Fractured glass (Kuroo×Tsuki)


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In where the king sits on his pedestal while the peasants can only watch... Еще

1. The beginning
2.Small joys
3. Limits
4. Instinct
5. Growth.
6. Fear
7. The value of life
8. Contentment
9. Monsters
10.Emotional prostitution
11. Irationality and loyalty
12. Soft kicks and a name
13. Wrong
14. Someone you loved
15. His son
16. His return
17. Cliffs and Camera's
19.The fate of the Broken
21. Allergies and Volleyball
22. Redemption
23. Domestic
25. My Idiot
26. Keiji's stalker
27. Ridiculous
28. The secrets of Nekoma
29. The claws of a Brides maid
30. Serpina's and Scrabble
31. Late night Promises
32. Dreaded Returns
33.Check mate?
35. Hiro's Heart
36.breaking point
37. The aftermath
38. My kei
39.Check Mate
40. The invitation
41. Realization
42. Hiroki's father
43. One step closer
45. Forever
46. Epilogue

24. Fruit cup jury

139 3 0


In which kei realizes the extent of the similarities.


The alpha was sat at table waiting for the omega to come back with the child.

He liked this.

Waking up to the omega. 

Having breakfast together. 

Honestly he could be doing absolutely nothing but as long as he was with Kei or Hiro it seemed like a whole event. 

His grown fond of the child it feels like it was his own. Hiro was just so easy to love. The way he was snarky like Kei. And perceptive . He noticed everything that happened around him.  

He doesn’t talk much at first but when he did talk he talked a lot. But it was an endearing traite. He also noticed that he often used words that are way to big for his age. And he used them properly and its alarming in a sence. He did however seem fascinated when Tetsu started speaking about science.

He liked learning that much is obvious. 

Kei walked in with a fully dressed hiro in his arms. He wore an adorable black shorts and small volleyball shoes and a light blue T-shirt with a moon pattern on it.

In his hands was a smaller volleyball. And a back pack.  He looked excited.

“I just realized that this is earlier than you agreed to.” Kei bit his bottom lip in thought. 

“it’s fine you have a wedding to plan Kei”he assured him

“But what about work?”pushed again 

“They delivered everything I need to sign or check to my house so I’m good”he smiled.  Kei never liked over stepping. 

“But-" he pushed again but tetsu was having none of that.

“No buts moonshine,if it really bothers you I’ll  stay home tomorrow and finish all my work before our dinner"tetsu assured. Kei looked hesitant but one look at the excited expression of the child and he was done.

“Fine let me just check his wound.” Kei grumbled he put hiro in the table and grabbed the first aide kit he brought with. He pulled off the bandage fast. Hiro’s eyes teared up at the stinging. Kei reassured him with soft kisses and soft words of encouragement. 

It made sense that hiro would be sensitive to pain . If he has a condition where he bleeds a lot and have trouble with healing Kei would definitely take.extra precautions with his safety. 

Kei inspected the wound it was still a deep red and slightly swollen. Kei prodded at it an Hiroki whined trying to stop him. “its healing nicely.” He pulled out a small tube and put a thin layer of the  contents on the wound. He placed a small kiss on his forehead beside the wound.

He pulled out small jar that looked like sweets and tetsu tilted his head. Kei popped one on his mouth and he sucked on it happily.

“What are those?”he questioned as kei put the jar back in the cupboard 

“It’s essentially all the main medication I gave him last night, the coagulant, antibiotic and an iron supplement made into a sweet so he wouldn’t have a problem with it.”he explained washing his hands in the sink. 

“Then why didn’t you give him those last night?” he tilted his head curiously.

“The dosage is low and the initial symptoms are unpredictable so I give him the large does as soon as I can and then these for 2 or three days afterwards to keep the healing normal.”kei explained 

Tetsu nodded and then when he was done he looked at Tetsu and crossed his arms over his chest. 

“Ground rules.” Tetsu  gulped but nodded.

“If you give him sugar you have him run it off,I dont feel like dealing with a sugar rush,don’t leave him alone ever ,he gets panick attacks when he cant see someone he knows and if he gets hurt let him sit down abit unless his light headed or throwing up he should be fine.”he listed.

Tetsu nodded carefully making a mental note of the information. “His allergic to Bees,peanuts and penicillin. Theres an EpiPen in the front pocket of his bag just incase but take him to the hospital if the reactions don’t subside in 10 minutes I’d advise taking him to the emergency room,theres also heat rash ointment and sunscreen in the front pocket"he continued checking the front pocket to make sure it was still there

Tetsu nodded and picked the child up “hiro do you want the normal time or do you want to do the whole day tomorrow?”kei asked the child.

“Uncle Teru said I can practice for the talent show tonight so can we make it before that.” Kei nodded .

“I’ll ask uncle Teru what time his coming for you" he looked at tetsu “I’ll message you what time he needs to be back” tetsu nodded .kei looked hesitant a bit. The alpha smiled at him he placed a kiss on his forehead assuring him it's going to be ok, holding it there a bit longer before pulling away .

“I’ve got this moon shine ,he’ll be ok" kei nodded his cheeks flushed abit.and they left after kei placed a kiss on his sons cheek .hiro was smiling largely the whole way to their house. Hiro was strapped into the passenger seat he made a mental note to get a car seat .he drove slower than he was used to also taking the back roads where there wasnt to much traffic. As he drove He kept asking questions about volleyball as Tetsu explained the rules to him.

“So the libero cant score points?” He asked when they pulled up to his house. "Because Liberos are primarily for defense. You see defences is-"

“Means to protect or guard a place ,person and object" tetsu froze looking the child. Hiro looked so proud of himself. Tetsu chuckled ofcourse a child raised by Kei would be that smart. He ruffled the blondes hair and he giggled abit. 

When they got inside akaashi is in the living room on his laptop.he looked up at them briefly. The blonde ran over to him and he smiled. “aunty Keiji" keiji placed the laptop on the sofa beside him. He opened his arms for the child happily. 

“Good morning to you too" he smiled. “Could you  watch him while I get dressed".tetsu asked him carefully. Keiji looked at him curiously expecting his appearance.  Before he nodded. 

He took a quick shower and pulled on a pair of volleyball shorts and a loose t-shirt. He grabbed his phone and keys. He walked into the Kitchen and picked up the list on the table glancing at the detailed list with narrowed eyes.

“Keiji whys this list so long?” he walked back into the kitchen his eyes glancing the list. 

“yeah well everyone’s been busy and your convenient adventures with kou last week had us behind on shopping and since it’s your turn I figured I might as well go big or go home you know for pain and suffering.” Keiji said nonchalantly. Tetsu sighed he checked his watch quarter past 10. 

He glanced down at hiro that was looking at him curiously. “you want to come with me to the store first , so when we come back we can do warm ups and some receiving practice till uncle kou comes. you game?” the child smiled and nodded. He put his colouring book back into his bag with his colours. Secured his camera around his neck before walking up to him. He waved at Keiji and grabbed Tetsus hand. 

He was such an easy going kid. Usually children would whine or scream at the thought of not doing what they were waiting to do but hiro just shrugged and came along. 


“so what do you think the tropical one or tangy one.”  He licked the clear cup. 

“I like the tropical one it has pineapple and mango in it.” The toddler sitting on the table kicked his legs as he dipped his finger the semi transparent sauce. 

“So do we take the tropical one.” the alpha exclaimed

“but the berry one is also nice.” He pouted when he looked at the others. They were standing infront of a booth of free samples for a new brand of fruit cups on sale. They’ve been standing there for half an hour tasting them. It’s on promotion so The cases were cheaper if you buy 5 or more . The lady behind the booth seemed amused as they looked like they were discussing the fate of the world. 

“you right what do we do now.” He looked genuinely concerned. Hiro thought “can’t we get more people to taste it,  mommy always said if you cant come to an agreement you should ask someone else for an objective view.” He said curiously. Tetsus expression lit up “I know who to call.”  He tapped on his phone. 

He held his phone away from his phone away from his face it connected.

“Yahoo Tetsu-chan what’s up?” oikawa’s face was the first to pop up .

“HEY HEY HEY" bokuto second .

“AYYYYYY “ atsumu third.

“soooooo what’s happening here"satori last.

“We are in the middle of a heated debate and we need help.” he sighed exageratedly.

“What’s wrong?” atsumu hummed.

“So me and Hiro have been here for half an hour and we cant decide on what to buy.”he sighed .

“oooo what we judging by this time" Satori hummed curiously.

“We made it through 13 different flavors of fruit cups and we cant decide on anything,everything I cross out hiro liked and now we dead set “he explained hiro nodded frantically.

“Yay fruit cup jury" oikawa cheered. 

Hiro giggled “fruit cup jury" he cheered along. The others cooed at him. 
“We got to get back to practice before omi omi gets mad.,we'll meet at your place later.”atsumu waved off and Koutaro waved off to.

“Yeah iwa-chan already glaring at me”  oikawa said nervously before putting off. 

“Yeah uh bye see yall this afternoon.” Satori waved before leaving to. He looked at hiro who was smiling. He looked at the lady behind the booth. “I’d like 3 casses of every flavour you have.” She looked surprised. 

“A-are you sure sir?” she was awestruck tetsu lifted the child up staring down the small omega . “Yes ,yes I am”  she looked hesitant before flagging down one of the store attendants to load it onto a cart. They finished and went to check out.


Kei was anxious when he pulled up to the house he shared with bokuto and akaashi. He sat there a few extra moments in their drive way collecting his breath.

He left hiro with Tetsu almost the entire day without so much as checking on them  . His afraid of several things

What if Tetsu realised who he is and wants to take him from him.

What if hiro started to talk about the few stories he did know about his father.

What if they don’t like each other.

He took a deep breath before getting out .Let’s just get this over with. What ever happens ,happens

He knocked on the door. He heard a loud come in and opened the door. When he walked into the living room he was dumbstruck. 

There in the living room was the entire chaos squad surrounded  by boxes. They all looked up at him. Tetsu was sat crossed legged with hiro in his lap the small blonde had a spoon in his mouth holding a fruit cup. 

“Hey moon shine you here early” he smiled at him happily. "Hi mommy" he waved frantically. 

“What’s happening here?” he asked confused. Eyeing the others that were scattered all over the living room.

“FRUIT CUP JURY" hiro cheered raising the spoon. The others all cheered. Along with him kei didn’t know if he should laugh or be concerned. 

“what is fruit cup jury?” he asked fearing the answer.

“Me and hiro were at a dead lock with flavors and then we called out a jury to decide the best flavors" Tetsu said licking out the plastic container.

“I gave you my son so you can teach him volleyball and you decide to over feed him with fruit cups" kei asked crossing his arms over his chest.

“no we did play volley ball we stopped about an hour ago and now we here" tetsuro defended himself.

“Yeah and did you know theres no artificial sugars in it ,it’s a new brand that uses natural sugars and all organic fresh fruits.” Hiro said happily. “my top 5 is still the same.” He placed the cup in the small bin that was there.

"And they all taste different so you dont get sick of eating them" tetsu added.

They all downed it grunting in approval. They drank water before grabbing the next one. “ok so when will this be done?” He gestured to the whole living room.

“This is the last one" hiro cheered. Kei went to sit on the floor beside tetsu. Hiro got up and handed one to his mother with a spoon. 

“This one reminds me of mommy.’ Hiro said cutely kei sighed before pulling the plastic layer off before taking the spoon hiro handed him.

He took one spoon full and he hummed. It tasted like strawberries and cherries all mixed in a thick sweet syrup. Kei smiled at him and nodded. And they cheered. They grinned at him.

They have the same smile.

Their eyes shone the same way when they were happy.

Kei turned away and continued to eat his fruit cup. Happily. 

This feeling . 

It’s been so long.


No stress.

No anger.

Just contentment. 

He leaned on the alphas shoulder. Hiro went to sit back on his place in tetsus lap. Maybe it wasn't all that bad letting tetsu back in..

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