14. Someone you loved

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I tried a new style of writing after I heard this song and just thought it matched



Mentions /attempted Suicide.


In which Tetsuro has to face his mistakes



Tetsu was on the edge of a cliff. Staring up at the night sky. This would have to be the lowest his ever felt in his life. 

I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me

His never reached this low before.

It never bothered him before . Usually by this time.he'd of been passed out in some random females room.

But he isnt.

Because he cant look at others . Not with anything other than platonically. All his libido gone. So his resort to this. 

This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy

A half a bottle of Tequila in his left hand. And his most likely 100th cigarette in his right. Staring up at the sky. Sitting on the edge. The sky was mocking him . but looking down wasn’t any better.the surface of the water below him was only reflecting it so what was the point. 

The third time he was wrong would be a year after akaashi and him spoke for the first time.

He smelt him before he saw him. He smelt of strawberries and cream . Tetsu has never been one for sweet things but he’d be damned if the scent didn’t call to him. It was what books described as ambrosia. 

The food of the gods.

He didn’t think anything could be better than that scent. But the moment he saw the owner of the scent he was done for.

He was an atypical omega. Taller than the rest hell even taller than Tetsu.  His skin looked like porcelain,  his hair a soft blonde from the roots. Natural blonde hair in japan was rare. 

Tetsu was entranced by the omega, a first year. The match with karasuno was informative to say the least. The atypical omega that caught his attention continued to surprise him. 

I need somebody to heal

The male played the same position as him. He was different then some of the others. His gaze held intelligence.  He moved with purpose. He was always aware of what’s happening.  

Somebody to know.

He found every detail about him alluring. 

The way he would bicker with his team mates. 

The way he would smirk when he won an argument. 

The sass he had in his walk. 

How could one being be this perfect.

Unfortunately the day came to an end. And the first years cleaned up . Tetsu sat at the bottom of the stands while they cleaned. His eyes not leaving the omega. He watched the omega as he mopped the floor.

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