7. The value of life

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In which the value of life is weighed and the fate of his child is determined.


Cons of having the child.
I can't graduate
• I can't go to nationals
• I can't write the university entrance exams
• I can't go to university
• I'll probably get shunned by the entire neighborhood.
• School might not be as decent as it is now.
• He'll be the subject of everyone's conversation for a long time.
• His not equipped to raise the child.
• He can't get married or marked now.

Kei has been sat at his desk for hours, it took him 20 minutes to list every bad aspect of possible scenarios that could take place. He glanced at the clock above his door. He's spent 5 hours and he can't list one benefit the child will bring to his life.

Deciding he won't be getting any other work done he shoved his list in his last draw to deal with later. He went and packed a few more of his brothers boxes.

Why do people have children?...

He didn't understand. It seemed illogical to him. What good would another life do for him. It's only going to make it harder for him to be successful. It will be loud and smelly. And a lot of work.

It's illogical.

And yet people have several of them. He asked his mother once when he presented as an omega. Why she had him. She said she wants one really bad and insisted on having one soon. Since alphas don't exactly have a large fertility period. It was a miracle that he was even born from a female alpha and male beta.

One child from female alpha is amazing.
Having a second one was a miracle. It has something to do with the fact that alphas were biologically supposed be the breeders rather than the ones to be living birth.

Omegas on the other hand can have several children. The number would be decided by who the breeders was. If it was a beta impregnating them possibly 3 or 4 kids alpha its essentially infinite. Omega when paired up with a compatible alpha can have as many children as they would want.

What if he just gives it up for adoption.

There are several reasons people did that and there's lots of people out there who can't have kids and would take them happily. But the thought of another person raising the child left a bad taste in his mouth.

He ended up packing all night. It's not like he would've been able to sleep. He was nearly done. When the first light of morning hit his face.

He still hadn't made a decision yet. He moved robotically and showered and ate a small breakfast. His parents looked worried but thankfully they didn't ask. He told them his having a mental health day so they didn't seem concerned.

He left after that . He couldn't get any answers there. He felt suffocated. So he walked out. He just walked. He didn't have a single destination in mind he just walked. At some point he ended up at a park. A big one near a kindergarten. He was sat out of sight on a park bench under a tree.

He observed them .


Hoping it would make sense to him.Children. He watched them play for what felt like hours but could possibly of just been a few minutes. He hated the unknown. He didn't understand how people could be so happy .

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