3. Limits

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In which Tetsuro discovers kei's love life exists parallel to himself.



The day before their meet up kei had left practice a bit early to catch a 7 PM train to tokyo. It was late sure but it wasn’t too over crowded.  Kei sat on the train his head phones blaring in his ears . Hugging one of his pillows. He smiled abit to himself . 

He was going to see tetsu.

He could smell tetsu . 

He was suddenly very happy. 

By the time he arrived in Tokyo he was giddy. He exited the train it was a bit cold he pulled his hood up from the jacket he had on to preserve what ever heat he had . He pulled out his phone when he reached the plat form. He had 2 messages one from sora saying his in preheat now and he already had takeda sensei book him off.

The second from akaashi saying he got held up he'll be there soon.  So kei waited. He started scrolling through his Instagram feed. The first thing he saw was oikawa in another one of his “I miss iwa-chan"  selfies . He enjoyed going into the comments of them because theres always a fight happening there.

The ex seijoh players enjoyed bullying their  ex captain claiming its disturbing.  With Koutaro,atsumu and yahaba  spamming #great _king_supremacy. 

It was then made answered with Iwaizumi claiming it was a hate crime.and everything seemed to just escalate from there. 

Someone cleared their throat and kei looked up to find keiji smiling at him softly.  Kei locked his phone before shoving it in his pocket keiji grabbed the other bag he had with him. Kei held the pillow close to him as they walked to keiji's apartment.  Since keiji got a scholarship the money his parents saved for him he used to rent out a small apartment near his campus. 

“You seemed to be having fun?”

“o oikawa posted a new photo and seijoh was attacking him.” 

Keiji giggled abit. “so its seijoh's weekly  abuse oikawa day”


There was silence but not the uncomfortable kind. Keiji and kei were both people that lived silence so there was never the need to fill the time. The street was dark . It was odd. In Miyaji the streets would have been quiet and empty but tokyo always seemed busy. 

When they got to keiji's apartment building keiji he unlocked the gate from the front. They  passed the Beta behind the front desk. There were 3 other Omegas living here aswell .so of the 6 floors the building had the top two was reserved for Omegas.  Supposed to be a fail safe for if there was ever an attack or something the alphas would respond first.

Keiji's room was on the 6th floor. The elevator ride was filled with stupid elevator music keiji hummed along which cause kei to snort at him and the both of them breaking out in a fit of giggles.they got to keiji room.

The space was nice and cozy, they toed off their shoes in the genkan before heading into the small living room.there was one sofa and a 2 recliners there with a small coffee table. A small wall separated the living room from the kitchen. Off to the side was the room for the bedroom.and to the far back was the sliding door to the small balcony beside a large book shelf filled to the brim with books.

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