Two Halfs, One Heart

By PaigeMarieHall

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When Ben Tennyson, his grandfather Max, his cousin Gwen and his best friend Paige Swan go on a trip for the s... More

Chapter 1- And Then There Were Ten
Chapter 2- Washington B.C.
Chapter 3- The Krakken
Chapter 4- Permanent Retirement
Chapter 5- Hunted
Chapter 6- Tourist Trap
Chapter 7- Kevin 11
Chapter 8- The Alliance
Chapter 9- Last Laugh
Chapter 10- Lucky Girl
Chapter 11- A Small Problem
Chapter 12- Side Effects
Chapter 13- Secrets
Chapter 14- Truth
Chapter 15- The Big Tick
Chapter 16- Framed
Chapter 18- Grudge Match
Chapter 19- The Galactic Enforcers
Chapter 20- Camp Fear
Chapter 21- Ultimate Weapon
Chapter 22- Tough Luck
Chapter 23- They Lurk Below
Chapter 24- Ghostfreaked Out
Chapter 25- Dr. Animo And The Mutant Ray
Chapter 26- Back With A Vengeance
Chapter 27- Midnight Madness
Chapter 28- Ben 10,000
Chapter 29- A Change Of Face
Chapter 30- Merry Christmas
Chapter 31- Benwolf
Chapter 32- Game Over
Chapter 33- Monster Weather
Chapter 34- Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures
Chapter 35- Under Wraps
Chapter 36- The Unnaturals
Chapter 37- The Return
Chapter 38- Be Afraid Of The Dark
Chapter 39- The Visitor
Chapter 40- Perfect Day
Chapter 41- Divided We Stand
Chapter 42- Don't Drink The Water
Chapter 43- Big Fat Alien Wedding
Chapter 44- Ben 4 Good Buddy
Chapter 45- Ready to Rumble
Chapter 46- Ken 10
Chapter 47- Goodbye And Good Riddance
Chapter 47- Ben 10 VS. Negative 10 PT. 1
Chapter 48- Ben 10 VS. Negative 10 PT. 2

Chapter 17- Gwen 10

66 4 2
By PaigeMarieHall

We were now at a gas station and Max was filling up the Rust Bucket. Gwen and I were drinking milkshakes and waiting to leave. Then someone bumped into Gwen and her shake fell to the ground. "Hey! That was a mega--" She didn't finish her sentence because the guy turned around and we saw that he was wearing a mask. "Gwen, Paige, run!" Max told us.


We ran as fast as we could, away from the men. Then I saw Ben, he was just standing there. "Why isn't he running?" I thought. "When are these losers ever going to learn?" "Dummy, the kid just saw you!" I heard one guy say to his partner. "Ben, take Paige and get back inside," Max said to his grandson. "Are you kidding me? These guys are a piece of cake and Four Arms likes icing. Hey! Where's the watch?" Ben said, confused. He realized that whatever he was looking for wasn't there and Ben looked shocked. "This is so not happening!" He said.



"Ben, don't just stand there!" Max said. Not caring that I could put myself in danger, I ran to Ben, grabbed his hand and pulled him away. I've always loved him but I've never had the courage to tell him. Maybe I will someday, Gwen always teases me about it. "Grandpa, where's the watch?" Ben asked. "What watch?" "Grandpa, that was amazing back there," Gwen complimented Max.


"Yeah it was," I said in agreement. "Amazing? He's been doing that all summer! No way did the watch just slip off my wrist," Ben said, trying to figure something out. "Ben, what are you talking about? When I picked you up you weren't wearing a watch," Max said. "Is the heat getting to the three of you? I'm talking about the Omnitrix," Ben said, adamantly. Max and I shared a look but I shook my head and didn't think much of it.


"I'll help you look for it," Gwen said. "Me too. So, what's it look like?" I asked my best friend. "Look like? You've only seen it, like a million times, princess. What is going on with you three?" Ben asked. "Nothing, Benji," I said as I felt his forehead to see if he had a fever. I blushed when he used my nickname he gave me when we were little. I hoped that he didn't see it though.


"Maybe you have heat stroke or something," Gwen said. "I'm fine. I've been fine all summer," Ben said. "All summer? News flash, this is our first day together," She said. "That's impossible. We've been on the road for weeks... taking on aliens, kicking bad guy butt. Paige and I have gone hero, like, a thousand times," Ben said, trying to convince us. "You, a hero?" "Hey! Ben is a hero, Gwen. I can't tell you how many times he's saved me from Cash and J.T at school," I said.


"Princess, tell her," Ben pleaded with me. "Ben, why do you keep calling me 'princess'?" I asked. "Paige, what do you mean? We're dating, remember?" Ben asked me, with a hurt look on his face. "You and Paige, please!" Gwen said. I looked over at him and he had a devastated like on his face. I wanted nothing more than to comfort Ben but I held myself back. "Ben, I got you and Paige from Madison Elementary today, just two hours ago."


Now, Ben just looked shocked. "No way! Two weeks ago we were on Mount Rushmore kicking Vilgax's butt," He said. My eyes widened as Max slammed on the brakes. "How does Ben know about Vilgax? I'm the only person besides my mother Emma Swan who Max has told about his past. What is going on!?" I thought. "Grandpa, are you OK?" Ben asked. "Yeah, yeah, just dodged a skunk on the road," Max said. But I had a feeling that that wasn't the reason.


"So who is this vile guy?" Gwen asked her cousin. "That's Vilgax. Only the worst alien in the whole entire universe. But since he's history, we don't have to worry about him," Ben explained. "Well, that's good news," Gwen said. "That's an interesting story, Ben. But you're sure you're not confusing this Vilgax... with some sci-fi movie you saw?" "Will you three just listen to me? He's real. Princess, you have to believe me!" Ben pleaded with me.


"Yeah, like when we had to believe you when you saw Bigfoot at our family picnic?" Gwen said, sarcastically. "OK, that was a simple mistake. And Uncle Manny needs to shave his back hair," Ben said. "Yes, he does," I said, cringing at the thought. We finally arrived at the campsite. "We're here." "It's beautiful, grandpa." "I knew you'd like it," Max said. I got of the Rust Bucket with Ben behind me. "Wow! This place is beautiful, Ben." "Not as beautiful as you," Ben complimented me.


I blushed even more than before at his comment. "That's why you brought us here the first night of our trip," Ben said in realization. "Oh, boy, here we go again," I said. "That's it, princess. Yeah!" Ben said as he hugged me tightly. "That's what? Besides being gross?" Gwen asked. "I've gone back in time! That's why I'm not wearing the Omnitrix. But I'll find it here in the woods, put it on, and everything will be back to normal," Ben said. "You, normal? Yeah, right!" "Gwen!" I yelled at her.


"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm headed back to the real world," Gwen said as she went into the Rust Bucket. "You know I'm not making this up, right, princess?" Ben asked me with a pleading look on his face. "Don't you remember? You took Vilgax out with your magic." My eyes widened, "How does Ben know about my magic? My family and Max are the only people that know," I thought, very confused.


"We're short one stake. Must be in the back of the RV. Be right back," Max said as we helped him with the tent. Ben and I looked up and saw a shooting star. "The pod! I knew it. Come on, princess," Ben said as he grabbed my hand. "The watch should be right down.. " Ben cut himself off when he didn't see what he was looking for. Then I saw Gwen with a green and black watch on her wrist. "It won't come off," She said as she tried to get the watch off. "That's the Omnitrix!" "I found it!" Gwen said, smugly.


"Oh, how I'd love to slap that smile off of her face!" I thought, very irritated. "No, I found it first!" Ben said. "Well, it's way too big for you, shrimp," Gwen said. "I hate to break this to you, Gwen. No, scratch that, I'd love to break this to you. It's way too big for you as well," I said, a smug smile on my face. "It's the most powerful thing in the universe. Now hand it over," Ben demanded her.


"Ben! Are you OK?!" I asked him as he fell. He nodded, "This is so not fair!" "I wonder how it works?" Gwen asked, no one in particular. "Be really careful. Only a trained pro like me can control it," Ben said. "You, a trained pro? More like a trained seal," Gwen said. "OK, Gwen, that's it! Stop taunting Ben and bringing him down!" I was so angry. I could feel my magic pulsing through me. I wasn't going to push it down either. Gwen needed to be taught a lesson and stop acting like a five year old.


I thrust my arms out and used my magic to push Gwen a little. "Wait? Paige, you have magic?" She asked. I nodded, "Yes I do. And unless you want me to use it again, I suggest you stop acting like a five year old!" I said. Gwen was like a sister to me but I despised when she acted like this. She nodded but didn't say anything. "Get back here! Come on, princess!" Ben said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.


The next thing I knew, Gwen slammed down on the watch and was now a fire human like alien. "Why does this seem familiar?" I thought. "I'm on fire, but I don't feel like it." "Because you're Heatblast. You control fire. Fireballs, fire breath!" Ben said, like it was so obvious. "That sounds fun," Gwen said. "Careful. You could start a forest fire," Ben warned her. "Only an idiot would set the forest on fire," She said.


"Now out of my way!" "Gwen! What did I tell you?" She looked at me with an apologetic look. Silently telling me she'd never do it again. Then she set off fireworks that spelled her name. "How did you do that? It took me, like, a month to learn how to do that with Heatblast," Ben said, impressed. "When you've got it, you've got it. And it looks like I've got this down," Gwen said. "My magic can do that too," I said. I focused my magic into my hands then shot it up into the sky with Ben & Paige sparkling in the sky. I blushed when I saw Ben smiling at me.


"So, can the watch turn me into something else?" I saw that Ben had a wicked smile on his face. "This is going to be good." I thought. "Ben, this isn't funny!" Gwen said, as a small grey alien. "To who?" Ben asked as we both laughed. Gwen was getting chased by a raccoon. "Ben's laugh is like music to my ears," I thought. He then picked Gwen up. "Who's got this alien stuff down now?" He asked his cousin.


Then something fell from the sky and landed with a crash. Ben took my hand and pulled me behind a tree. "The drone! The campsite! We've got to go, princess!" "Leave them alone! "I'd say 'nice to see you again,' if it was," Ben said to the drone. "Gwen!" I shouted. "Ben, are you OK?" "I'm fine. I'm more worried about you, princess," He said. Suddenly, Max pulled up with the Rust Bucket.


"Ben, Paige, what's going on?" Max asked us. "Who's that?" "Grandpa, it's me, Gwen!" "Forgot. That didn't work when I tried it, either. Slice it and dice it, Gwen!" Ben said. "You two are outmatched! Let your cousin fight those things... whatever she is," Max said. "But Paige and I are the heros!" Ben argued. "No, you two are in danger. Come on, help me get everyone out of here," Max said.


Ben and I nodded as he took my hand. "Go! Run!" "She's good!" "So was I," Ben said, disappointed. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave Ben a small smile to try and cheer him up. "I remember that blast," Ben said, wincing. He held me close as a blast came toward us. I blushed because I was so close to him. "Gwen!" "Don't worry, she's got it, grandpa," Ben said. "What is that thing?" "That's no thing. That's my granddaughter," Max said.


The next morning, Ben and I were cuddled up trying to sleep. But we couldn't because of Max's loud snoring. "When'd you get up?" I asked when we saw Gwen. "I never went to bed! First, I was a high-tech alien... and merged with my laptop to triple its processing speed... and then I turned into this water creature to catch us some lunch... then I became this speed alien to go home and pick up these clothes I forgot," Gwen rambled on.


"The Omnitrix is a complicated piece of alien technology. It's not about having fun!" "Ben's right, Gwen. I don't use my magic to have fun, I use it to help people," I said, trying to get through to her. "Want to bet? Follow me, unless you two are afraid," She said. "Not!" Ben and I said in unison. We were now at a bowling alley. "Lucky they forgot to close the door!Strike! Strike!" I looked at Gwen with an angry look on my face.


"Did I get through to you at all?" I whispered under my breath. I went to go sit down. Having enough of Gwen's attitude. "Hey, that was a tough spare," Gwen said. "I'm not mad about the bowling," "So what are you mad about?" "I don't know what's worse. That I'll never have the watch again, that you're better with it than I was or the fact that I lost my relationship with Paige before I could prove to her how much she meant to me," I heard Ben say.


I felt terrible for him. I just wanted to go up to Ben and hug him. I didn't have a chance to go up to Ben because the roof starting crumbling. "That's not a big bowling ball, is it?" Gwen asked. "It's Vilgax, and he's not supposed to be here," Ben said. Then spikes were launched at us and Ben grabbed my hand as I grabbed Gwen's and we hid. "Who should I become?" "It's got to recharge." "No fair!" "No kidding," Ben said in agreement.


Then the ball came toward us. It opened to reveal... Vilgax?! "The Omnitrix, now," He said, in a gruff voice. Ben grabbed a bowling pin and hit him with it but he just sent Ben crashing into more pins. "Ben!" I ran to him to see if he was OK. "I can't remove it here... but that should stop it from activating for a while." "You wouldn't hurt a girl, would you?" Gwen asked, fear in her voice.


"Hurt? No. I have something much worse in mind for you!" Vilgax said. "Gwen! No! No hurts my future cousin in law!" I thought. "Get in!" Max told us when we arrived. "OK, I know you two won't believe me, but Vilgax is..." Ben was cut off when Max and I spoke. "Here, and he wants the Omnitrix, so he took Gwen," Max and I said. "How did you two know?" Ben asked. Max pushed a button and a screen came up.


"In-dash intergalactic monitoring system. Went haywire about a half hour ago. His ship must be due west of here," Max said. "So, you two believed me this whole time?" Ben asked us. "Well, not at first. Then we realized you knew way too much," We said. "Then why'd all this happen?" He asked his grandfather. "The one thing I learned in all my years as a Plumber... was forget everything you ever learn... because sometimes it will never make sense," Max said.


"That wasn't really the answer I was hoping for, grandpa,' Ben said. "So since you've lived all this before, what's Vilgax going to do to Gwen?" "Let's just say you'd better floor it!" "So, how'd I get on board the spaceship the first time?" Max asked. "You rammed it," Ben answered his grandfather. "Well, if we survived once..." He thought. "Here. This may come in handy," Max said as he handed Ben and I a weapon.


We rammed the spaceship and Max got out of the Rust Bucket. "Grandpa?!" Gwen said, in shock. "Claws off my granddaughter, Vilgax," Max threatened. "Tennyson!" Vilgax said with vemon. "Little scarier than going to the dentist, huh?" I asked Gwen. She just nodded. Ben and I got on the machine she was trapped in. "Hang on, Benji. I've got this." I focused my magic on the machine. I could hear it start to groan and creak. Then when Gwen was free, she gave me a hug.


"Let's safe this for later," I said with a smile. "You'll never destroy me, you worthless human!" Vilgax said. "But I will!" Ben said as he fired Max's weapon. "He's so brave," I thought. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Gwen gave me a knowing smile. "Think I can get one of these, grandpa?" Ben asked Max. "Getting dizzy. Help!" Gwen said as a bolt of electricity hit her. Ben and I looked at each other and it seemed that we were in our own world. "His smile brightens my day. His eyes captivate me. His smile is like bright sunshine. I love this boy. I love Ben Tennyson." I thought. Then I started to sing in my head. "I see him smiling and my knees start buckling,
I see inside him and my doubts are gone." Then for some reason, I could hear Ben singing in his head, "She somehow suddenly became a swan." "Until now, I never knew. It is you I've been dreaming of," Ben and I sang in our heads as we stared into each other's eyes.


"This is my idea of love," Ben and I sang as we leaned into each other for a kiss. "I love you, Benjamin Kirby Tennyson," "I love you, Paige Marie Swan," Ben said. "Guys, I hate to break up the moment but the Omnitrix is off of Gwen's wrist," Max said. Ben brought his arm up, hoping that the Omnitrix would attach to him. But instead, it attached to Max's wrist. "No!" Ben shouted, frustrated. "Oh, man. Now, I'm never going hero again." "If you ask me... you just did as Ben," Max said. "Max is right, Benji. You are a hero. With or without the Omnitrix," I said as I hugged him. "Sounds like we're losing power," I said as an alarm went off. "Not if I can help it. Grandpa, you've got to go Upgrade," Ben told his grandfather. "Upgrade?" "Just trust me." "Now what?" Max said as he activated the Omnitrix. "Time to add a few extra options to the RV," I said. Max merged with the Rust Bucket and we hit Vilgax. "I don't think so," Max said as Vilgax punched the RV. He was thrown off as Ben used the weapon from before, blasted it at Vilgax and his ship was destroyed. "I could get used to this," Max said as he turned back to normal.


Here's the song that I used in this chapter :)



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