Infinity || Harry Potter

By kinsweasley

258K 5.4K 2.2K

I hope she is alright, wherever she is. I can't lose anyone else I love, specially not her. She is my 'first'... More

About Y/N
Hogwarts letter
Diagon Alley
Platform 9¾
Sorthing Hat
Getting along
Sirius Black
Padfoot? Sirius Black?
Full Moon
Going Home.
Ash Letter
World Cup
Jealousy Jealousy
The Triwizard Tournament
Goblet of Fire
First Task
Yule Ball
Black Lake
Calming Draught
Final Task
Back to Hogwarts
Dumbledore Army?
Room of Requirements
Christmas At Manor
Going Back
pink women!
late night craving
Date with Harry?
Telling Friends
Joining Umbridge
Prank On Draco
Expecto Patronum
Vanishing Cabinet
Hogwarts Express
Cursed Necklace
Slughorn's invitation
Christmas Party
Back Home
Astronomy Tower
A.P.W.B Dumbledore
Severus Snape
Back to Hogwarts
Atlantes Thana
Atlantes's story
Hogwarts isn't Hogwarts
Back to the hell
What's going on?
Marriage proposal
Luna Lovegood
Running the hell out
Dobby the free elf
Bellatrix's Vault
Aberforth Dumbledore
The War Begin
War's downfall
War bring death
Y/N Malfoy
The one that got away
Another Ending!


3.7K 88 43
By kinsweasley

{Disclaimer : Under age drinking and touches!! }

(This chapter is edited)

The news about Yull Ball was all over Hogwarts. Every student was talking about it and asking people to be their dates. Three people have asked Y/n, all from Slytherin. She doesn't even know who they were so she said no. Y/n wanted to go with someone she knows, someone she could be herself and enjoy her time

She wanted the person to be Harry.

Y/n Malfoy find it strange about her sudden feelings towards the chosen one but it's there. Cedric was right.

Today was the day all students are going to Hogsmeade and most of them were shopping for there dresses.

"I think I am going to ask Katie Bell to be my date" said Tom "Gryffindor one?" Zack asked his best friend "how many Katie's you know? Huh?" said Tom while Zack rolled his eyes.

"I am going to ask Marietta" it was Andrew who said it "she is good friend of Cho too"

"I wonder who's asking y/n?"

"probably Potter" said Zack "maybe Ash. They are good friends right?" Tom pointed out

(This is what you're wearing)

"Sorry guys I am late" Y/n came running towards the group of hufflepuff "you're fine" Zack gave her a kind smile

"where's Ash?" she questioned. Looking around "he is going to meet us there. let's go"


They all went to The Three Broomsticks. "She is going to hear any second-" said Cedric "-and she is here" he added.

Cedric is hanging out with Cho a lot and today he wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend. He invited Cho to The Three Broomsticks and she here she is

Y/n, Tom, Zack and Andrew were at the other table spying

It has been long since cho arrived but nothing happen. They are just talking. Then Cho get up and walked to the left.

"I'll be right back" y/n told the others.

She set next to Cedric "what happen? Where did she go?" She asked "nothing happened and she went to the washroom" said Cedric "oh" she whispered.

Meanwhile Ron and Harry entered The Three Broomsticks and saw Cedric and Y/n.

"Harry I told you" said Ron but Harry didn't reply. They took a set and order a butterbeer. Harry saw Y/n get up and went to the girl's washroom.

"Harry" said Ron "wot" annoyed harry said "look he is with cho now. Such a player" Ron pointed at Cho and Cedric "He is talking both your crushes" he added

"let's just go. Hermione mush be waiting" With that they left The Three Broomsticks.

Y/n saw Cedric and Cho drinking from one cup. "Aww" she whispered to herself.

Cedric looked at them and then at Cho. It means that he is doing it.

"Cho" Cedric stood up "I wanted to ask you this for such a long time-" he said and Cho knew what is coming. She started blushing

"I liked you for such a long time now. do you want to be my girlfriend?" He did it. "Yes" she replied.

Cedric pulled cho into a long kiss...

Y/n and other people in the three broomstick started cheering loudly. Y/n took out her wand and send sparkle


"Here is your drink" said the man

"Y/n and Cho can't drink as you're both not the age" said Zack.

Y/n took a glass and filled it with drink. "This is not the first time I will drink" After saying that she started drinking.

It was true Y/n and draco drink on Christmas when nobody's watching. It was alone fine

"No! No! you are not drinking" said Cedric "come on Ced it's a big day" Y/n told him.


Y/n drink a bit more then she expected.

"Are you alright?" Ash asked worriedly "Perfectly fine" Y/n replied but she don't look fine.

Ash hold her hand "come on" said Ash "where?" y/n raised her eyebrown "common room" he replied.

"Ash" she whispered and stare at him for a while. This stupid drink is bringing old feelings "bag"

Ash was confused of what the girl meant but notice that her bag was missing.

"maybe its the great hall when we ex....change byeeeeeeeeee," y/n said putting pressure on 'bye'

"Alright I will go get it you stay here," ash told her "or you want to come?" He added "no. Say here here"

Ash didn't know if he should leave her in the empty hallway or take her with him in the great hall. There will be many people and he didn't want to put y/n in trouble for underage drinking so it was best to leave her here

"Please stay here"

Y/n stood there trying to open her eye but it was hard for her to do so. She stood near the wall waiting for her friend to be here

{Warning- Touches }

"Hey darling," unknown voice came. She looked back but there was no one in the corridor except her.

"Oh heyyyyyyy," she said, "you alright?" The guy asked. He looked around seventeen

"yes I am" To show him she was alright y/n stand straight but kinda fall to her left and laughed

"you're drunk" he smirked "a little" she replied and he started moving towards her.

"You're pretty," he continued walking "I know" she rolled eyes eyes "oh Merlin" he whispered to himself

"you're a bit closer," she told him but he ignored her and put his hand on her cheeks

"Hey...I feel weird" she was trying to pull back but couldn't. His left hand was holding her tightly and the right was on her cheeks. He came near to her face and his eyes travel down her lips to neck. He place a kiss on her neck making the shivers down her body

"Stooppp" she cried "doon'ttt" she shouted again

His hand left her cheeks and travel down her body "get- no. Stop it!" She slapped him right on the face.

The guy grab both her hands in anger-

"expelliarmus" someone shouted and the guy flew back and fall to the ground.

"She said  'Stop'" It was Harry Potter "can't you hear it. Stop means stop!!!"

The guy looked at Harry and panicked. He was older than him but he was scared. Ofc he's head of Harry and his strange mind thanks to Rita Skeeter (that bitch) he disappeared.

"coward" y/n shouted

"are you alright?" He asked and she shook her head. A tear left her face. Harry could see red marks on her face and hand.

She started walking towards Harry. Y/n was going to fall but Harry cough her "I am fine," she said "no you're not," said Harry and smelled her "You're drunk!"

"I will leave to your common room" he added

"Y/N" Harry looked back and saw Ash Sunshine running towards them with y/n's bag in his left hand

"are you alright?" He asked her "noo" she replied and hugged him. Ash also notice marks on her face

"What did you do potter?" He asked him "what- no I- it wasn't me," Harry panicked "I would never do that" he added.

"It's not him," y/n told Ash. Ash pulled her in his arms "can we go" y/n said "hmm" then he turned to face Harry

"Thanks, Potter. I owe you a big one" Ash said with a thankful smile "It's alright. I did what anyone should have" replied Harry.


The next day Y/n woke up with a headache. She was trying to remember what happened. She went to the three broomstick, had drink, came back, NO!

Salazar's Sake!

When she realise she felt embarrassed and wait- she looked in the mirror and thanks Salazar she didn't had any marks on her neck.

Who was that guy?

'Harry had told his friend and they will tell other people. Crap' she thought "Salazar why?" She said to herself

Then someone knocks on the door

"Y/n you there," asked a voice which belongs to Pansy "you will be late for breakfast" she added

"yeah, I am up. You can go I will catch up later" Y/n yelled.

There were no classes today because Yule ball was near maybe after three four days. Y/n took a bath (longer than she needed).

(You can imagine whatever you're comfortable with)

She walked inside the great hall. There were not many people but few were looking at her.

'Oh everyone knows' she thought.

"Can I sit here?" Y/n said to the Ravenclaw girl "sure" she replied "you look nice" Luna said

"I like your outfit too," y/n said and receive "thank you" from Luna. She quietly ate her food and felt a pair of eyes fixed on her

Harry was looking. She felt embarrassed.

"I will be going," y/n told Luna "you just ate a toast" luna pointed out "I am not hungry" y/n said and left the hall.

"Y/n!" she heard her name being called. When she turned back it was harry. Salazar No!

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked "yeah.." Y/n whispered

"About last night- Harr- erm Potter have you told anyone-" Harry cut her off "no. I didn't"

"Can you - not you know" She started as she played with her fingers "tell anyone? Don't worry about it"

She smiled "thank you. For what you did for me"

"I just helped my friend," he said "Friend?" She asked. He nodded.

A friend.

"Um Y/n I also want to tell you something" harry came a little close "go ahead" she replied. Is he going to ask me to the ball?

Not dummy. He just clear you as a 'FRIEND'

"I know you and Cedric are together but he-" she looked at him in shock "wait what are you talking about?" She interrupted

"Cedric. he is cheating on you with Cho," Harry said. Y/n laughed "what?" He asked

"Potter there is nothing between me and Ced. He is like a brother to me" Y/n cleared "what?" He asked she nodded and walked away.


Yull ball was two days away and Y/n doesn't have a date yet.
"Y/n Malfoy are you?" Asked a Hufflepuff "one and only" y/n replied

"Do you like to go to the ball with me?" He asked her "Umm, I am so sorry I already have a date" y/n said "it's ok," he said and ran away.

The truth is Y/n doesn't have a date. six Hogwarts boys and eight Durmstrang boys and a girl have asked her but she refused the offer.

At first she wanted to go with Harry (which she was dumb for thinking it) she even went to ask him herself but then he saw her asking Cho and she felt something.


Y/n Malfoy wanted to ask Harry to the Yull ball and because of this she rejected five guys. Her brother will not like this but y/n wanted to give it a shot.

Currently Y/n and Cho were in the owlery sending letter to Cho's mother as she doesn't have a owl and y/n was sending a letter to broke. Her owl Ryuu went with the letter to the manor and Draco's owl went to send a letter to father.

"Hurry Y/n I wanna go and pee" Cho said quickly "I'm not done yet. You can go if it's urgent" she nodded and walked out

Y/n finished tying her letter and gave it to the owl. She knew Cho wouldn't have gone too far so she quickly followed


Y/n stopped when she heard a voice.

"Sorry?" This was Cho.

"Would you like to the ball with me?" Y/n knew the voice very will. It was Harry

Y/n felt a pain in her heart. Didn't she made herself clear that Cho was taken!

"Sorry but someone asked me and I said I'll go with them" Cho replied

"That's fine. Erm.. who is that?"


"Fuck him" Y/n muttered and walked towards them "Harry? What a surprise"

"Hello" he said awkwardly.

Cho looked at them and gave y/n a knowing look and ran down.

Flashback ends

"Why do you lie to him?" Ash sunshine whispered in y/n ears

"I just want to go with someone I know. Do you know what I mean?" She said and Ash nodded

"tomorrow is Yule Ball and you don't have a date yet!" Ash commented "Don't remind me," y/n told him

"well as don't have a date, neither do I" she looked at him in confusion "So do you want to go to the ball with me?" He asked her

"wait you don't have a date?" She asked him "wanted to go with someone I already know. Do you know what I mean?" He said.

y/n laughed "yes I would love to go with you" she said with a laugh "for the ball?" He asked "of course idiot," y/n said and hugged him.


Y/n was in the library when Harry met her "I wanted to ask something"

"okay?" She replied and crossed her arms

"Do you- by any chance have- erm - have a date for the ball?"

Y/n felt her blood boiling. She waited for him to ask her but he never did. And now he's here, as a last resort

"Yea actually. I do have a date" She said sarcastically "and by your looks, I can tell that you don't"


Next chapter Yule Ball 😍😍😍😍

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