By WriterNm

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-This a spin-off to my other story 'Wretched Roses', it can also be read as a standalone- A moody, sarcastic... More

Author's note
New book/Release date, synopsis & more


335 13 2
By WriterNm

Storm was gathered with all her friends at her and Joey's apartment. Eiji, Thalia, Echo, and of course Joey were all there. There was some tension between Eiji and Joey and Storm couldn't decipher whether it was good or bad tension, but she was leaning towards bad. Every time Joey touched Eiji in the slightest, he tensed and glanced around uncomfortably. Storm didn't know what that was all about. She considered confronting them, but she sensed that would make it worse, so she shut her mouth.

"How are things going with Ziv?" Joey asked Thalia, crossing his legs and munching on a chip.

Smiling gently, Thalia responded, "really well, actually. I like him a lot."

"I still have no idea how the hell it happened but I'm happy for you two," Echo, who was sitting next to Storm on the couch, said.

Thalia blushed. "You know that party we went to a few weeks ago now?"

"Wes' party?" Storm asked for clarification.

"Yeah, that one. We kind of hit it off there and then he asked me out and here we are. He's so sweet to me. Most of my relationships have been shit so it's a nice change to have him treat me like I deserve to be treated. Also, he's cute and hot at the same time, but that's just an added bonus."

"Isn't he your sister's best friend?" It was Eiji who spoke, addressing Joey for practically the first time that night.

At the mention of Gabriella, Storm shifted in her seat. It had been two weeks since their amusement park date, well, she wasn't sure if it was classified as a date or not. Regardless, they'd not had many opportunities since to spend time together. They'd both been busy. Instead, they'd been texting, face timing, and meeting briefly here and there.

The past two weeks, Gabriella had caught Storm up on Isla and their growing friendship, she also told her how she'd been getting more and more orders. That made Storm happy. She was talented and Storm was glad more people were recognizing it. As for her blossoming friendship, Storm thought it was great too. Especially since she only really had Ziv. Which wasn't a bad thing, but it was always nice to make more friends.

Truthfully, Storm found herself missing Gabriella. She'd been occupying her mind a lot lately and Storm couldn't seem to get her out of it. However, Storm was still filled with guilty whenever she thought of her. The fear that Joey would find out and hate her for pursuing his sister lingered. There was the slightest possibility that he wouldn't react badly, but Storm wasn't willing to take that risk. For now, it would have to remain a secret.

Yet, she knew it could only remain that for so long. Eventually, he would find out. She just hoped it wouldn't be soon. That she could hold onto this a little longer. That she could somehow make it work. Because Storm didn't want to let go of Gabriella. Neither did she want to lose her best friend.

"Mhm, he is."

"That guy has been into you for a while now," Eiji said, chuckling.

"What?" Thalia spluttered. "No, he hasn't."

"You didn't notice? He's had this dreamy look on his face every time he sees you for like two years. You were too blind to see it, that's all."

Though Storm liked to think she wasn't oblivious, she had never noticed Ziv's crush on Thalia. Perhaps she just hadn't been paying enough attention to notice.

"I think you were the only one who noticed that," Echo said. The others hummed in agreement.

He shrugged. "Maybe I'm observant. But really, it wasn't hard to miss. He wasn't exactly good at hiding it. You're together now, though. So I guess things worked out."

"He has not been crushing on me for two years," Thalia argued.

"He has," Eiji repeated, "he was probably just too embarrassed to admit he'd been pining after you for longer than you had. Ask him about it."

Storm couldn't imagine crushing on someone for so long and feeling unable to do something about it. It would drive her insane. Most of her crushes hadn't lasted for long or had turned into relationships.

"You really think so?"

"I know so," Eiji confirmed.

Throwing an arm around his shoulder, Joey ruffled Eiji's hair playfully. It could be interpreted as a platonic move with no other intentions, yet Storm noticed how Eiji stiffened and she wondered if something more was going on. Joey had been affectionate with Eiji before, she wasn't sure what changed. Though Joey hadn't revealed much, Storm was pretty certain something had happened between them. Albeit, she was unsure why it was making Eiji act so uncomfortable around Joey. She was growing increasingly curious.

Joey, seemingly noticing the change in behavior, removed his arm from Eiji, respecting that he didn't seem okay with it. However, Storm didn't miss the hurt expression flashing across his face. He quickly recovered, turning his frown into a smile again.

Clearing his throat, Joey stood up and pointed with his thumb to the kitchen. "I'm going to get some, uhm, snacks and drinks. Anybody wants anything?"

"I could do with a beer. You have any?" Echo asked.

"I'll check," he glanced at everyone else who shook their heads. "Okay, I'll be back."

He headed to the kitchen, leaving the room. Storm excused herself, following suit. By the refrigerator, Joey was kneeling, scanning for any beers. Storm approached him, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. He looked up, grabbed a beer he'd found, and got up from his kneeling position. Giving her a tight smile, he leaned against the counter. One hand gripping it and the other fiddling with the can of beer in his hand.

"Everything okay?" Storm questioned, checking him up and down.

He was dressed in a pair of black sweats and a white t-shirt, going for the comfy look. Though the man himself looked anything but comfortable. Something was up, Storm just wasn't sure if he would admit it or not.

Avoiding her eyes, he mumbled, "no, no, I'm fine. Why are you asking?"

Storm quirked an eyebrow, taking a step forward so they were almost chest to chest. "C'mon, Joey. I was asking out of courtesy. I can read you like a book. Besides, you weren't being subtle about it. It's Eiji, isn't it?" When he remained quiet, Storm added, "I won't pressure you into telling me, but I'm here, you know that, right? Always."

That earned her a smile. "Yes, I know. I love you for it. But I'll handle it myself. I think it's best if it stays between us, anyway."

"Okay," Storm nodded.

She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. It didn't take him long to reciprocate it, returning her embrace. Pecking her on the head, he rested his own on top of hers.

"I love you, idiot."

He laughed. "How sweet. Can't say I feel the same though, sorry." Sensing she wasn't impressed, Joey huffed and said, "fine, I love you too."

They stayed like that for a little while until Storm pulled away. "Gross, this is getting too sentimental. Let's get back out there, shall we?"

Chuckling, he said, "Yeah, let's do that, you sappy shit."

Punching his shoulder playfully, she whirled around and strode out of the kitchen. He rubbed the spot, pretending it hurt way more than it did, and sent her a nasty glare. In turn, she flipped him off. Huffing, he followed her out, grabbing the can of beer for Echo and the soda for himself. Along with that, he seized the bag of chips he'd gotten from the cabinet.

Back in the living room, Thalia was chatting to someone on the phone and Echo was talking to Eiji. Storm sat down next to Thalia and Joey took a seat next to her. Thalia mumbled a goodbye and hung up the phone.

She put it back into her pocket before she started speaking. "Sorry about that. My mom was blowing up my phone. Apparently, she needs an urgent babysitter for the twins because she just couldn't plan that ahead of time," Thalia muttered bitterly, gathering her things. "I have to get going, I'm sorry."

Getting up, Storm hugged her goodbye. "Do you need help? I can come. I know as much as you love them, they're a hassle.

Thalia dismissed Storm's offer with a wave. "No, it's fine. I can handle them. But thank you anyway."

"Okay, but give me a call if they get too much. I don't mind lending a hand."

"I'll say I will call you but really I won't," Thalia admitted, patting Storm's shoulder who laughed.

"As to be expected. But if you somehow for once accept some help, I'm here."

"I'll keep that in mind," Thalia said, tapping her head.

She wouldn't, but Storm still smiled and nodded, saying goodbye to her. When Thalia was out of the door, Eiji got up from his seat. Storm furrowed her eyebrows, watching his movements.

"I should probably get going too," he announced, grabbing his things.

"Oh, already?" Storm asked, crossing her arms, disappointed they all seemed to be leaving so soon.

In the corner of her eyes, she saw Joey stare down at the floor with unrelenting power. Like he'd never seen something as interesting as the wood beneath his feet. It was strange to see Joey looking out of place. He was boisterous, confident. Not shy or insecure. For once, he looked to be the opposite of his usual traits. He seemed uncomfortable, out of place. As if he was treading on thin ice with Eiji and one wrong step would break it.

It wasn't that Storm hadn't seen a gloomy Joey. She'd known him for long enough to have seen all sides of him. Including the heartbroken, insecure him. Albeit, it was rare to see him down, it happened. No one was happy 24/7, but Joey came close to it. So seeing him look like a kicked puppy was unsettling.

As much as it didn't seem like it, Storm knew he was fragile. Easily hurt. It wasn't something bad, he just felt strongly. So when he was let down, it hit him hard. Storm was unsure what exactly was going on, but she hoped they'd work it out.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a bit tired. That's all."

"You're still coming to the party on Friday, right? Wes may be a dumbass but he throws some good parties," Echo said.

"He's throwing a party again?" Storm asked.

"Yeah, you forgot? I texted you about it."

"I must have." It had 100% slipped her mind.

"It's only like fifteen people this time though, so it's more like a get together than anything. There'll be alcohol and shit, though. Will you be there?"

"I'll come," Eiji confirmed.

"I guess I'll be there," Storm reluctantly said.

The last party of his she'd been to, Wes had slept with Gabriella. She was drunk, but she hadn't forgotten that she walked in on them. Truthfully, Storm had been jealous. She hadn't been able to place her feelings then, but she could now. Seeing Wesley again wasn't something she was looking forward to, but she'd already agreed, so she figured she might as well go.

"Oh, that reminds me," Echo suddenly said. "He texted me a few days ago. Told me to invite Gabriella too. Even asked for her number."

That caught both Storm's and Joey's attention. For the first time since the conversation had started, Joey's head snapped up.

"He did what?" Storm and Joey questioned at the same time. Joey shot her a strange look. As if he wondered why she was concerned by this too.

"Yeah. They must have hit it off at the last party."

They'd hit it off, alright.

A bitter feeling flooded over Storm. She wasn't typically a jealous person, so all these feelings were foreign. Something about Gabriella brought out parts of her she didn't know existed. Storm couldn't deny she'd never felt the way she felt about Gabriella before. And that was scary. Not only because of the unfortunate circumstances, with Gabriella being Joey's sister and all, but also because this was new to Storm. She had never been so enthralled by someone, and certainly not so quickly. Just the idea of Gabriella and Wes made her jaw clench.

"Fuck, no. He is not going to try to pursue my sister, not on my watch."

Echo shrugged. "That's not up to you, is it, though? You can't control who she dates, likes, or fucks. She's a legal adult, it's really up to her."

Joey cringed at the use of fuck in the context of his sister. "Fine. But there is plenty of other fish in the sea. Can't she pick any other person?"

"What's wrong with Wes?" Eiji chimed in.

"Nothing. As long as he's not dating my sister. He could like anyone else, but he chose my sister? You don't try something with your friends' siblings, that's just common sense."

Guilt grew in the pit of Storm's stomach. If he was so worked up over Wesley, someone he was barely even friends with, asking for Gabriella's number, she couldn't imagine how pissed he'd be if he knew what was happening between them.

"C'mon. You're acquaintances at most," Echo argued. "It's not like Storm or any of us are going after your sister. That I would understand if you didn't like."

Joey grimaced, Storm wanted the ground to swallow her. "Now that would be messed up. I can't imagine Storm and Gabriella dating. It would be like seeing two of my siblings together."

The universe was purposefully tormenting her now. Storm had never felt so ashamed. The mere thought of it made Joey disgusted. She would rather die than see his face when she revealed it was actually happening at that point.

"We're not related, though," Storm said, trying to cover up her hidden embarrassment.

"I know. But I practically consider you my sister," Joey explained. "It would be so strange."

If she didn't know any better, Storm could have sworn he was taunting her. Making her feel bad so she would stop seeing Gabriella. Of course, that was ridiculous, he didn't know they were together. Besides, Joey wasn't cruel. No matter how angry he'd be, he wouldn't actively seek revenge on her in petty ways like this.

"You're overreacting. It wouldn't be that awful," Eiji countered. Storm thanked him silently.

"Anyway," Echo said, "Storm, can you pass on the message to Gabriella?"

Storm blinked. "Huh?"

"I'm assuming you have her number and Mr. 'I need to control who my sister is dating' over here sure as hell won't do it," Echo told her, jerking her head towards Joey.

He scoffed. "Piss off. I am not."

"Whatever," Echo dismissed him. "Can you do it?"

Trying to appear as casual as possible, Storm shrugged. "Yeah, sure. I can do that."

"Okay, well, see you on Friday. Bye," Eiji said, taking the opportunity to finally leave. He slipped out of the apartment, leaving only Echo, Storm, and Joey.

Echo, who'd been standing, sat down again. She opened her beer and took a sip out of it, then set it down and reached over for the bag of chips, stuffing some in her mouth.

"Damn, leave some chips for the rest of us," Storm joked, plopping down beside her.

"It's free food and I'm a broke college student, you'll be fine without one bag. Joey practically has a collection of chips."

He smirked. "And what about it? I'm proud of my collection."

"You inhale chips like you need them to survive. It's concerning, maybe we should plan an intervention," Echo said. "I think your diet only consists of them."

Storm laughed and Joey scoffed. "Yeah, yeah. You've dragged it now."

"Mhm, okay."

Joey took the other bag of chips that was almost empty and put a couple in his mouth, chewing them in delight. After a few moments of no one saying anything, Storm spoke up.

"I'm going to call Gabriella and ask her if she wants to come to the party before I forget."

"Tell her Wes is pining after her while you're at it," Echo teased.

Huffing, Storm headed to her room. She grabbed her phone that had been lying on her nightstand and searched for Gabriella's contact. When she found it, she clicked on it and waited for Gabriella to hopefully pick up. After only a few rings, she did.

"Hi," Gabriella greeted, voice raspy like she'd just woken up. It sent a chill down Storm's spine, she found it oddly attractive.

"Hey. Did you just wake up?"

She heard some shuffling on the other side. "I took a nap. It turns out staying up all night working on something tends to make you pretty exhausted."

Storm chuckled. "I can imagine."

Considering her messed-up sleep schedule, Storm could more than imagine. She usually just powered through it, though. Even if she wanted to take naps, Storm was too restless to. She could barely fall asleep during the night, let alone during the day. Regardless of how much her body craved sleep.

"Anyway, did you call for any specific reason?"

"Yes, I actually did." Storm hesitated for a moment before she continued, "you remember Wes?"

The other end went silent for a few seconds. "Yes, I do."

"He has this party, or get together, whatever, on Friday and he invited you."


"You don't have to go, of course. Only if you feel up to it," Storm assured. Selfishly, she didn't want Gabriella to come. Not when Wes, someone who had slept with Gabriella and probably had a thing for her, would be there.

"Will you be there?" Gabriella asked.


"Okay, I'll be there."


It wasn't great.

This week has been quite stressful and I have two more upcoming weeks that I'm not looking forward to, but after that, the end of the term is nearing. I'm fully vaccinated against covid now though! My arm wasn't as sore as the first time but I was exhausted on Friday (I also had a math test that day, did not go as well as I hoped, it was a short school day, thankfully, but overall shit.)

This felt kind of like a filler chapter but eh, whatever. See you next chapter!

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