{Protector} Hisoka x Male Rea...

By Harley874Quinn

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To Settle The Confusion
For Anyone Still Reading... READ THIS
Leaving home x And x Meeting friends (Rewritten)
Hanged x And x Sewer Water (Rewritten)
Shot x And x Chased (Rewritten)
Me x And x Him (Rewritten)
Me x And x Cerberus (Rewritten)
Shower x And x Savior (Rewritten)
Me x And x You (Rewritten)
Breaking x And x Building (New Chapter)
Team X And X Mates
Yin X And X Yang
Rin X And X Scars
Toko X And X Hikari
Find X And X Locate
Dream X And X Death
Final X And X Exam

Death X And X Defeat

516 10 7
By Harley874Quinn

"Hey Hikari", Hisoka calls out. He motions me over towards him. I smiled as I walked over and rest on the wall beside him.

"Hisoka", I smiled, "I made it."

"Yes, I see", he grins, "congratulations."

I chuckled, "Yeah...I suppose you have something to do with it as well. I couldn't have made it this far without your help honestly. I kinda owe you."

"Do you?" He questions.

"Yeah, I mean without you I'd be dead or worse", I sighed. "I couldn't do a single thing by myself."

"No...If you ask me you were amazing. The way you handled yourself, from dealing with that three-headed creature and the mist. Then don't forget how you handle the forest as well as being on teams with the same people who tried to kill only a few days ago. You did more for yourself than I did for you. If you ask me, I only pushed you. But if you think you still owe me...I can think of a few ways you can repay me," he smiles.

"Ugh, you're such a perv Hisoka", I scoffed.

"Alright! Jüo? Rin? You two ready?" Miki asks. I turned to see Jüo and Rin both approached the center, then stood inches in front of each other. Miki looked at both of them then nods. "Alright! Just a reminder, anything goes. Until one of you surrenders or can't continue anymore, that's when this all ends. Okay?"

Both guys nod understanding, then stared at each other as they began standing in their fight stance. Miki takes a few steps away from them and nods. And with that every one watched, gasps hitched with the intensity as they were expected.

But neither one moves. Rin didn't approach Jüo and Jüo didn't approach Rin. Both stood staring at each other with such intensity that even the slightly movement wasn't even an option . They stayed like this for a while as whispers and questions began to to fill the silent room. "Why haven't started fighting yet", was the question on every one's mind.

Jüo didn't look phased by the murmurs at all. Actually he didn't even look ready to fight at all. Even though he was in his stance to fight, mentally I could tell that he wasn't here at all. He was too spaced out to even be aware of what was happening which honestly wasn't anything new. Since coming back from the last exam he's had that look on his face like everything around him just completely stop moving. Meanwhile on Rin end he looked as if he would be vomit at any moment. Sweat poured from his forehead dripping off his chin like running water, and this was especially unusual for him. Rin wasn't the type to look so uneasy and it made me feel especially uneasy.

" Jüo won't make an move on Rin, which isn't anything unusual cause that's just how he is when it comes to Rin, but the fact that Rin hasn't even made an attempt to end this is...how do I word this? Abnormal? Yeah, it's abnormal for Rin. So, what in the hell is he up too?",Hisoka mumbled to himself.

"Jüo is Rin's friend and comrade so I'm sure he doesn't want to fight him, which is the same for Rin. That's probably why neither has made a move on each other."

"That's unlikely", Hisoka says. "I know Rin he's up to something."

"That's enough stalling Jüo", Rin says. "I'm tired of waiting, fight me...with everything you have." He says as he dashes over toward Jüo I could tell Rin wasn't really into the ideal of fighting Jüo. He wasn't even giving it his all and neither was Jüo as he didn't even attempt in the slightest to dodge his attack. It lands, hitting  Jüo first in the side of his head then in his gut. He falls helplessly as he goes down head first not even attempting to stand. "That's pathetic Jüo! Fight me!" Rin screams.

"I can't you're too strong", Jüo says.

"One punch is not enough to make you go down", Rin growls. "Where's your sense of self Jüo?"

"This fights over boss...I've loss".

When Jüo's eyes meet Rin's I could see nothing but pain inside of him. Jüo was dead. Dead to the world he once knew and lived. He had no sense of himself. All he knew was hurt as of  that moment. But why? Why all of  sudden was Jüo completely falling apart. And why was it making Rin so annoyed see him like this? Rin growls and yanks Jüo by his shirt up towards him.

"That'll be the last time you even get a chance like this to hit me. If you want revenge then come get it now Jüo", Rin says.

Revenge? What was he talking about? Why would Jüo want revenge on Rin?

"Boss?" Jüo questioned.

"I killed him Jüo", Rin smirks. "He's dead because of me."

"What are you talking about boss?" Jüo asks as his eyes suddenly grew wide.

"Kane, of course. Your crush...or whatever you want to call it. The guy you so helplessly fell in love with is dead...and I killed him despite how I had known how you felt about him...and I didn't care that I did it Jüo."

"W-why? Why would you do that?" Jüo asked with tears filing his eyes. He looked terrified of Rin, but more then that he was completely and undoubtedly heartbroken. The man he looked up to murdered the guy he loved. I mean honestly who wouldn't be pissed. Jüo body shivered in Rin's touch as he without a hesitation laid everything out in details on how he killed Kain with a grin on his face, and I couldn't do anything but feel sorry for Rin. Cause I finally figured out what he was up to. Just like Hisoka had said Rin was planning something. This was his plan. To make Jüo angry enough to fight him...and possibly kill him.

"He was going to kill Toko. It was either him or Kane. I chose to rather lose Kane because honestly he could be replaced easily", Rin smiles.

"You killed Kane because of Toko!!?" Jüo screams furiously. He looks over at me, eyes widening with rage. "Over that man whore...?", Jüo chuckles and clutches Rin's arm,"Fine...if that's how you wanna play it Rin...Toko Hikari will just have to die as well. Then we'll both lose something we love...yea?"

Jüo manages to push Rin off of him and without a second to waste he rushes toward me. I couldn't even bring myself to move out of the way as he came toward me. There was so much bloodlust and hatred in his eyes and it was my fault. If I had just been able to do something then Rin wouldn't have had to kill him. But it's too late for that. It's too late to go back and changed what happened. I'm so sorry Jüo...

I felt Hisoka's hand against my body as he pulled me back against the warmth of his body. He grips me tightly shielding me from Jüo's attack, while all I could do was watch frozen within myself as he came toward me.

Everything happened so fast within a blink of an eye. Jüo was in front of me and then suddenly he wasn't. Rin stood in front of me grinning as he stared at Jüo who was now on the ground. He growled as he pushed himself up on his feet now facing Rin. "You won't touch Toko...not while I'm still moving", Rin says.

"I'm going to kill that bastard", Jüo cried as his voice began cracking as he spoke. "He's the reason Kane's dead. He killed Kane!!"

"No I killed Kane", Rin shouted, "he should have learned how to tame himself. Or you should have been better at teaching him."

"Oh fuck that!!" Jüo screamed as he ran toward Rin swinging sloppy punches. "You knew what he was like. You knew exactly where he came from. He couldn't help being the way he was and you killed him? He was one of us Rin...but instead...but instead you chose to save him over Kane? That isn't fair!! That's not fair Rin!"

Rin catches Jüo's arm and slams him into the ground, "life isn't fair Jüo. It never is and never was. Kane knew that better than anyone else I knew. His time was coming...I just so happen to have been the one to end it."

"You promised me Rin...h-how could you do that to me", Jüo cries.

"I'm sorry", Rin gulps as he looks away from him and sighs," but he gave me no choice...like I didn't give you one. You should be mad at me. I took the person you loved most away from you without a second thought. And I didn't care. The only thing I cared about was...was Toko. I had to take his life to save him", Rin releases Jüo's arm and backs away from him slightly. "You hate me right? I hope you do. You should hate me with everything within you. I don't deserve your forgiveness...and I won't ask for it. I don't deserve anything from you Jüo. So, hate me. If it makes you feel better then kill me.

"I should...I should kill you right now. I should rip you apart inside and out. I believed in you. We believed in you. You took everything from me and I still believed in you. I hate you. I want to kill you, but I won't do it. You deserve to suffer. I hope you suffer Rin...", Jüo says as he wiped at his tears. He drops a bloody sigil tool and walks away from him.

"J-Jüo", Rin calls out to him. He goes to chase after him but he suddenly falls to the floor before he could.

"Rin!" I yelled. I rushed towards him and catch him in my arms. "Rin what happened w-why...you're bleeding?"

"Y-yeah, he must have gotten me when I blocked him from getting to you", he smiles as he looks up at me. "Why do you look so worried? You worried about me or something?" He chuckles.

"As if you idiot", I smiled.

"Let's get him into the resting room", Miki says," I can patch him up there. Hisoka you pull the names for the next round."

"Fine", Hisoka agrees. Both Miki and I help Rin to his feet and make our way to the restroom so Miki could patch him up. Once we laid him on the bed Miki begins looking for a first aid kit in the room.

"Toko could you help me look for the first aid?", Miki asks.

"Okay", I agreed as I began to walk over to help, but before I could leave Rin's side he grabs my arm and pulls me back towards him.

"Please...please don't leave me", he begs.

"Hey, no worries Rin. I'm not going anywhere", I smiled.

"Never mind I found it", Miki announces. "Now comes the rough part", he says as he shakes the bottle of pure alcohol in front of Rin.

"Ah shit", Rin groans.


"How do you feel Rin?" I asked.

"For the 10th time I'm fine", Rin chuckles. "Besides it wasn't even that deep of a cut."

I smile, "yeah right. You think Jüo's gonna be okay?"

"Honestly...I don't know really. I took the person he loved away from him. Who could be?"

"I never would have thought Jüo liked Kane, but thinking back on it I should have known. The way he would get mad at him for flirting with me...d-did Kane know?"

"I doubt it, that idiot was so senile", Rin smiles. "I wish he had gotten the chance to know though. I'm sorry I dragged you into all of this. It wasn't fair of me."

"I think the world is about to end, because since when does Rin apologize to me or anyone for that matter. Honestly, it's kinda scary. Who are you?" I chuckled.

"Honestly I don't even know anymore", he smiles as he rolls his head over towards me. I smiled softly as I laid my head on his arm and looked up at him. This peace and comfort...I knew it all too well but why did it remind me of him?

"Hey, Rin?"

"Yeah?" He questioned looking down at me. "What's up?"

"You know...you kinda remind me of Hisoka", I smiled.

"Do I?" He asks.

"Yeah. I don't know why but you do", I smiled.

"Makes sense I guess", he mumbled softly. I hummed as I looked up at him, but he had his eyes closed deep in thought so I just laid there resting my eyes right along with him. Until suddenly the door swings open. I swung around to look at who had walked in. Surprisingly it was Siren. I smiled seeing her as she pulled me by the arm.

"Time to get moving pretty boy you gotta fight", she smiles.

"Fight? Who am I fighting?" I asked.

"The one and only, yours truly," she grins, "me."


"Siren? Toko? Ready?" Miki questions.

"Wow, we're really diving right into this huh?" I smiled. "Fine, but don't expect me to take it easy on you Siren just because we're friends and you're a female."

"I wouldn't, beside what's the point of that? It would be so lame of you to do that", Siren grins.

With that remark Miki nods and the fight begins with neither of us holds back for a second. The first to make a movie was Siren as she came running headfirst at me with a high kick towards my face. With ease, I dodge catching her leg mid-air and slamming her to the ground, but that hardly stops her. She gets back up throwing various punches toward me and I block and dodge most.

She was quick and more flexible than I was, but my reflexes were faster than hers and my punches could do the most damage, but in the end, it came to stamina. Who would last longer?  Siren had more of that then me. So I have to sway this fight in my favor. What to do?

"You're breaking a sweat already", Siren smirks, "time to turn up the heat more?"

I grinned as she came running full speed at me. I attempt to get out of the way of her punches, but she doesn't even try to land a hit on me. Instead, she had slid between my legs and grabbed me from the back by my hips and slammed me down neck first, hitting the mat.

I gasped trying to catch my breath from the attack as I tried to get out of the way of Siren's second attack. The girl was relentless. She thrived to win as more then I did so if I wanted to win this I'll have to fight like I've never fought before. I had no choice but to. I had so much riding on this. This moment was as if I were facing life or death. This could be my final opportunity to get a step closer to my father so I had no choice. I had to see him again. I hop on my feet quickly. Breathe. Breathe. I had to calm down. That's what I learned in from this exam. If I didn't calm down I would get killed. Now I had to think. What were my skill? Ha! Right, I got it.

I grab one of the weapon's spears off the wall. "So we're using weapons now Toko? Fine with me", she smiles. "Bring it!"

"Alright, you asked for it", I smiled. To gain some ground I rushed at Siren and throw the spear at her. It landed inches near her face as she looks at me in shock.

"What the...? That almost hit me!?" She yells.

"Really?" I smirked. I grab another and aim it at her. "Maybe this one will get you." She jumps with perfect elegance and balances on top of the spear.

"Toko!!!" Siren screams.

"Siren!!!" I screamed back. We both rushed at each other. Regardless if I had a plan or not this was fun, fighting so freely despite the fact that one of us may get majorly hurt thrilled me. I was absolutely drowning in this euphoria. I could do this all day!

Simultaneously we both landed punches right at each other's face. I felt the bone in my jaw shiver before making a sound similar to an pop of an firecracker. On the other hand, Siren could barely stand. I smiled as I took this opportunity to cause more damage as I began to stand a scream erupts from the crowd around. I stopped looking around in confusion. What was that about?

"Rin!" Miki screams, "you're injured already that's enough."

"Huh Rin?", I mumbled following the voice. Over toward the resting room Rin had someone pinned against the wall and was repeatedly slamming them against it. I rushed towards them as I try to break through. "Rin stop! What are you...?" I stared at Rin as he looked back towards me. His eyes were so cold, but they filled with an burning rage I couldn't describe. But it was hunting. All I knew was he wanted to kill, and I could only imagine that the guy he wanted to kill was the one he had pinned against the wall. Which was Hisoka.

"Toko get back now!" Rin yells as he pushes me away. I stare at them confused. What caused them to want to fight all of a sudden? What made him want to kill Hisoka.? "This is all your fault!" Rin yells at Hisoka.

"My fault?" Hisoka questions tilting his head. "I'm sorry you'll have to be more specific."

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!!" Rin screams. "Dahlia...."

Dahlia? Why does that name sound familiar? Wait,
that's the name he called me accidentally when we were on the mountains!

"Oh, her", Hisoka frowns as he grabs Rin's hand. "That's enough let's take this outside Rin."

"No!" Rin yelled, "day after day, month after month, and year after years, I've been waiting to get my revenge on you. I wanted to kill the thing you loved the most. The person you loved the most, but I thought that would be impossible because you can't love. Because you see, monsters like you could never learn to love. Not even monsters like me...your own flesh and blood. And because you couldn't love, you killed the person I loved the most. And for what? Because you we're lonely? And bored Hisoka!! You turned me into a this-this monster. You turned me into you. You and father turned me into something I hated. Why couldn't you just let me be happy?" Rin asks as tears fell from his eyes. Hisoka doesn't even look at him. His face is turned away towards from his eyes as he looks at nothing in particular. He's just there, he's not here. "Answer me Hisoka! Look at me now!"

"I can't".

"What!", Rin growls.

"I can't give you the answer you want to hear", Hisoka says. "I don't know what you want me to say because whatever I say... you won't be satisfied in the end. So do whatever you want with me Ryouko, I'll accept it."

"Don't call me by that name! Don't ever call me by that name again!" Rin yells. "I hate that name", he sobs.

"Ryouko...", Hisoka says as he grabs at Rin's hand and he yanks it away.

"I said don't!", Rin screams as he punches Hisoka in the face. "You don't get to call me by that name anymore. You took everything from me and turned me into you. You shouldn't get to be happy...you shouldn't get to have anything." Rin throws Hisoka down to the ground. Without giving me a second to think Rin grabs me and aims the same small scalpel tool at my neck that Jüo had earlier. "Since you don't know love you won't mind me taking Toko, won't you?"

"R-Rin? What are you doing?" I gasped.

"Truth is...I fell in love with you Toko. If I were to let my brother have you, that might just kill me and if I'm being honest I'll have to kill you if he does. There's no win-win here for any of us. I have to take the persons life my brother loves the most, or at least who I think he loves most.", Rin smiles.

"Ryouko that's enough let's him go", Hisoka says.

"No, I won't. You don't get to take anything away from me ever again Hisoka", Rin smiles," I won't let you."

"Let him go...NOW!" Hisoka screams. "I'm not asking again."

"Ha...looks like I hit a nerve. Hey, brother that feeling that you're feeling now...remember it. It's the same one I felt that day", Rin chuckles. Every thing moved so...slowly. I saw as the blade headed towards me. I never closed my eyes. I had them wide open and still...I don't understand what happened. I could move. I could easily free myself from Rin's grip but I didn't. He needed me for comfort that I knew and I had to provided that to him at least. I didn't hate Rin for what he was going to do. I just wished this wouldn't be the last thing I saw before going. Seeing siblings fight is the worst sight ever. I smiled as I clutched onto his arm and I remember thinking how my life would be sad to end like this. I waited but the blade never came.

"Ha...as if I'll give you that satisfactory of hunting me...Hisoka...". Just as the blade was coming towards my neck Rin releases me and pushes me away. Hisoka immediately takes this chance to grab hold of me and pull me into his embrace. He doesn't let go until he sound of flesh ripping open and the sound of someone choking makes him.

"That smell" I mumbled. I knew it too well. "Oh, right...it's fresh blood."

"Ryouko?", Hisoka calls out. "Brother?"

Hisoka lets go of me as he gets down on his knees. Slowly I turned my head honestly afraid what I might see. As I did I nearly collapsed at the sight of Rin was on the ground bleeding. It ripped his throat open and was now choking on his own blood slowly bleeding out.

"Rin!!!" I screamed collapsing on my knees. "No...no! No! Why would you do that, you idiot? Why would you do—?!" I screamed at him trying desperately to suppress my choked cries. "Rin...why would you...".

"T-Toko I—", he chokes. I quickly rip part of my shirt and hold it against his neck to slow the bleeding but it hardly does a thing in stopping the blood.

"There's so much blood...Rin there's so much blood I can't stop the blood Rin!? Rin!" I sobbed. "I c-can't."

"Toko...", Rin smiles, "stop talking", he says attempting to laugh but I could tell it was causing him pain so much pain just to smile. "You know Toko? I was so set on getting revenge on my brother...d-destroying what he loved the most, but you're what he loves the most. My brother never knew love until he meet you. I wanted to kill you to get revenge on what he did to me, but I couldn't bring myself into doing it Toko because I fell in love with you too and I couldn't let him have the satisfaction of him having two people I love die, and honestly that's okay", he smiles, "as long as I'm not here to see it, I'm okay with that."

"Rin", I sobbed. "So you would rather die and leave me, then to see me with Hisoka."

"I know myself Toko. I know what I'm capable of...so I chose to die then to take that happiness away from my brother. Because I know that as long as I'm alive...I won't let him have it. He loves you."

"I wouldn't go as far as saying I love Toko more like admire him partake", Hisoka admits.

"Hisoka shut up", Rin smiles. Hisoka grins down at Rin and chuckles. "Take care of him...for me."

"No promises...little brother", Hisoka smiles. "No promises at all."

"Hey Toko, you remember that guy? Ten'ka if you ever see him again could you tell him something? Could you tell him, that I reached the finished line...and-and that I conquered death?"

I chuckled and shakes my head, "yeah of course I'll tell him that Rin."

"And if you see Jüo ...please tell him how
envious I was of his love he had for Kane. I understood his love and yet I took it from him. Because it was something I didn't have."

"Rin...You can tell them your self because you're gonna be fine...you're gonna be—". I attempt in speaking but I choke on my own words as more tears kept falling and falling until I could no longer see clearly. Everything was beginning to blur together like the way a scenery looks when rain falls fast.

"Toko", Rin calls out.

"I'm sorry...it's just that...I-I can't stop crying Rin", I sobbed. 

"Hey Toko look at me", Rin says.

"I can't. I can barely see you."

"Then hold my hand...until I let go...hold my hand Toko", he asks. "You wanna know something Toko? You look so beautiful", he chuckles.

I scoffed as I attempted wiping at my tears, "shut up Rin you—". Suddenly I felt the coldness and softness of lips pushed against mine. I don't move away or push away. I welcomed it. I'm fact I invited it. I kissed him back. I knew it had to be Rin because only his skin felt so cold. Even until the end he was still as cold as ever.

"Tsk, Baka", Hisoka mumbles seemingly annoyed.

I smiled in the kiss as my vision suddenly began to come back into focus and I could see him clearly now. I could see Rin smiling and for the first time in my short time knowing him, he looked genuinely happy. He grins at me and grips my hand harder as if he couldn't bring himself to let me go. But I knew he couldn't hold on forever, but for now, I would hold on as long as I could...until I couldn't anymore.


as long as I'm alive you will be forever a part of me..."

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