with.

Even with the door closed, Olivia could hear the conversation throughout the house loud and clear. As annoyed as she was, she felt blessed to have Spencer here to help manage the chaos. For someone who ran around yelling and dodging tackles for a living, he was extremely calm when it came to their children.

Olivia heard soft steps coming her direction, signaling that her alone time was coming to an end. At this point, she could recognize everyone's walking in the house, and she knew exactly who was after her. The door swung open, revealing her mini-me, voluminous curls framing her doll face.

"What are you doing in here?" her daughter stared at her.

"Um, mommy was just cleaning some things out."

"In the dark?" 

"Oh, no wonder I couldn't find that shirt. Here it is," Olivia laughed, picking up the first blouse she saw.

"You're hiding from Jackson," she accused, it was more of a statement than a question. One thing their daughter wasn't, was stupid.

"Ok, maybe mommy just needed a teeny break," Olivia held up her hands in defeat.

"When can we send him back?" Sienna questioned, not an ounce of emotion in her voice.

"It doesn't work like that, baby girl," Olivia sighed, grabbing her daughter's hand and sitting her down in her lap.

"Well I wish it did."

"He's still young and figuring out how to handle his emotions. He's not too good at that yet, so we have to be patient with him, and help him out. But the most important part is that he's your brother, and you love him," Sienna gave her a look suggesting otherwise, "and you'll always have each other's back, like built-in best friends," Olivia smiled, hoping at least part of her speech left an impression on Sienna.

"Was I that bad?"

The question caught Olivia off-guard, she didn't want to compare her children, but she couldn't lie, "um, not quite."

"Good. I love you, mommy," Sienna flung her arms around Olivia, resting her head on her mother's chest.

"I love you, too, baby girl," Olivia hugged her back tightly, cherishing the affection. Now that Sienna was seven, the hugs were becoming less and less frequent.


After spending some time with Sienna in her room, Olivia made her way downstairs to check on Spencer and Jackson. She snorted when she found Spencer lounging on the couch throwing a ball against the wall as Jackson ran back and forth trying to follow it.

"Dad hack," Spencer smirked at her.

On the next throw, Spencer missed the ball when it bounced back at him and it landed by the bookshelf.

"Bring the ball to daddy," he called as Jackson ran after the bouncy ball.

"He's not a dog," she stared in amusement.

"If this works, then it works. You want to try something else?"

"Nope," she crawled up against him, her hands rubbing up on his shirtless chest, "you're kind of sexy when you're in dad mode, you know that?"

Spencer raised an eyebrow at her, "you're giving me whiplash, woman."

"Just thankful to have you," she rested her head on his chest, her eyes following their son running in circles. She smiled feeling Spencer pressed his lips on top of her head.

"What do you want for dinner?" he asked. Now that he was back on her good side, he wanted to stay there.

"Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do," Olivia rolled her eyes, "but some steaks sound good."

"You got it," Spencer rubbed his hand down her back, settling it on her ass. This time she didn't object.

The moment was short-lived once Jackson ran into the bookshelf. Explosive tears started as he flung himself to the ground dramatically.

"Come here," Olivia picked him up and cradled him against her.

"And then you wonder why he won't stop crying," Spencer shot at her, getting up to get started on dinner.

She ignored the critique and sat down with her baby, kissing his forehead and rubbing his back as his sobs slowed down.


Later at the dinner table, the two parents were dealing with their second meltdown of the evening, fifth of the day. Jackson, lover of carrots, had suddenly decided that he no longer liked the orange vegetable and was throwing his food at the center of the table. 

"I got this," Sienna told her defeated parents as she got up to stand next to her brother's booster seat.

"Food is for eating, Jax. Not throwing," she calmly explained to him. He stared back at her blankly. He wasn't understanding, but at least he had stopped hurling his dinner.

"Look," she brought a piece of carrot to her mouth, "daddy made this for you because he loves you."

If there was anything Jackson enjoyed more than causing a scene, it was following around his big sister. On most days, she banned him from coming near her, so he wasn't going to waste this opportunity to get some attention from her.

He stuffed a piece of carrot into his mouth, "mmmmm."

"See? yummy," she encouraged him.

Patiently, she stood there and ate through his carrots with him, grabbing one after each time he swallowed so that he would keep going. Once they were through, she gave him a high-five.

"Love you, Jaxie," she hugged him.

"Wuv you, SiSi," he hugged back, wiping his dirty hands on the back of her shirt.

Olivia and Spencer gaped at each other from across the table, not wanting to make any noise that would ruin the peace. 


Once the dishes were cleaned, Spencer carried Jackson to his bed. After a full day of terrorizing his parents and skipping his nap, the two-year old had fallen asleep at the table after finishing his food.

Sienna had retreated to her room and was dressing all her stuffed animals for bed. A lengthy, but nightly, process. With everyone occupied, Olivia took the opportunity to hop in the shower to wash the day's stress away. 

Spencer walked into the bathroom as she finished her nightly skin care.

"Finally. Today was a rough one," she sighed as he came up behind her.

His arms wrapped around her waist as he kissed down her neck. She tilted her head, giving him more room to roam.

"I missed you," he whispered between kisses.

"I missed you, too," she turned around to face him, "it's funny though, as much as they whip our asses, I can't imagine life without them."

"Me neither," Spencer smiled, thinking of his mini dictators.

"And I can't imagine doing all this craziness with anyone else other than you," she leaned in to kiss him, her soft hands exploring his arms.

"Let's make another," Spencer broke the kiss to take his shot.

"As long as it's a girl this time," she smirked, pushing him back into the closet.

"I can't make any promises," Spencer laughed, closing the door behind them.


I giggled too many times writing the beginning part of this one.

The first two chapters of my new story "I'll Be There" are up now if you haven't checked it out yet. And if you have, thank you, thank you!

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