Slave To Torment

By TheBrokenAshes

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(Welp this could get interesting, saw this picture and you know thought of another whole dark book, story wha... More

Quick thing before starting
A Gift
Quick Annoucement
Pain & Opinions
Cry For Help
Coming To Terms
Imaginary Foe
For Their Sakes
Almost Everything Right...
Our Worries
๏ฟผ Agony
To A Close
For anyone that wants another angsty story(Little different then this though)


1.2K 35 5
By TheBrokenAshes

Warning this part is describing forced unconsensual sexual acts, if this makes you uncomfortable then probably don't read this.
I don't know any other way to describe it, the situation is odd._____________
When Ink got home after his interesting interaction with Dust, he was kinds of worried. For one he was worried about his kids that had just been threatened, and for two...he didn't know who it was, but he knew that someone was screaming, and hurting in that place with those things... He should've stayed, should've helped but he didn't...
Those thoughts were gone though when he heard two sets of tiny feet run down one of the halls. Ink felt himself smile, even after what happened he couldn't help himself. He saw PJ and Gradient run from the hall into Ink's now open arms.
"We missed you!-"
"Ya daddy, where did you go!?"
The two skeletons started to fill Ink's head with many questions screamed out of their tiny bodies. Ink laughed and some how got them to calm down.
"Ok, ok! I need you guys to quite down a little!"
The to children grumbled a little but did as they were told.
"I was doing my job, I was going to help someone-"
"Did you!?-"
Gradient giggled innocently, Ink not being able to be even a little mad at him.
"I tried but some stuff was going on, so I came home early."
"But don't they still need your help?"
"Tomorrow Jammy, I'll finish helping them tomorrow."
"Does that mean you can come get us from school then? Uncle Dream had to-"
"That was only today..."
Ink told Gradient, knowing that he was lying to him. Though he would rather be more involved in the two children's was hard...he did most things and would forget others, and would try to do fun things with them...and yet when he did they would only talk about Blue and Dream.... The ones that practically raise them...
Ink says he'll be better, that he wants to be...but really how can he? With Error still destroying and everything going on now, it's almost an impossible ask... But after this, then he should, he will, they're his kids- he can be better!.. If not to make himself feel better, then for them...
"We'll be together more, when this is all over trust me!"
"When what is?"
"Don't worry about it Jam, now how about some cupcakes?"
PJ and Gradient started getting excited, starting to yell again like they were when they first saw their father. Ink laughed, picking up the both of them and going into the kitchen so they could make some sweets.
Back at the castle, when everyone rested, Killer and Nightmare remained awake. They were talking about doing something, something they were describing rather vague.
"Do you think he'll be mad? I mean really what reason would he have to be?"
"It's him, he can be weird about things...especially involving Horror..."
"But then again we're both interested, and probably everyone else is to."
"Everyone else doesn't need to know about this, besides we're the only ones that use Horror that way-"
"You mean most of the time?"
"...Be quiet Killer..."
"Fine, but just the both of us?"
"Just the both of us, unless someone else walks in then yes."
"Would you be mad if someone did?"
"Not very... But be ready to do it tomorrow before Ink gets hear preferably..."
"Got it boss..."
That morning Dust woke up kind of uncomfortably, his back kind of soar and his head spinning in a thousand different directions.
"What the fuck?.."
He managed to slur out of his mouth, picking his head up from his chest.- Wait a minute...
"Why the fuck is- Oh...well I probably deserve this..."
Dust told himself, looking at his bare skeletal body that was currently tied down to a chair. Letting out a sigh, Dust let his head fall back.
"I feel like there should be more to this than just humiliation, unless it was Killer, then I have no questions..."
Dust just sat there for a moment before picking his head up, his eyes meeting with Killer's.
"Should this surprise me?"
"From the sounds of it no"
"I see...well can you let me go now?"
"No~ Me and the boss wanted to see something is all~"
"With me? With out pants?.."
"In this case yes~"
"Kill me..."
Killer laughed, finishing his laughter with a maniacal smile.
"Please, we think you'll quite enjoy this actually ~"
"I don't think I'll enjoy an orgy..."
"That's not what we're planning, but it is something nice and sexual~"
Killer rolled his eyes, walking over to the door.
"Maybe appreciate something like this for once~"
Dust watched as Killer knocked on the door, then seeing as someone else began to open it.
"Shh, shh"
Getting hushed Dust shut up, until he saw what was waiting for him on the other side of the door.
"You say what? About our gift to you~"
Nightmare cooed, throwing the shaking monster in his arms to ground. Horror hit the floor hard, looking up at Dust his eyes saying sorry when his quivering lips couldn't.
"Get up slut, we want to see something~"
Horror did as he was commanded, standing up and covering his body, even though Dust had already seen it.
"We just want to know how you get him to listen to you, we can't do it clearly."
"So you want-"
"You to show us how you do it? Then yes~"
Dust didn't know what to say after Killer spoke, he only stared at Horror. He still had noticeable scars covering his body from the burns...he hadn't noticed them before...
Just as he was noticing this he felt a piece of cloth get wrap around his mouth. Killer had tied it around his mouth. Dust tried to speak and tell him to stop but of course he couldn't.
"Don't worry we'll take it off...after~"
Dust wanted to ask after what, but he couldn't because he was still gaged. Nightmare chuckled, shoving Horror closer to Dust.
"First things first, get his ecto summoned~"
Nightmare lightly demanded, Horror not doing what he was told. This made Nightmare grimace.
"Now you!"
Horror jumped, getting down one his knees and scooting closer to Dust. Looking up at Dust, Horror saw his eyes wide and his pupils small as dots. He knew Dust didn't want this, any of this...
"I can't do it..."
"You will damnit! Unless you want there to be repercussion!"
Horror winced, expecting something more than an empty threat, but nothing. Though Horror knew it wouldn't last long, he knew he couldn't say no again. He looked up at Dust, who by now knew the same thing he did so he nodded for Horror to continue so he did. Bringing his hand up and beginning to rub Dust's pelvis, Horror heard a muffled groan from above him. Knowing that Dust was at least enjoying this a little, he was so much so that he summoned his ecto rather quickly. The both of them blushed intensely, only looking at one another as they only blushed more.
"Now he seems rather limp, fix that Horror"
Killer told Horror, him again being reluctant to do so. But when he was yelled at again he did. Horror grabbed ahold of Dust's member, making Dust shake. Even though Dust did this Horror had no choice but to continue...but it wasn't that bad- as bad- it wasn't like any part of this could ever be good, right?..
Choosing to just stop thinking about it, Horror just kept going. Horror pumped his hand up and down on Dust's member. Dust couldn't help himself and he began to let out low moans. Hearing Dust's enjoyment made Horror grin, which for him was odd. The happy expression ended quickly though, when he heard Killer's voice.
"I think he's ready, Horror get on him~"
Horror stopped what he was currently doing, then standing up and getting on top Dust. Dust breath quickened, watching Horror do this and having no say in any of it. He wanted Horror to stop and yet he didn't at the same time, it was weird for him...and he felt like it shouldn't be...
"Good, at least you could do that right... Now go down, let him into you~"
Nightmare cooed, Horror trying to but having trouble bringing himself to do it... He felt like he was just doing what Nightmare and Killer did to him, but to Dust...
"No...I really can't..."
"You really can't?"
Not wanting to say it again Horror nodded. Both Nightmare and Killer fed up with the no's finally took the gag off of Dust. Dust coughed a small bit before looking up at Horror, who could only mouth the words 'he was sorry'.
"It's ok..."
Horror slowly felt a smile creep onto his face after hearing those words, feeling a bit better now.
"What was that?"
"Um nothing boss..."
Dust told his boss, in an attempt to hide what he already said. Luckily for him Nightmare was either half listening to him or didn't care, wanting to just get on with what was happening.
"Order him to continue, now"
"W-Well I-"
"He prefers when we are least that's what he told me sir..."
Timidly Horror chose to add, shaking a little as Nightmare huffed.
"Honestly do you think I care? This is for our sakes, not yours or his. He just gets to reap the benefits of this entire thing."
The two friends groaned, before again just beginning to stare at one another. Even though Dust already made a move on Horror before he didn't want this...not after what happened to Horror... His view on anything like this after what they did to him would always be bad, Dust knew that...he did...and he didn't care, he still wanted to be with Horror...even if they never did this...
And now they were stuck, caught up in a lie that saved them before but led to this. Was it really worth it? No probably not...but then again these were just random thoughts floating around Dust's head, him still wanting to wait and put this off...for Horror's sake he did...
"What if Ink comes by? It'd be bad for us if he caught us like this..."
"The creator isn't showing up for another three hours! If you make an excuse up at least try and make it a good one!"
Both Horror and Dust trembled when Nightmare scolded them, Killer laughing when they did.
"I-It was no excuse Boss, just making sure is all..."
"...Whatever, just get on with it and I may forget about it..."
There was no more putting it off now, they had to continue. So with a sigh, Dust started to speak again.
Horror's head perked up, as he started at Dust.
"Keep g-going..."
Were words Dust could barely murmur out of his mouth. Horror didn't say anything when he did, only nodding as he did what he was told. Dust was a lot more than surprised to see him do this, watching Horror line his entrance up to Dust then slam his body down. The both of them couldn't help but groan a little, shutting up quickly afterwards and only shaking.
"Already listening a hell of a lot better than he ever did with us..."
Killer grumbled to himself, receiving a smack from a tentacle in return.
"Shut it Killer, now how about you keep going?"
Dust and Horror looked at Killer, who at the moment appeared to be holding in tears while grasping his gut. He didn't cry though and got himself together.
"Gee thanks for that..."
"Be quiet Killer!- We don't need to hear your voice right now..."
Nightmare calmed his voice, realizing who he was yelling at, then looked over at Dust and yelling at him instead.
"Now would be a good time!"
"Y-Yes sir um Hor-"
Horror leaned in close to the side of Dust's head. Dust was confused until he heard him start to whisper.
"Please just do what he says...I'm's you...not them...remember that..."
Though that was true, Dust was nowhere near as bad as Nightmare and Killer, Dust still didn't want to do this to Horror. But then again Dust had no choice, and at least Horror's words made him feel good...
"Start to move-"
"Be more specific than that..."
"Sorry I don't enjoy you two w-watching- Mm~ me-"
Dust gritted his teeth, restraining a moan as Horror did what he was told. His hips rocked on Dust, making the both of them struggle not to moan.
"Even then he did it...what are you doing to make him listen to your dumbass?"
Killer questioned, a more annoyed look on his face then before.
"Clearly he isn't to stupid, he is making Horror do all of that."
Nightmare added with a snicker, continuing to watch the scene in front of him play out. Dust could here small pants and moans next to his ear, Horror's hips still moving across Dust's in a swaying motion. The blush on Dust face was already noticeable, but what Horror said made him blush more.
"I-I...Mm~... Ask for more...I want- Um I mean..."
Both of their blush's got more intense, Horror almost not able to believe what he had just said. He shouldn't be enjoying this...he was doing this to him, Dust didn't sign up for any of it...and yet Horror couldn't deny that he did want more than this...this already amazing feeling that should've felt this way the dozens of times it happened before with the others but didn't...and now did... It was so much gentler for him, even making him feel like he had some control that he hadn't before...and that he really didn't now...
But just as he was thinking that, Dust started speaking again.
"F-Faster- G-Mm!- Horror!"
Horror was surprised to hear the command, but did it. Horror bit his lip, holding in a loud moan due to his now increasing speed. Dust had the near same reaction, gritting his teeth to stop himself from moaning as well.
"F-Fuck!- can y-you two please l-leave now!- Ha!~"
Dust grunted out, Nightmare reluctant to respond.
"...Fine...we'll leave you, Killer we're going..."
"Aw but I was enjoying the show~"
Nightmare rolled his eyes, wrapping a tentacle around Killer and leaving with him. Once they were gone Horror stopped, both him and Dust panting.
"I'm sorry...really..."
Was the first thing Horror could think to say, now that he could.
"I think you've apologized enough this week...for things you can't control..."
"I can't help it, you know me..."
"Ya, I do... But can you please untie me?.."
"Oh ya sure!"
Horror pulled his body off of Dust before untying him. Feeling the bind on his hands give way, Dust pulled them over from behind his chair.
"Thank you..."
"Ya don't mention..."
Both of them didn't really know what to say after that, only looking at one another like they were doing before. Yet Horror seemed off, Dust not releasing it until then.
"Hey you feeling ok?"
"Of course not- But you probably already knew that..."
"Ya I did...but you seem tired...really tired actually..."
"Oh's just say Nightmare and Killer kept me a punishment for yesterday..."
"They did that to you again?.."
"Yes...but I'm ok! Really...I am..."
"I won't argue and say your not...there would be no point, you'd just argue back... But I would like to bring you back to your room so you can get some more sleep..."
"What if they're out side?"
"Then I'll lie, say I wanted to be some where a little more comfortable. But then again we see where the last lie got us..."
"It'll be fine this time..."
Horror wasn't sure what else to say after that, but nodded and got off of Dust. Dust tried to stand up, forgetting his feet were tied down onto the chair legs and falling over instantly because of it.
"I'm fine...and for the love stop apologizing..."
Dust untied himself, then got up
Dust said, looking around afterwards to find his clothes. He did and threw on his pants and picked up what was left, which just so happened to be his hoodie.
"Throw this on, just so your covered"
"You sure-"
"Why wouldn't I be? Just take it"
Horror did this, taking the jacket that was slightly to big and using it to cover his exposed body.
" they have to believe that I'm just taking you down stairs to continue this um...'fun'..."
"Oh that'll be easy, hear"
Horror grabbed onto Dust's hand, placing them on his hips.
"Walk me out like this, ok?"
"Got it...and um you look good in my-"
"I already told you we can't..."
"We can now..."
Slowly, Dust moved his hand up to Horror's cheek. Horror smiling as he sighed.
"Just one...unless you don't want it..."
"I...I do... It's alright... But only this once..."
"Really?- I mean ok, just this once!"
"Haha yep!"
Horror giggled a little more before gasping, getting tugged closer to Dust.
"Hopefully I'll satiate your want for now"
"Maybe till the end of today~"
Again Horror giggle, then being pulled into a gentle kiss. It lasted maybe a minute, then Dust let Horror part as he began to speak.
"Hey Horror"
"You're ok with this right, you don't feel like I'm forcing you to do this like they would..."
"Never... Now are you ready to go?"
"Oh um- Yes- Let's go"
Dust again wrap his arm around Horror, then walking him out of the room. They were stopped by Killer and Nightmare near instantly like they thought they would. Luckily their 'planned' lie worked out and Dust could bring Horror to his room.
They walked down the stairs and once they were at the bottom and the door was closed, Dust let go of Horror.
"I'll stay so the both of them don't get suspicious, or get any ideas..."
"Ok...I have that old couch down hear..."
"The one Nightmare broke-"
"With his tentacles...ya...but I fixed enough so it'd be comfortable, so you can go rest on that."
"You think I'm tired?"
"You look a hell of a lot more exhausted than I probably don't have to tough it out for me...I'll be ok... So you rest, and I will to..."
"Ok fine, and good night... I guess..."
"Good night Dust"
Horror walked off to his bed laying down in it and getting himself comfy. Just as he did, Dust remember that he had his hoodie.
"Wait Horror can I have my hoodie back?"
"No it's warm..."
Dust couldn't even finish talking, Horror already dozing off. Chuckling, Dust laid down.
"Well alright, hope you stay that way~"
After saying that, Dust tried to sleep but couldn't. He felt like he was forgetting to do something, and after a moment it don'd on him what might've been bothering him.
He stood up, walking over to Horror's bed. Horror was sleeping peacefully already, curled up under the covers and Dust's hoodie.
Bending down Dust pressed his lips to Horror's temple.
"There, now have a good night~"
Once Dust did that he went back over to the couch, laid down, and some how easily found a way to sleep comfortably on the old piece of garbage that was currently his bed.

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